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How to have an awesome GitHub profile ?

Get Started!

Customize your on your GitHub profile to make it look attractive by following the steps in this simple walkthrough below. I have also provided some cool elements to spice things up!


If your GitHub profile looks something like THIS 👇...

Turn it to something like THIS 👇 or even cooler!

Follow these steps-

1. Create a new Repository

  • Go to 👉
  • Type the repository name, which should be same as your username. This creates a secret repository.
  • Make the repository Public.
  • Check the box - Add a README file.
  • Then click Create Repository.


2. Update README file

  • The initial file looks something like this with a simple message.
  • You can edit the file by clicking on the Edit README button on the right.


  • As you can see, the file is provided with a template made using markdown. You can edit it according to your preference.
  • Click on Commit changes.You can also add a commit message.


3. ✨Beautify your profile!✨

There's a lot of open source elements available to achieve a beautiful Profile page. Here's a list of resources to choose from!

GitHub README Stats


GitHub logo anuraghazra / github-readme-stats

⚡ Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes

GitHub Readme Stats

GitHub Readme Stats

Get dynamically generated GitHub stats on your READMEs!

Tests Passing GitHub Contributors Tests Coverage Issues GitHub pull requests OpenSSF Scorecard

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Please note that documentation translations may be outdated; try to use English documentation if possible.

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Are you considering supporting the project by donating to me? Please DO NOT!!!

Picture of Coromandel Express train tragedy

India has recently suffered one of the most devastating train accidents, and your help will be immensely valuable for the people who were affected by this tragedy.

Please visit this link and make a small donation to help the people in need. A small donation goes a long way. ❤️


GitHub profile Trophy


GitHub logo ryo-ma / github-profile-trophy

🏆 Add dynamically generated GitHub Stat Trophies on your readme

GitHub Profile Trophy

GitHub Profile Trophy

🏆 Add dynamically generated GitHub Stat Trophies on your README

stargazers forks issues license share

You can use this service for free. I'm looking for sponsors to help us keep up with this service❤️

Quick Start

Add the following code to your readme. When pasting the code into your profile's readme, change the ?username= value to your GitHub's username.


Use theme

Add optional parameter of the theme.


More detail

About Rank


Rank Description
SSS, SS, S You are at a hard to reach rank. You can brag.
AAA, AA, A You will reach this rank if you do your best. Let's aim here first.
B, C You are currently making good progress. Let's aim a bit higher.
UNKNOWN You have not taken action yet. Let's act first.
SECRET This rank is very rare. The trophy will not

Add a header or cover picture

[![MasterHead](your image link)](your GitHub link)
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Add a floating image or GIF.

  <img align="right" alt="Coding" width="400" src="add your link 

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Social icons section.

<h3 align="left">Connect with me:</h3>
<p align="left">
<a href="your link" target="blank"><img align="center" src="" alt="" height="30" width="40" /></a>
<a href="your link" target="blank"><img align="center" src="" alt="" height="30" width="40" /></a>
<a href="your link" target="blank"><img align="center" src="" alt="" height="30" width="40" /></a>
<a href="your link" target="blank"><img align="center" src="" alt="" height="30" width="40" /></a>
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Languages and tools section.

<h3 align="left">Languages and Tools:</h3>
<p align="left"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="c" width="40" height="40"/> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="cplusplus" width="40" height="40"/> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="css3" width="40" height="40"/> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="figma" width="40" height="40"/> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="flutter" width="40" height="40"/> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="git" width="40" height="40"/> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="html5" width="40" height="40"/> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="linux" width="40" height="40"/> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="photoshop" width="40" height="40"/> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="python" width="40" height="40"/> </a> </p>
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More Dev icons

GitHub streak


  1. Copy-paste the markdown below into your GitHub profile README
  2. Replace the value after ?user= with your GitHub username
[![GitHub Streak](](
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Customize it here 👉 Click me!

Spotify playing


GitHub logo JeffreyCA / spotify-recently-played-readme

Display your recently played Spotify tracks on your GitHub profile README.

Spotify Recently Played README

Display your recently played Spotify tracks on your GitHub profile README. Powered by Vercel.

Check out lastfm-recently-played-readme for a similar integration for scrobbles.

Getting Started

Click the button below to connect your Spotify account with the Vercel app. This is needed to access your recently played tracks.

By authorizing the app, you agree to have your Spotify username, access token, and refresh token stored on a secure Firebase database. This is required so you only need to authorize once and the app can automatically refresh access tokens in order to retrieve recent tracks.

You can revoke the app at

Authorize button

After granting permission, just add the following into your README and set the user query parameter to your Spotify username.

![Spotify recently played](
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Spotify recently played

Link to Spotify profile

Use the following snippet to make the widget link to your…

Badges - Shields

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Languages,tools and social icons badges

More badges

Readme Typing SVG ⌨️

GitHub repo


Views counter


GitHub logo antonkomarev / github-profile-views-counter

It counts how many times your GitHub profile has been viewed. Free cloud micro-service.

GitHub Profile Views Counter

GitHub Profile Views Counter

Discord License


Try Ÿ HŸPE service as the more robust and feature rich solution.

GHPVС project is proof of concept. This counter designed to be an analytical instrument for you, but not for people who are visiting your profile It could be used to see profile views dynamics as result of development activity, blogging or taking part in a conference.

It counts how many times your GitHub profile has been viewed and displays them in your profile, for free.



Cloud solution launched as 100% free experience. Help me cut server costs if you like this service.

If you want to see big numbers in your profile, deploy a standalone solution to draw any views count you want without spamming our server. Everybody knows that any counters could be faked.

A billion fake profile views doesn't make you a very popular person, it makes you a person…

Blog Post workflow


GitHub logo gautamkrishnar / blog-post-workflow

Show your latest blog posts from any sources or StackOverflow activity or Youtube Videos on your GitHub profile/project readme automatically using the RSS feed

Blog post workflow Build and test

All Contributors


How to use

  1. Star this repo 😉

  2. Go to your repository

  3. Add the following section to your file, you can give whatever title you want. Just make sure that you use <!-- BLOG-POST-LIST:START --><!-- BLOG-POST-LIST:END --> in your readme. The workflow will replace this comment with the actual blog post list:

    # Blog posts
    <!-- BLOG-POST-LIST:END -->
    Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  4. Create a folder named .github and create a workflows folder inside it, if it doesn't exist.

  5. Create a new file named blog-post-workflow.yml with the following contents inside the workflows folder:

    name: Latest blog post workflow
      schedule: # Run workflow automatically
        - cron: '0 * * * *' # Runs every hour, on the hour
      workflow_dispatch: # Run workflow manually (without waiting for the cron to be called), through the GitHub Actions Workflow page directly
    Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Add emojis - Markdown Icons


README Jokes 👀

GitHub logo ABSphreak / readme-jokes

😄 Jokes for your GitHub READMEs


jokes GIF

Random programming jokes on your README.

GitHub deployments GitHub deployments GitHub issues


Endpoint URL:

Embed one of these in your README:

<!-- Markdown -->

![Jokes Card](
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


<!-- HTML -->
<img src="" alt="Jokes Card" />
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Customization Guide

Customize using ? after /api in the https link, example here with no borders using the hideBorder parameter.

Markdown method: ![Jokes Card](

Image method: <img src="" alt="Jokes Card" />

Both methods will produce the following jokes card without border: Jokes Card
To use multiple parameters use '&' after the first parameter, e.g. ?hideBorder&theme=cobalt&qColor=%23944bcc&aColor=%23bbdb51

will produce a jokes card without border, with cobalt theme, answer color #944bcc and question color #bbdb51 like so:
Jokes Card

Parameters Available

  • bgColorBackground Color
  • borderColorBorder Color
  • qColorQuestion Color
  • aColorAnswer Color
  • textColorNormal text Color
  • codeColorCode

README Quotes ❝

GitHub logo PiyushSuthar / github-readme-quotes

🔥 Add Programming Quotes To Your GitHub Readme

Github Readme Quotes

Developer Quotes for your Github Readme.

Twitter: piyushsthr

View Demo · Report Bug

Features ✨

Usage ⚡️

Copy the markdown below and paste it in your Github Readme.

[![Readme Quotes](](
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Options Default Available
type vertical horizontal, vertical
theme light dark, chartreuse-dark, radical, merko, gruvbox, tokyonight, algolia, monokai, dracula, nord
quote - Customize your quote
author - The name of the quote's author
border false true, false

Installation and Development 🚀

To get started with developing this app locally, here are the steps:

Install the dependencies for the app using,

pnpm install
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And then run the app using:

npx vercel dev
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You don't need to add ?type=vertical parameter.

readme Quotes


You need to add ?type=horizontal parameter.

readme Quotes


You need to add ?border=true parameter.

readme Quotes


You don't need to add…

Dev Metrics

GitHub logo anmol098 / waka-readme-stats

This GitHub action helps to add cool dev metrics to your github profile Readme

Looking For Translation to different languages & Locale #23

Dev Metrics in Readme with added feature flags 🎌

Project Preview

Project Preview

📌✨Awesome Readme Stats

Star Badge

Are you an early 🐤 or a night 🦉?
When are you most productive during the day?
What are languages you code in?
Let's check out in your profile readme!

Report Bug · Request Feature

Prep Work

  1. You need to update the markdown file(.md) with 2 comments. You can refer here for updating it.
  2. You'll need a WakaTime API Key. You can get that from your WakaTime Account Settings
    • You can refer here, if you're new to WakaTime
  3. You'll need a GitHub API Token with repo and user scope from here if you're running the action to get commit metrics

    enabling the repo scope seems DANGEROUS
    but this GitHub Action only accesses your commit timestamp and lines of code added or deleted in repository you contributed.

    • You can…


If you found things overwhelming, not to worry!

Here's how to do it (The Easy Way)


  • GitHub Profilinator

👉Try it
GitHub Repository


  1. You can simply fork someone's repository

  2. Click the edit icon in the README file

  3. Copy the code and paste it onto your README file. Of course, you can modify it according to your choice.

5. Here's some inspiration and ideas!

GitHub logo EddieHubCommunity / awesome-github-profiles

List of GitHub profiles that have awesome customisation, that you can use for inspiration

Note: This repository is not included in the Hacktoberfest event, as it is for practice only!

Awesome GitHub profiles

Read/Write profiles' data

List of GitHub profiles that have awesome customization, that you can use for inspiration.
Feel free to submit a pull request with your suggestions for awesome GitHub profiles.

built with love badge made with markdown badge open source badge
check it out badge built by developers badge

How can I add my GitHub profile? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️

  1. Create an issue, with the title as your name, and in the description put a screenshot of the customised GitHub profile page (copy the generated image URL, this will be needed in the next step). The URL will look something like this

  2. Fork the project, using the top right corner button, that states fork

  3. Create a file named your-username.json in the directory profiles with the following content.

Your entry should be similar to this example:

  "image": ""
  "issueId": 66,
  "name": "Eddie Jaoude",
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Thank you for reading!🙌

Share your amazing GitHub profile in the comments down below for the world to see! :)

Top comments (36)

guifalourd profile image
Guillaume Falourd

Great article! Thanks for sharing 👏

Here is a suggestion to add to the list: 🟩 ⬜️

It allows you to generate a SVG file with a snake eating your contribution grid on your README profile, using Github Actions 🐍

You can check the result on my profile if you want to get an idea of how it works: 🙂

supritha profile image

Cool! Will add it soon :)

enlguy profile image

Hmm.. except doesn't seem you can actually play it, and it just makes it more difficult to determine how active you've been...

goodevilgenius profile image
Dan Jones

GitHub profiles are becoming the new MySpace profile.

subskii profile image
Adam Mikulasev

Awesome article @supritha !

It received a super positive reaction in our discord community The Fast Tracked Programmer and has been bookmarked :D.

Keep up the great work!

supritha profile image

That's really great! Thank you :)

zippytyro profile image
Shashwat Verma

This is so awesome! I started using this feature lately, and I like it very much.
Also I saw some tuts on how to get the 3d commit chart on your profile.

here it is -

thanks @supritha

supritha profile image

Thank you :)
Wow that's really cool.

jibijames profile image

good Information

supritha profile image

Thank you :)

yuannbg profile image


crazyuploader profile image
Jugal Kishore

Good information, I was gonna complain about no header/banner generator link then gladly I found them!

j_tesla profile image
Jayanth PSY

Can you pls share it.

supritha profile image

Yes, I'm glad I found it too.

amboulouma profile image
Amin M. Boulouma
varghesejose2020 profile image
Varghese Jose

Good article

supritha profile image

Thank you :)

tupaschoal profile image
Tulio Leao

Great article @supritha ! I want to share it with the Brazilian community, would you mind if I translated the article on my account (giving you full credit)?

supritha profile image

Sure, go ahead!

tupaschoal profile image
Tulio Leao

Well, here it is, hope it also helps some of my compatriots who don't know much of English. Thanks for allowing it!

lostgirljourney profile image
Falguni Sarkar

Check this Spotify now playing feature too.
Link 👉

It's actually cool and if you wanna see my repo style, click here 👉

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