We are excited to announce that we released @storyblok/astro v3.0.0, providing complete support for Astro 3.0. You spin off a working Astro 3.0 + Storyblok project in less than a minute by running:
npx @storyblok/create-demo@next -f astro

By the way, our CLI also supports Bun now, so you can also run:
bunx @storyblok/create-demo@next -f astro -p bun
Astro 3.0 comes packed with amazing new features, such as image optimization, up to 30% faster rendering, SSR enhancements, cleaner and more performant HTML output, and much more. Morever, Astro now is the first major web framework to support the View Transitions API!
We are very curious to see what you are building with Storyblok and Astro, and always love to hear your feedback. Feel free to get in touch, for example by joining our Discord or reaching out on Twitter.
If you are new to Storyblok and Astro, our Ultimate Tutorial got you covered. For a good overview and more advanced use cases, you can always refer to the SDK readme. In case you are already very experienced and want to share your knowledge, you might like to check out our Storyblok Ambassador and Community Writer Program.
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