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Thiago Marinho
Thiago Marinho

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Organizing Your Backend: Choosing Between Services and Helpers


When it comes to developing a robust backend, code organization plays a crucial role in the maintainability and scalability of the project. In this article, we'll delve into the difference between two key components: "services" and "helpers," and how to effectively organize them within your folder structure.

Service: The Backbone of Business Logic

Services are the heart of your backend, responsible for encapsulating application-specific business logic. They handle complex operations, interact with the database, and play a vital role in enforcing domain rules. Let's explore why services are essential:

Abstraction of Business Logic: Services abstract complex operations, providing a clean interface for the rest of the application. This promotes cohesion and makes the code more understandable.

Database Interaction: Often, services are directly tied to data persistence. They manage queries, updates, and ensure data integrity.

Reusability and Scalability: By encapsulating business logic into services, you create reusable components that can scale as needed.

Helper: Versatile Utilities for Generic Functionality

While services are application-specific, helpers are like Swiss army knives that offer generic and utility functionalities. Let's explore why helpers are crucial in code organization:

Generic Functionality: Helpers contain functions not directly tied to business logic but essential for common tasks. This includes string manipulation, date formatting, and generic validations.

Reuse Across Different Contexts: Since helpers are independent of business logic, their functions can be reused in various parts of the code. This promotes consistency and reduces code duplication.

Simplified Maintenance: Isolating utility functionalities in helpers makes maintenance easier. If a generic function needs an update, you can do so in a single location.

Structuring Your Folders: Best Practices

/src/services: Store your services in this folder, organized by entities or specific functionalities. For example, userService.js or orderService.js.

/src/helpers: Keep your helpers here, grouping them based on functionalities. Examples include stringHelper.js or dateHelper.js.

Conclusion: Deciding When to Use Services or Helpers

When building a backend architecture, the key is to strike a balance between services and helpers. Use services for application-specific business logic and helpers for generic and utility functionalities. This approach not only keeps your code organized but also facilitates maintenance and the sustainable growth of your project. Choose wisely and build a solid, scalable backend.

PS. Although I'm explaining the difference between service and helper, mainly in the MVC pattern. I advocate using folder by feature instead of by type, but there is a lot of legacy codebase using by type. So this is a post to explain when to use services or helpers.

folder by feature

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