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Sushant Chhetry
Sushant Chhetry

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Rising Above Mediocrity: Unleashing the Potential of Junior Developers

As a junior developer, it's incredibly easy to fall into the trap of complacency. I can personally attest to this, as I found myself caught in its clutches. Throughout my college years, I maintained good grades and worked on some side projects using the popular tutorials found on YouTube. However, I had zero internships under my belt, and I held a misguided belief about the field of computer science. I naively convinced myself that good grades, a CS degree, and a few side projects would be enough to secure a job. So, I waited until graduation day to embark on my job search, only to have my dreams shattered. It was a harsh reality check that taught me an invaluable lesson - a degree alone doesn't guarantee employment.

Now, you may wonder if this article is just a venting session or a remorseful reflection. Rest assured, it's intended to be much more than that. This article is meant for those who may find themselves in a similar situation, believing that completing a single tutorial or relying on their network of classmates is enough to succeed in the tech industry. I've written this piece to share all the lessons I learned before finally landing my first tech job. It's the article I wish I had come across when I first decided to pursue a career in the tech field.

This is an article about breaking the box you put yourself in.

Why did I fall into this mindset?

  • Complacency: feeling too satisfied with minimal effort.

  • Delusion: convincing myself that getting a job would be easy.

  • Ignorance: not doing the research needed.

  • And fear: being scared of rejection, not being good enough, and falling behind.

If any of this sounds familiar, this article is your wake-up call. Just by reading it, you're already taking an amazing step towards success as a junior developer.

Everyone love lists, so here are some points on what you can do to maximize your potential as a junior developer:

1. Never stop learning

Consider this mantra as the timeless gospel of developers, a truth to be cherished deep within your heart. The field of technology is constantly growing, racing forward at an amazing pace. It is important that you embrace this reality and ensure you are evolving with it. Failure to do so risks being left in the dust, a mere bystander to the ever-advancing tide. But this is an incomplete advice, read more to find out why?

2. Never stop building

This is the crucial second part of the initial advice. If you don't actually build projects, you won't be able to use what you've learned in real-life situations. The best way to learn something is by applying it to real examples. Just knowing about a method isn't enough; you have to put it into practice. When you build projects, you'll face challenges, and overcoming them will make you a great developer. These challenges teach you important skills like patience, creative problem-solving, effective research, asking good questions, and appreciating the satisfaction of finding a solution. If you avoid struggling, you'll miss out on the joy of figuring things out.

3. Be active

This doesn't necessarily mean being physically active, although I highly encourage incorporating exercise into your daily routine, considering the sedentary nature of our work. What I mean here is actively engaging with the community around you. This entails joining clubs, attending meetups, and networking with others. Don't limit yourself to predefined boundaries. If you can't find a club nearby, consider starting one yourself. If there are no local meetups available, join a virtual one. Unsure about networking? Numerous online resources are available to assist you. Become part of an online community and engage in conversations with fellow developers. Connecting with others is the most effective way to learn and grow in our field.

4. Fall in love with the effort

Once you find joy in the journey itself, the number of setbacks you encounter becomes inconsequential, as you possess boundless motivation. Furthermore, having a genuine passion for your work is an immensely appealing quality during interviews. I have witnessed countless candidates being offered positions in companies not only because of their skills but also due to their passion. Individuals with true passion have the capacity to surpass their own potential and continue to thrive. And you will too!


To be completely transparent, the inspiration behind this article stems from a deeply personal place. As I sat down to write, I couldn't help but dedicate these words to my younger self, imagining the guidance I would offer if time travel were possible.

However, as I continued to write this piece, I came to the realization that it is truly intended for all the junior developers out there. It is for those who, like me, lack the guidance and support surrounding them. It is for developers who may not boast an impressive resume but harbor immense ambition and drive. It is for those who possess the potential to rise above mediocrity and achieve greatness.

Top comments (2)

mishan_11 profile image
Mishan Parajuli

Kudos to the Sushant Dai for sharing such a thoughtful and insightful article. The advice provided is invaluable, serving as a much-needed wake-up call for aspiring developers to break free from complacency and embrace the path of continuous learning and growth. Well done!

marcbentoy profile image
Marc Bentoy

Thanks for these insights, Sushant. It motivated me to continue doing projects in my spare time!