DEV Community

Takahiro Fukushima
Takahiro Fukushima

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How to delete all AWS resources using aws-nuke

Hi, I'm Takahiro, a Software Engineer.

I've recently discovered a powerful tool.
It's aws-nuke.

aws-nuke is extremely powerful, but it can be very dangerous.
Because it deletes all AWS resources.

So, if you're careful of your usage, you can effectively manage your resource costs.

aws-nuke isn't an official AWS tool.
But The official document introduces it. Please see the link below.

The automation architecture is very helpful.

So I demonstrate how to use aws-nuke.

How to install

In the case of Mac,

brew install aws-nuke
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In the case of Amazon Linux,

tar -zxf aws-nuke-v2.25.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
mv aws-nuke-v2.25.0-linux-amd64 aws-nuke
chmod u+x aws-nuke
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How to make config file

The file name is nuke-config.yml, Write in yaml format.

For Example,

regions: # specify region for deletion
- global
- ap-northeast-1
account-blocklist: # not to delete account list
- 000000000
  excludes: # not to delete service
  - IAMRole
  1111111111: # to delete account
    filters: # not to delete filtering resources by specific tag
      - type: exact
        property: tag:DoNotNuke
        value: "True"
  disable-deletion-protection: # force delete protected resources
    RDSInstance: true
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You need to set up an Account Alias in advance as it is required.

First, Dry run.
In the case of Mac,

aws-nuke --config nuke-config.yml
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In the case of Amazon Linux,

./aws-nuke --config nuke-config.yml

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you check resources to be deleted.

Next, you delete resources.
In the case of Mac,

aws-nuke --config nuke-config.yml --no-dry-run
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In the case of Amazon Linux,

./aws-nuke --config nuke-config.yml --no-dry-run

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If you write --force option, there is no confirmation message.
Be careful.


aws-nuke is a very useful tool, but very dangerous.
Handle with care.

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