DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v163 staff on February 09, 2022

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
slimbloodworth profile image
Michelle Renee

Hello! I'm Michelle and I'm new to software development, at least as a career. I was a stand up comic for over 20yrs and toured all over the world. Some of my favorite "gigs" were performing for for the U.S. Military in the Middle East and Asia, as well as the numerous tours I did throughout Canada which were not military related. I played around with web development a bit while putting together a personal website for my stand-up and thoroughly enjoyed it. The initial outbreak of COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdown gave me ample opportunity to really explore and learn! Now I'm on my way seeking job opportunities that I can grow with. I'm skilled in HTML, CSS, SCSS, VanillaJS and am currently learning React and Node. I know the very basics of Java. I really like Three.js and tilt.js... who doesn't? They're so fun! I'm looking for like minded companions to share, learn from and with!

birdie_ou profile image
Birdie Ou

Hi, Michelle, it's such a happy surprise to see a stand-up comic in the comment session. So glad for your achievements in the new field. Keep up with the good work. (By the way, I like writing jokes to entertain myself. Once or twice, I did open-mic gigs on Discord in the past two years. Such fun.)

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis


gen profile image

hi :)

muriithigakuru profile image
Muriithi Gakuru


irungu2 profile image


jenniferfu0811 profile image

Hi everyone, I'm Jen!

I've dabbled a bit in UX research, UX Design, and Product Management. I'm constantly on the lookout for products, projects, and services that can help developers learn and grow technically and professionally.

I just shared an article on Codementor Events, a developer community and a new virtual events platform that focuses on making attending and hosting developer events easy.

Here's the piece if you're interested in learning through virtual events or giving a career talk, hosting a workshop, or doing a live coding session:

Nice to meet you all 😇

willmont06 profile image
Will Almonte

Hello! I'm Dawill and im also new to web development, always had interest in computers but had the misconception that coding was for genius and that i wasn't capable for some reason , a couple of years back i got a technical support job for Brother printers , i had to train for 4 months to learn printer technologies to assist customers over the phone and help them with whatever problem they was experiencing , one morning on the job , i got a call from a very nice guy (very rare)
who was a developer and needed my help troubleshooting his 20 year fax machine, thats when it hit me and i realize developers aren't super geniuses , and i said to myself if i learned how to fix this printers i could learn how to code. i been learning none stop and i dont see myself stopping till i reach my goal of becoming a self-taught web dev .

rmcampos profile image
Ricardo Campos

Welcome Will! I'm sure you'll nailed it!

curiosity profile image
Mindaugas Januška • Edited

Hi folks! My name is Mindaugas. I am a web developer with special love to VueJS and Nuxt.
I like to learn. And I learn a lot when explain to others how I approached to solve tasks.
Hence, I have wrote my first in a lifetime series consisting of 5 articles Lightning fast build VueJS 3 project and deploy it free of charge to GitHub pages
This project I have built for one of my job interviews and decided to write a detailed tutorial how I approached to solve given task and lightning fast to deliver a demo list-with-products website to become available online.
I hope, that somebody will find this workshop useful or perhaps will find some information or snippets of code for their projects.
Online version of the project can be found there
Public GitHub repository with source code of this project can be found there

snowdog773 profile image
Jon Pitans

Hi all, I'm a sound engineer, theatrical tech manager and former tour manager to Barney the Dinosaur. I've been building basic websites for years and have now decided to take a full stack boot camp to make a fairly drastic career change. Currently drowning in Javascript, trying to make sense of it all and getting there slowly thanks to some awesome tuition.

afrodevgirl profile image
Alexis Moody

I'm also a former theatre tech (lighting design)! Welcome to the wild world of web development 🙂. Feel free to reach out if you want some help wading through JavaScript.

snowdog773 profile image
Jon Pitans

Thanks, I'm actually in a React lecture right now. Fascinating stuff but so much to take in.

amaljoby profile image

Hai, I'm Amal, a self taught beginner web-dev, currently I'm honing my skills. I'm doing my bachelor's but I feel like it's not offering me any necessary knowledge to hone my skills as a developer. Therefore I'm gaining the knowledge that I need.
I've some background in python. But I don't know why I learned it. However now I have a clear cut idea of what to do next. Joining the "" is also my part of this. I've learned some HTML,CSS,JavaScript. I believe I could learn so much from here...


nancykenneth profile image

Self taught?
How did it happen ?

amaljoby profile image

Yeah..The truth is I had tried some online bootcamps. But it was overwhelming for me. So I thought I should find my own way to become a developer and to learn new things. After all, Everything we need is already available for free in the web.

Thread Thread
nancykenneth profile image

That's great, I'm having same experience now I can't comprehend much from online course I'm taking.
I will like to follow your steps. Can I get to talk to you privately?

rajarshicode profile image
Rajarshi Das

Hi myself Rajarshi,
I am a CS undergrad, Currently studying at UEMK
interested in coding and learning new things ..........
I know HTML, CSS, C, C++, JAVA and PYTHON
joined today 12/02/2022
Happy Coding!

hasanthesyrian profile image

yo, I'm Hasan, I'm 18 and I'm currently studying as an engineering student. I love web programming, C/C++ and mechatronics. I'm/willing to learn Swift, React, Vue, and Python. I speak 3 languages, play the guitar and I'm really good with my Yo-yos.

farhanmunim profile image

Hi All! I'm Farhan (: A self-taught front-end web developer and recently a huge dabbler in the world of WordPress (Oxygen Builder in particular) and creating solutions on Excel, VBA, and Tableau - based in London, UK. Looking forward to learning new things and sharing some knowledge also!

My site -

aissalaribi profile image
Aissa Laribi

Hi I am Aissa, I have been working on my WooCommerce website for 2 years. During this experience I have learned to deploy a LAMP Stack to a Linux Virtual Machine, learn Python, scrape prices on other websites, to automate the scrapping and to learn how to interact with the WooCommerce API.

Then, I have accumulated knowledge in Linux, Python, DNS, and API calls. As a result, I have started to follow a training of Cloud Engineer with ACloudGuru in August 2021. During this time, I have followed courses preparing for the AWS Solutions Architect Associate Certification, LPIC Linux Essentials and Python Development. More important, I have been building practical experience with AWS through the Hand-on-Labs projects and my own projects on AWS/GCP/AZure sandboxes proposed by ACloudGuru.

At the moment, I am working on Labs regarding Automation, APIs, Serverless Applications & CI/CD. I am looking for collaborators working with AWS, Python, APIs, Containers, Automation, and CI/CD.I am looking for partners to share, to learn from, and to collaborate on projects.

Happy days! :)

resabler profile image

when coding makes sense we really have to pay attention to what it has to say to its developers. Constantly updating the technological as well as the developing skills are the stuffs that really matters. |Though we are somewhere around the earth indeed actively connected with digital world. So I am here to learn, corporate and to collaborate with, to grow as a community overall for a deeper level of understanding of the developer skills

rmcampos profile image
Ricardo Campos

Hey! My name is Ricardo, and I'm here to start a new habit. I already have a personal blog, however, I'm looking for something closer to the tech community, so I'm bringing my stuff here.

I'm not very good with fun facts LOL. But here's one: I've met my wife through Facebook 11 years ago.

srikargunnam profile image
Srikar Gunnam

Hello! I'm Srikar Gunnam, I am Accounting Technician by profession, but finance & accounting is not my cup of tea, I'm passionate about computers, i love to code, so i planned a career change, now i am here in this coding world, I started with HTML, CSS & JavaScript.
But my goal is to become a full stack developer, so i am working on skills required to reach my goal.

Happy Coding!

hades42 profile image
Van Nguyen

Hi everyone, my name is Van Nguyen Nguyen. I'm currently an IT student who want make interesting and better software :V.

If you want to know more about me, you can check out my small personal website. I have a small blog in it to share all interesting things I learn from the internet.

Or checkout my Github to know more stuff I did.

Hope you have a lot of fun on your dev journey as well!

xzavyeradams profile image
Xzavyer Adams

Hi! I'm Xzavyer Adams and I've been messing with programming and software development for about 3 years. I recently turned 16 and I'm a sophomore in highschool. I enjoy programming as it gives me the power to create wonderful things that could potentially help people and make their lives better. I strive to challenge myself and improve upon my knowledge.

dhermoza profile image
Denise Hermoza

Hello! I'm Denise, I just recently pivoted to software development and I'm super excited and looking forward to my first role in dev! I love hiking and currently learning all about React. My web stack is Ruby and RoR. Looking forward to keep on learning!

murathan profile image

Hi I am a Beginner Frontend and Javascript developer who does not have a CS degree. Initially I learned Java as an object oriented programming language. I have knowledge of HTML, CSS, SCSS, VanillaJS and I am currently learning React and NodeJS.

excceedd profile image
Excel Prosper

Hello everyone, I'm Excel Prosper, and I work as a software developer. I enjoy staying up to date on the latest technological innovations. And I learn a lot when I explain to others how I approach problem solving. I'm looking for like-minded companions to share, learn from, and with!

urbanhawktech profile image
Robert Sugar

Hello! I am Robert, and I am responsible for the existence of Urban Hawk and the Polaron World Engine. That is more about geospatial and location intelligence. We do web related stuff too regarding our own pages and services. The reason for being here is to get to know the developer community better as we will have a lot more to share in the near future. Solutions both free/open source and commercial. Nevertheless the developer community might utilise on our frameworks and bring them to success that would be a win-win for all sides. Looking forward very much. I recently found out about It's encouraging to see that more and more community sites like this one exist for developers. Thanks for listening to my bla-bla. Best wishes, Robert

luh_nuke_har profile image

Hi, I'm Luhar. Working in an automotive tier 2 company as an automotive software engineer. Though I work in this domain, my passion is to work on Full stack/back end development. I'm also inspired to learn the latest web 3 technologies to make myself a Web 3 fullstack developer 😃.
Also, I like to connect with people who have backgrounds from entrepreneurship, marketing, investment and leadership. Can't wait to interact with y'all💪

xzentorian profile image
Jonny Thorman

I'm jonny and im also new to software dewelopment.
currently self employed as a painter, witch i have been doing for over 10 years.
i have always been intrested in CS and now when the incomming jobs are lower at winter time i took a deep dive into this field.

i have learned the basics of html css and i am currently in the process of honing my skills in javascript.

i'm really having fun, this is awsomne.
looking forward to interact with likeminded people since in the real world i dont know enyone to talk to or learn from with this.


unclemichael profile image

I'm a retired elderly lawyer trying to understand blockchain so I can create an alternative to Facebook for my meditation community of some 20,000 people. But I have zero coding skills at the moment.
IS it to late to teach an old dog new tricks?

urstrulyvishwak profile image
Kurapati Mahesh • Edited


I'm Vishwak and I'm Angular developer. I am here to share my knowledge by creating javasript content. Also, started with my first article

Want to share more on Javascript. Also, I will learn from wonderful hereos.


zshumba profile image

Hello! I'm Zivai and I'm still learning software development as a career. I'm skilled in HTML, CSS, JS, JQuery, Angular, React, Python and am currently learning Ionic, PHP and Node. I know the very basics of Java, C and C++. I hope to learn more here and grow as a developer.

ezechielkiregha profile image
AI_Mirror_Comp | Kiregha Corp • Edited

Hey! I'm Ezechiel from Artificial Intelligence in Mirror KIREGHA CORP, I'm interested in advanced technology such as machine learning, AI, game dev, computer programming and so ➡, I'm here to provide you with my contributions, see how is it impact the worldwide in evolution. I'm specialized in ideas sharing in mentioned fields, teaching you the required knowledge, improve the skills needed for your career , the most important I just wanna get feedback from DEV COMMUNITY.

Get known with me on social media :
My LinkedIn
My YouTube channel
My Instagram
My Facebook page

jinalshah profile image
Jinal Shah • Edited

Hi everyone, I'm Jinal, a senior software developer from India walking the endless path of learning programming, this beautiful and complex craft, plenty of unanswered questions.

Aiming perfection, handling imperfection but also throwing exceptions.

I'm mostly a reader but I may post something from time to time.

Keep learning. We programmers are changing the world.

muriithigakuru profile image
Muriithi Gakuru


manoj496 profile image


Idk where to post the question. Hope someone helps :)
Azure devops pipelines question
I want to consume artifacts of one pipeline from another pipeline.
Ex: Pipeline A should consume artifacts of Pipeline B
Also Pipeline B should trigger when there is Pull request / change in Pipeline A, so that its latest will be consumed.
FYI: All the piplines are present in same project

acerzhou profile image
Acer Zhou

Hello! I am Acer, a software developer. Having been working on projects using c#, NodeJS, and React. Current learning using Go Lang. I join the community via referral from my colleague. So excited to see so many people here.

imaryan08 profile image
Rampukar Yadav

Hi, My self Rampukar Yadav and I'm from Delhi,India and currently I am learning Full stack web development (MERN). and right now I am at the ES6 concept of JS that is really amazing.Now,I'm feeling like i need not to write lot of code like before. Need some guidence from you guys.

haradhansharma profile image
Haradhan Sharma

Hello, I am Haradhan Sharma, Currently Passionate in Python-Django and Django rest Framework.
Expert in Opencart3.

Worked on ERP, eCommerce, Custom Business logic implementation.

Freelancing is my profession.

Thank You all.

nancykenneth profile image

Hi, I'm Nancy Kenneth from Nigeria
I'm actually new to tech and looking forward to be a software engineer soon. I'm here to learn, share and get developed.
I believe this community will help me achieve that goal

alliswell100 profile image
Alliswell Godwin

hey, i'm Samuel Godwin, an undergrad. currently building a career in tech, learning the basic for front-end web development, i have good basic knowledge of Html, CSS and javascript.
i'm here to people that would help me achieve the goal of becoming a front-end web developer.

seeing the innovations in the tech space, this has made me fall in love with every bit of technology relating to software.

birdie_ou profile image
Birdie Ou • Edited

Hey, everyone. I started learning to code over 1 year ago. It hasn't been a smooth ride for me. I came across DEV by accident and decided to create an account to be a part of the supportive community. Last year I took multiple coding/ux design online courses at the same time and ended up feeling very burnt out. After a month long break, I am ready to get back to the grind. At the moment, I am relearning Javascript and playing around with Dart(Flutter). Because I am a UX designer in training, I am planning to code out my mobile app designs toward the end of my UX program. A fun fact about me: I love anything culture related. In particular, Nordic culture. That's the legit reason for me to stay addicted to binge-watching Nordic crime dramas. And I have been teaching myself Norwegian for three years. Myself, not a good speaker of the language yet, but I can tell you this: Jeg elsker bjørner. (I love bears.) It's not an important fact about me. I just say it for fun whenever I can. Sorry, I like typing out silly things. Hey, that's the real fun fact about me.

acerzhou profile image
Acer Zhou

Hello Welcome Birdie Ou

ammarsherif profile image
Ammar Sherif Mohammed

Hey! I'm Ammar Sherif and I've been web developing and web designing for over two years now. I actually stick with front-end (HTML, CSS & Frameworks). I discovered web development when one of my classmates introduced me to it and I eventually loved it so much. I still have a lot to learn but I still do my best to design and build websites.

kel7774 profile image
Kelli Landry

Hey guys, I'm Kelli, former social worker turned software developer. I left behind my career in 2018 to pursue this full time. I'm a junior developer at Turner Industries in Louisiana. My main focus is to become full stack with an emphasis on mastering JavaScript and C#. Glad to be here!

daviluca profile image
Davi dos Santos Luca

Olá a todos! Que alegria estar aqui com vocês, estou louco para aprender como desenvolver uma aplicação de geofencing, espero encontrar pessoas incrível para me ajudar nisso e posso auxiliar também em alguma coisa relacionada a GIS.

jykim profile image

I'm JY. I'm a self-taught wb developer and loves Javascript, React, Next.js.
I alwasys love to learn new things and challenges. Love to learn from this community and one day, hope to contribute my knowledge here.

rotemtam profile image
Rotem Tamir

Hey !
My name is Rotem, from Tel-Aviv. Have been coding since elementary school, nowadays co-founder of Ariga and maintainer of and - two really cool open source projects .

Feel free to ask me anything !

reza1001427 profile image

Hi everyone;
I'm Reza I'm learning html, css, js to become a webdeveloper my next goal is increse my skills and learn Web3 and solidity.

I'm kind of like decentralizaition standard and I'm trying to be a part of this path.
I hope I get successful.

majorth profile image
Todd H

Hello , I’m Todd. I’m a retired Army officer. While retirement is nice, idle time isn’t. Computers and coding have intrigued me over the last 20 years. I thought why not work through a coding program like Odin or Free Code Camp, which I’m currently working through attributes of both, since I like computers, problem solving and have time. I’m enjoying my experience. Coding is amazing. I’m looking forward to being involved on the site with like minded individuals. Thanks!

ironcapitan448 profile image

Hello Everyone! I'm a Database Admin from past 8 years and now I'm in verge of switching career to Dev-ops! I mean Why not? Better late than never right?! I read many wonderful articles from this community and finally thought of signing up today! Any pages or leads to enhance my journey is appreciated.

paulomessias1 profile image

Hello my friends.
I very happy to be here! :)
I hope learning with you and help you for something.
I speak from Manaus, Amazonas. Maybe can be distant from you, but we are aligned in the objective of learning and sharing knowledge.

asadbek2021 profile image

Hi, my name is Asadbek and I am the 3rd student of Mining and Metallurgy Institute. The fact is that mining work is not interesting for me at all, and I can't imagine my future with it. Also, as a child I was keen on writing codes in computer, so I want to be successful software developer. Now, I know HTML, CSS, Vanilla Js, Node.js, docker,git github, typescript. I hope reading articles on helps to improve my skills!

paulomessias1 profile image

Hello my friends.
I very happy to be here! :)
I hope learning with you and help you for something.
I speak from Manaus, Amazonas. Maybe can be distant from you, but we are aligned in the same objective of learning and sharing knowledge.
This is my Linkedin:
Instagram: guitar_paulo

mustafamukadam profile image

I am an average developer, with an average job, earning decent money. I am good at explaining stuff but not so good at getting started. Once upon a time long long ago I was trapped inside this philosophy of "either do it perfectly or not all" and am looking for a way out since. My best achievement so far in my tech writing career is creating account on 17 platforms. But you know what they say, 18th time is the charm!

Hoping for a miracle of taking the second step in my journey of a thousand miles🤞

cliforde profile image

Je m'appelle Cliforde Exael, je suis chirurgien-dentiste de profession mais le codage m'a toujours fasciné.. Je profite de mes temps libres pour en apprendre beaucoup plus chaque jour. Je suis à mes tout débuts, mais j'espère pouvoir progresser rapidement.

mohammedihsaan profile image
Mohammed Ihsaanul Haque

Hello everyone! I am a Frontend React.js Developer still in learning phase . I am here to learn more about React, Java Script, and anything else I find interesting! Please reach out to me if you're willing to support me on my new journey. Thank you for having me!

ryanjacob profile image
Ryan Heid

Hi everyone! I am a student in a Web and Mobile App Development program in Canada, and I am very new to coding. I am here to learn more about Java Script, and anything else I find interesting! Please reach out to me if you're willing to support me on my new journey. Thank you for having me!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome everyone!

heriadi51 profile image

Hello I'm Heri new to software development

codewithyaku profile image

Hi my name is Brian and I'm working on Web3 projects visit my page here thanks

manuartero profile image
Manuel Artero Anguita 🟨

Hi there! My name is Manu, My family and I -we- live in Madrid ( 🇪🇸 ) i've been reading for years now, and recently I've decided to start actively using it. 👋

shalinibaskaran12 profile image
Shalini Baskaran

Hey everyone, I am Bhakti- Techinical writer with more than 6 years of experience

unipres1 profile image

Am new to the field of software development. Am inspire by self motivation and self taught. I will be glad to learn from anyone here . Thanks

ilaahmetov profile image

i am web dev and ux architecture

tylerroost profile image

I'm Tyler the Timelord come home to Roost. Doubt me if you have to. I understand truly.

gen profile image

I found this site by accident

ppankaj01 profile image
praveen pankaj

I am here to learn efficient coding .Appreciate your help.Guide me

musawenkosi_biyela_634bd profile image
Musa Wenkosi Biyela

Hi! I am Musawenkosi I hope that I am in a right space where I can learn and share whatever we put our minds into, for the positive outcomes.

muriithigakuru profile image
Muriithi Gakuru

Hello, I'm Muriithi Gakuru. I'm a software developer and student. I just started writing tech articles and I'm loving it.

mnogokotin profile image
Олег Малакотин


lesegothathane profile image

Lesego, here to learn.

ludicrousgibs profile image
Marx Marvelous

Howdy! I am an old dog trying to learn new (to me) tricks. However, I have said that before; thus, I have been around the County once or twice , but I am now looking to get out, so to speak.

williamqt profile image

Hi I'm William.... It's good to be here.

coding_worrior profile image

Hello! I am abhilash. I am a B. Tech student I am here to learn more about the new evolving technology

iqpersonal profile image
Iqbal Mohammedali

Hello, I am Iqbal, like to learn new things from the experts.

saycheese profile image

Welcome everyone. I am a Frontend and JavaScript developer currently learning React and React-Native.

We have won the Corona. Stop coding for a min. Give yourself a pizza treat. :)

teejayredex profile image

Hello I'm Tee Jay am here to learn a lot that it cannot be listed

bagata_h profile image
hızır bagata

hello i agree with you keep having fun keep improving ourselves

ashergoat profile image
Ashleigh Roberts • Edited

Hello Dev peoples! Nothing better then a coding community. We help each other out. 🫂

ajayanuragi profile image
Ajay Anuragi

Hello! I'm Ajay Anuragi and I'm new to Web Development i am learning right now looking forward to contribute to the community.

catrin__s profile image
Catherine Starobor-Strakhova

Hi there! I'm Catherine, game UI UX designer. I'm working on my pet project and I would like to post the progress here

birdie_ou profile image
Birdie Ou

Hi, Catherine. High five! Wish you luck.

isybay profile image

I am super excited to be part of this community. I am Israel, from Nigeria. I am a software engineer and data scientist. I look forward to learning from and connecting with you all!

matilobrim profile image

Hey everyone Matilobrim here from Australia. I recently switched career from social work to tech. I graduated a bootcamp.

feyiman profile image

My name is Feyi. I am new to programming although I was introduced to C++ in my undergrad years. I am currently learning Python and I have a keen interest in AI and ML.
I'm glad to be onboard.

bluekodez profile image
Aniebiet Patrick

Hi guys, I'm Aniebiet Patrick from Uyo. I just starting off with html and css. I want to grow in technical writing, front end development, etc

okoye_angela profile image
Angela Okoye

Hi all, am Angela, am new to software development, I am super excited to learn this field. Am a Product Manager and would love to learn some Dev skills for career growth.

yousafgill profile image
Yousaf Gill

Hi Everyone,
I am Yousaf Gill, and i am a open source contributor and passionate about learning and sharing my experience.

deepakvijayan profile image
Deepak K Vijayan

Hello everyone, I'm Deepak. Started as a web designer in 2010. Now I do hybrid app development and some Wordpress development. Happy to be here.

anexponent profile image
Azeez Adesina

Hi, my name is Adesina Azeez. I am a fullstack backend heavy developer with years of experience. I've not been actively participating in the community which I am hoping to change from now on

shravansuresh profile image
Shravan Suresh

Im that 18yr old kid ##side hustling!

junsupark profile image
Junsu Park

Hello, my name is Junsu Park. I'm currently working through The Odin Project with the goal of becoming a web developer/software engineer!

sarita8770 profile image
Sarita Patel

Hello! This is Sarita Patel . A Computer Science enthusiast from OIST

yinpo profile image

🤔... i'm here to learn English.
by the way, how do you type emoticons?

beyerleinf profile image
Fabian Beyerlein • Edited

Hi everyone! My name is Fabian and I‘m a Software Developer from Germany 🇩🇪 My top skills include Angular, Node.js and Microsoft Azure :)

lafondenterprises profile image
Dana LaFond

Hey, Google me.

nkemjikanma profile image

Hello everyone, my name is Nkemjika and I currently learning to become a a web3 full stack dev. Wish me luck. Cheers

voipconsultamt profile image
Robert Cambell


sgtgreen profile image
Fabi @SgtGreen

Hello :)

kwamekekeli profile image

Hello everyone. I am Jesse from Ghana. I am basically hungry for knowledge and curious to learn new things

askmadden17 profile image
Mike M

Hi I'm Mike. Learning React at the moment and trying to start on Express. Very new to coding in general.

aristotelisagoratsios profile image
Aristotelis Agoratsios

Hello to everyone!
I am from Greece and I am glad to join to this community, I'm Web Developer and Software Engineer and I hope I can learn and share what I can here.

muralidhar9e profile image

Hi Everyone, i have found this DEV link while doiong a search on microservices roadmap. Glad i found this good website. I am very interested to learn technologies.

hmvmpire profile image
Mian Hassan

Hello i'm Hassan and i'm Fullstack developer, and my coding just like a beautiful girl with a beautiful makeup, i don't mind to make hands dirty with new programing languages.

lee1980 profile image

Hi Hassan I want to discuss about new developer position in our company.

rachitshah19861 profile image
rachit shah

Hi All, Glad to join this community. I love reading about Micro Frontend, React, Java Script etc.

c42759 profile image
Carlos Santos

Hi everyone,
glad to join to this community, I'm a Software Engineer since 2012, now moving from Fullstack Develpment to DevOps (a new thing for me). I hope I can learn and share what I can here. :D

codewitholgun profile image

Hello everyone, I am a software engineer from Northern Cyprus and I do work for a Telecommunication and ISP Company. I am a Laravel Framework enthusiast and PHP Developer over 7 years of experience :)

madalenafsaraiva profile image

hello! i'm madalena a product designer very curious about coding.

am_mambo profile image
John Mambo

Hey there I'm John, a student and junior developer, still young to web development. I'm curious and want to learn more of PHP and JavaScript.

andnig profile image
Andreas Nigg

Hello, I'm Andreas and I'm interested in latest trends about app and mobile game development.