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Top comments (187)
Hello! I am hoping to chat with other devs and learn more about coding in general, and javascript in particular. I will also be using this site as an extension of my upcoming blog where I write about the things I learn.
Hi Jim I am a new Biee here, I would like to learn Javascript. I found it challenging doing it alone. HTML and CSS was not that challenging. Hope you will help me out with that what you know now.
hi, nice to meet you ๐
What sort of things are you having trouble with?
hi, nice to meet you ๐
what boot camp did you attend? i attended Lambda School
I went through Thinkful for a little bit, but it didn't really work for me. It's been a few years and I'm still looking for that first job. ๐
How was your experience? Were you able to find work?
im about to finish the boot camp and get my certificate in 2 weeks. then i'll really start job searching. personally i dont feel ready, in the sense that i still have to polish projects and make some new ones and add them to a portfolio. but the lambda experience was amazing. very resourceful and they really prepare you for your first job. they take time to help with your resume and have a bunch of instruction on the entire interview process and stuff. you should look it up maybe
hi, jim! nice to meet you! samee! what are you learning at the moment? how many years have to work with JS?
Right now I'm just polishing my JavaScript knowledge and doing some Python lessons along the way. Overall, I've been doing JavaScript for about 5 years now.
How about yourself?
oh wow. thats a lot! good job. any portfolio ready? why do you think you still have yet to find a job?
Yeah, I have a bit of a portfolio up. For all of the time I've spent studying, I really don't have a lot on it. After my bootcamp, I did a lot of self-teaching and didn't follow-through on adding to my portfolio. I'm certain that's a large part. Also, I haven't really been serious about it. Like you said in your other comment, I still don't feel job-ready.
we should def stay in touch and when i get back to building projects we can motivate each other! linkedin.com/in/adela-zalewski/
Sounds great! I just sent you a message on LinkedIn to connect. :)
Hello everyone! I'm a front-end web dev from Italy ๐ฎ๐น
I've landed here to share my passion with all of you and learn new things.
Fun fact: my passion for coding started when I was a kid and my dad teached me only how to make an app echo out "Pippo" (aka. Goofy). I was like: and now what? This is it? So... I was so pumped that I kept researching and experimenting and now I've made of my passion a career ๐
Hello and welcome to Dev.to Community ! ๐๐ผ๐
Hey I am newbie here in frontend and still learning hope I can get some guidance from you
Thank you.
Hello everyone! I am Plato from India ๐ฎ๐ณ & I am a lead developer & project coordinator in one of the leading software development companies in the US. I've been involved in back-end application development in payments domain, where we mostly build on Spring & AWS.
Along side my day job, I want to learn and grow professionally in full-stack and mobile application development ๐ป. When I find time from this, I also like to work on my personal project
which is aimed at providing technical blogs, tutorials (motto:to demonstrate a concept) & technology mentorship.๐Hello and welcome to Dev.to Community ! ๐๐ผ๐
Hello there to one and all reading this . I am high school student who is into computer science from India . I am a beginner in the field of computer science but with time passing by , with the help of people I might meet here I shall consider myself lucky to gather more knowledge .
Hi, I'm ZigRazor. I'm a software developer specialized in C++ and Python Application.
I hope to find community support for my open source work.
This is my GitHub Profile
My Profile Readme
Hi๐ , I'm Zig Razor
I'm a Software Engineer. I love programming, and low level problems. I'm interested in CyberSecurity, Machine Learning, Advanced Algorithms.
Connect with me:
Languages and Tools:
And this is my actual main is an header-only C++ library for Graph representation, manipulation, partitioning and algorithms called CXXGraph. All contributions are welcome ( also a simple star if you like it ).
Header-Only C++ Library for Graph Representation and Algorithms
Table of Contents
CXXGraph is a small library, header only, that manages the Graph and it's algorithms in C++. In other words a "Comprehensive C++ Graph Library".
Algorithm Explanation
Graph Dijkstras Shortest Path Algorithm(Dijkstra's Shortest Path) Dijkstra's Algorithm is used to find the shortest path from a source node to all other reachable nodes in the graph. The algorithm initially assumes all the nodes are unreachable from the given source node so we mark the distances of all nodes as infinity (infinity) from source node (INF / infinity denotes unable to reach).
Dial specialization of dijkstraโs algorithm.
When edgeโฆ
Thank you so much.
Best Regards.
Hello and welcome to Dev.to Community ! ๐๐ผ๐
I'm Victor, a self-taught Fullstack web developer.
I have under a year experience working so its still early days and I am looking ahead for what the days before me have to offer.
Please feel free to reach me as I am more than willing to get busy.
I really need people working on cool projects who are willing to coordinate to achieve something great, with one of the aims being to learn together and support one another.
For offers, opportunities, questions and support, please don't hesitate to reach me.
kind regards.
Hello and welcome to Dev.to Community ! ๐๐ผ๐
Thank you very much
hello, am new kid in town very interested in learning to become a software engineer but dont know were to start and need some serious advice and mentorship how to become a software engineer without a four year college degree.
Good morning to everyone here! I am an enthusiast to build solutions. Looking forward to experience the progressive and the productive interactions in this community.
I am motivated to join here as I'm in search for solution in building an Admin Panel that can manage multiple to unlimited number of Sales Funnel type of Websites or Web Apps.
Cheers with you'll.
Hey there, hailing from Vienna, Austria. I'm a seasoned full stack web developer as well as CEO/CTO of a digital agency. My stack is Laravel + Vue mostly, but I've also done a lot of stuff (solo and with my team) with tech like nodeJS, meteor, react and various CMS like Drupal, WordPress or TYPO3 just to name a few.
I'm also a startup enthusiast and founder and always on the lookout for new projects and collaborations.
Hello World!
A young teenage girl, passionate about Technology, making the web. a better place for people to showcase themselves and interact with and also helping business have an online presence that helps increase their sales.
A Computer Science Student at the University of Port Harcourt.
A Front-end Web developer with Knowledge on Html, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery, an upcoming React.Js Developer.
Team Spirited, quiet, logical thinker.
She is ready to socialise with people related to her field.
Also, The CEO of ExploreDebbie (We have an online presence)
I am Okonu Deborah and this is me!!!
Hello everyone, I came here to share to all of you the thing that learn and I'm passionate about.
I recently try Astro and it was amazing! Surely will come a post in recent days.
Stay tuned! See you around!
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