Welcome to DEV!
Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
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Hello everybody
My name is Wagner Barros.
I found you guys when I was customizing my Github profile.
I'm a beginner in TI, in my first steps.
My interest is to know the HTML, CSS and JavaScript languages, to try to develop some project.
I confess that it is very challenging but not impossible.
I hope to count on the experience of all of you
Welcome to DEV!
Lots of great knowledge/support to be gained in the DEV community, welcome Wagner!
Best of luck on your journey, you're doing great!
Thanks a lot for the feetback
Welcome to the community!
Welcome onboard Wagner 😊
Dear Jamiu Adesina
Thank you very much.
I'm very happy to be part of this team.
Hope you have a great time ahead.
I'm with you, same learning, and up for the challenge!! Can't wait for it!
This is the reaction to React JS :-). I am here for the javascript, typescript and all that goes in around and along with it to write some code and create some UIs and then may a Product sometime in future.
Welcome to the community! Can't wait to see what you build :D
:D ... Thanks for that I hope .... :D
hello Ajith, I am also interested in making UI's!
The best
Hello fellow learners and respected mentors
It's Divya this side!
I am an Indian
I got to know about this amazing community through a Udacity course
Hope to learn lots, build amazing projects and increase my network
Am excited for this journey
my LinkedIn profile- linkedin.com/in/divya-singh-444b4b190
Let's connect
Welcome to dev community.
This is Tani, full stack develpoer.
Am excited to meet you here.
Let's start our journey towards top IT engineer.
Thanks for reading.
Yes sir, let's work hard to achieve our goals
Hello, my name is Tanner. I am an aspiring flutter dev and I came here to learn!
Welcome to DEV!
That's great Tanner, welcome to the community!! :D
Hi Chris. Thanks, glad to be here!
Hello fellow learners and respected mentors
My name is Divya
I am an Indian
I got to know about the udacity scholarship programme by an Youtube channel
There i got the link for this channel
Hope to learn lots, develop lots of great projects, increase my network ,..
Am excited for the journey coming ahead
Hello everybody
My name is Divya, and i am an Indian
I got to know about this amazing channel in a Udacity course
Hope to learn lots, build some great projects, and increase my network
Am excited for this journey
Let's connect- linkedin.com/in/divya-singh-444b4b190
Welcome everyone 🤩
Hello, everybody.
My name is Sun Kai. I come from China.
I found Dev accidentally when I searched golang's Pprof information. I am a programmer by profession, and I am good at shell, Python and Golang. Nice to meet you
Hey folks!
I'm a Product Manager working on Fluent UI React and I'm here to share out code examples to help up level dev experience with the UI library. Interested in feedback and ideas on what kind of things to share out in the future.
Pleased to meet everyone! 👋
Hello everyone
I'm Adesanya 'Tito
I'm a newbie Java/Springboot developer
I'm currently working on an online pharmacy that matches users with closest pharmacies around them when they search for products.
I'm here to learn from as many people as I can because as much as too many cooks spoil the broth, I believe advices from experienced cooks regardless of how many they are only makes the broth better.
Hi Adesanya, welcome to the community 👋
Welcome everybody,
I share with you my Open Source Projects that I'm working on:
Header-Only C++ Library for Graph Representation and Algorithms
Share on
CXXGraph is a small library, header only, that manages the Graph and it's algorithms in C++. In other words a "Comprehensive C++ Graph Library" An alternative to Boost Graph Library (BGL).
We are Looking for...
We are looking for:
If you are interested, please contact us at zigrazor@gmail.com or contribute to this project. We are waiting for you!
A C++ Library that give microservice framework ( Server / Client ) upon 0mq framework
A C++ Library that give microservice framework ( Server / Client )
CXXMicroService is a C++ library, that manages MicroServices, upon different Framework ( actually only 0mq is implemented).
We are Looking for...
We are looking for:
If you are interested, please contact us at zigrazor@gmail.com or contribute to this project. We are waiting for you!
Multi Thread Library
MTL (Multi Threading Library)
Multi Threading Library is a set of utilities, easy and ready to use for common task in multi threading environment and development.
See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
Getting Started
This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
The following are required to get the project up and running.
Google Test
Python State Machine
PyStateMachine is a Framework that support state machines in Python
How to Run
Work in Progess
Work in Progess
Test Suite
Work in Progress
How to contribute
We are pleased to inform you that this repository is participating in the #Hacktoberfest!
Happy Coding!
E-Mail : zigrazor@gmail.com
GitHub Profile
To support me just add Star the project
or follow me 
To get updated watch the project
Project Info
Hello devs, I'm Souvik Mandal.
I'm doing web development since 2 years..
And after working with various frameworks and libraries in javascript now I claim myself as a full-stack JavaScript developer. But as you know learning never ends, I'm still learning various stuffs now.
Till now I've learnt:
Front-end: reactJS, NextJS, tailwind, sass, React Native, Socket IO, Gatsby, template engines with express (ejs, handlebars)
Back-end: Express JS, CMS (strapi), graphQL
Database: mongoDB, mongoose, mySQL, redis
DevOps & others: docker, CI/CD, GCP, Firebase, dealing with various kind of APIs etc.
Some of my project are published publicly in my GitHub ( check my "gofer-go" project)
Let's talk about what should we focus more to learn,
Any kind of doubt about anything, let's discuss..
And please recall me to collaborate for any project 😀
intresting journey, keep up mate.
Hey, my name is Emanuel, i am from Colombia Medellin. I work has a software developer, and also, i am a student in data science engineer.
Welcome to DEV! 👋
Heyo Emanuel, that's fantastic! Love meeting fellow data scientists and engineers, welcome to the community!
Hi here.
Venturing fully into JavaScript brought me here.
Best of luck on your journey - welcome to the community!!!!
Welcome to DEV!
Bonjour everyone. i'm a newbie. my name Bianka but most call me B.
Can anyone tell me why when it doesn't react to clicking to coose file to change my profile pic. any help appriciated.... thankyou xxx
Why, hello!
I like bunnies, indeed my younger sister is Baby the Bunny (depicted over my shoulder bellow).
I'm here to write about some workarounds like discordOps
I am Tani Kichiro from Japan.
Nice to meet you.
I want to develop my technical skills with you.
I am full stack developer who has experience over 5 years.
Mostly in ReactJS, VueJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, MSSQL, NextJS and so on.
I am learning React Native which is one of the hottest libraries in mobile app development.
Thanks in advance to help me with technical issue and help me getting some jobs with above stacks.
Thanks again for reading my first blog.
Best Regards.
Hi, Everyone.
My name is Tani from Japan.
I am very glad to introduce to you myself.
I am a fullstack developer experienced in mostly MERN, MEAN.
I am learning about dart language to develop Flutter app because I think this is one of the hottest libraries in mobile/web.
Thanks in advance to help me with high technical skills and introduce me some jobs.
Thanks so much again for attention in my first blog.
Hey my fellow IT friends, I'm a relatively new programming student who is currently trying to understand Async JS, Node, API and Database integration.
Hope y'all could help me with that
A big hug to all of you and a special thanks to the dev who made it possible to remove " last seen " on whatsapp, you are a life saver!!!
Hello guys! I will say I’m happy to be here.
I’m currently learning react and find here while battling with while anonymous functions are so confusing.
You guys are amazing.
I’m sure am gonna be a pro someday with you guys presence in the community
Thanks to the Organizers. ⚡️
Hello everybody
My name is Ayomide Gbadebo, i'am Nigerian.
I found you guys while making research in the course of improving my skills.
i'am learning web developing, with hope of tansiting to Web3 and Blockchain Development.
My interest is to know the HTML, CSS and JavaScript languages, to try to develop some project.
I hope to learn from the bank of experience of you all. Thank y'all.
Hello Community!
My name is Takahashi Hiroyuki, a full-stack software engineer.
I started my career with front-end and kept walking to back-end with low-level languages like Go and Rust.
I am eager to learn many things in terms of solutions for technic, product and management.
Hello everybody
Im new at programming so sometimes i get struggle with my program
im just learning about html,css adn js and i get interest with that all
i hope i can learn everything from basic to the next level from you all
thank youu
Hello everyone,
Just joined today. Have been investing a lot of free time in learning Frond-End Development. Viewed hours of tutorials and read many posts/articles to get stuff done. Most familiair with HTML, CSS and Javascript. But still got A LOT to learn. Have followed an Angular-course as well and trying to build my first app. Not going smoothly so hope to learn here!
Hey everyone!
My name is Puput. I am from Indonesia but I can speak Norwegian and a little bit Spanish. I've started working in tech as a Technical Writer and now found myself working towards my goal to become a front-end engineer. currently mastering my skills in javascript while building a website or two here and there, then I cannot wait to start jumping into Javascript framework!! should I start with React or Vue? :)
Welcome dev community.
This is Tani, Full stack developer, from Japan.
I admire to be a front-end developer.
Let's start our journey towards top developer together.
It is okay to select React or Vue, whatever else.
They have their own charming points respectly.
But if someone asks me which is better, I select React without any concern.
It depends on your choice.
Hi All, Blessing
My name is Amira de Moya. I am currently a student at Flatiron, learning Software Engineer. I am in phase 1 and part of the requirement is to start a blog. Everything is so new to me so any advice/help would be most appreciated. I am learning JavaScript, HTML and CSS at the moment.
Hello everyone, I'm just a begginer in Full-stack Engineer on CodeAcademy. I always wanted to code, but never had a chance to do it because of my parents desicion. Now I Do. I'm learning currently JavaScript, React and SQL, html & CSS was the easy part. I'd like to develop Casino Staff App, focusing on the people who works in this though enviroment.
Welcome to dev community.
Bonjour everyone.
I'm a newbie. my name Bianka but most call me B.
Can anyone tell me why when it doesn't react to clicking to coose file to change my profile pic. any help appriciated.... thankyou xxx
Hello Devs,
My name is Mohammed Khurram
Got to know about DEV from github profile.
I'am a graduate engineer, graduated at PES university, Btech computer science 2022.
Not a big developer guy but interested in learning new things.
Web development, PowerShell, Power Platforms, Java, doing some silly things with programming, these are my interests.
Very happy to join this community.
hey there
I'm Bishal Sen and as you can guess from my username? taking up computer science as my major has been quite hectic.
I've known about dev since idk a year ago but my asocial tendencies kept me away ig. but I'm here now anyway.
I've been studying cyber security and penetration testing. I also know my way around python kotlin and c. ( and some HTML and CSS)
so.. let's hope this goes as planned :)
Hello everyone 🙂
I'm Juha and I ended here after reading an article about testing here on dev.to.
I'm interested in software testing and Typescript/Javascript languages. I can help you with for example Typescript Compiler API which is used to parse your Typescript code after which you can for example modify the code programmatically.
I hope to learn from you people and be helpful for you all 🙂
Hi there, It's Ali Hassan. Knew about this platform while searching best #blockchain contribution and learning platform. As I'm also a beginner, hope to get useful advices and suggestion on my journey from a veteran community of this space.
Hi everyone,
This place looks fun 🥳 !! My name is Juan, I've been a software engineer for a few years. I hope to learn a lot and then contribute some knowledge to the community or at least some memes.
I am interested in improving my knowledge in backend and I would love to improve my English too 😅
Finally I leave you with some wise words from Uncle Bob
"Truth can only be found in one place: the code."
Hi everyone,
I'm Scott McDonald. I've worked as a CAD operator for a survey company for 3 years and got laid off recently. In my free time now, I've been taking online classes for several months to learn front end development and I'm loving it so much more than what I've been doing at work. I've decided to make a career change and my only regret is not doing it sooner.
Hi guys,
I am Pachal Ozoemena, I'm a junior forntend web dev, and i look forward to having with you guys who have same interest in code as i do, and i hope to learn from you guys
I am currently still learning Javascript.
Hi everyone, ny name is Alimazoya David. I have been wanting to join a community like this since i picked programming as a career.
I am a full-stack software developer with expertise in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, react, node and java languages.
I am here to learn and improve myself.
I'm Melvin from India, and I am a final year BTech student. I really enjoy learning languages and frameworks like React and Django, as well as work in WordPress and Wagtail CMS. I'm excited to learn and interact with the community.
Hey Everyone! My name is Xauvkub Yang. I've been learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript at FlatIron coding camp to get into software enginering . I'm excited to learn a lot from you all and logging my progress in my skills. :)
Hello everyone. My name is Rahul and I am a web developer focusing mainly on frontend. I like to work with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. My focus area is on ReactJS. Excited to learn something new from this community 🤩
Hello wonderful people of dev.to,
I found this website in my pursuit of finding a community to learn and grow with. So far I have been blown away by the resources that are there.
I am an absolute beginner in tech, would love to learn the skills required to create applications that run fast and are low on system resources...
Looking forward to learning web development because of how easy it is to publish my work...but I want to learn the concepts that when understood will allow me to take up any programming language...
I love challenges and would love for any and all suggestions.
Stay Safe and hope everyone has a great time ahead!!
Hi,my name is Kauã
I'm here to learn new concepts and how to become a good dev,
I don't know which branch of programming I'd like to follow with, so I'm sailing over some of them
I'm excited to start learning and interacting with the community
Hi everyone,
My name is Adedayo a self taught React developer who is trying to upscale his skill, learn, write and blog about my programming Journey and all that interest me from day to day.
Just got to know about this community today and I'm hoping to connect with you all
Hey everybody
I'm Suat Can, I've been learning and composing projects related on front-end dev. landscape , at this time, I'm an intern at my company which is third-party module for e-commerce websites. so we can track and collect user data , then we're able to show relavent prodcuts our on widget , searchbox, and so on. Ultimately we give feed back to our customer what we've done for sell their product and what we've achieved beside all their endeavour on website.
In these days, I improveing my skills give feedback from developers who work same company , so I can see others people perspective and learn new features from.
Besides all this stuff , I've been learning and experience company system , I believe that ease my integration , therefore I can get used to some other organization.
Wish me good luck on my journey , I've been giving my best all the time.
Hello everyone!
I'm Alfiya
I have read some amazing articles from this community before and now I joined it .
I am a computer science student and I have to learn so many languages as the part of academics
But my core interest is web development and I am good at front-end and learning for backend
Looking forward to learn and share a lot from here
Thank you!!
Hello everybody!
I am Saswata Halder.
I came to know about you guys from a Discord server.
Currently learning Python.
My aim is to become a full stack web developer. Looking forward to gain all sorts of experiences and knowledge from you guys!
I hope this journey will be an exciting one!!
Hello fellow developers!
I'm Geomar (Maybe the name is bit weird for you, that's because I'm from LATAM)
And right now I'm beginning on my journey on becoming a Front-End Web Developer!
I want to first, work as a freelancer, and then, with the money and experience, build some kind of online business.
I don't know how the journey will go, but I know that it'll be fun!
Any advice for a newbie is welcome!
Hello everyone,
I'm Divyansh from India.
I am a student but have some major skillset in web development especially in React (Next.js)
I have worked on several project on personal basis for long enough that I think now it's time to work with others or to contribute to the community in any way possible (and also to learn new cool stuff).
Really looking forward to share bugs and smiles with you guys.
Hello people! My name is Igor Igić. I am traveling a lot but I'm based in Serbia, Belgrade. I am owner of a fitness mentoring and I am helping software developers achieve amazing results with minimal effort to build lean body and get better health. Beside that, I am coding in C# in free time haha and would love to know more about it.
Hello devs!
I'm Arturo Martínez, Frontend Teach Lead in Adhara.io.
I have more than 10 years of experience developing software, from DB up to frontend.
What I deeply know is HTML, CSS and ES6+ (javascript ® is a trademark ...)
I've made a job from my hobby, but my real passion is playing my guitar and World of Warcraft ®.
Hi everyone!
My name is Mohammad Yama Azimi and I found this community through a youtube video. I am very happy to be part of this fine community and look forward learning from the best.
My goal is to become a blockchain developer with a focus on smart contracts. Currently, I am learning web development basics (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript).
Hello everybody.
My name is Renato Brito. I met DEV Community when I was reading something about JavaScript in 2019. I loved the design, colors and more stuffs. I'm from Brazil and the best way to learn programming and practice English of way so cool is here. I'm generalist about everything, however I'm deep learning JS to apply on React and that way, earn my first job as Front-end Developer.
Well, it's all. See ya!
Hello everyone, I'm Jamiu from Nigeria.
I'm a graphic designer transitioning into becoming a Software Engineer. This is my first month of being a developer and I'm still learning the basics of HTML and CSS. My long term goal is to contribute to the future of technology in Africa, build a products that will create positive impacts, and land a good job with a company that supports my goal.
It's nice been here and I'm looking forward to connecting with anyone. Thanks for having me.
Hiya! I'm Anne, a fresh graduate of an MPhil in Classics...
I know, I know—to be honest, I've been working in humanities-related things all my life. I love learning new things, though, so tinkering with some code was way too tempting not to try. A bunch of rabbitholes later, here I am, considering a career shift! I love the idea of DEV as it's very nice to find specialised communities that aren't necessarily technical (like Stack Overflow) or work-adjacent (cough cough LinkedIn!).
I wrote my first post last night about my current perspective on the whole tech world, so if you wanna know more about me, you can read it here: dev.to/kleinlikeblue/hypotheses-of...
It's so lovely to meet you all!
Hi Guys
My name is Vivek Saha.
I dont knew about this site but after exploring more in coding field
i found this site...i dont know what should i post or do in this site
but i guess u guys can help me in that....
i am a beginner and right now i have interest in web and app development
i am working on my portfolio site and apart from that em going to do my
first training and intership on app development next month onward for straight 3 months
sooooo......looking forward to it :-)
Hello everybody
I am Hamzat Abdul-Muizz
A frontend developer and an enthusiast full stack developer
I have experience in building projects with html, CSS and JavaScript
I am looking forward to learning and sharing ideas with you and everyone else here
The journey hasn't been easy but with hard work and being surrounded by great mind it becomes more achievable.
Hello, I'm Eddy.
I joined this community so I could improve my skillset. Started learning JavaScript for some months and would love to know what to do next and for you guys to check and test my progress. I would also love to build projects with HTML,CSS and JavaScript. Thanks
Hi everyone, My name is faith.
I’m here to learn and also to share ideas within the community of like minds.
I’m a mobile software developer and am looking forward to having a nice experience on here
Hi everyone, I go by the name Wilson. I'm new to this platform. Came to learn new things and stay up to date with the current developers. I study software engineering at Zetech University. Apart from that, I also make beats in FL Studio 20. Check out my Instagram @bleedin_redd #LetsGrowTogether.
Hi All - I can barely use python and I have tinkered with #CSS but only for Unity. I am a leadership coach that works with engineers, creators, and the dev community. I help thinkers think and support their career development. Looking forward to learning more on this platform.
I join this wondefull comunity to learn web development.
Welcome welcome!!!!!
Hello everyone, I'm Elvis, a software developer.
Just found out about dev.to via a book I was reading and I am happy to join you guys.🤓
Hi everyone, my name is talal. Here to learn and given back to the community.
Here is my github: github.com/maborosh1
Hello everybody
My name is Blazing X Forger
I came to know about this community form github.
I hope to count on the experience of all of you.
My name is Seonyeong Jeong. but call me gardenia!
I found when asking a question.
I love Javascript(Typescript)
and I want Study Java.
I'm not good at English.
But please take care of me!
Welcome Seonyeong!
HeyHey Devs im so excited to be with you all !
Hi everyone, I'm Yusuf.
dev.to tops the list of my seach for a community to join to career advancement in tech, here to meet amazing people.
Hello Guys
I'm Davie Karanja and very excited to be here. wont call myself an expect in python but at least I know my way around hehe!
looking forward to a great time together
Hellow.. New member on this hustlers side... I just here to learn more about programming since am a beginner on this issue.. Thus am looking forward from you guys.
Hello everyone, I am Thiruveedhula Manas. I am a student. I am currently learning C. I am interested in a data engineering role
Hello Everyone,
I am Abdelilah, and I am a Junior Web Developer.
Trying to gain more experience :) and exchange knowledge!
Hello everyone,
My name is yogesh sharma.
I found you guys on Twitter
I am a beginner in computer engineering.Please help me learn from basic level to pro level in this field.
hello 👋
Nice to be part of a dev community, hope to learn lots from all of you
Simple and neat, love dev.to 😘
Hello world.
Today is Day 1 of my Web Development journey.
A little apprehensive but committed.
hi everyone, my name is johan krause. I am learning about smart contracts right now.
Hi guys, am in these streets, I am in the 'data science journey'. Am sure I will learn a lot from you all. Cheers!
hello!!! Dev, I am an entry level developer and would love to meet others like me here.
My name is Praise
I’m a beginner in webdev
I'm a novice, please give me some pointers, thank you
Hello everyone !
I'm Manish Arya recently created account on DEV.
Love to learn new things from your works
Hi everyone, My name is Sharun.
I'm a Software Developer, working in a private firm.
I like to receive knowledge and support that dev community can offer and here to learn more about Java
Hi guys currently I am working as a Cloud Engineer in Australia. I am glad to join this community.
Hi, there I am Waqas Khan a Frontend Developer. I love HTML, CSS, Javascript and react js and wanna learn more. Wanna connect say hi.
Hello Guys
I'm Gamzo
I found you guys when I'm looking for a solution to solve my project error on symfony
I'm a beginner in Symfony .
I hope to count on the experience of all of you
Hi there, I'm here to share my experience as a frontend and backend dev. Mostly I have worked with React, ReactNative, node js, and AWS
Hi there, I'm here to share my experience as a frontend and backend dev. Mostly I have worked with React, ReactNative, node js, and AWS.
Hello everybody. I am glad to be part of Dev.
Hello Everybody!
My name is Yuriy Tsyutsyak
Im working as system engineer. Now learning AWS, terraform, conteiners, kubernetes
Lots of great knowledge/support to be gained in the DEV community, welcome Wagner!
Best of luck on your journey, you're doing great!
Nice day
Hey, it's me pradip Bhatt From Far western region of Nepal
Hello everyone
My name is Chris Peng. And I am interested in developing some useful apps to help people save the time or get the knowledge. Hope we can learn from each others.
Hello everyone! Currently learning React + Spring.
Hello devs, I'm SUBHI AL WATTAR
I'm doing Web development since 10 years
VueJs , Nuxt Js, ReactJS, NextJS, Boostrap, tailwind, SASS, React Native, Socket IO, Gatsby
Olá pessoal .
Iniciante na área de TI.
Hello everybody,
I am Tim. I really like Aspnet and Angular. I found this community very helpful in solving everyday tech puzzles.
Hello everybody
My name is Ishetu Husen
My interest is to know how to become software developer and to try to develop some project in different programming language
Hi Guys I'm Sakthivel.
I'm Currently Learning Java and It's Hard Especially OOPS concepts.
is there someone to help, how to study like that..?
Hello everybody. I'm ali moghimi and so happy join this Community. My interest is html, css and js and i love reactjs. Also Nextjs is awesome. Hope to learn and improve my front-end skills here.
Hi, my name is Ayoub am a junior web developer am interesting on mastering react js! I've been working as UI/UX designer for 2 years.
Hello guys, this is Dipankar here. Currently a Senior Software Engineer in LearningMate. I love to automate tasks with Python and here to learn and share knowledge
Hi All. Im Azmi still new in Dev looking forward to learn frm the community.
Hello there! 👋
Thanks community dev I am a beginning IT skill 0
good to see you here
Always lurked on memes monday post, then finally decided to join!
Im a Full stack develope working mostly with react typescript and nodejs mysql.
I am just here to learn...
Hello everyone.
I've joined here to learn but also help and write some useful for everyone code. I hope it will be possible.
Hi Team
My name is akshay. I am new to this and Looking forward to learn from you people.
Hello everyone,
I already knew DEV for a while but I decided to take the plunge today after reading an interesting article on git.
I hope it will be as useful as medium is to me :D
Hello there!)
Hi lovely people! I am Millicent with passion in programming. I am here to be helped and mentored.
Want to be a frontend developer. Thank you.
I'm definitely so happy where finding this powerful platform
Hi, best regards!!!
Hi everyone,
This is jc, former ABAP developer (with OOP) though still program if needed, currently learning functional programming, mostly Haskell & Erlang.
Hi my name is Uche I am here to learn more on full stack Nodejs precisely
Hello everyone, I'm spanish and I'm starting in this world after have finished my High Stuides. Now I'm learning .NET and hope to become a great Developer.
Hi everyone 👋
My name is Jonathan and I am a cloud software developer👨💻
At this time, I develop some projects (FE) and I am always ready to face new experiences and challenges. 😄
Welcome to dev community.
From here, our journey towards to top software engineer begins.
Nice to meet you.👋
Hi...i need some help in Python in context of Machine Learning programming...
<?php echo "Olá galera" ?>
Welcome, all :) from South Africa 🇿🇦
Hello Everybody,
My name is William Boswall and my passion is IT. I enjoy working with people as much as they enjoy working with me in making this world a better place than it is now.
Hello @all. I am Rahul Gupta ,a web developer.I enjoy programming until I haven't found any bug in my code.
Hey devs
I'm new in Android
And Now I'm here to explore the World of Dev's
Soo hey again 😃
Hi All, this is Sourav from India, Kolkata, working in cloud,devops,devsecops. Thanks everyone for welcoming in advance.
Hallo everyone, I'm really excited to be onboard and looking forward to learning new various Dev skills set from you all. Hopefully I'll also be able to add a little value to the body of knowledge.
I love this community.
I will contribute to this.
Hey, my name is Joe and I’m learning to code. Btw… I’m lazy..:D
Welcome everyone 🙂
I'm Michal, front-end developer from Poland.
I've heard about dev.to as a great place to learn and share knowledge.
Hope to put some valuable content to the community too 🙃.
Bonjour a tous, je me suis inscrit sur se site car. j'aimerais me faire des connaissances dans le monde du développement web la tech et autres et aussi apprendre de nouvel chose tout les jours