What I Learned From Hacktoberfest
This was my first Hacktoberfest and I learned a lot. I had previously tried making valuable pull requests to apply for an Outreachy internship, but struggled to know how to help on a very large project. Recently I came across a project that was designed for beginners to Git and GitHub to be able to contribute to a simple project, even as a beginning coder.
The repository,
👩🔬 👨💻 A project designed to start you on your journey as an Open-source contributor

or adding an animated object to a solar system page.
I was easily able to code these challenges and began adding other changes such as adding a new color theme and a weather widget. I was asked to be a collaborator just prior to Hacktoberfest because I was consistently making changes, so I was a new maintainer as well as a contributor. Hacktoberfest gave the project reach so I was able to review and approve many pull requests.
I feel ready to use Git and GitHub in a team at a company, needing to learn the particular workflow of the company, but knowing the basics enough to be confident saying, "I've used Git and GitHub" on my resume.
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