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Nick Karnik
Nick Karnik

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How can you swap two variables without using a third?

Moore's law is just an observation and not a real law like the Law of Gravity.

Over the years, developers have taken the increasing CPU speeds and Memory sizes for granted. Here's a warm-up interview question that I ask every candidate.

Let's assume the working memory for your function is 8-Bytes. You are given two 32-Bit Integers and you need to swap them. In other words, how can you swap two variables without using a third?

Please take your time to solve this and refrain from looking up solutions online or for answers below. This is your first step in becoming a Computer Scientist!

If you accepted this challenge, ❤️ it and follow me on Twitter.

Oldest comments (122)

tux0r profile image

x = x + y
y = x - y
x = x - y

leoat12 profile image
Leonardo Teteo

This was my solution as well. I honestly never thought about this problem seriously and went for a third variable every time. I'm taking capacity for granted. I learned my lesson. u.u

sathwikmatsa profile image
Sathwik Matsa • Edited

Wait.. readability of your code is also important!

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theoutlander profile image
Nick Karnik

Sure, it is. That's when you modularize your code and make an inline method or macro out of this.

simonhaisz profile image
simonhaisz • Edited

Good thing the question was specific to integers. With floating point arithmetic this wouldn't be guaranteed to work in all cases. Especially in Java 😭

This is probably the simplest case that shows the space vs time choice for optimisation. Here you are saving memory but have more operations. 3 arithmetic and 3 assignments. If you used an extra variable you still have 3 assignments but lose the 3 arithmetic but also have to add/remove the variable to from the stack.

ptdecker profile image
P. Todd Decker

JavaScript, by nature, stores all numbers as double-precision IEEE 754 floating point numbers. The 52 bits of the fractional portion is used to store integers. This results in 'maximum safe integer' of 253 - 1. Further complicating things is that JavaScript's bitwise operators only deal with the lowest 32 bits of JavaScript's 54-bit integers. So the bitwise approach will not work on big integers in JavaScript.

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
theoutlander profile image
Nick Karnik

Can you please elaborate on that?

joshichinmay profile image
Chinmay Joshi

If that's the case, then why swap at all?

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dean profile image

Sorting functions. So you can write something simple like

// at this point in the sort, we know we must
// swap x with some other value
if a[x] < a[y] {
     swap(&a[x], &a[y])
} else {
     swap(&a[x], &a[z]) // a[x] and a[z] may be the same value
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tux0r profile image

Which would be inefficient, thus not recommended.

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dean profile image

The function usually gets inlined anyway (depending on your compiler) and if it starts with if x == y { return } then it just compiles to if x != y { /* swap x and y */ }

In fact, might as well use a temporary variable at that point if you're expecting for compiler optimizations :shrug:. At that point they'd just become temporary registers and wouldn't have anything in memory, and a single xchg call

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tux0r profile image

You could just write the registers yourself then...

tux0r profile image

x = 1 + 1
y = 2 - 1
x = 2 - 1

Nope, still true.

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sadarshannaiynar profile image

Sorry perceived wrongly my mistake. Deleted the previous comment. But the possibility of overflow is still there in this method.

theodesp profile image
Theofanis Despoudis • Edited

Tricky bit: It can cause integer overflow if x + y > int.MAX

tux0r profile image

Validity checks were not a part of the question. But yes, you are right.

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theodesp profile image
Theofanis Despoudis

That's the second step in becoming a computer scientist.

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lewiscowles1986 profile image
Lewis Cowles

limit x and y to 16 bit or store 32-bit numbers in 64-bit. max int for 64-bit signed or unsigned is twice that of it's 32-bit counterpart.

You cannot overcome size problem if it's expressed in bits. Only higher-order structures like arrays would enable that and then you are absolutely storing more than two variables (possibly more than one per entry if it's a pointer).

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theodesp profile image
Theofanis Despoudis • Edited

That defeats the purpose of doing that plus you are making a difficult work of complicating things. I suspect is better if you use a temp variable after all!

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lewiscowles1986 profile image
Lewis Cowles

I suspect it's better if you don't try to copy with only two memory areas, but if you're going to worry about overflowing, then doubling storage size is the least complex thing you could do, and compatible with various CPU operating modes.

drbearhands profile image
DrBearhands • Edited

assuming cyclic overflows, i.e. INTMAX + 1 = INTMIN:
if INTMAX - y < x (equivalent to x + y > INTMAX without cycles)
then x + y = INTMIN + y - (INTMAX - x - 1)
ergo, rewriting the equations as
x' = x + y
y' = x' - y
x'' = x' - y'
we get:
x' = INTMIN + y - (INTMAX - x - 1)
y' = x' - y
y' = INTMIN - (INTMAX - x - 1)
y' = INTMIN + 1 - INTMAX + x
y' = x
x'' = INTMIN + y - (INTMAX - x - 1) - y'
x'' = INTMIN + y - (INTMAX - x - 1) - x
x'' = INTMIN + y - INTMAX + x + 1 - x
x'' = INTMIN + 1 + y - INTMAX
x'' = y

Overflows schmoverflows.

EDIT: Might be worth noting that this approach and the bitwise operator are essentially the same thing. Combine two things in a way that is reversible if you have either of the two originals.

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theodesp profile image
Theofanis Despoudis

Unfortunately that works in theory but in practice and most compilers do not guarantee that behavior. For example:

Java: Will back cycle to -2147483648
Javascript: will eventually print infinity if the value is too high
Go: Will not compile

cathodion profile image
Dustin King

x, y = y, x #

cathodion profile image
Dustin King • Edited

To be a little bit sneaky, use part of the function itself as swap space. This would only work if that space could be after the return instruction.

In pseudo-C:

#define NOP {32 bits of assembly NOP instructions};

void swap(int* a, int* b){

    *&yep = *a;
    *a = *b;
    *b = *&yep;



This isn't thread-safe though, and a decent operating system might throw exceptions if you try to have executable code modify itself.

theoutlander profile image
Nick Karnik

It creates more memory though.

zhu48 profile image
Zuodian Hu

The NOPs don't actually give you any memory. Those NOPs are wherever the executable image was loaded in memory, and the variable yep is on the stack. Assuming your standard C memory model.

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theoutlander profile image
Nick Karnik

I misread the post on the phone, but I see what the code is doing. Although, I'm not sure what assigning to NOP does?

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cathodion profile image
Dustin King

C memory layout:

C memory layout (source)

The function code itself is in the text segment. The variables for a particular invocation of the function are on the stack. Padding out the function with NOP creates space within the function, which I'm using as a variable. Basically I'm interpreting the "working memory" part of the post to mean "variables allocated on the stack". Now that I think of it, what I'm doing is basically a static variable, which (according to the link) C puts in the initialized data segment if you do it the right way, but then it would legitimately be a variable so I'd lose.

It's probably not a legit way to do things (and might be impossible if the text segment is read-only as the link says it might be), but people had already posted the legit ways.

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theoutlander profile image
Nick Karnik

Thanks for that explanation. It's been a while since I've written C/C++, but this approach makes sense. I love the thought process of cleverly using that available memory, even if it doesn't work out. 👏👏👏

zhu48 profile image
Zuodian Hu

The variable yep is declared within a function body without a static qualifier, which means it's what the C standard calls an automatic storage duration variable. This means its duration is between the curly braces, and most compilers will use a register or put it on the stack.

Being completely nitpicky here, but the variable yep is declared after its use and also without a type. I'm sure modern compilers wouldn't even let you do that.

Modern operating systems load the text segment into a virtual memory page marked as read-only. So yes, even if this compiles, it will generate a segfault on modern operating systems.

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cathodion profile image
Dustin King

yep isn't a variable, though, it's a label, representing an offset from the start of the function.

I agree compilers and OS's will tend to prevent this. I said as much before, and trying to create a proof of concept in assembly has born that out.

It wasn't a completely fruitless exercise though, as it was a chance to learn some assembly, which provided some insights about the challenge that I might make a post about. Basically, swapping using math might not actually be more memory-efficient (however you define that, and without the kind of cheating I've been talking about) than swapping using "a variable".

sadarshannaiynar profile image
if (x == y) return;
x = x ^ y
y = x ^ y
x = x ^ y

Bitwise operators for the win.

theoutlander profile image
Nick Karnik

The swap with bitwise operators will be the fastest at the hardware level. :)

sadarshannaiynar profile image

Yes. Whenever you can achieve something using bitwise operations I always prefer that.

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald • Edited

When I started going through the comments, I was actually thinking "what about bitwise xor?" And sure enough, here it is. ^,^

almostconverge profile image
Peter Ellis

Rather disappointingly, in most modern hardware it's the one with the temp variable that is fastest.

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theoutlander profile image
Nick Karnik

Depending on the architecture and compiler, they end up using three registers to do a swap under the hood I think.

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almostconverge profile image
Peter Ellis

Yes, but the idea is that you do this in assembly. It was a common trick because it saved a register and (at worst) it ran in the same number of cycles.

nestedsoftware profile image
Nested Software • Edited

This is a rather beautiful "bit" of problem solving :)

It will work for both integers and floating points, positive and negative, and there is no issue with overflow. If someone can figure this out on their own, I think that's quite impressive. Most of us just know it from having seen it before though.

theoutlander profile image
Nick Karnik

That's true. My initial solution to it was using addition/subtraction and once I got the concept of diffs, I was able to deduce a solution using bit manipulation.

ptdecker profile image
P. Todd Decker

JavaScript, by nature, stores all numbers as double-precision IEEE 754 floating point numbers. The 52 bits of the fractional portion is used to store integers. This results in 'maximum safe integer' of 2^53 - 1. Further complicating things is that JavaScript's bitwise operators only deal with the lowest 32 bits of JavaScript's 54-bit integers. So the bitwise approach will not work on big integers in JavaScript.

d4vecarter profile image
Dave Carter™

I guess BigInt new primitive proposal will do the trick :)

jjjjcccjjf profile image
endan • Edited

$a = 7;
$b = 9;

list($b, $a) = [$a, $b];

echo "a is " . $a; # 9
echo "b is " . $b; # 7

/* scratches head */
codevault profile image
Sergiu Mureşan • Edited

I like defining one of these macros when swapping variables in C:

#define SWAP(A, B) A ^= B ^= A ^= B
#define SWAP(A, B) A = A - (B = (A = A + B) - B)

The second one works on floating point numbers too.

theoutlander profile image
Nick Karnik • Edited

That's a good one. Although it won't work in Javascript I think.

x=10;y=5;console.log(x,y);(x=(x-(y = (x=x+y)-y)));console.log(x,y)

codevault profile image
Sergiu Mureşan • Edited

I think it doesn't like the double assignment on same expression. In JS you can do:

[a, b] = [b, a];


b = [a, a = b][0];

although less readable.

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theoutlander profile image
Nick Karnik

[] allocates new space I think so this solution won't be in constant space.

jjjjcccjjf profile image
function swap (&$a, $b, $A) {
    $a = $b;
    return $A;


$a = 7;
$b = 9;

$b = swap($a, $b, $a);

echo "a is " . $a; # 9
echo "b is " . $b; # 7

/* scratches head again */
gmartigny profile image
Guillaume Martigny

As funny as it is, you declare a new pointer to the swap function allocating new memory.

svenluijten profile image
Sven Luijten
// Since PHP 7.1:
[$b, $a] = [$a, $b];

// Or before 7.1:
list($b, $a) = [$a, $b];
theoutlander profile image
Nick Karnik

Do you know how this is implemented internally?

theoutlander profile image
Nick Karnik

That's awesome. I did not know about it. I wonder if it swaps values instead of pointters.

Found this on SO @

StackOverflow Answer

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almostconverge profile image
Peter Ellis

So now we've reduced the problem to "How do you swap the two topmost stack items?" :)

zhu48 profile image
Zuodian Hu • Edited

Very contrived, only works on ARM, not even acceptable by all C compilers, but you never constrained the problem that way!

void swap(int* a, int* b) {
    __asm volatile (
        "MOV R2, R1 \n"
        "MOV R1, R0 \n"
        "MOV R0, R2 \n"
zhu48 profile image
Zuodian Hu

Oh and as prplz mentioned, any self-respecting compiler nowadays will use only registers any way you decide to implement this little stub of a function. Yes yes, the question is very contrived too, but hey.

theoutlander profile image
Nick Karnik • Edited

Aren't you using a third register though?

Are you're thinking that you can do that because it's not in RAM?

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zhu48 profile image
Zuodian Hu

The way the question is formulated, you're limited by having a certain amount of memory. Any register use doesn't count against that at all.

zhu48 profile image
Zuodian Hu

I went to bed, and realized that my answer is wrong. Exchanging the values in register is completely invisible to the function caller. Here's the correct answer.

void swap(int* a, int* b) {
    __asm volatile {
        "LDR R2, [R0] \n"
        "LDR R3, [R1] \n"
        "STR R2, [R1] \n"
        "STR R3, [R0] \n"

Further, as R0-R3 are all caller-save registers in the ARM ABI, the function body, excluding the function entry stack shenanigans, uses zero memory.

phucduong86 profile image
Phuc Duong

Can I use pointers?

*(&x) = y
*(&y) = x

theoutlander profile image
Nick Karnik

You can do anything as long as you swap the values and don't create more memory.

In your solution, x is overwritten by y so it isn't swapping both the values.

phucduong86 profile image
Phuc Duong

Ah, I thought it wouldn't work but at midnight computer tells you lies :).

The multiple assignment in Go ( assuming C/C++ are the same mechanism, and i see Python below) works though.

x, y = y,x

jdsteinhauser profile image
Jason Steinhauser

Someone has already posted my XOR solution 😄 this is one we occasionally ask in interviews, and it's one of my favorite abstract problems

theoutlander profile image
Nick Karnik

Wouldn't that have upstream effects on the program?

tux0r profile image

Not after you have replaced y in the second step.

darksmile92 profile image
Robin Kretzschmar

Thanks for this post, I also take the modern "common" hardware for too granted.
Good reminder :)

vycoder profile image
yev • Edited
x ^= y;
y ^= x;
x ^= y;
dean profile image
dean • Edited
x := 5
y := 5
swap(&x, &y)
fmt.Println(x, y) // uh oh, they are both zero!
vycoder profile image

I've written my answer with C in mind, and it does explain how it works if you try the calculation by hand:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int a = 77;
    int b = 42;
    printf("a: %d, b: %d \n", a, b);

    swap(&a, &b);
    printf("after swap \n");
    printf("a: %d, b: %d", a, b);

    return 0;

void swap(int *a, int *b) {
    *a ^= *b;
    *b ^= *a;
    *a ^= *b;

When both a and b has the same value:

Result may vary depending on the language compiler, you might have to adjust the snippet according to your language's nuances.

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