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JavaScript Closures: A Beginner's Guide

Closures are a powerful important feature in JavaScript that many beginners struggle with. They are responsible for several of JavaScript's most useful features, like storing state across function calls and creating private variables. This blog tries to explain closures by breaking them down into simple language and discussing their importance along with practical examples.

šŸ’” What is a Closure?

When a function is returned from another function in JavaScript, it inherits the scope of the parent function. This means that the returned function can access variables defined in the outer function's scope even after the outer function has completed execution. A closure is the combination of a function and its enclosing scope.
Here's a simpler definition:

  • A closure is a function that "remembers" variables from the outer (enclosing) function's scope.
  • It enables the inner function to access these variables even when the outer function is no longer executing.

šŸ’” How Closures Work: An Example

šŸ“Œ Example without Closure

function outer(){
    let counter = 0
    function inner(){
        console.log("counter = " + counter)
/* Output:
counter = 1
counter = 1 */
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āœļø Explanation:

  • Each time outer() is invoked, a new counter variable is created within the outer function.
  • It always resets to 0, therefore inner() always counts from one.
  • The counter does not "remember" the value from the last call.

šŸ“Œ Example with Closure

function outer(){
    let counter = 0
    function inner(){
        console.log("counter = " + counter)
    return inner
const fn = outer()
/* Output:
counter = 1
counter = 2 */
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āœļø Explanation:

  • outer function returns the inner function, which is then saved in fn.
  • Even after outer() is finished, the inner function remains connected to the counter variable.
  • Every time fn() is called, the same counter is used, enabling the number to increase rather than reset.

šŸ”‘ Key Features of Closure

  1. Persistent Memory: Variables in the outer function's scope are "remembered" long after the outer function exits.
  2. Lexical Scoping: Closures are based on where the function is defined, not where it is executed.
  3. Multiple Instances: Each closure instance stores its own copy of the outer variables.

šŸ“Œ Example with Multiple Instances:

function counterFunction() {
    let count = 0;

    return function increment() {
        return count;

const counter1 = counterFunction();
const counter2 = counterFunction();

console.log("counter1 = " + counter1()); // Output: 1
console.log("counter1 = " + counter1()); // Output: 2
console.log("counter2 = " + counter2()); // Output: 1
console.log("counter1 = " + counter1()); // Output: 3
console.log("counter2 = " + counter2()); // Output: 2
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Here, counter1 and counter2 each have their own separate count variable.

šŸ’» Practical Uses of Closures

1ļøāƒ£ Data Privacy: Closures can hide variables from the global scope, so they are only available within a specific function.
šŸ“Œ Example:

function secretInfo() {
    let secret = "I love JavaScript";
    return {
        getSecret: function() {
            return secret;
        setSecret: function(newSecret) {
            secret = newSecret;

const secretObject = secretInfo();
console.log(secretObject.getSecret()); // Output: I love JavaScript
secretObject.setSecret("I love Python too!");
console.log(secretObject.getSecret()); // Output: I love Python too!
secretObject.setSecret("I love PHP too!");
console.log(secretObject.getSecret()); // Output: I love PHP too!
// Attempting to Access secret Directly will not work
console.log(secretObject.secret); // Output: undefined
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āœļø How This Code showcases Data Privacy:

  1. Global Scope Protection: The variable secret cannot be accessed directly from the global scope or any other part of the code. For example, if you try console.log(secretObject.secret), it will return undefined.
  2. Private State Maintenance: The closure's variable secret is private and can only be read or modified using the getSecret and setSecret methods.
  3. Controlled Access: The program ensures limited access to the secret variable by defining the functions getSecret and setSecret.

2ļøāƒ£ Function Factories: A function factory is a function that generates and returns new functions. It enables us to dynamically construct customized functionality based on input parameters.
šŸ“Œ Example:

function calculate(factor) {
    return function multiplier(number) {
        return number * factor;

const double = calculate(2);
const triple = calculate(3);
console.log(double(5)); // Output: 10
console.log(triple(5)); // Output: 15
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āœļø How This Code showcases Function Factories:

  1. The calculate function works like a factory, producing specialized multiplier functions (double, triple) based on the input (factor).
  2. Each function is unique and independent while sharing the same core logic.

3ļøāƒ£ Event Listeners: Closures are commonly used in callbacks and event listeners to maintain state.
šŸ“Œ Example:

function setupListener(buttonId) {
    let clickCount = 0;

    document.getElementById(buttonId).addEventListener("click", function() {
        console.log(`Button clicked ${clickCount} times`);

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āœļø How This Code showcases how closures work in event listeners:

  1. The setupListener function creates a closure and defines the clickCount variable within it.
  2. The event listener function, which is a callback, gets access to clickCount even after the setupListener method has finished executing.
  3. Every time the button with ID "myButton" is clicked, the event listener's callback increments clickCount and logs the updated value.

That's all for Closures.
JavaScript closures

šŸ Conclusion

Closures are a basic idea in JavaScript, allowing developers to construct more modular, efficient, and private code. Understanding closures gives you the ability to write dynamic functions, maintain persistent state, and achieve data encapsulation.

As a beginner, spend time practicing and experimenting with closures. They may appear difficult at first, but with hands-on examples and usage, you'll soon realize their incredible strength and versatility in JavaScript programming.

Are there any real-life analogies or examples that helped you learn closures? Share them in the comments section below!
Happy coding! āœØ

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Happy coding!