Welcome to DEV!
Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse
Wish I had realized this part of Dev.to existed earlier. I am here now and that's what counts. Hey guys glad to be a part of this great resource tool. 🐛🕷 Just another bug maker and bug catcher looking to do some awesome coding....
That's wonderful Kara.
Glad havr yi
Hello everyone, I am a developer from Brazil 🇧🇷, I will start to share contents about compilers, IOT and programming languages. I am loving this platform built from devs to devs ❤️, let's learn a lot together
Hello DEVs! This is Naem Azam. I am an Engineering Student. I'm currently learning Python in the Noob level, I like Cybersecurity . I also have a lot of interest in Blockchain. I'm good with HTML and CSS. I Like WordPress Too.
Nice To Meet You All.
Hi everyone.
finally glad to see a good platform for developers where they can actually interact like social media sites. I've gone through lot of interesting, loving , helpful articles on dev.to . Thank you everyone for being part of this platform.
Feels great here already. I am new here. I hope to get better at communication with the community here. I call you family, we support each other. I am currently learning Python, with future emphasis on Artificial Intelligence.
I love making new friends, so you want the same? Here for you. Thanks for the welcome
Hello everyone! I'm Jai Irkal, an Engineering Student. I'm currently learning Python in the intermediate level, AI and ML. I also have a lot of interest in Web Development. I'm good with HTML and CSS.
Hope you all are doing well!👍
Hey DEVs! 👋 I'm Arthur, working on axolo.co. I'm mostly a Node/React developer working on front and back as we're still a small team. Looking forward to participating more in this community. If you have any question around code review, feel free to reach out!
Thank you for helping us newbies
Hello everyone, I am Shreyas Daniel. I am 20 years old. I am currently working on React and React native projects. I'm also interested in ML, getting started in it slowly. I read dev.to posts frequently so glad to be here.
Self learnt PHP, mysql, javascript application developer and Linux server administrator. Found many of my questions directed to dev.to and registered to learn more
I hope found many of my questions too, fellow.
Hey guys! I am from India. Currently learning Full-Stack Web Development and sharing knowledge and resources along the way. Really excited to join this amazing community of DEVs! Looking forward to an amazing journey of learning, nurturing & sharing knowledge ❤
Hello people!
Very happy to be part of dev.to community. I am a developer working in London, passionate about teaching and training Java and Python related technologies.
I have authored few technical books and just released Elasticsearch in Action (second edition) early release (MEAP).
Quite excited to be writing for dev.to community, I'll pen down few articles on getting started with Elasticsearch here.
I love the great articles here!
Hello I'm Apongpoh. I 'm Web Developer and work as freelancer, entrepreneur and mostly I am passionate on web coding.
I’m quite expert in using programming and markup languages like:
Hypertext markup language (HTML)
Cascading Style Sheet
Hope i'm welcome in dev.to community.
Hello all! Excited to be here! Thought about making my YouTube videos into articles and post them here and hopefully get some feedback. I want to share some information that might be helpful for beginner developers specifically, because I struggled a lot in the beginning as a developer and I want to address those pain points.
Have a nice day!
Hi all! I'm a software engineer leveling up his own skills by explaining algorithm scripting challenge solutions. Hopefully some junior/aspiring developers can gain some knowledge by reading my posts!
Hey all, Im a Senior Java DEV, keen to learn more about react, flutter and also improve my skills, Im really enjoying the posts and articles shared here.
Hi Everyone,
I learned to program back in high school (almost 20 years ago now) and want to learn again. Just starting out fresh and this community was recommend to me from a colleague at Spot.xyz.
Hello everyone, front-end dev here, fresh out of the OdinProject forge. Not much of a talker, pretty much the only "talking" I do nowadays is inside VSCode.
Here to explore some fresh content related to front-end web development, broaden my horizons and learn a thing or two from more experienced developers
Hey guys, this is Mansi here, Computer Science student studying in VIT, Vellore. I am passionate about the world of Data Science including Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing. I'm here to share my knowledge on these topics mainly and hope to learn a lot from this community!
Ola - Welcome, Welcome, Welcome ! !
Hi, all! I'm an art school graduate turned fledgling front-end developer based in Syracuse, NY. I spent the first half of this years studying up on CSS and JavaScript, and now I'm trying to wrap my head around React. And this is my Github: github.com/gerardguydavis
Glad that such a community exists. The world of coding is as big and vast as the planet for me as a newbie.
I’m hoping to lear, grow, share and collaborate with others in the community.
One of our course lectuers posted the link to the community in our slack.
Hello everyone, I hope I can learn more from urs experience. Stay safe
same with you
Hello everyone! I'm Michelle, American living in Japan right now. I'm a beginner/self-taught junior front-end web dev. Learning and building with JavaScript React - currently working on a positive news social media app called Perch with a small team! My goal is to get more proactive in the dev community, on here and LinkedIn. I'm open to helping contribute to small React projects as well!
Here is my GitHub: github.com/michelleann815
Nice to meet you all! ♥
Hello. I hope everyone here is safe and doing well. Glad to join this community. I'm doing my engineering from India. I want to move from India to start my career as a full-stack developer. Looking forward to suggestions which can help me to get my first job.
Hello everyone! I am an undergraduate in Information System Sciences and a new comer to this developing field. Explored Dev.to and this is a very cool and interesting platform for the developers. Glad to be a part of that. <3
Hello everyone, I'm a self-taught programmer previously working in science but recently landed my first job as a software developer. I initially started with Python a few years ago but more recently I've been learning about web development. Looking forward to learning more from the community. Cheers!
Hi, I'm ZigRazor. I'm a software developer specialized in C++ and Python Application.
I hope to find community support for my open source work.
This is my GitHub Profile
My Profile Readme
Hi👋 , I'm Zig Razor
I'm a Software Engineer. I love programming, and low level problems. I'm interested in CyberSecurity, Machine Learning, Advanced Algorithms.
Connect with me:
Languages and Tools:
And this is my actual main is an header-only C++ library for Graph representation, manipulation, partitioning and algorithms called CXXGraph. All contributions are welcome ( also a simple star if you like it ).
Header-Only C++ Library for Graph Representation and Algorithms
Table of Contents
CXXGraph is a small library, header only, that manages the Graph and it's algorithms in C++. In other words a "Comprehensive C++ Graph Library".
Algorithm Explanation
Graph Dijkstras Shortest Path Algorithm(Dijkstra's Shortest Path) Dijkstra's Algorithm is used to find the shortest path from a source node to all other reachable nodes in the graph. The algorithm initially assumes all the nodes are unreachable from the given source node so we mark the distances of all nodes as infinity (infinity) from source node (INF / infinity denotes unable to reach).
…Thank you so much.
Best Regards.
ERROR in ./resources/js/app.js 3:0-34
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './views/app.vue' in 'C:\xampp\htdocs\trademe\resources\js'
webpack compiled with 1 error
Notifications are disabled
Reason: DisabledForUser Please make sure that the app id is set correctly.
Command Line: C:\xampp\htdocs\trademe\node_modules\node-notifier\vendor\snoreToast\snoretoast-x64.exe -appID "Laravel Mix" -pipeName \.\pipe\notifierPipe-1e827458-9919-4e11-baf9-281822aa167a -p C:\xampp\htdocs\trademe\node_modules\laravel-mix\icons\laravel.png -m "Error: C:\xampp\htdocs\trademe\resources\js\app.js
Error: Can't resolve './views/app.vue' in 'C:\xampp\htdocs\trademe\resources\js'" -t "Laravel Mix"
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! @ development:
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the @ development script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache_logs\2021-07-23T20_42_09_803Z-debug.log
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! @ dev:
npm run development
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the @ dev script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache_logs\2021-07-23T20_42_09_882Z-debug.log
This is my problem in veu.js please solve
This might be better in its own post. Not welcome post,
hi team, dev space is so informative , i m a developer but my work was mostly evolving around legacy code, i m actually trying to catchup with the dev world, dotnet, c# ,asp core - I have sound understanding of MSSQL , queries ,script writing , but i m hoping to gain more knowledge on web app development. i really want to make this transition, and fast.
Hey :) Introducing myself in a few sentences is almost impossible, because I'm a father, a lover, a cyberpunk psy[trance] nerd, an anime fan, a race driver, and a hockey player. And lastly but not least I'm a cloud expert software developer, who is infatuated with open source, community driven development. Currently I'm an integration engineer at StorageOS with many years of DevOps background. My main focuses are Kubernetes operators, Go micro-services, and Calico network development.
Hello DEVs
I'm a developer from Belarus ⚪🔴⚪, Minsk
And I want to join your DEV community
I'm working as Python backend developer and has base knowledge on the React
Hi everyone,
I am a new developer in the making. I like to build projects in React library. I came to the dev community to have a collaborative learning experience and share knowledge through my own experience so far. I have taught myself to code using online resources.
I am looking forward to learning more from this community.
Also, currently, I am working on building a messenger app and learning Node.js.
Happy coding !😊
Hello people,
I am a new developer in making. I like to build projects in React library. I came to dev community to have a collaborative learning experience and share knowledge through my own experience so far. I have taught myself to code using online resources.
I am looking forward to learning more from this community.
Also, currently I am working on building a messenger app and learning Node.js.
Happy coding !😊
Hi Everyone,
The last months I visited Dev.to, and everyday I read posts. This place is amazing :) So I decided to introduce myself. I'm Anto, a developer from Argentina. I'm currently working with React and React Native. But I'm still learning, everyday, of course!
This is my introduction: dev.to/antoomartini/i-m-just-a-gir...
Have a nice day !
I'm a 34-year old professional in a different field than computers. Being able to code has however been my dream since teenage years. Now I have finally decided to get down to business and start learning! I'm currently teaching myself C# and my first goal is to get a completely self-made roguelike game done! :)
Hello people. Glad to be part of this very important community. My name is Buchi(pronounced better if you're a local). Right now I'm comfortable with html and css and I'm working tirelessly to get really comfortable with my javascript. I've very much loved every post I've come across here and I want to help people too the way I'm being helped.
hello guys!!! I'm new here. I intend to switch from being an Urban Planner to a Web developer. I really need help and encouragement from you guys. I started already with HTML & CSS, now I wanna know more about JavaScript and Python. It's really tough, you know!!
I really don't know which materials I need and how to go about it. And I really need a mentor. Please any reference?
Hi everyone, we're a new London-based startup called corepo.org, a place providing help to entrepreneurs work on their projects, by giving them all the tools they might be looking for, as well as business insights to find the next big thing to work on. :)
Hello everyone, I am Manthan Khandale. I am a Software Developer current working with Dart and Flutter. I came here through Manvi Tyagi's amazing article on her interview experiances. Really exited to be here. Feels like family already. Hope we all help and guide each other in our journey as developers. 😍
Ola everyone - "7One6" here - but really
it's just mr_Mario.
Just trying something different, in wanting
to learn Python. That's why I'm here.
Just getting my environment set up.
Trying different Editors, so we'll see which
one works for me. Always take, LATER.......
Hello all,
My name is Edgar. My friends call me Woo because of my last name and it being more easy to remember. I am an award-winning photographer that used the time from sports and events while off to take a front end developer bootcamp and fell in love with making sites and apps. I also learned things like 3D art because it has always been a passion. There is so much to learn and although I was comfortable in my photography industry and happy to play a big role in helping others, I am now jumping into something new and humbly starting from scratch and I'm embracing that. I am looking to connect with some of you here and learn from you all. Thank you!
Let's connect
Twitter | GitHub | Twitch | Facebook: @edgarwooio
IG: @edgarwoo
If you want prints of photography or NFT's:
Twitter & IG: @ewoophoto
Hi all, I'm a Senior Software Engineer from the UK, mostly focussed on Developer Experience (DX) tooling and front end engineering. I love testing and automation.
I've read a few articles from DEV.to before, but never contributed any of my own. I thought now might be a good time to start networking with the wider dev community and sharing some of my own thoughts and ideas!
Hello! My name is Bree and I was brought here by a link posted on LinkedIn somewhere. I’m currently learning AWS but software development is down the pipeline with Python and a few other things mixed in. Super happy to be here!
Hi everyone,
I just received an associates degree with a mojor in computer programing. Now I am Learning Apache Cassandra, GraphQL, React and many other great tools thanks to Datastax.
Hello everyone , I am from India and started coding from 1 year.
i am interested in open source and web development currently and i know java and python till now and learning DSA nowadays.
this is it with my intro .
Hello everyone,
I am Roli Gautam, pursuing Btech. in CSE. I am frontend developer. And I am passionate about open source programs. I also like to do competitive coding and I am working to build my DSA concept. I am glad to be here.
Looking forward to connect with you all and share knowledge with each other.
Hello everyone! My name is Mike, and I'm a fullstack engineer, specializing in React, Typescript, and Python. I'm interesting in fullstack web development, devops, and data engineering! I've lurked on dev.to for quite some time, but finally decided to step up and post my first article today!
Hello World !!!
I'm a frontend developer from India. Passionate about web technologies.
Looking forward to learn more from this community.
Please do checkout my pen on codepen:
Peace ✌️
this is Bia Chaudhry. I am currently working as a Data Scientist at D4 interactive private ltd. / ContentStudio.io, and did my Bachelors degree in Software Engineering from NUST. Along with Data Sciencing I also write and run tech blog & podcast :D
Glad to be a part of DEV community. Looking forward to contribute in the tech industry even more!
What is up guys? This is Dhiman Das from the computer world.
I am mostly active on LinkedIn & twitter, and would love to connect with you guys (linkedin.com/in/dhiman-das/ or twitter.com/novice2ninja) and going to be an active user in Dev community also.
Thank you!
Hey guys, I am coding on PHP since 2015 but still can't jump above Junior level. I have a roadmap to become a senior developer and will share the progress here. Currently I am focused in OOP, OOD, Design Patterns and TDD
Hey everyone, just joined to share what I'm building :)
Hello. I am here now. A reddit post about kedro brought me here.
Hello community
Hope you are doing well.
Was just googling an error solution came across the Dev Community. Really love to be a part of it.
Hello everyone first time here and I'm looking forward to learn more with your guys
Hi. I'm Bett from Australia. Year ago finished University and now working as a middle JS developer. Sometimes looking for a short projects to help somebody))
Are there beginners in Algo Trades using python
Hi everyone! My goal is to publish quality content to help keep the community informed with useful tricks and tips and to hopefully make some great connections along the way!
Good day everyone, I'm glad to be here. I am a front end web developer.. still trying to fully understand JavaScript and reactjs. I look forward to learning more from you all.
same to you
Hello everyone, can't wait to share some articles with you all! Cheers!
So much happy to be a part of this community and so much learned here🎉🎉
I m a student currently pursuing CS bachelor's in India ,looking forward to learn more stuff from dev.to and also to blog (:
Intrested in topics like networking, security.
Loooking forward to learn more.
Thank you so much for creating this awesome platform. Hopefully I can learn and achieve my desire goal. Thanks again
Hello everyone,
I'm Deborah Olubolade, a frontend developer and UI designer . It feels great being on this platform. DEV has been helpful because I'm learning alot from other developers and I'm loving it.
Olá, pessoal!
Meu nome é Enio Silva, sou estudante de Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas. Meu objetivo é aprender e compartilhar conhecimento aqui no Dev.to.
Hi Everyone, It's good to be in a dev community. I am from India. I am a developer and Technical Author. I develop things with Python, NodeJs, Typescript, Java, Spring boot etc. Time to time, I get my hands dirty with data analysis. I hope to share content about these in time.
I wish I had heard about this earlier. Thanks to app.daily.dev/ for introducing me to dev.to.
Hello friends.
Hey, I'm Ed. I'm interested in all things Machine Learning and cloud native development. Starting to write my own content too so any advice/feedback is awesome!
Slack off at work
Hi Dev world!
I am a Michigander who is also an enthusiast for Cloud, Javscript, AI/ML, coffee, hiking, and of course dogs! Looking forward to reading, learning, and coding with y'all!
Hi to all. I am Mauricio, a 45 years Full Stack student, now learning React. I hope to be of help and to learn lots.
Hello there! I am a developer from Poland. I am looking for:
I found all of those here :)
Hi everyone! 👋
I'm a university student and want to read more about computer science to:
Glad to be here! 🎉
Hey folks, glad to be here. Long time engineer, first time at Dev — looking forward to learning with you all!
Hello am currently learning Javacript i hope i will learn a lot from the community
Hello everyone, my name is Mohamad. I am currently a system tester. I am learning to become a web dev, slowly but steady.
hello everyone i am new here Automation Engineer in Testing
Hello folks,
Vishwa here 🙌🏿
Who is Vishwa ?
Vishwa is a engineering student who loves coding , he is currently learning python 3 and he has very good interest in web development.
joined so as to improve my knowledge and skills
👋 Hi, I’m @suavebajaj
👀 I’m interested in Cloud Computing and DevOps
🌱 I’m currently learning Cloud Techonologies and Orchestration
Recently switch domain to Cloud System Engineer.
Hi, i am ghulam fayyaz Front end developer from lahore pakistan
Hi from Turkey. I am a .net developer. I am here to share my experience and to get experience from others
Hi guys, I am a laravel+MySQL developer from kenya and I'm looking for a freelance job to work on! I will be grateful when I get one!
i am shihad. learning react myself. love coding.
Hello. I'm doing my engineering from India. I want to move from India to start my career as a full-stack developer. Looking forward to suggestions which can help me to get my first job.
Hello everyone, just joined the platform glad to be here. Looking to venture into coding.
Happy to join the community of passionate developers!
I would like to find people to study with and to collaborate on projects with! I enjoy java, php, python, anything cloud related, databases and front end technologies! HMU!
Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.
Please if you guys know where I can get a laptop please inform me, some skills I learnt are fading away daily, really need to practice.
Hi guys, I am a young web dev looking forward to improving my skills. But I am really facing a problem with my laptop now, that's my challenge for now.
It's a great pleasure to join in this community
hello! dev community, i am new subscriber, i want to help with all experience developer,how i improves my skillset in react and dotnet core. plz help me...........
I made it! Sorry it took me so long...
Hello Everyone,
Welcome to Dev Community 🤗🦄. The world of knowledge and ideas share by developers.
Hello I'm Arash Gh from Iran, I love programming and that is my life.
I'm here to meet people who programming
Hello World from my code. I am here to improve myself and learn from the best. I hope that we will all become good developers together. Happy coding 😊
I'm writing about FullStack Development on my blog.
Glad to be here 🚀🚀
Hello guys! I'm a web development student from Brasil! Learning HTML, CSS and Javascript at the moment and I'm really excited!
Hi all,
I'm a front-end developer from Israel.
Working mostly with React.js.
Happy to join :)
Hello dev's, just got to know about this platform. I'm learning web development since past 4 months now. Looking forward to learn more new things here.
I came to this website by seeing the post how to make a whiteboard using reactjs
Hi all, starting out as dev. looking forward to learn more here. my friend recommended.
I love it here
Hi 👋 am Victor,student from Kenya 🇰🇪Currently learning Python with an emphasis on Artificial intelligence. Thankful to be part of such a platform
Holla, My Name Liu Purnomo. liupurnomo.com is my web. thanks.
I'm lost.
How do I download the internet? Do I need a flash drive?
Just kidding!
lol XD
Hello Devs, Arinjay this side, I am a MCA student and a Tech Enthusiast, Currently exploring Full stack Development. Let's Learn together at this platform made by DEVS to DEVS :)
Extremely happy to be here 😂
Fully it's time.....How Glad I am to be here...
Hello guys. I am a developer from Romania and can't wait to start and browse the posts from this community.
Hello World 😀
I'm a web design, precisely Frontend. I'm looking forward to learning more through DEV.
I am a math and physics teacher. I have started a YouTube channel, created a math app and would like to create a site as a home for these many pieces of content.
Hello dev.to 🙋🏻♂️
Hey folks, just found out about this from linkedIn, as a working software developer I was fascinated by all the cool article people have shared/written. Great to see you all.
hi i am rashedul islam,
that's amazing
I came from post Facebook life its actually nice to have a good learning environment instead of pushed ads on things wedont need also I would be willing t0mod hrt
Grateful for so much contents
Looks like a great website to connect with developers and expand my dev knowledge! Nice.
I live in Brazil and I'm studying Java/spring for 3 years, searching oportunity to pratice and contribute.
Hello everyone! I'm new beginner here and I'm so happy to join this community! <3
Hey Guys. Glad to be part of this awesome community. Look forward to learn a lot and contribute my knowledge to this platform.
Hello Dev!
New to the community but looking to engage with folks who are interested in DevSecOps!
Hello Everyone!
Hi everyone I am an aspiring Web developer from South Africa. Im just at the beginning of my journey. Started with HTML & CSS moving to JS soon. Thanks for the platform 👍
I wish join this group because I found good information related tech particularly web development I am interested in React ...... Hoping so in couple of months I would become ReactJS Developer