Mistakes can slow development and lead to less efficient and performant applications.

So, this article will discuss ten mistakes developers must avoid when using React. By understanding and avoiding these mistakes, developers can ensure they use React effectively and efficiently.
1. Building a Monolith React App
Building monolith apps has been the go-to when you’re working with React. For instance, you’d likely use “create-react-app” to bootstrap your React project.
Problem: By doing so, you build a giant monolith React app that can cause maintainability and scalability issues as your project grows.
Solution: Leverage next-generation build systems like Bit to design and develop independent components for any React project. Bit lets you create components in an independent environment, allowing it to be used in any context while keeping track of the places it’s being used.
Additionally, it uses Ripple CI to automatically propagate changes across the component tree to ensure all usages use the latest version.
2. Importing More Than You Need
Importing more components or modules than necessary can increase bundle size and negatively impact performance.
Problem: Larger bundle sizes lead to slower load times and potentially a poorer user experience.
Solution: Import only the specific components or functions you need from a module. Use code-splitting to load components on demand.
// Import only specific components
import { Button } from './components';
// Code splitting
import React, { lazy, Suspense } from 'react';
const OtherComponent = lazy(() => import('./OtherComponent'));
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
<OtherComponent />
3. Not Separating Business Logic from Component Logic
Mixing business logic (data fetching, transformations, etc.) directly within components can make code less reusable and more challenging to test and maintain.
Problem: It leads to tightly coupled components and difficulty independently testing business logic.
Solution: Create separate functions or services to handle business logic and call them from components.
// Data fetching service
function fetchUserData() {
// ...
// Component
function UserDetails() {
const [user, setUser] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
// Render user data
4. Prop Drilling
Prop drilling refers to passing props through multiple levels of components, often unnecessarily, to reach a profoundly nested component.
Problem: It can make code less readable, harder to maintain, and more prone to errors.
Solution: Use React Context or a state management library like Redux to share data more effectively across components without prop drilling.
// Context
const UserContext = React.createContext();
// Provider
<UserContext.Provider value={{ user }}>
{/* Child components can access user data without props */}
// Consumer
{(user) => {
// Use user data here
5. Duplicated Work on Each Render
Performing expensive computations or operations within a component’s render function can lead to performance issues, especially with frequent re-renders.
Problem: Recalculations on every render can cause sluggishness and potential performance bottlenecks.
Solution: Use techniques like memoization (with React.memo, useMemo, or useCallback) to cache values and prevent unnecessary re-renders.
// Memoized component
const MyComponent = React.memo(function MyComponent(props) {
// ...
// Memoized value
const memoizedValue = useMemo(() => computeExpensiveValue(props), [props]);
6. Ignoring Code Readability and Structure
Writing messy, unorganized code can make understanding, maintaining, and collaborating difficult.
Problem: Spaghetti code becomes hard to navigate, debug, and refactor, decreasing development efficiency.
Solution: Follow consistent coding styles, use descriptive variable names, properly indent code, and break down complex functions into smaller, reusable units.
// Readable and structured code
function MyComponent() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
function incrementCount() {
setCount(count + 1);
return (
<button onClick={incrementCount}>Increment ({count})</button>
// Spaghetti code (avoid!)
function MyComponent() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
return (
<button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>
({count}) + 1
7. Overusing State and Unnecessary Re-renders
Managing state unnecessarily in components can lead to performance issues and unnecessary re-renders.
Problem: Frequent state updates trigger re-renders, even if the changes are irrelevant to the rendered UI.
Solution: Carefully consider whether a component needs state and optimize state updates to minimize re-renders. Use useReducer for complex state management.
// Optimized with memoization
const MyComponent = React.memo(() => {
const [text, setText] = useState('');
const filteredText = useMemo(() => text.toUpperCase(), [text]);
return <p>{filteredText}</p>;
// Unoptimized (avoids memoization)
const MyComponent = () => {
const [text, setText] = useState('');
return <p>{text.toUpperCase()}</p>;
8. Using the useEffect Hook Improperly
The useEffect hook is a powerful tool for handling side effects in React components, but it’s crucial to use it correctly to avoid unintended consequences.
Problem: Improper use of useEffect can lead to infinite loops, memory leaks, or unexpected behavior.
Solution: Understand the dependency array of useEffect and use it to control when the effect runs. Be mindful of cleanup
functions to prevent memory leaks.
useEffect(() => {
// Side effect that runs only when count changes
}, [count]);
9. Ignoring Error Handling and Logging
Not addressing errors effectively can lead to frustrating user experiences and difficulty debugging issues.
Problem: Unhandled errors crash the application, and inadequate logging makes diagnosing and fixing problems hard.
Solution: Implement try-catch blocks to handle errors gracefully and use libraries like react-error-boundary to handle component-level errors. Utilize logging libraries like winston or debug for structured logging and easy debugging.
try {
// Perform operation
} catch (error) {
// Handle error gracefully
// Error boundary example
{/* Protected component */}
10. Re-inventing the Wheel
Spending time re-writing existing libraries or components can be inefficient and unnecessary.
Problem: Duplicating existing functionality wastes time and effort, potentially leading to bugs and inconsistencies.
Solution: Leverage existing, well-maintained libraries and components for standard functionalities like routing, state management, form handling, etc. Only write custom components when truly necessary.
In conclusion, mastering React involves learning its advanced features and understanding and adhering to best practices to ensure efficient and maintainable code. By avoiding the common mistakes outlined in this article, developers can significantly enhance their React development experience and build high-quality applications.
Avoid reinventing the wheel by leveraging existing libraries and components for standard functionalities, saving time and ensuring consistency in your codebase. By staying informed about the latest developments in the React community and continuously improving your skills, you can unlock the full potential of React and deliver exceptional user experiences in your applications.
Top comments (1)
Although I disagree that Bit is really the way to go and definitely disagree that people should reach for redux when they have a state management issue (there are other much better libraries for that like jotai or zustand), overall these tips are great! We should all spend more time remembering #3!