If you haven't heard about Polywork yet you're definitely missing out on something exciting. I recently saw someone talking about Polywork on Twitter a month ago and was intrigued to see what it was all about.
Soon after this, I got the invite code from one of my friends on Twitter and I signed up on the platform instantly.
My initial impression was that Polywork was just another social media platform for software developers that will die soon. But as I started using it more, Polywork proved me wrong.
So, What is Polywork?
Polywork is a professional social media platform that helps you highlight your achievements, journal your work, events, network with like-minded people, and also get more work in your interested domain.
But how does it differ from LinkedIn?
LinkedIn is more of a social network around your job. It helps you create your presence around your resume, your job titles, and your work experiences.
But resumes often do not reflect all the achievements we do. They do not tell our whole story.
We are more than our job or education. We all do a wide variety of wonderful things, both in our 9β5 and outside of 9-5. We are creators, podcasters, YouTubers, investors, and more. All these different aspects create our professional identity.
But none of the existing social media platforms help us highlight these parts of our identity.
That's where Polywork comes in!
Polywork can be used to highlight anything you have done as part of your work and even outside of your work. It's not tied to any one type of work. It could be joining a company in a role, speaking at a conference, live streaming a video, releasing an eBook, etc.
It's a place to showcase all of your achievements!
Here's how I'm using Polywork and why I love it:
1. Highlights
One of my favorite features on the platform is highlights. Highlights let me track all my achievements as milestones on my profile. It provides a way to let people know about the different things I'm working on.
But how is it different from posts/tweets on LinkedIn/Twitter respectively you may ask?
I have a job. I build SaaS products. I love content creation. I create eBooks. I write articles. I do a lot of things and I want to highlight all of them in one place. Polywork lets me do this in a much better way compared to other professional platforms.
I have a huge audience on Twitter and I do share my milestones there. But they get lost eventually because of the number of tweets I post. On the other hand, Highlights on Polywork helps me keep only the important events and milestones as a timeline. For example, these are some of the highlights I have on my Polywork profile:
- Reached 30K followers milestone on Twitter
- Started a new role at Unacademy
- Reached 20K followers milestone on Twitter
- Published an eBook
These highlights help me showcase my milestones to visitors and let me know what I'm up to. It helps me get more work in the future.
Some of the other achievements that others generally highlight on the platform are like:
- Finished reading a book
- Hosted a conference
- Spoke at a conference
- Did a YouTube live stream
- Wrote an article, etc.
These are just some examples. You can highlight anything you want to showcase to others.
2. Multiverse
Multiverse is a place to find other people in your interested domain, network with them, and see what they've been doing. Highlights from everyone in your interested domain appear here.
You can even filter Highlights based on trending Badges. For example, you can see Featured People and all the highlights from Software Engineering Badge. This is a great place to find like-minded people and connect with them.
I often find myself looking through interesting badges like Book Worm, Software Developer, Lifelong Learner, Writer, etc hoping to network with other people who are interested in these topics as well. Polywork makes it really easy to find such people. Badges are at the center of it.
The one thing where multiverse is a game-changer for me is that it gives me a lot of ideas on how people are building businesses and making money on the internet.
One of the main reasons for us to not try something new is that we just don't know that it exists. I couldn't make money on the internet for years for this same reason. Once I started following the right people on Twitter I was able to make a good amount of money by applying the same approach they followed.
The What everyone's doing section gives a very good idea about what others are doing and how they are doing it. I have been learning about new ways to build multiple income streams, developer advocacy, etc just by following the right people on Polywork.
3. Space Station
Space Station is a relatively new feature centered around collaborations. It makes it really easy for you to find people to collaborate with on anything. Be it finding a mentor, hiring for a role, finding a partner for a side project, finding an investor, etc.
Everyone knows how important Networking is. Space Station is really powerful to network if used correctly.
For example, I have a huge audience on Twitter and I'm planning to release more info products in the future. I can write an eBook on a topic I know about. I'm confident I can put together a great book with a lot of value.
But I lack knowledge in certain areas like marketing, designing, branding, etc. I can totally find people who are open to collaborations on these things and make my eBook a huge success.
If you're not a developer but have an idea to build a SaaS product. Space Station is the right place to find developers who are open to collaborate on our project.
If you already have a company and are looking to scale it by getting investments, Polywork will help you connect with investors who are open to collaborate.
The opportunities are just endless.
If you're not on Polywork yet, you should get on it soon and check it out. Here is my VIP link you can use to sign up!
Connect with me on Polywork here .
The article was originally published on my blog here.
Top comments (1)
Hi @sunilc_ thank you for the invitation!
I saw this platform just this morning, but it's only available by invitation or join the waiting list.
It's a surprise that someone write about it here.
Thank you!