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Cover image for Week 3. Running a Lasso Regression Analysis
Tamal Barman
Tamal Barman

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Week 3. Running a Lasso Regression Analysis

%matplotlib inline
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LassoLarsCV

pd.set_option(’display.float_format’, lambda x:’%.3f’%x)
pd.set_option(’display.mpl_style’, ’default’) # --deprecated’ggplot’) # Make the graphs a bit prettier

plt.rcParams[’figure.figsize’] = (15, 5)

Load the dataset

loans = pd.read_csv("./LendingClub.csv", low_memory = False)

LendingClub.csv is a dataset taken from The LendingClub (
which is a peer-to-peer leading company that directly connects borrowers and potential

Exploring the target column

_The target column (label column) of the dataset that we are interested in is called
‘bad_loans‘. In this column **1
means a risky (bad) loan 0 means a safe loan.
In order to make this more intuitive, we reassign the target to be:* ** 1 ** as a safe loan,

  • ** 0 ** as a risky (bad) loan. We put this in a new column called ‘safe_loans‘**_

loans[’safe_loans’] = loans[’bad_loans’].apply(lambda x : 1 if x == 0 else 0)
loans.drop(’bad_loans’, axis = 1, inplace = True)

Select features to handle

predictors = [’grade’, # grade of the loan
’sub_grade’, # sub-grade of the loan
’short_emp’, # one year or less of employment
’emp_length_num’, # number of years of employment
’home_ownership’, # home_ownership status: own, mortgage or rent
’dti’, # debt to income ratio
’purpose’, # the purpose of the loan
’term’, # the term of the loan
’last_delinq_none’, # has borrower had a delinquincy
’last_major_derog_none’, # has borrower had 90 day or worse rating
’revol_util’, # percent of available credit being used
’total_rec_late_fee’, # total late fees received to day

target = ’safe_loans’ # prediction target (y) (+1 means safe, 0 is risky)

Extract the predictors and target columns

loans = loans[predictors + [target]]

Delete rows where any or all of the data are missing

data_clean = loans.dropna()

Convert categorical variables into binary variables

data_clean = pd.get_dummies(data_clean, prefix_sep = ’=’)


            count mean std min 25% 50% n
short emp 122607.0 0.123672 0.329208 0.0 0.00 0.00
emp length num 122607.0 6.370256 3.736014 0.0 3.00 6.00
dti 122607.0 15.496888 7.497442 0.0 9.88 15.26
last delinq none 122607.0 0.588115 0.492177 0.0 0.00 1.00
last major derog none 122607.0 0.873906 0.331957 0.0 1.00 1.00
revol util 122607.0 53.716307 25.723881 0.0 34.80 55.70
total rec late fee 122607.0 0.742344 5.363268 0.0 0.00 0.00
safe loans 122607.0 0.811185 0.391363 0.0 1.00 1.00
grade=A 122607.0 0.181996 0.385843 0.0 0.00 0.00
grade=B 122607.0 0.303180 0.459634 0.0 0.00 0.00
grade=C 122607.0 0.244276 0.429659 0.0 0.00 0.00
grade=D 122607.0 0.156394 0.363230 0.0 0.00 0.00
grade=E 122607.0 0.073324 0.260668 0.0 0.00 0.00
grade=F 122607.0 0.032070 0.176187 0.0 0.00 0.00
grade=G 122607.0 0.008760 0.093183 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=A1 122607.0 0.024362 0.154172 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=A2 122607.0 0.027339 0.163071 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=A3 122607.0 0.032258 0.176684 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=A4 122607.0 0.048880 0.215617 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=A5 122607.0 0.049157 0.216197 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=B1 122607.0 0.047607 0.212935 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=B2 122607.0 0.057876 0.233510 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=B3 122607.0 0.073699 0.261281 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=B4 122607.0 0.067525 0.250930 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=B5 122607.0 0.056473 0.230834 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=C1 122607.0 0.057648 0.233077 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=C2 122607.0 0.054858 0.227704 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=C3 122607.0 0.046408 0.210369 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=C4 122607.0 0.044059 0.205228 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=C5 122607.0 0.041303 0.198990 0.0 0.00 0.00
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
sub grade=E4 122607.0 0.012895 0.112821 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=E5 122607.0 0.011092 0.104735 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=F1 122607.0 0.009013 0.094506 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=F2 122607.0 0.007585 0.086763 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=F3 122607.0 0.006280 0.078999 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=F4 122607.0 0.005130 0.071442 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=F5 122607.0 0.004062 0.063603 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=G1 122607.0 0.003018 0.054852 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=G2 122607.0 0.001966 0.044292 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=G3 122607.0 0.001362 0.036881 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=G4 122607.0 0.001240 0.035188 0.0 0.00 0.00
sub grade=G5 122607.0 0.001174 0.034251 0.0 0.00 0.00
home ownership=MORTGAGE 122607.0 0.483170 0.499719 0.0 0.00 0.00
home ownership=OTHER 122607.0 0.001460 0.038182 0.0 0.00 0.00
home ownership=OWN 122607.0 0.081097 0.272984 0.0 0.00 0.00
home ownership=RENT 122607.0 0.434274 0.495663 0.0 0.00 0.00
purpose=car 122607.0 0.019371 0.137825 0.0 0.00 0.00
purpose=credit card 122607.0 0.179843 0.384058 0.0 0.00 0.00
purpose=debt consolidation 122607.0 0.556518 0.496797 0.0 0.00 1.00
purpose=home improvement 122607.0 0.061522 0.240286 0.0 0.00 0.00
purpose=house 122607.0 0.008197 0.090165 0.0 0.00 0.00
purpose=major purchase 122607.0 0.031621 0.174991 0.0 0.00 0.00
purpose=medical 122607.0 0.013107 0.113733 0.0 0.00 0.00
purpose=moving 122607.0 0.009624 0.097630 0.0 0.00 0.00
purpose=other 122607.0 0.074115 0.261959 0.0 0.00 0.00
purpose=small business 122607.0 0.026622 0.160976 0.0 0.00 0.00
purpose=vacation 122607.0 0.007014 0.083457 0.0 0.00 0.00
purpose=wedding 122607.0 0.012446 0.110867 0.0 0.00 0.00
term= 36 months 122607.0 0.797679 0.401732 0.0 1.00 1.00
term= 60 months 122607.0 0.202321 0.401732 0.0 0.00 0.00
75% max
short emp 0.00 1.00
emp length num 11.00 11.00
dti 20.85 39.88
last delinq none 1.00 1.00
last major derog none 1.00 1.00
revol util 74.30 150.70
total rec late fee 0.00 208.82
safe loans 1.00 1.00
grade=A 0.00 1.00
grade=B 1.00 1.00
grade=C 0.00 1.00
grade=D 0.00 1.00
grade=E 0.00 1.00
grade=F 0.00 1.00
grade=G 0.00 1.00
sub grade=A1 0.00 1.00
sub grade=A2 0.00 1.00
sub grade=A3 0.00 1.00
sub grade=A4 0.00 1.00
sub grade=A5 0.00 1.00
sub grade=B1 0.00 1.00
sub grade=B2 0.00 1.00
sub grade=B3 0.00 1.00
sub grade=B4 0.00 1.00
sub grade=B5 0.00 1.00
sub grade=C1 0.00 1.00
sub grade=C2 0.00 1.00
sub grade=C3 0.00 1.00
sub grade=C4 0.00 1.00
sub grade=C5 0.00 1.00
... ... ...
sub grade=E4 0.00 1.00
sub grade=E5 0.00 1.00
sub grade=F1 0.00 1.00
sub grade=F2 0.00 1.00
sub grade=F3 0.00 1.00
sub grade=F4 0.00 1.00
sub grade=F5 0.00 1.00
sub grade=G1 0.00 1.00
sub grade=G2 0.00 1.00
sub grade=G3 0.00 1.00
sub grade=G4 0.00 1.00
sub grade=G5 0.00 1.00
home ownership=MORTGAGE 1.00 1.00
home ownership=OTHER 0.00 1.00
home ownership=OWN 0.00 1.00
home ownership=RENT 1.00 1.00
purpose=car 0.00 1.00
purpose=credit card 0.00 1.00
purpose=debt consolidation 1.00 1.00
purpose=home improvement 0.00 1.00
purpose=house 0.00 1.00
purpose=major purchase 0.00 1.00
purpose=medical 0.00 1.00
purpose=moving 0.00 1.00
purpose=other 0.00 1.00
purpose=small business 0.00 1.00
purpose=vacation 0.00 1.00
purpose=wedding 0.00 1.00
term= 36 months 1.00 1.00
term= 60 months 0.00 1.00
[68 rows x 8 columns]
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Extract new features names

features = data_clean.columns.values
features = features[features != target]

Modeling and Prediction

predvar = data_clean[features]
predictors = predvar.copy()
target = data_clean.safe_loans

Standardize predictors to have mean=0 and sd=1

from sklearn import preprocessing
for attr in predictors.columns.values:
predictors[attr] = preprocessing.scale(predictors[attr].astype(’float64’))

Split into training and testing sets

pred_train, pred_test, tar_train, tar_test = train_test_split(predictors, target,
test_size = .4,
random_state = 123)
print(’pred_train.shape’, pred_train.shape)
print(’pred_test.shape’, pred_test.shape)
print(’tar_train.shape’, tar_train.shape)
print(’tar_test.shape’, tar_test.shape)
pred train.shape (73564, 67)
pred test.shape (49043, 67)
tar train.shape (73564,)
tar test.shape (49043,)

Specify the lasso regression model

model = LassoLarsCV(cv = 10, precompute = False).fit(pred_train, tar_train)

Print variable names and regression coefficients

pd.DataFrame([dict(zip(predictors.columns, model.coef_))], index=[’coef’]).T

dti -0.031080
emp length num 0.000000
grade=A 0.036706
grade=B 0.015090
grade=C 0.000000
grade=D -0.014125
grade=E -0.017393
grade=F -0.015787
grade=G -0.009659
home ownership=MORTGAGE 0.010588
home ownership=OTHER -0.001163
home ownership=OWN 0.000000
home ownership=RENT -0.007503
last delinq none -0.008092
last major derog none -0.002272
purpose=car 0.000000
purpose=credit card 0.006216
purpose=debt consolidation 0.000000
purpose=home improvement -0.001184
purpose=house 0.000000
purpose=major purchase 0.000000
purpose=medical -0.003115
purpose=moving -0.000223
purpose=other -0.005091
purpose=small business -0.019715
purpose=vacation -0.000638
purpose=wedding 0.002051
revol util -0.012068
short emp -0.009104
sub grade=A1 0.002509
... ...
sub grade=B4 0.000000
sub grade=B5 -0.001996
sub grade=C1 0.001869
sub grade=C2 0.001481
sub grade=C3 0.000000
sub grade=C4 -0.001447
sub grade=C5 0.000000
sub grade=D1 0.000000
sub grade=D2 0.000000
sub grade=D3 -0.000327
sub grade=D4 -0.003696
sub grade=D5 -0.001762
sub grade=E1 0.004096
sub grade=E2 0.000000
sub grade=E3 -0.001249
sub grade=E4 -0.003977
sub grade=E5 -0.001715
sub grade=F1 0.000000
sub grade=F2 0.000000
sub grade=F3 -0.003955
sub grade=F4 -0.004832
sub grade=F5 -0.005503
sub grade=G1 -0.000474
sub grade=G2 -0.001004
sub grade=G3 0.000000
sub grade=G4 0.004561
sub grade=G5 0.000000
term= 36 months 0.026618
term= 60 months -0.005477
total rec late fee -0.044206
[67 rows x 1 columns]
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Plot coefficient progression

m_log_alphas = -np.log10(model.alphas_)
ax = plt.gca()
plt.plot(m_log_alphas, model.coef_path_.T)
plt.axvline(-np.log10(model.alpha_), linestyle = ’--’, color = ’k’,
label = ’alpha CV’)
plt.ylabel(’Regression Coefficients’)
plt.title(’Regression Coefficients Progression for Lasso Paths’)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x17aaab94390>

Image description

Plot mean square error for each fold

m_log_alphascv = -np.log10(model.cv_alphas_)
plt.plot(m_log_alphascv, model.cv_mse_path_, ’:’)
plt.plot(m_log_alphascv, model.cv_mse_path_.mean(axis = -1), ’k’,
label = ’Average across the folds’, linewidth = 2)
plt.axvline(-np.log10(model.alpha_), linestyle = ’--’, color = ’k’,
label = ’alpha CV’)
plt.ylabel(’Mean squared error’)
plt.title(’Mean squared error on each fold’)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x17aac05cef0>

Image description

MSE from training and test data

from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
train_error = mean_squared_error(tar_train, model.predict(pred_train))
test_error = mean_squared_error(tar_test, model.predict(pred_test))
print (’training data MSE’)
print (’test data MSE’)

training data MSE
test data MSE
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

R-square from training and test data

rsquared_train = model.score(pred_train, tar_train)
rsquared_test = model.score(pred_test, tar_test)
print (’training data R-square’)
print (’test data R-square’)

training data R-square
test data R-square
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

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