While SQL databases are insanely useful tools, their monopoly in the last decades is coming to an end. And it’s just time: I can’t even count the things that were forced into relational databases, but never really fitted them. (That being said, relational databases will always be the best for the stuff that has relations.)
But, the differences between NoSQL databases are much bigger than ever was between one SQL database and another. This means that it is a bigger responsibility on software architects to choose the appropriate one for a project right at the beginning.
In this light, here is a comparison of Open Source NOSQL databases Cassandra, Mongodb, CouchDB, Redis, Riak, RethinkDB, Couchbase (ex-Membase), Hypertable, ElasticSearch, Accumulo, VoltDB, OrientDB, Aerospike, Neo4j and HBase
See the full article: Comparison between all NoSQL Database
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