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Summing up the project

This is the last blog post for release 0.3. In this release, I did 2 pull requests and 3 code reviews. It was hard to complete all the pull requests and code reviews, but I think the process that I went through when I working on this release 0.3 was very useful.

1. Internal Pull Request - Internal Issue - Telescope

Blog Post for Internal Pull Request

  • This issue was customized to the dashboard page to make it belong to the telescope page. It was the first time I worked on an internal issue and it was the most interactive pull request with lots of code reviews and comments. I main part of what I edited was the menu bar, I needed to add and remove the menu items and make it seems like a telescope menu. After my pull request is successfully merged, I learned that it is very important to read the PR and the previous comments carefully.

2. External Pull Request - External Issue - Match-three-game

Blog Post for External Pull Request

  • This issue was a fixing bug in the game. I worked on this project in release 0.3. And I continued working on this release 0.3. In the last release, it was just adding some buttons to start, restart and stop buttons. However, for this time, I fixed the bug of the game which is that the candies are not able to move when they should be moved and it becomes severe on the side of the board. So, I fix the bug to make it movable. It was hard because I need to fully understand how each of the functions is working and how they interact with each other. But, after I finish fixing this bug, I was so satisfied that I fixed others' code.

3. Code review 1 - Telescope

Blog Post for Code review 1

  • This code review was about the same page as what I was working on at that time. So, it was interesting to me. In this code review, I commented to edit the format of the contributor's name. And suggested how to fix. It was a very good experience because I got the comments in the last releases from other people. But I haven't given the code review to others. so it was very careful and interesting that I give suggestions based on other's codes.

4. Code Review 2 and Code Review 3- IPC144

Blog Post for Code review 2 and 3

  • The code review was from the IPC144 webpage. Since when I was in the first semester, I felt that this site should be changed. So, when I see that this page is kept maintained by people, I felt that it was not only me who thought this webpage should be changed. So, I clicked a first pull request to review it. And I saw that the last deployment was failed. so I commented about why the deployment was failed. And for the third code review, I focused on code snippets which are very important to the IPC course students. And I found some parts and suggested them on the pull request. It was a great chance that I can work on the page where I used to learn in the first year.

To sum up, the 5 works that I did were hard and takes much more time than the last release. But, I also learned a lot about open source environments. So now, I am looking forward to work on release 0.4 next week.

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