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Tamal Barman
Tamal Barman

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Week 2 Running a Random Forest

%matplotlib inline
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
import sklearn.metrics

Feature Importance

from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesClassifier

pd.set_option(’display.float_format’, lambda x:’%.3f’%x)

("C:/Users/Tamal/Documents/COURSES/Wesleyan University/Machine Learning for Data Analysis)

Machine Learning for Data Analysis

Load the dataset

loans = pd.read_csv("./LendingClub.csv", low_memory = False)

LendingClub.csv is a dataset taken from The LendingClub (
which is a peer-to-peer leading company that directly connects borrowers and potential

Exploring the target column

The target column (label column) of the dataset that we are interested in is called‘bad_loans‘. In this column, 1 means a risky (bad) loan 0 means a safe loan.

In order to make this more intuitive, we reassign the target to be:* +1 as a safe loan, * -1 as a risky (bad) loan. We put this in a new column called ‘safe_loans‘.

loans[’safe_loans’] = loans[’bad_loans’].apply(lambda x : +1 if x==0 else -1)
loans.drop(’bad_loans’, axis = 1, inplace = True)

Select features to handle

predictors = [’grade’, grade of the loan
’sub_grade’, sub-grade of the loan
’short_emp’, one year or less of employment
’emp_length_num’, number of years of employment
’home_ownership’, home_ownership status: own, mortgage or rent
’dti’, debt to income ratio
’purpose’, the purpose of the loan
’term’, the term of the loan
’last_delinq_none’, has borrower had a delinquincy
’last_major_derog_none’, has borrower had 90 day or worse rating
’revol_util’, percent of available credit being used
’total_rec_late_fee’, total late fees received to day
target = ’safe_loans’ prediction target (y) (+1 means safe, -1 is risky)

Extract the predictors and target columns
loans = loans[predictors + [target]]

Delete rows where any or all of the data are missing
data_clean = loans.dropna()

Convert categorical variables into binary variables
(Categorical features are not, yet, supported by sklearn DecisionTreeClassifier)

data_clean = pd.get_dummies(data_clean, prefix_sep = ’=’)


short emp                                         int64
emp length num                                    int64
dti                                               float64
last delinq none                                  int64
last major derog none                             int64
revol util                                        float64
total rec late fee                                float64
safe loans                                        int64
grade=A                                           float64
grade=B                                           float64
grade=C                                           float64
grade=D                                           float64
grade=E                                           float64
grade=F                                           float64
grade=G                                           float64
sub grade=A1                                      float64
sub grade=A2                                      float64
sub grade=A3                                      float64
sub grade=A4                                      float64
sub grade=A5                                      float64
sub grade=B1                                      float64
sub grade=B2                                      float64
sub grade=B3                                      float64
sub grade=B4                                      float64
sub grade=B5                                      float64
sub grade=C1                                      float64
sub grade=C2                                      float64
sub grade=C3                                      float64
sub grade=C4                                      float64
sub grade=C5                                      float64
sub grade=E4                                      float64
sub grade=E5                                      float64
sub grade=F1                                      float64
sub grade=F2                                      float64
sub grade=F3                                      float64
sub grade=F4                                      float64
sub grade=F5                                      float64
sub grade=G1                                      float64
sub grade=G2                                      float64
sub grade=G3                                      float64
sub grade=G4                                      float64
sub grade=G5                                      float64
home ownership=MORTGAGE                           float64
home ownership=OTHER                              float64
home ownership=OWN                                float64
home ownership=RENT                               float64
purpose=car                                       float64
purpose=credit card                               float64
purpose=debt consolidation                        float64
purpose=home improvement                          float64
purpose=house                                     float64
purpose=major purchase                            float64
purpose=medical                                   float64
purpose=moving                                    float64
purpose=other                                     float64
purpose=small business                            float64
purpose=vacation                                  float64
purpose=wedding                                   float64
term= 36 months                                   float64
term= 60 months                                   float64
dtype: object
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


          count mean std min 25% 50% n
short emp 122607.0 0.123672 0.329208 0.0 0.00 0.00
3emp length num 122607.0 6.370256 3.736014 0.0 3.00 6.00
dti 122607.0 15.496888 7.497442 0.0 9.88 15.26
last delinq none 122607.0 0.588115 0.492177 0.0 0.00 1.00
last major derog none 122607.0 0.873906 0.331957 0.0 1.00 1.00
revol util 122607.0 53.716307 25.723881 0.0 34.80 55.70
total rec late fee 122607.0 0.742344 5.363268 0.0 0.00 0.00
safe loans 122607.0 0.622371 0.782726 -1.0 1.00 1.00
grade=A 122607.0 0.181996 0.385843 0.0 0.00 0.00
grade=B 122607.0 0.303180 0.459634 0.0 0.00 0.00
grade=C 122607.0 0.244276 0.429659 0.0 0.00 0.00
grade=D 122607.0 0.156394 0.363230 0.0 0.00 0.00
grade=E 122607.0 0.073324 0.260668 0.0 0.00 0.00
grade=F 122607.0 0.032070 0.176187 0.0 0.00 0.00
grade=G 122607.0 0.008760 0.093183 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=A1 122607.0 0.024362 0.154172 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=A2 122607.0 0.027339 0.163071 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=A3 122607.0 0.032258 0.176684 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=A4 122607.0 0.048880 0.215617 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=A5 122607.0 0.049157 0.216197 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=B1 122607.0 0.047607 0.212935 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=B2 122607.0 0.057876 0.233510 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=B3 122607.0 0.073699 0.261281 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=B4 122607.0 0.067525 0.250930 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=B5 122607.0 0.056473 0.230834 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=C1 122607.0 0.057648 0.233077 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=C2 122607.0 0.054858 0.227704 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=C3 122607.0 0.046408 0.210369 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=C4 122607.0 0.044059 0.205228 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=C5 122607.0 0.041303 0.198990 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=E4 122607.0 0.012895 0.112821 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=E5 122607.0 0.011092 0.104735 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=F1 122607.0 0.009013 0.094506 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=F2 122607.0 0.007585 0.086763 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=F3 122607.0 0.006280 0.078999 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=F4 122607.0 0.005130 0.071442 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=F5 122607.0 0.004062 0.063603 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=G1 122607.0 0.003018 0.054852 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=G2 122607.0 0.001966 0.044292 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=G3 122607.0 0.001362 0.036881 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=G4 122607.0 0.001240 0.035188 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=G5 122607.0 0.001174 0.034251 0.0 0.00 0.00
home ownership=MORTGAGE 122607.0 0.483170 0.499719 0.0 0.00 0.00
home ownership=OTHER 122607.0 0.001460 0.038182 0.0 0.00 0.00
home ownership=OWN 122607.0 0.081097 0.272984 0.0 0.00 0.00
home ownership=RENT 122607.0 0.434274 0.495663 0.0 0.00 0.00
purpose=car 122607.0 0.019371 0.137825 0.0 0.00 0.00
purpose=credit card 122607.0 0.179843 0.384058 0.0 0.00 0.00
purpose=debt consolidation 122607.0 0.556518 0.496797 0.0 0.00 1.00
purpose=home improvement 122607.0 0.061522 0.240286 0.0 0.00 0.00
purpose=house 122607.0 0.008197 0.090165 0.0 0.00 0.00
purpose=major purchase 122607.0 0.031621 0.174991 0.0 0.00 0.00
purpose=medical 122607.0 0.013107 0.113733 0.0 0.00 0.00
purpose=moving 122607.0 0.009624 0.097630 0.0 0.00 0.00
4purpose=other 122607.0 0.074115 0.261959 0.0 0.00 0.00
purpose=small business 122607.0 0.026622 0.160976 0.0 0.00 0.00
purpose=vacation 122607.0 0.007014 0.083457 0.0 0.00 0.00
purpose=wedding 122607.0 0.012446 0.110867 0.0 0.00 0.00
term= 36 months 122607.0 0.797679 0.401732 0.0 1.00 1.00
term= 60 months 122607.0 0.202321 0.401732 0.0 0.00 0.00
75% max
short emp 0.00 1.00
emp length num 11.00 11.00
dti 20.85 39.88
last delinq none 1.00 1.00
last major derog none 1.00 1.00
revol util 74.30 150.70
total rec late fee 0.00 208.82
safe loans 1.00 1.00
grade=A 0.00 1.00
grade=B 1.00 1.00
grade=C 0.00 1.00
grade=D 0.00 1.00
grade=E 0.00 1.00
grade=F 0.00 1.00
grade=G 0.00 1.00
sub grade=A1 0.00 1.00
sub grade=A2 0.00 1.00
sub grade=A3 0.00 1.00
sub grade=A4 0.00 1.00
sub grade=A5 0.00 1.00
sub grade=B1 0.00 1.00
sub grade=B2 0.00 1.00
sub grade=B3 0.00 1.00
sub grade=B4 0.00 1.00
sub grade=B5 0.00 1.00
sub grade=C1 0.00 1.00
sub grade=C2 0.00 1.00
sub grade=C3 0.00 1.00
sub grade=C4 0.00 1.00
sub grade=C5 0.00 1.00
sub grade=E4 0.00 1.00
sub grade=E5 0.00 1.00
sub grade=F1 0.00 1.00
sub grade=F2 0.00 1.00
sub grade=F3 0.00 1.00
sub grade=F4 0.00 1.00
sub grade=F5 0.00 1.00
sub grade=G1 0.00 1.00
sub grade=G2 0.00 1.00
sub grade=G3 0.00 1.00
sub grade=G4 0.00 1.00
sub grade=G5 0.00 1.00
home ownership=MORTGAGE 1.00 1.00
home ownership=OTHER 0.00 1.00
home ownership=OWN 0.00 1.00
5home ownership=RENT 1.00 1.00
purpose=car 0.00 1.00
purpose=credit card 0.00 1.00
purpose=debt consolidation 1.00 1.00
purpose=home improvement 0.00 1.00
purpose=house 0.00 1.00
purpose=major purchase 0.00 1.00
purpose=medical 0.00 1.00
purpose=moving 0.00 1.00
purpose=other 0.00 1.00
purpose=small business 0.00 1.00
purpose=vacation 0.00 1.00
purpose=wedding 0.00 1.00
term= 36 months 1.00 1.00
term= 60 months 0.00 1.00
[68 rows x 8 columns]
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Extract new features names
features = data_clean.columns.values
features = features[features != target]

Modeling and Prediction
Split into training and testing sets

predictors = data_clean[features]
targets = data_clean.safe_loans
pred_train, pred_test, tar_train, tar_test = train_test_split(predictors, targets,
test_size = .4)
print(’pred_train.shape’, pred_train.shape)
print(’pred_test.shape’, pred_test.shape)
print(’tar_train.shape’, tar_train.shape)
print(’tar_test.shape’, tar_test.shape)
pred train.shape (73564, 67)
pred test.shape (49043, 67)
tar train.shape (73564,)
tar test.shape (49043,)

Build model on training data
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
classifier = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators = 25)
classifier =, tar_train)
predictions = classifier.predict(pred_test)
conf_matrix = sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix(tar_test, predictions)
6[[ 1200 7957]
[ 2068 37818]]

sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(tar_test, predictions)
fit an Extra Trees model to the data
model = ExtraTreesClassifier(), tar_train)

display the relative importance of each attribute
[ 0.0116846 0.13741726 0.29752994 0.02180671 0.01403449 0.28940768
0.03293531 0.00951938 0.0037876 0.00329254 0.00387515 0.00546364
0.00417739 0.00154924 0.00084011 0.00069246 0.00081152 0.00096394
0.00116574 0.00167741 0.00205909 0.00237266 0.00246947 0.00251691
0.00305698 0.00325398 0.00302473 0.00332757 0.00274992 0.00220827
0.00224134 0.00220883 0.00217347 0.00213623 0.00171983 0.00202893
0.00204825 0.0020539 0.00177719 0.00121543 0.00119387 0.00116458
0.00113021 0.00095636 0.00060222 0.00054441 0.00046878 0.00038406
0.00040649 0.00745245 0.00060827 0.00606502 0.00744603 0.00355398
0.00929081 0.01264373 0.00652372 0.00243849 0.00420151 0.0037273
0.00321748 0.00838174 0.00601524 0.00236188 0.00309275 0.00558167

Show more important features
more_important_features = list()
predictors_list = list(predictors.columns.values)
idx = 0
for imp in model.feature_importances_:
if imp >= 0.1:
idx += 1
print(’More important features:’, more_important_features)
More important features: [’emp length num’, ’dti’, ’revol util’]

Running a different number of trees and see the effect of that on the accuracy of the prediction

trees = range(25)
accuracy = np.zeros(25)
for idx in range(len(trees)):
classifier = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators = idx + 1)
classifier =,tar_train)
predictions = classifier.predict(pred_test)
accuracy[idx] = sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(tar_test, predictions)
plt.cla() # Clear axis
plt.plot(trees, accuracy)


[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x18bccd1e3c8>]
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