
Welcome Thread - v218 staff on March 29, 2023

Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yoursel...
maxdraws profile image
Max Draws

hi im a newbie

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to Dev Max!

Obi wan Hello There

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Hi Max, welcome on DEV ! 😀👋

berviantoleo profile image
Bervianto Leo Pratama

Hello, welcome!


nabilsynfl profile image


alexandre_dealmeida profile image
Alexandre Muniz de Almeida

Hello ✨👋 Welcome!

zanemsdev profile image
ZanemsDev | SterNdev

Welcome To Dev Max !

tararecruiter profile image
Tara Hann

Hey there from South African coast! 👋
I'm a Tech Recruiter who has fallen in love with getting involved in tech myself, as a side hustle. Just started redoing my website, so don't be scared if you visit....still a newbie 😂
Always on the lookout for some amazing talent in SA 👀 If you're up to chatting about what's going on in tech recruitment and current trends in the market here in SA, would love to connect

coolgenius123 profile image
Kashif Habib

Hello Mam I am Kashif Currently a Computer Engineering Student Studying Web Development and Data Science.
Can I know what's the current situation of Recession and layoff and is there any chances in Web Development or Machine Learning/ Data Science as a freshers in tech market.

mnsrff profile image

Things are bad & getting worse, as you can notice... The economy is a cyclical thing.

Thread Thread
iosonoagenda profile image
Ettore Ongaro

I see... well, let's stay positive, we have work to do!

ntshangase profile image

Hi Its always nice seeing a fellow South African😎

berviantoleo profile image
Bervianto Leo Pratama

Hello, welcome!


hamlet_097 profile image
Hamlet • Edited

Hi. I'm a newbie. New in Tech and I'm currently learning HTML and CSS recently coded my first Hello World🤗

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Hi and welcome on DEV ! 👋

smeexx profile image


gowtham_aripirala profile image
Gowtham Aripirala

Hi All, New bee here.

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Hello and weelcoome ! ✨👋

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to Dev Gowtham!

Obi wan Hello There

gowtham_aripirala profile image
Gowtham Aripirala

Hi Chris, I'm aspiring to become full stack developer. Need your guidance/help....

xabikip profile image

Hello everyone! I'm not new here but I've written my first post ;)

acoh3n profile image


mon4ssi profile image


agneskathambi254 profile image

Agnes kathambi
Upcoming developer

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Welcome here! ✨

c0mmand3rj profile image
James Batista

Hello Dev community,

I've been doing a lot of technical writing over the past few years as a Senior Front End Developer and thought this would be an ideal place to share and be apart of the community.

merkasin profile image

hi i am bishal, i am from india.
i am very passionate about java, i have learned how to use the spring framework.
used its modules like spring data jpa, spring mvc and thymeleaf to make web apps with full crud operations.
currently i am learning about MERN stack.

reaminated profile image

Hey everyone, new to Dev.To (at least writing wise). Getting back into blogging (about random mini projects like this and general tech) so decided to start with my first post here - a tutorial to reverse engineer bluetooth RGB lights and them match your monitor for an immersive experience when watching films/gaming.

Tutorial and Code here

Feel free to follow me on Twitter (@keyboardP)

Look forward to being part of!

nicnomadi profile image
N.T. Cuiper

New kid on the block? no old man in need of some human connection.
Nice to meet You

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    char input;

    printf("popup message\n");
    printf("Hi, I'm Nic Cuiper, a Developer.\n");
    printf("Are You a Developer?\n\n");

    scanf(" %c", &input);

    if (input == 'N' || input == 'n') {
        printf("\nHm, ok. You can't help it; you were born this way.\n");
        printf("I do not discriminate against minorities.\n");
    } else if (input == 'Y' || input == 'y') {
        printf("\nHi, nice to meet you! Developers have more flair in life!\n");
    } else {
        printf("\nInvalid input. Please enter Y or N.\n");

    return 0;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
prashanth_thumma_8e66a52a profile image
Prashanth Thumma

Haha. Don’t be harsh towards non programmers 😅

iosonoagenda profile image
Ettore Ongaro

Easy man! Welcome on board!

wgd3 profile image
Wallace Daniel

Hey everyone! 👋

My name is Wallace and I'm a Senior IT Software Engineer who has decided to venture into technical writing as a way to document my own side projects.

I'm currently working on a series called "The Full Stack Development Series" which covers the basics of monorepos with Nx, an Angular frontend, and a NestJS, REST API backend. Accompanying these posts is a Github repository with tags for each chapter in the series:

GitHub logo wgd3 / full-stack-todo

An example repository showing how to create a full-stack to do application

Full Stack To-Do

This repository contains the code base that corresponds to a series of blog posts on full stack development. Check it out here: Full Stack Development Series

MIT License Commitizen friendly Quality Gate Status codecov semantic-release styled with prettier


Backend - server

  • NestJS 9
  • REST API with Swagger documentation
  • JWT authentication support
  • TypeORM for support of various database varieties

Frontend - client

  • Angular 15
  • User registration/login
  • Stateless UI
  • Storybook integration for component development
  • Custom Design Library


  • Jest for backend unit testing, and supertest for integration testing
  • Jest for Angular unit tests
  • Cypess + Storybook for UI integration Testing
  • > 90% code coverage


  • Kubernetes manifests for cluster deployment
  • Dockerfiles for standalone and docker-compose support
  • GitHub Actions used for all testing, building, and releasing
  • Nx monorepo used for clean directory structure and Nx Cloud for distributed CI tasks


As part of the Deployment Blog Post I added a small overview on deploying this application stack to Both…

I'm always interested constructive criticism and dad jokes, and looking forward to interacting with the community!

iosonoagenda profile image
Ettore Ongaro

If you need help, just tell me!

ch3slin profile image
Cheslin van Wyk

Hello World

My name is Cheslin. I'm a student from South Africa 🇿🇦. The Dev Community is one I have been wanting to join for a while now. I am more focused in trying to understand the fundamentals of technologies rather than specific tools and languages. I need to state the obvious, I am a noob :)

I have a few goals though

  • Learn a lot
  • Get out of my shell
  • Post something on this platform
  • Hopefully make at least one friend
print("Enjoy the rest of the day, fellow developers")
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
chasi profile image
Wayne "Chasi" Godo

Yoo a South African! Nice to have you here man

ch3slin profile image
Cheslin van Wyk

Hey Wayne, Thanks man I promise to only be offline when its loadshedding :)

Thread Thread
chasi profile image
Wayne "Chasi" Godo


danielrendox profile image
Daniel Rendox

Hello, guys! I'm a high school graduate from Ukraine. I started coding 2 years ago and understood that it is my true calling! I'm looking forward to connecting with people and sharing my knowledge.

My journey started from learning Java at a boot camp. Having learned Java and created some decent projects, I decided to switch to Kotlin and create Android apps. So that's what I'm doing now.

I always dreamed of a resource where students could discuss different topics, tell what they know, help each other, and even make friends and work together. So I'm excited to be a part of the community. I hope to get a supportive and enthusiastic audience, help others, and make new friends. I'm going to share my knowledge about different tools, programming languages, and frameworks that I use in my journey.

coolgenius123 profile image
Kashif Habib

Hello Devs 👋 Myself Kashif , I am Computer Engineering Student Currently Studying Data Science and Web Development .
I have found this amazing community, and really excited about this.
If there is any certain opportunity , which you think I will be good for it then Please consider I will gladly take part in it.

mxnuchim profile image
Manuchim Oliver • Edited

Hey guys 👋

My name is Manuchim, and I'm thrilled to join DEV community. I'm full stack developer with a passion for creating high-performance applications across web, mobile, embedded systems and more💻,

My toolbox consists of React, React Native, Swift, SwiftUI, Golang and Nodejs😁🚀, and I recently got into tech writing seriously😌. I'm always on the lookout for new ways to do old things, or new things to learn, so if you have any tips or advise you'd like to share, I'd love to hear them! 🙏🏾
You can take a look at my work at:

When I'm not hard at work, you can usually find me building side projects just for the fun of it🥴 or doing some workouts. I find that these activities help me clear my mind and stay sharp and focused all the time

You can check out my Twitter at 🌐. I'm always looking to network with other developers, learn new things, and collaborate on projects too🤝

Best regards, 🙏
Manuchim Oliver

streetcoder profile image
Jonny Devs

Hello everyone 😊 I am a full stack developer and I would like to delve into technical writing.

cmh_dev profile image
Charles Maverick Herrera

Hello Everyone!

My name is Charles Maverick Herrera, and what I can feel now is really all excitement that I joined another DEV Community.

Currently I am still studying my Bachelors of Science in Information Technology and soon to** graduate this July 2023**. <3

I am an aspiring Full-stack web developer and software developer.

acoh3n profile image

Welcome Charles!

ninalor02 profile image

Hi! I am a newbie to the dev community and the dev world!

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Welcome here!

marunkumar1983 profile image

I am Arunkumar. Solutions Architect and AWS Community Builder. AWS community builders are encouraged to publish blog in

Is there any detailed document or video available about "How to write blog in". Struggled little and published below blog now. Improvement suggestions are welcome.

tarrmie profile image
Tarrmie De Man

Hi I'm new here

hasretozkan profile image
Hasret Özkan

Hey Devs!

My name is Hasret. I am currently working at Defy as Co-Founder and Blockchain developer. Together with my team, we are preparing Defy, which has many products, using blockchain and other technologies.

I enjoy working on Web3, Web and Mobile technologies. I enjoy developing new products related to blockchain. I'm using React.js and Angular.js on the web side. I'm using React Native and Flutter on the mobile side. I am working with Node.js on the backend side. I also enjoy following new developments in technology and developing new technologies.

rohan_h_raj27 profile image
Rohan H Raj

Guidance Please!




Being a student really confused how to pursue and what is really required,
How important is DSA for being a blockchain dev, Do projects and knowledge on web3 space alone gets me hired?
How is recruitment done for these roles? Should I focus on building projects or should I do leetcode to start with?

hasretozkan profile image
Hasret Özkan

This field is currently very new and developing rapidly. Therefore, I think it is sufficient to have a certain level of knowledge of the concepts and to have the ability to think algorithmically. From my point of view, projects are important to understand that you have mastered these concepts. At the same time, LeetCode is important for algorithmic thinking ability. It would be best if you take the two in a balanced way.

Thread Thread
iosonoagenda profile image
Ettore Ongaro

You're right!

westan profile image
Stanley West

Hi Dev Community, Stan here.
I am retired and involved as a mentor in schools and community in the areas of technology and culture.
Trying to up-skill in the digital technology AI area. Sorry for the delayed response - got sidetracked starting the Coursera AI Maths course. One unit left.

azmideliaslan profile image
Azmi Deliaslan

I was already here but I'm just seeing the welcome thread :)

pankajgaikwad23 profile image
Pankaj Gaikwad

Hey Everyone,
I just joined today.
Excited for brilliant post and sharing work experience knowledge

gologinapp profile image

Good day dev people! My name is Anthony, I represent GoLogin - a trusted browser for running multiple browser profiles that deals with browser fingerprint tracking at websites. It successfully stands against the most sophisticated trackers like Meta, Google, Cloudflare and other market giants.

Our app is heavily used by Python web devs, web scrapers and testers, so we write a lot of guides and articles for them. GoLogin lets scraping spiders avoid blocks and verifications. I thought some of that might be useful for local Python web dev community.

Anthony, GoLogin team

omisam profile image

Newbie in the house.

galpovsod8 profile image
Gal "Method" Povsod

Hello, my name is Gal and I'm a Front End Developer and Designer from Slovenia, currently learning to make 2D games in Unity.😁

bayaosborn profile image
Baya Osborn

Hello guys. Happy to connect.

tmunam profile image

Hi, it's Munam
Engineering Manager and AWS solutions architect.

samjubril profile image
Sam Jubril

Hi everyone, I'm Sam, a front end developer.
It's nice to be here and I hope to contribute, collaborate and learn on this platform

jvidaln profile image
Jean Vidal

Hi all!

My name is** Jean Vidal** and I'm a Brazilian Full Stack Developer.

Currently i work with React (starting with NextJS on personal projects) on FrontEnd and .Net Core on BackEnd, but I already had experience with AngularJS, VueJS, Asp. Net, NodeJS, etc.

I'm trying to work globally and i'm preparing myself every day my tech and soft skills.

Starting today, i'm will to try share knowladges with all and write regularly to improve my English comunication and learn something to train/practice and improve my tech skills, in addition to increasing my vocabulary too.

I ask you to help me with this and feel free to correct me constructively, be it tech and soft skills as well as vocabulary.

If you want to get in touch with me, follow my networks:


polyonymous profile image
Nageswara Gupta Macherla • Edited

Hello nerds,

My name is Nageswar. I am pumped to be part of this exciting community. I am currently working as Java Developer.

I joined this community mainly to collaborate with others, contribute to open source projects and learn new things.

In my free time from coding, I often read books 📚 or designing or browsing mindlessly.

I'm excited to become acquainted with everyone here and make valuable contributions to this incredible community 😃.

Cheers 🙌🏽
Nageswara Gupta Macherla

apkhungry profile image

Hey there!

Marsh Here from US. I'm a beginner in mobile development and only know a very few techniques. Hope to progress with time.

When I'm not coding, I'm learning coding then or working on my blog APK Hungry
Looking forward to your support fam.


vincenzochiovaro profile image
Vincenzo Chiovaro

Hi there!👋 I'm Vincenzo, a career changer with a passion for using technology to make a positive impact on people's lives and the world around us.

I recently completed a coding Bootcamp to further develop my skills in software development. I'm excited to continue building on this foundation and expanding my knowledge in the field. I'm currently exploring new opportunities to apply my skills and make a meaningful impact in the software development industry.💻

In my free time, you can often find me listening to podcasts, reading books, or jogging outdoors in nature🌲🏃

As a true Italian🤌🤌, I have a special eye for making high-quality pizza, from creating the dough to the final bake!🍕

Looking forward to meet you all ❤️‍🔥

arshadalisoomro profile image
Arshad Ali Soomro

As a tech enthusiast, I excel in Java, Spring Boot, RESTful API and Android app development. I'm now diving into Next.js to broaden my expertise. I enjoy exploring new tech, gaming and contributing to open-source projects. Happy Coding

prashanth_thumma_8e66a52a profile image
Prashanth Thumma

This app is going to be a great success as its going to be the social media app for developers around more like a Reddit, instagram, twitter and Tik-tok. So, all the great bloggers and developers out there start building your own community and your audience as this platform gonna transform in to a content provider for developers and has a lot of potential for everyone to become content creators of technology. I hope everyone making a good opportunity out of this and become an early bird to catch up the hype this is going to have. Good luck!

prashanth_thumma_8e66a52a profile image
Prashanth Thumma • Edited

This app is going to be a social media for programmers and developers and all the people trying to keep up with the technology trends just like instagram, tik-tok and twitter. So, if you’re a passionate dev start building your own community and write better blogs to get more followers and better yourself in the process. Good luck!

morpheus30 profile image
Nakshatr-ayo • Edited

hello everyone :) My name is Naksh(short for Nakshatra)
recently joined this community, happy to be a part of greatly skilled developers and aspiring to be one, currently a CS student and looking for opportunities and people to learn from :)
nice to meet you all!

iosonoagenda profile image
Ettore Ongaro

Nice to meet you too!

yetunde_mogaji_7aac86c1a6 profile image
Yetunde Mogaji

Hi I’m a newbie. I genuinely hope I’m able to find solutions to dev related questions and make friends that can help me in my front end journey ❤️

mon4ssi profile image

Hello! My name is Monassi and I'm excited to have joined the DEV community.

jasondcarmichael profile image
Jason Carmichael

Hi fellow devs!

Reading the "new" react docs led me here: frameworks on the getting started with React page? No more "create-react-app"?

Currently learning Next.js.

girigoudar_ profile image
Aditya Girigoudar

Hey guys

My name is Aditya Girigoudar. I am very happy to join this community.

I'm a Software Engineer at OpsVerse, where I'm building, committing mistakes, learning and applying the tools and technologies involved in the world of DevOps. I am currently working on improving my skills and learn the tools and technologies involved in the world of DevOps. I also write blogs on Medium. Currently I am writing blogs on Kubernetes series.

In my free time, I like to indulge in my love of music and books. I am a big fan of music with cool lyrics, and I often listen to different genres of music to discover new artists and songs. I am also a big fan of video games, and I enjoy playing games like GTA's! I find that video games can be a great way to unwind and relax after a long day of work. Overall, I have a wide range of interests, and I enjoy exploring new ideas and concepts in my free time.

Looking forward to learn great things everyday and share all my knowledge to developers and to this community.

Thank you for making me part of this community <3

roseskeys profile image

Hello there, I don't have a clue about programming but I suddenly felt the urge to learn some stuff about it. How can I start ?

gichbuoy profile image
Alex Maina

My name is Alexx and I'm thrilled to join the DEV community. I'm currently a software engineering student with a passion for creating innovative software.
Connect with me on GitHub to collaborate on projects and leverage our skills
You can also find me on LinkedIn

iosonoagenda profile image
Ettore Ongaro

I am a teacher, feel free to ask as you need. I am here to help!

samproff profile image
Samuel Nkrumah Bonsu Frontend Developer & Cloud Engineer

Hi great fellow developers,
Am Samuel Nkrumah Bonsu well known as SAMPROFF and Technology is my hull mark.
I'm currently and almost completing a career as a frontend developer from Azubi Africa.
When it comes to working tools, am more vest in Python, HTML, CSS , JAVASCRIPT , and REACT.
As artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity and computer network engineer, I decided to learn more into web development and peer coding so as to impart greatly in our communities so am all here to learn more from you all great personals
Thank you.

sebastian_wessel profile image
Sebastian Wessel

Hey there,

I'm a developer with a focus on typescript backends and Vue frontends.
Currently, I'm working on my own open-source typescript backend framework, PURISTA.
It would be great to get some feedback and maybe help from other developers, DevOps, and engineers.

ahmedryanfaiyaz profile image
Ahmed Ryan


I am Ahmed Ryan, a tech enthusiast. I have completed my graduation in Software Engineering recently and now engaged as a full-time software developer.
I am here to learn a lot from all of you! 😄

mckh03 profile image
Mehrshad Cheshm Khavari


I'm Mehrshad Cheshm Khavari from Iran and I'm 19 years old. I'm pretty interested in Front-End web development and it may change my whole life forever ...

Image description

I am currently studying medicine but I really like to have my own business in a pretty shorter time than medicine and my passion for front-end development is unexplainable. I hope to work with you some day and become a great developer.

So in here I want to share some of my social media links and I hope that you check them out! I share every project I do in my social media, feel free to pause the video and check them out :)





drazen911 profile image
Olalekan Omotayo

Hello there! My name is Omotayo Olalekan Emmanuel and I'm delighted to have the opportunity to introduce myself. I consider myself a tech-savvy individual with a strong background in software engineering and UX design. I'm passionate about creating intuitive and user-friendly experiences that enable people to interact with technology in seamless ways. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me a little better!
Image description

leornadia_jose_0dc0c2d2d9 profile image
Leornadia José

Hello Everyone

My name is Leornadia and I am student at the ALX software engineer for women in Africa.

I am a complete beginner to coding and programming, I am hoping to learn as much as I can from this community.

daleemoore profile image
Dale E. Moore • Edited

I'm here looking for the reference in to to let somebody know that the content has been deleted. So I created this account to let somebody know.

Thank you for making this space!

porteneuve profile image
Christophe Porteneuve

Hi everyone! 👋🏻

I've been meaning to join for a long time, finally done.

The main goal is to reach more people, to help more people.

On the one hand, we'll cross-post our free educational content (tutorials, protips, videos, etc.) here from our main website thanks to the RSS feed.

On the other hand, we'll try and hang out now and then to try and answer pending questions that fall within our areas or expertise!

Looking forward to this!

izackv profile image

Hi, I'm Izack.
I just joined the community. And hope to learn a lot and to be able to help from time to time.

Have a programming background of around 30 years.
During that time, I developed code for a wide range of systems. I was starting with Mainframes and supercomputers and up to Arduino.
I was the IT Infrastructure architect of some big companies but also had the luck to co-found and manage R&D on a few small startups.
Today I'm working as a co-founder and CTO at a small company.
Our working platforms include AWS, Dockers, Node.js, Python, ML tools, and MongoDB.

dattiecviet profile image
Giang Lê Thị

DatTiecViet is the most professional and dedicated catering service provider today. With a team of well-trained staff, Viet Banquet is committed to bringing customers the best experience in their party. Besides, the company always chooses fresh and high-quality ingredients to process the dishes, ensuring the deliciousness and food safety for diners.

masaa0802 profile image

Hello, my name is Masaaki. I am from Japan. Now I am a web development engineer in Tokyo. I use PHP and Python as my languages. I am interested in mobile development and am learning to develop Flutter!

iosonoagenda profile image
Ettore Ongaro

Hey there!

djbartolini profile image
Daniel Bartolini

Hello All! 👋

My name is Daniel Bartolini. I am coding enthusiast, school TA, and perpetual learner. I joined the Dev Community because I find myself coming here to read constantly! I make web apps using Node, React, Flask, and Express. Find my work at

I am interested in learning about AWS and serverless frameworks. I am also interested in learning more about data science and deep learning.

Happy hacking!

chasi profile image
Wayne "Chasi" Godo • Edited

Hey everyone! I'm Chasi, from the UK. I've dabbled on and off with programming since I was 16, but I've decided that 2023 is the year to make it happen. So I'm on the road to becoming a software developer this year.

I mainly want to learn things relating to the cloud, containers, DBs, etc. I'm currently learning CS concepts, along with Java. I'm going to soon jump into learning about microservices. Let's go!

This is a great community btw, thank you. Nice to be here with you all! 🙏

parzs profile image

Hello there,

I'm a financial professional (former California CPA and British Columbia CA) working as the CFO to an online education company.

I've gotten into Google Apps Script to help with data flows and tasks, HTML and CSS to help with the website, and have now moved on to Python to see what magic can be wrought there.


iosonoagenda profile image
Ettore Ongaro

Welcome to the Nerd club!

rickyclarke profile image

Hello there!

My name is Ricky and I started my web developer journey 12 years ago. I started as an apprentice and 12 years later I'm a senior frontend developer.

I'm currently studying React JS and really enjoying it. I've nearly finished a Spotify clone :) Any React tips / advice would be very much appreciated.

uduakgodwinumo1 profile image
Willz Umoh

Hello Developers,

My name is Godwin Umoh and I am excited to be part of the team.
I am a System Analyst eager to learn and grow in the Tech space.

I hope I'm welcome and find someone willing to mentor a beginner who is passionate and committed to learning.

Thank you.

mxm_ktk profile image
Max Kotyk

Hello there! My name is Max, I am from Ukraine. I like coding, gaming, reading and traveling. I'm studying to become a fullstack developer. I've learned a bit of HTML CSS and JavaScript. And currently preparing to start my React journey. I want to know more about web development and all the interesting IT stuff. Nice to meet you all! 👋

josepon09838093 profile image
Jose Ponce
alaswad profile image

Hey there, fellow developers
My name is ASWAD. I was and still am an electrical engineer, but since 2020 I started studying computer science and specialized in web development. The reason for joining your wonderful community is my reading of some colleagues’ posts, and this drew me to your wonderful community. I am proud that I became one of its members, and it is a great honor for me. Hello everyone.

acousticmirror76 profile image

Hello! I'm making a late-in-life career change from the music industry to web development. I've been comfortable with basic HTML, CSS & JavaScript for a long time but nothing advanced or complicated. I aim to change that starting now. I'm here to learn and looking for tools and resources. My first question: What are some good options to use for hosting?

yemmyoye profile image
Yemisi Oyesainu

Hi everyone,

My name is Yemisi Oyesainu and am really excited to be in this community. I'm currently acquiring skills in Cloud Development and passionate about it.

I am looking forward to contributing to this community and connecting with fellow developers in building useful skills.


wellingtonmwadali profile image

Hey everyone,
I'm Wellington Mwadali from Kenya and I'm thrilled to be here. I'm a software engineering student at ALX AFRICA, with a high passion about computing.
My tools of creation are visual studio, sublime, and Vi using HTML, CSS, JS, REACT, DJANGO, and PYTHON.
In my quest for tech, I'm always looking out for ways to boost my skills so if you have tips or tricks you'd want to share, I'd love to hear them.
I'm always looking to network with other developers, learn new things, and collaborate on exciting projects

Looking forward to getting to know you all and contributing to this amazing community. 😊

braceletmesvs profile image
Elliot Goe

My name is Elliot.
I'm :

  • content moderator for UHIVE.SELLSOME.ONLINE
    (web3 social media platform)

  • Early Adopter Cloud PC gamer

  • poor and single
    Image description
    But at least I advertise America's Homebuilder DR HORTON BY spinning a sign.

To Every Employer,
Founder of the EFT

Link:(^-) www. EFT.SellSome.Online (-^)

ATTN! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡Partnerships. From Elliot Goe. SellSome.Online
      🙃VIEW MY RESUME :🙃 Resume.BraceletMe.Services

titovmx profile image
Maxim Titov

Hey everyone!
I'm happy to become a part of such a great community! Previously I've been in read-only mode but now I want to share my experience as well.
I am a software engineer, mostly focused on frontend, I've been working on a low-code app lately.
I've already published one article related to my recent job experience, and I have a few system design from front-end perspective articles planned.
Feel free connect to me here or on Twitter!

sarbanjeet profile image

Hello guys,

My name is Sarban Jeet Singh, and I am excited to be the part of the DEV community. I am currently doing my masters from TUS Athlone, Ireland in cloud native application developments. I have 10+ years of experience with dotnet web application development and a core member of successful start-ups SystemApp and Rare Carat.

I am looking for community learning and contribution. I hope you to learn more new stuff from the awesome dev community.

Thank you

gouravkumarshaw profile image
Gourav Kumar Shaw

Hi I'm Gourav Kumar Shaw. I am a 3rd Year undergrad major in Computer Science department at IIEST Shibpur, India. I do Competitive Programming ,learning ML and Building Stuff.
Really happy to be a part of this DEV community. 👨🏻‍💻

Looking forward to learn something new from each other. 😊🎉

peyton_ambs profile image
Peyton Ambs

Hello world! my name is Peyton Ambs, and I am really excited to delve into the world of code, please reach out if you are experienced or interested in front end engineering as any form of guidance, tips/tricks, or praise would mean the world to me. also I am brand new but hope to one day possibly work fulltime as a front end engineer or any other form of development. so if your a company who sees my potential in the months to come please reach out, I am willing to start from nothing and spend months training to be the best me.

smeexx profile image

Hello all,
Just here to complete my assignment. Hopefully the reason changes by the end of the year. Brand new to all of this, so I hope to take in whatever you guys have to offer. Good/bad advice and critiques are always welcomed.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


salone22 profile image
Vladyslav Vladinov

Hello everyone 👋 I'm Vladyslav, a budding Full Stack developer with expertise in CSS, HTML, and Rust, and I'm currently expanding my knowledge by learning JavaScript, React, and Node.js.

iosonoagenda profile image
Ettore Ongaro


cecoipavel profile image

Hi there, happy to join this community.

ch3slin profile image
Cheslin van Wyk

Hey Sarah, as a fellow newbie on the platform noice to meet you :)
Let's make the best of our journeys.

vinutv profile image
Vinu TV

Happy to be here. :)

acoh3n profile image


olayodeadegboye profile image
Olayode Adegboye

Thank you for the community

mardbrito profile image
Marcelo Brito

I am a enthusiast of web development and specifically of React and my goal is to be more confident with it.

mardbrito profile image
Marcelo Brito

Welcome Sarah

iamahmudul profile image
Mahmudul Islam

Hello everyone,
Mahmudul here. I am excited to be joining here.

iosonoagenda profile image
Ettore Ongaro

Nice to hear!

foddie2 profile image

Hellow there. welcome all to he Dev community

stardreamer71 profile image
Annmarie Muren

Hello you wonderful beautiful human beings and I just signed up for full stack development and was recommended To join DEV. Very excited to learn a new career :)

xosebarr profile image
camos nigran

Hola a todo/as, es`pero aprender mucho y colaborar en todo lo que me sea posible.
Me instesa aprender a desplegar aplicaciones web y trabajar con ubuntu-linux

shaikhmd007 profile image

🤝🏻Shaikh MD Here🔗 ... 💻upgrading.....

mayankgoyal2424 profile image
Mayank Goyal

Hi I am backend developer java and Nodejs

iosonoagenda profile image
Ettore Ongaro

Nice to heare, welcome to the club of nerds!

femince10 profile image
Olufemi Soyinka

Hi, I have been learning JavaScript for almost 10 years 🤣🤣😬😬

iosonoagenda profile image
Ettore Ongaro

OMG, what a mess... I had 16 years of expierence in IT...

dhananjay profile image
Dhananjay P

Hi, I am Dhananjay excited to join this community. I am on the path of becoming MERN stack developer and also love solving puzzles. Greateful to be part of this community.

mggreddy profile image
Giri Gangadhara M

Hello Dev World!

avaypatraau45 profile image

This platform help me to gain some knowledge and also I know whats new thing coming in Full stack developer.

michael73752147 profile image

Greeting all, may I ask a question regarding server data, where is the best place to ask?

ysadsir profile image

Hey there,

I m YG. I am developer who want to become devops. I Began with lfcs linux certification. The next one is cka kubernetes.
Nice to meet you all !

anuragcse611 profile image

Hello ..coders...

I am new to this community..for learning and grasping latest information

nabilsynfl profile image

Still newbie, please guide me :D.

devdansam profile image
Daniel Sambu

Yieey devs!🖐️ This is Daniel Sambu (dansam), a Software Engineering degree graduate. I'm here to learn how to learn, and to facilitate lessons to my fellow enthusiasts. Glad. Happy coding everyone!💪

barden profile image
Barden Grewar

Hi guys I'm Barden, learning bootstrap!

melroser profile image

What is this place? Like facebook for.. people who would build something horrible like facebook?

raboegila profile image
Rawan Aboegila

Hello Community 👋

iosonoagenda profile image
Ettore Ongaro


wewelski profile image
Roowell Fernandez

As an aspirant, I thought its best to commune with fellow learners, as well as developers. I am a career shifter and currently pursuing web development.

iosonoagenda profile image
Ettore Ongaro

Teacher here for your help!

harine19 profile image
Harine Vidyasekaran


alialjohani profile image

Hi Everyone,
I am happy to join you.
All the best!

prashanth_thumma_8e66a52a profile image
Prashanth Thumma

Hey devs, Curious about the technology and trying to find the resources to be aware of recent trends and awesome things that already exist 😜

iosonoagenda profile image
Ettore Ongaro

Nice to hear!

sayyedirfan255 profile image
Sayyed Irfan

Hi this is Irfan

iosonoagenda profile image
Ettore Ongaro

Hi, Ettore here.

nfa1 profile image

Hi, I’m a full stack software engineer looking to learn, share, build and make new connections. 💻🚀

iosonoagenda profile image
Ettore Ongaro

Nice to see you there! Have a great and peaceful expierence!

nistay profile image
Nikita NSTY

Hey people! I'm new here!

iosonoagenda profile image
Ettore Ongaro

Welcome on board!

mstralexandre profile image

Hello! Im new and learning webdev

iosonoagenda profile image
Ettore Ongaro

Ou, Hi, I am a Swiss expert teacher. Feel free to ask anything you need, whenever you need. Maybe, just, not at 3.00 AM, ok? ahahhaa

mirkograssi profile image
Mirko Grassi

Hi all

basman profile image

Welcome to

gabrielzhen profile image


ch3slin profile image
Cheslin van Wyk

Hey you replied :)

ntshangase profile image

Hello Everyone!!

I'm a junior developer from South Africa, currently interested in contributing to open source projects. #goodfirstissues

dzeroone profile image
Najmul Hosain

Hello dev world,
I am just an visitor, working as full-stack developer.
I work with Nodejs, ArangoDB and Reactjs.

soniateixeira profile image

Olá....entrando hoje....

prounebit profile image
Alexey Ratnikov

Hello! 😅

ahmadbilal55 profile image
Ahmad Bilal

Hello fellow cavemen! I'm new here

klomkling profile image

Hey guys

nirmasindra2 profile image
Nirma Sindra

Hey, I'm newbie working as an Machine Learning Intern at a company, simultaneously pursuing Master of Computer Application. I'm interested in Python Development and Machine Learning.

berviantoleo profile image
Bervianto Leo Pratama

Hello, welcome!


iborjack profile image

Hello, Everyone 👋

my name is robi but you can call my nickname ibor, i'm learn programming for search opportunity job thank for let me join this community

best regards

robi hamdani

avikapoor_ssojet profile image

Hey there, fellow developers! 👋

My name is Andy Agarwal, and I'm thrilled to be joining the DEV community.

I working as Business Analyst and Growth hacker at SSOJet.

mojosailor profile image
Ron Lovell

Welcome, Sarah! I’m new here as well.

shivamsinghshamsher profile image

Hi Everyone, This is Shivam Here a web developer. I'm so excited to connect with new friends in this community😊😊😊

bishwasrek84496 profile image
Rekha Bishwas

Hey Guys I have joined the community , and feeling good to join the community

rohan_h_raj27 profile image
Rohan H Raj

Hello, Glad to be here
I'm Rohan CS undergrad in India
I'm a developer
Web3 enthusiast
Lot to learn and grow
Hope I get and give back to community!

yemmyoye profile image
Yemisi Oyesainu

Good to know you

bcantlose profile image

Hi, I'm b! I came here because my coding bootcamp recommended this as a blogging site. Anyone care to drop any blogging tips?

akindeleemmanuel profile image
Akindele Emmanuel

Hi am a newborn

iamgojoof6eyes profile image
Captain D. Ezio

Hi! I am new around here and I am still learning a lot about coding. I currently have knowledge of python only

iosonoagenda profile image
Ettore Ongaro

Feel free to ask anything to us.

iosonoagenda profile image
Ettore Ongaro

Hi, Ettore Ongaro Freelance developer and IT business manager and IT generalist Swiss kind guy, nice to meet you all!

rtrtest625 profile image

New life

raminnietzsche profile image
Ramin Najjarbashi

just a hello. 👋

merkasin profile image

hello world

soloasiedu profile image
Solomon Asiedu


My name is Solomon and I am new here and excited to join such a big community of developers

chicks2014 profile image
Chetan Hirapara

Hi Techies,

I am Chetan Hirapara from India. Currently working as Lead Data Scientist. Feeling Thrilled to join

priyajaw profile image


i am working as well learning php

c0mmand3rj profile image
James Batista

Welcome Sarah

kareem983 profile image
Kareem Saeed

Welcome to Dev community

desireemarcellenkodia profile image

Hello, I'm Desiree;
New developer here! Still overwhelmed with all these new technologies that almost does the same thing :)

ericko007 profile image

Hola, llegue aca, gracias a una publicacion, muy buena, y quiero saber mas acerca de la comunidad

zanemsdev profile image
ZanemsDev | SterNdev


mznzgt profile image
Michael Z

Hello all!

mrasbaloch profile image
Abdul Saeed

Hey dev family I'm new here to explore world of dev community