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Understanding JavaScript Operators: A Comprehensive Guide

In JavaScript, operators are symbols that perform operations on operands, such as variables, values, or expressions. There are several types of operators in JavaScript, each serving a different purpose. In this post, we'll explore the different types of operators, and their use cases, and provide examples to enhance understanding.

1. Arithmetic Operators:

Arithmetic operators perform mathematical operations on numeric operands. They include addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), modulo (%), increment (++), and decrement (--).

Code Example for Arithmetic operator

2. Assignment Operators:

Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables. They include the assignment operator (=), as well as compound assignment operators like addition assignment (+=), subtraction assignment (-=), multiplication assignment (*=), division assignment (/=), etc.

Code Example for assignment operator

3. Comparison Operators:

Comparison operators compare two values and return a Boolean result indicating whether the comparison is true or false. They include equal to (==), strict equal to (===), not equal to (!=), strict not equal to (!==), greater than (>), less than (<), greater than or equal to (>=), and less than or equal to (<=).

Code Example for Comparision operator

4. Logical Operators:

Logical operators perform logical operations on Boolean operands and return a Boolean result. They include logical AND (&&), logical OR (||), and logical NOT (!).

Code Example for logical operator

5. Unary Operators:

Unary operators operate on a single operand and perform various operations, such as negation (-), logical NOT (!), type conversion (typeof), increment (++), and decrement (--).

Code Example for unary operator

6. Bitwise Operators:

Bitwise operators perform bitwise operations on integer operands at the binary level. They include bitwise AND (&), bitwise OR (|), bitwise XOR (^), bitwise NOT (~), left shift (<<), right shift (>>), and zero-fill right shift (>>>).

Code Example for Bitwise operator

7. Ternary Operator (Conditional Operator):

The ternary operator (?:) is a conditional operator that evaluates a condition and returns one of two values depending on whether the condition is true or false.

Code Example for ternary operator

8. String Operators:

String operators include the concatenation operator (+), which concatenates two strings together to form a new string.

Code Example for string operator

9. Type operators:

Type operators are used to determine the type of a value or variable. They include the typeof operator, which returns the data type of a value, and the instanceof operator, which checks whether an object is an instance of a particular class.

Code Example for type operator

10. Comma Operator:

The comma operator (,) evaluates multiple expressions and returns the value of the last expression.

Code Example for Comma operator

Understanding these different types of operators is essential for writing JavaScript code and performing various operations on data within your programs. These examples demonstrate the usage of different types of operators in JavaScript with various scenarios. Understanding and mastering these operators will help you write more efficient and concise JavaScript code.

HAPPY Coding ...

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iamvibhakar profile image
Vibhakar Kumar

Great Post