Welcome to DEV!
Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
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Hi, community.
I'm Cuong, currently, a developer at FPT software company, located in Viet Nam.
I suddenly read a blog post shared by my friend. And yeah, when I clicked the link, it brought me here.
Nice to meet you guys.
I hope we'll learn more about the tech industry by sharing our experience.
Nice to meet you too! 👋
Hope you dig it here. 😀
nice to meet you.
Great to have you
Glad to have you in the community.
Nice to Meet you
Hello =)
Nice to meet you!!
Nice to meet you!
NIce to meet you :)
Hi! ✌️
Nice to meet you! :)
Hello, Nice to meet you
Hey! I'm learning Haskell and working as a technical recruiter for DreamITJobs.
I hope to be able to make my own little helper tools with Haskell in the next couple of years.
I also find people cool remote jobs :)
Nice! You might want to follow this tag - #haskell (or maybe write a post under it 🙂).
Similarly, consider checking out DEV Listings and scanning the Available for Hire section to see if there's any folks you might can reach out to about finding jobs. Or, maybe you even want to write your own listing!
Anyway, just to say, I hope you have a good time on DEV!
Awesome! I was disappointed that it wasn't in the welcome, choose your tags list and thought it wasn't available, thanks!!
Oh shoot! I think I understand what you mean... the suggestion to follow tags wasn't mentioned during onboarding? Might need to change that if so!
It was mentioned, I just thought the list displayed was all the available for some reason XD might have been distracted during onboarding
Thanks! I was looking for it too on the onboarding page. Glad to have found it now :)
Hi Leticia,
Hoping you achieve your goals!
Thank you! Same to you!
Welcome Leticia, I also missed on that Haskell tag :(
Have a good time here :D
Hey! Hope we will learn and grow together.
Hi! can you share something nice for a beginner to start learning Haskell?
I'm learning using the Haskell from first principles book haskellbook.com/ It has plenty of exercises from the basic stuff, which I need because I'm new to programming :)
Here's a helpful post for folks new to DEV:
A Beginner's Guide to Dev.to
Ali Spittel ・ Oct 29 '18 ・ 7 min read
If you have any questions about anything, don't hesitate to ask!
Thank you!
Thank you
Hi, I am a Software Development Manger living in the UK. 9 years ago I moved into management which has taken me away from what I love to do (Coding). I am now in a position to get back to being hands on and I'm very keen to learn as much as I can. My main skillset is C#, Architecture, Microservices and most recently JavaScript and React.
Hello John, we love that you follow your passions, we are passionate about programming and we love it, especially in security.
Personally my name is like you, John, and I will upload c# security articles on this account (the company I work for) so I hope they can help you continue your passions, and on top of that, well protected! Haha Kind regards.
I'm finding that if you want to do both, smaller companies are the sweet spot! Welcome to the community, John! You said you're living in the UK. Is that where you grew up?
Hi Jesse,
Thanks for the welcome, much appreciated.
I've worked for small, medium and large organisations and to be honest it's more about the culture that they adopt. You're 100% right that you get to do a bit of everything in smaller companies which is my aim.
I'm currently learning React with Maximilian (Udemy course) and while the course is over 40 hours it takes at least 3 to 4 times longer by the time you stop and start the video, write the code, go back over stuff, but it has to be done. I'm new to dev.to but I'm guessing its about the community sharing their articles, thoughts, challenges and expertise? I'll contribute when I feel comfortable (would love to write some articles) but in the meantime I'll use this time away from work to learn as much as I possibly can.
Oh and yes, I have always lived in the UK.
You’re in good hands with Max!
Hello, nice to :wave you all. I am a software data engineer from India working for a software solutions firm. I am passionate about data for which i took a de-route here. I am hoping to learn latest happenings in Data world as well as assisting the community whenever i can. Feel free to talk to me here or shoot an email to vamsics2@gmail.com
Welcome to the community! Glad to have you here.
I am jwdat (jey) young-dev 17 years old to be exact coded with : html , css , c++ , python , and now dart
I have no work experience still in the second year in the high school but I love coding
though I'm not that great person doing it
I live in Syria , Damascus
I hope we'll learn more about App-dev by having your help and my attitude
Welcome Jey! No worries if you don't see yourself that great right now, we all start from somewhere. The fact that you're already dabbling in multiple languages in high school is impressive. You will go very far and I got some tutorials to accelerate your Dart journey. Check them out on my page :)
Thanks man , I'll Check em now
Appreciated !! <3
Hey Jey,
First welcome, I'm not new here but I didn't write anything here yet I'm gonna write tomorrow about my new projects. and It's okay to have no work experience yet and you gonna be great in no time.
just an advice document everything here even the smallest things because when you be great, people gonna want to know how you become like this and since you are here and learning these languages even if it's just the basics you already on your way of becoming great.
Hope you reach for the level of experience that you want and deserve just keep learning and reading and programming :3
Thanks , and I will :)
Absolutely , Mr. Young dev.
Welcome. I wish I knew as much as you at the age of 17. 😆
Hello DEV community!
I'm 23 years-old. I graduated with a degree in Business Administration (General) and was pursuing a career in Finance. I've recently grew interest in programming and I've decided to switch my career. One problem is that I can't stop thinking I'm TOO OLD or that I won't be able to comprehend the knowledge a CS graduate has or someone who started coding when they were like 17 or something.
I'm a perfectionist and being just good at what I do won't be enough for me. I need to be excellent which is why I'm here; I'm hesitant to start learning and end up exerting my time and efforts on something that I may never be good enough at or maybe mediocre (my greatest nightmare). I need advice and friends or maybe learning buddies. Is it really too late?
Hello 👋
I'm a French engineering student (mostly mechanics and electric, but also a little touch of CS).
I'm here because I have a web app project and I found interesting articles here on many occasions.
The creation of this account made me discover what seems to be a very active and welcoming community.
I hope I will be able to give back to the community as much as you all.
Welcome to the community! I didn't think you were going to say web app. I thought maybe embedded software.
Well, in the French education system, we have two years of broad education before the selection for the actual engineering school. So although I am mostly studying mecanical and electrical engineering at the moment, I will still be able to apply for schools that have CS majors.
The reason behind the web app is that I stumbled upon a management issue within a nonprofit. The solution need to connect to the internet and have an accessible GUI and be cross platform, thus the web app.
Edit : Oh, and thank you for your greetings.
Bienvenue à toi sur Dev.to ! 👋
Hi people,
Just signed up to this website to see what's up :-)
I'm responsible for dotnet things (LibVLCSharp) at VideoLAN, the makers of VLC. I'm working remotely and most of the code I write is opensource.
Looking forward to learn and share with the community.
Hey there! It's wonderful to see you here on these lands, I'm looking forward to see your blog posts, welcome and have a nice stay 👋
Brilliant! Surely you have a lot of knowledge about dotnet, we look forward to your articles eagerly haha! Greetings
Hello everyone!
I'm Ovidiu Donciu, QA Engineer from Romania.
I am very passionate about quality, I have several years experience in testing web apps, mobile apps both manually(functional, regression, api testing, load testing) and automated(selenium, cypress).
Looking forward to meet like-minded people and also open for any QA related projects that I can help on remotely based on my skills and experience!
Likewise, great to find you
Hello Guys,
I'm new here !!
What's your opinion about this app?
Hope someone can give me an advice about should i learn advanced things in a lot of things, or is better to specialize in one language or one subject as mobile apps for example?
Hi! New to this app too. If you wanna find a job, I think it's better to specialize. I have learnt a lot of frameworks and libraries for the last year and trust me, that doesn't work. Instead of spending 10 hours in mastering 1 technology, I wasted 1 hour in 10 different technologies. Now I know a little about a lot of things, but I am advanced in none.
Try to focus on one thing and once and only once you feel confident enough, change to another.
I'm not here to agree or disagree, but I spent three years getting really good at only Angular, and now I am in my second year as a developer in a React shop. Learning one skill really well can be transferable to other skills. Likewise, it wouldn't have been nearly as easy to learn Angular after ten years of playing music instead of programming if I hadn't specialized in PHP/WordPress beforehand.
Now that I've specialized in a few areas, I find it much easier to pick up a new, albeit related, skill.
Also, welcome to the community!
Thank you so much, for your help
Really helpful answer, thank you so much
I am John Okuku, from Nairobi, Kenya
Actually I am an Accountant by profession and a self taught programmer.
Was looking for the javascript frameworks and boom i read everything till i got myself in This amazing Platform.
Feels Great to be here.
Hi All,
I've worked on several web technologies like Angular, Spring Boot, AWS etc. also worked on Alexa Skills (voice assistance).
It's been very long I'm planing to start writing blogs, this time of quarantine has helped me think bit more about it, I hope this community will help me achieving this.
I'd love to get some suggestions or any resources to start my journey here.
Thank You.
Welcome! This is a great place to get started writing a blog - the community is very welcoming; excited to see what you write!
Hi Dev Community,
I am a programmer and system analyst back then when we are not yet called as full-stack developer, web developer, front-end developer, and others. :)
Thanks for having me here dev community!
Hi there,
I’m Olia from Lviv, Ukraine.
Initially, I’ve been an interface designer for a long time. A few years ago, I added HTML/CSS to my skillset and now it’s time to be more confident with JS. So now I'm improving my JS skills to help me close the full circle from design to development to be able to create my own products.
Looking forward to new friends among devs to learn and share the experience.
Nice to meet y'all 👋
I'm Giacomo from Milano, Italy. I'm a developer since I was 14, professionaly since 2 years.
My main skill is webdev, I think to know good Angular.
Currently I'm working for a Home Banking in my conuntry, doing frontend Angular but also backend with C#.
In this period I'm deepening inside Dart development with Flutter but also Dart for backend programming
Based in Paris, I'm doing an intership as front end react developer.
I'm starting to work on the app in my work, and I don't even succeed to open the project as it's in React Native 0.59.03 and I have made the last update.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too 😀 - React Native can be tricky to get started with for sure - but once you get going, hopefully you come to like it :) Welcome!
I am Lalitha working as Full stack developer at software company located in India. I have seen javinpaul post in LinkedIn and today I searched for it which made me land here. Nice to be part of this community and meeting you all. Looking forward to learn and share with the community
Nice to meet you all.
I'm John Kim.
I have over 12 years experience as a java and web programmer.
Recently I'm learning React and Angular.
those are very interesting.
I hope to share a lot of knowledge in the community.
Hey there. Im in a PHYSICAL onsite coding bootcamp. NOT ONLINE. 3 full stacks, 4 if you count web as a stack. web (html/css/js), Python stack (python, flask (framework), djangoDB), c#/.NET stack (c#, .NET framework, mySQLdb), and the MEAN stack [(MongoDB, ExpressJS (framework on top of node), Angular (typescript/nodeJS), and NodeJS, for end to end JS one language through and through stack)].
I have a few sites, a sandbox and a portfolio, trying to either buy an SSL certificate for my domain (not cheap) or entry into the apple dev program and access to store submission. That, and for potential employers to see.
I am a brilliant and extraordinarially abstact-thinking person, work very well in groups in pair programming or group programming or alone, depends on the situation i guess. I am a freelance Developer and offer my services for next to nothing compared to what i see out there it looks like.
Enough about my aspirations, about me personally, im a musician and master of the sonic arts, when im not working on some kind of code or adulting im working on my music and on my next album. My band was known widely and we played from albuquerque to knoxville and all in between (yes branson too). Easy going guy, Interests are wide and vast. dont be afraid to say hi. Also, i have a LOT of amazing world shattering tech that is now leaving my head from idea phase to being created. I accidentally let the schematics for my gloves slip and boom on the market. darn. ive got more up my sleeve.
I am also a vr holospace / spatial network designer and hobbyist. my favorite is altspace but ill load up vrchat or neOS for the right person. I suppose thats about it. Party on Garth.
i...have no idea why it marked that paragraph down into a code box, but oh well. more eye catching i suppose. EDIT: nm that was weird. oh well. learned something cool about this message system :)
phoenixnet.space is my domain i am using to showcase my school training and an example of a lot of different full stacks. social media site. named PhoenixNET as i am reviving old social methods such as BBS and blog. and gool ol chat rooms. once i figure out ajax that is. may just embed irc.
templeofthesourcecode.myownwebsite... is my code and project samples page, coded using the flexbox and bootstrap methods of laying out responsive css/js for my hire me portfolio. a lot are placeholder images public domain or taken around class. some i made via CGI. at the moment i only have mac apps on there. There werent any dedicated gPanel apps for mac, so i fixed that. wrapped them into apps. i also created PhoenixPlayer
Hey Everyone,
I have been sneaking around Dev.to for almost a year now and have used lot of the posts to learn something new. I have definitely struggled a lot with imposter syndrome but I am currently at a level where I can imagine an idea and know how to design it and build it. This has given me the confidence to actually communicate with all the awesome people here and also to start writing.
Currently working as a Web designer but I have used various resources to teach myself fullstack web dev(Vanilla Js, NodeJs). Currently learning React and will move onto React Native next.
I hope to network, learn and make new friends in the community and also land a Developer role.
Imposter syndrome can be rough - but you can do it! Just keep building and learning, and you'll get there 😀Welcome!
Thank you 😊
Hey Dev community!
I'm Michael. A front end dev with a design/visual art background. I'm newer to the world of development and I am here to keep learning and possibly even write an article or two that might help someone who has been hung up on a similar issue that I have had.
Hello dev, I'm Hanhan from Indonesia, currently I work at Nicepay Payment Gateway Indonesia as a junior java developer and IT integration. Right now I want to learn about large-scale projects and learn about making libraries (cms, laravel, python, ruby, etc.) to be more effective (as we know version changes very quickly) for integration with merchants.
Nice to meet you guys.
I hope we can share experiences and learn together ya.
Hi Hanhan! Nice to meet you too. Love to hear what you've learned about recently!
Hi, all.
I am a backend developer with NodeJs. I have been reading Dev.to posts for a long time now and finally have decided to join this community and start writing my own posts. Looking forward to interact with all you amazing people.
Hi everyone !
i'm Mohammed!
I'm new to the industry currently i'm studying computer science at my university "WUT" in China. I am into Web-development and currently i'm learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
nice to be here.
Hi everyone,
I am Paul. I am a software engineer in Seattle, but I work on a fully-remote team. I work on lots of side projects and I joined dev.to to share some of the things I've learned building them. Looking forward to sharing and learning from you all!
Hi Paul, I'm Katie, the #welcome moderator here on DEV.
My unofficial title: DEV cheerleader 😊
I want to welcome you to the DEV community and let you know that you'll find lots of help and support here for all your coding needs.
Don't hesitate to ask questions or contribute new ideas.
Hey, ya'll!
I'm Sean a Sophomore CS student, I'm interested in about anything related to CS but is leaning into specializing Mobile development in the future, I was looking into communities that have the same interests as me and found this website.
Looking forward to learning with you guys!
Hi Dev Community,
I'm Khaled, currently working a java developer at ASSET it's a software company, located in Cairo Egypt.
while scrolling on my feed on LinkedIn i just saw a post with your link and clicked the link and joined your interesting community :)
Nice to meet you guys.
I hope we'll learn more about the tech industry by sharing our experience.
Hi lovely people !
i'm Yacine, you can call me neox :D !
Well i'm new comer to computer science, currently i'm computer science student at my university ( ESI-SBA ). well i'm really into web dev and currently i'm learning Back-end dev with nodeJs.
Who ever is reading this ! have a good day buddy i love you <3 no homo .-.
Lol, welcome to dev.to Yacine thanks for checkout my tutorials and following my stuff.
Keep going with the web dev stuff. It gets more fun the more you learn.
Be easy friend.
Hey Community! 👋
I am Taulant, a DevOps Engineer in the E-Commerce industry. I have few small DIY hardware projects and challenge myself in coding python flask or vue.js applications.
With my friend @dploeger we provide DevOps Tools & Post via the DO!DevOps organization :-)
Nice to meet you 😊
Hey everyone, I've known about dev.to for a while now, but never got to making a profile.
I'm currently a Developer Advocate at PegaSys and ConsenSys, blockchain company focusing mainly on protocol Ethereum work.
Happy to be here!
Hi, devs,
I'm Krishnanand I am a CS undergrad I like to code and I like to share my knowledge with others and the main reason I am here is the second part sharing. Hoping to learn more from here and contribute to the community here.
We are sort of conducting a flutter learning jam among my friends and I am kind of good at flutter so I am looking forward to writing some tutorials here.
Hey, everyone!
I'm Alex from Ukraine 🇺🇦
I'm a developer since early 2000s. Right now I'm bootstrapping my product Nots.io, which reflects our look at how development teams document their work.
I'm mostly interested in Elixir and Clojure langs, and everything, what makes developers happier and more productive.
Hi Alex,
Nice to meet you. Привіт зі Львова 🇺🇦
You did a great job making the nots.io website look so cool and professional 👏👏👏
Added to my inspiration bookmarks 🙂
I'm Sonia. I'm a freelance software engineer doing mostly web development. I'm from Barcelona but I have lived in NYC for some years too.
I discovered dev.to a couple of weeks ago, and although I'm not used to participating in communities I thought 'Why not?' And here I am, willing to learn, share, help and connect with other developers.
Hope you all are doing great and looking forwart to connect :)
Hi geeks,
I just entered into the dark forest to find some things for my potions.
If you have found anything below, please let me know.
Processes, Threads, Concurrent programming, parallel computing, asynchronous programming, Dead Locks, Memory management etc etc.
Happy to have you here with me!!!!
Hello Everyone,
Systems Analyst here. Found this on a comment on Reddit while I was thinking if medium.com is worth the $5 bucks ......
Awesome design, wife asked if I was playing games ??....😒
Glad to be here!
Hey, I am Mustafa (Sof for short) always want to learn new things. Currently know swift and flutter at a level that makes me earn some from them.
It has been 5 years since i first started learning for real :3
Welcome Sof , Flutter is a common thing between Us I think !
keep it up !
Hello everyone,
I am Ivan from Colombia, i currently work as a Software Developer for a local company. I am here looking to learn, share and help as much as i can!
I got here just looking some apps on the Play store and actually loved the idea of this place.
Hi there, recently joined Devto since it was mentioned on Hacktoberfest and really lovin all the articles here.
I'm uni student and interested in both web and game development. Has nearly 0 experience on game dev, but been exploring a lot on web. Recently build an app using Vue and Express, deployed on Zeit and my own DO's Droplets.
I'm going to share articles about that on here.
and I'm looking opportunities to learn more things from tech stack, new language, and culture.
Thank you!
Hello, DEV!
My name is Hunter. I'm currently looking for my first junior developer position and am working on my portfolio in the meantime. I work with JavaScript and PHP, and Laravel is my favorite framework so far. My hope is that this community will help me expand my knowledge and skills and allow me to meet coders from all over the world. :-)
I am Eaiman Shoshi. Currently working as Assistant Lead Engineer at bKash Limited. Which is the leading fintech company of my country. I love to learn and share.
I have 7+ years of experience on Java, Python, MySQL, MongoDB, Docker, Redis, Solr Spring webflux, Spring boot. I love SOLID principles, TDD, microservice.
Hope we will learn more together
Love for all.
hello every one i am a MERN Stack web developer at one of startup subhealth located in pakistan.i was search for some module and i found it from that of one blog that was awsome now i am here thank every one
Glad you got here! Welcome 👋
Hi, this is Yuh from Singapore, 35.
I was previously a language teacher, having done my degree in linguistics. I contemplated a switch to the tech field since a long while back, but I wasn't exactly a good self-learner, so I started and stopped learning coding so many times I can't count over the years, be it C++, Java, Javascript... eventually settled with Python.
Eventually managed to make my way to Japan and somehow enrolled in a Masters to do NLP, and finally things are starting to pick up. I am full of respect for all the self-taught Masters over here, because I really wasn't able to get it going until I got my foot in the door in a more structured environment. But once I'm out getting a real tech job, I really must know how to self-teach and learn.
Looking forward to learning from everyone else here.
Hi everybody! I'm from Lima, Perú.. Now, I'm a SAP HCM consultant but I want to change my career's direction.. so I'm planning to become a Front-end Developer.. and why not a Back-end developer too..
Thank you!!!
Hello everyone. I'm a software engineering student graduating this year, currently employed full time in a private bank. Hoping to migrate my career into the tech industry. I've heard great things about the community. Excited to make new friends to learn and share knowledge and grow with this community.
Hi Community,
I accidentally found this great place, and all of a suuden fell in love with it:)
I'm currently working as a data scientist.
I love coding and learning new things. And also an AI enthusiast.
Hope to have fun here.
Hi, community.
I'm Dammy, currently, a developer at Action Pointers Limited, located in Lagos Nigeria.
I was reading a post on the differences among var, let and const, and then decided to comment, and now i'm signed up, and now i'm here.
Nice to meet you guys.
I hope we'll learn more about the tech industry by sharing our experience.
Hello folks,
I’m Jay Are from Philippines. Community Lead of Laravel Philippines, a Senior PHP Developer at Livewell Corporate Solutions on day and Co Founder of SevenLinX on passion. Playing Minecraft with my little daughter after work.
Nice to meet everyone from here
Hello dev.to!
I'm Lakhveer. I consider myself a full-stack software developer that is currently running a venture-backed startup called Moselle.io. I still write code but not as much as I used to :(.
In my glory days as a developer I used to write a lot of Ruby, JavaScript, and PHP. The last stack I worked on was a Rails, GQL, React and Postgres product.
I am looking to continue building my knowledge portfolio by learning from others and keeping a pulse on the tech commuity. That is what brought me to the dev.to.
I look forward to learning from others and hopefully contributing too.
Hello! I'm learning C# and .NET
Hello World!!! Hello Community!!!
I'm a freelancer developer, my favorite lang is python, flask lover, firebird and vue entusiast.
A big virtual hug and lets codding with delicius coffee. mmm coffeeee
From Villeta, Central, Paraguay for the world!
Hi guys, I'm Rahul Nayak from Mumbai, India.
I'm a web developer in making and right now working as an email developer. My goal for 2020 is to get a remote web developer job and the preparation for that is already underway.
I have learned a lot from platforms like dev.to and FCC and now that I have some more free time everyday, I believe it is time to give back to the community. So here I'm :)
I am planning to write short articles about html/css/javascript, something I have been wanting to do since long. If you guys have any suggestions about how to better write technical articles, please let me know.
Glad to be here!!
I am Khyati Jha. I am currently a 3rd-year student pursuing B.tech in computer science. I am happy to join the community.
I am here for great Django, Machine learning and python blogs. I think this s going to be fun learning here.
Ravi d'être parmi vous!
Je suis en formation intégrateur web et je veux apprendre davantage. faire partie de la communauté me permet de ne pas me sentir seule, merci de m’accueillir parmi vous.
Hallo everyone. It is nice to finally join the famous community.
Hello guys,
This is Praveen,
Currently I'm working in a firm called geokno that specialized in survey and mapping... That's nothing to do with development...
But I'm always curious about the things which I'm stumbling across...
I'm interested in web development... I'm not a professional one....
I'm a hobby developer.
When I'm searching for something in the internet I found this community. It's only a day before I signed in... The Redding experience is so awesome...
There is something catchy about this community which I don't know how to tell...
I hope this journey will be a great one.
I'm Assaf, currently leading the DevOPS activity in Alcide.io, and located in Tel-Aviv.
started with linux systems in the happy days when RedHat was free, and Mandrake was a hot thing.
working allot with K8s, and following closely on GitOPS these days. but really like following everything new on DevOPS and SRE practices.
nice to meet everyone
I'm Robert from suburban Chicago. I'm a Fullstack JavaScript Developer and a lover of learning.
Like many, I was brought here by a very useful post. I look forward to engaging with the community.
Hi All, I've been sitting at my computer writing apps and making myself look busy for a lot of years now :). Have worked on a few different techs on Windows, Mac, Mobile, and recently got into Web development. Hope to keep learning here.
Hi, all.
I'm Solution Architect from Denver (natively from Ukraine). I joined here to read something fresh and useful for software architecture and development. The site looks awesome and people seem to be friendly :)
Hi! I’m a software engineer in the Twin Cities. I enjoy Ruby on Rails and building cool stuff. My amazing mentor recommended this platform to me. I enjoy sharing helpful Tech tips, hope to share some here ☺️
Hi, guys I just joined and am really excited for the journey ahead. My goal is to become a full-stack developer, I have just started a course that teaches me that and I have just finished CSS and am currently practicing on building websites with html and CSS.
I hope I can make friends here and hope to learn more.
Hi i'm a programmer but most importantly learner and have been directed here from stack Overflow cuz as they say "I asked Off-Topic Opinion based question" :)
I hope response will be different here :)
Hello guys I feel so good right now that I'm here, I'm a developer I get to know about this community through a friend I met on twitter I hope we'll learn more about tech by collaborating and sharing of our experience.
👋 Hello all!
I've read lots of articles / posts / things on Dev over the last few years but only just got around to joining & posting.
My name is Zachary, and I've been teaching myself how to code for a few years - but only in this year have I started to make true progress. I'm always learning, and eager to do so - I'm learning about using JavaScript as a back-end language at the moment - I've just finished the APIs and Microservices FreeCodeCamp certificate, which I'm currently writing a blog post about.
If anyone has advice about where I can learn more about this, where to look on Dev / who to follow, or what a good progression would be I'd love to hear it?
HI all, I am more into AWS / DevOps and now I have started to learn coding starting with Python.
Hope everything goes well and you guys will support me if I get stuck in my training.
Thanks a lot.
Hello Great coders out here, I'm shalini and i work as a full stack developer for Oracle, despite the social distancing I wanted to explore more about coding and other smart practice and a blog on instagram brought me here. Hope you all are doing well.
Hey everyone!
I'm Victor, for the last four months have been self-taught. Taking my journey to the next level by joining a bootcamp here in NYC. Excited for whats to come! Getting deeper into the community for further self-development and hopefully to leave a little grain of myself in each one of you.
Hello, All!
I'm an aspiring web developer, I'm currently working on my associate's in Full Stack Web Dev along with some self teaching. I really want to help bring code into classrooms and help kids/teens get started early if its something they're interested. It's a vital skill and should be accessible to everyone. Really glad I found this community and can't wait to partake in the discussion!
-<3 Yesenia
Hi, people.
I'm John, i'am JavaScript Engineer in Decathlon Spain.
I came here doing web searches about React and now I am part of this, I hope I can get to know you better and be able to help.
a greeting
Hi guys,
My name is Nam, a developer working for NashTech Limited. I love to read some articles on this site because this is a good site with many experiences sharing. I join this community because i also would love to share some experiences i learned during my working time. So I plan to share in the near future. Hope the community will support me. :)
Nice to meet you guys, i hope that we are going to share experience, knowledge and exchange info, technical skills which we have during we study and learn from new things in software development area.
Seems like a nice community with plenty of geeks and well versed tech professionals. Funny thing about me, I have inherited from my dad's the ability to go to sleep in any position. Have recently found out that just like my dad, I can go to sleep standing up. I think there is horse or cow in our family tree LOL!
Hello Everyone! Hope all of you are doing well and good.
I am a first-year CS undergrad student who is inclined in the field of ML to pursue Data Science.
I hope I can make some connections here and learn something new.
Hi team, I'm a Systems Engineer from Colombia. I'm passionate about Serverless and Web Development. I want to start writing about web development. Lately I’ve been working with different techs (Ruby on Rails, GatsbyJS, BulmaCSS, AWS Lambdas) and always learning new things. Get ready!
Hi everybody!
I am working as a Data Analyst,I have been using R for a couple of years, and now I am learning python. I saw some really interesting threads here and I decided to join the community. Looking forward to meeting you all!
Hi, community. Nice to meet you.
I'm a Japanese Frontend Engineer.
I didn't department to Computer Science, but I was fascinated by technologies, so I studied programming by myself and decided to be a software engineer.
I have no confidence my programming and English skill, but I want to improve them so I joined here.
In my job, I use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React and GraphQL.
I want to be more specific about them.
My first language is Java.
( The first language I really learned was C, but I was frustrated by the difficulty of "pointers." )
Now, I interested in Python, TypeScript and Go.
I hope that we will grow further through our sharing.
Hi community !
I am very happy to join dev.to
My team and I, we have developed a SaaS product, Wildcard, that allows you to automatize your build and running of CI/CD pipelines. Today, we support nodejs and python flask apps.
We search to have feedbacks on our product. You can try it at w6d.io
You enjoy:)
Hi you all!
I'm a brazilian dude, I've been working with developing for about four years.
My interests are web development and agile development.
I hope to learn, help others and improve my english skills.
i have a problem with my website that i am deploying in heroku it keep showing me the Application error, i hope you can help me. It was working fine earlier when i haven't use passport(passport-google-oauth20) for login and also working fine after deploying it to the heroku, but as i added the login functionality and used the passport-google-oauth20 and then after i got error in heroku after deployement. Below are the errors that i got after i did heroku logs.
2020-03-26T21:23:11.336401+00:00 heroku[router]: at=error code=H10 desc="App crashed" method=GET path="/favicon.ico" host=damp-island-39260.herokuapp.com request_id=881a9140-87be-4198-8584-9106cfd50d32 fwd="" dyno= connect= service= status=503 bytes= protocol=https
2020-03-26T22:29:55.100663+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from crashed to starting
2020-03-26T22:30:01.529559+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from starting to crashed
2020-03-26T22:30:01.418449+00:00 app[web.1]: Warning: connect.session() MemoryStore is not
2020-03-26T22:30:01.418467+00:00 app[web.1]: designed for a production environment, as it will leak
2020-03-26T22:30:01.418467+00:00 app[web.1]: memory, and will not scale past a single process.
2020-03-26T22:30:01.450145+00:00 app[web.1]: /app/node_modules/passport-oauth2/lib/strategy.js:86
2020-03-26T22:30:01.450147+00:00 app[web.1]: if (!options.clientID) { throw new TypeError('OAuth2Strategy requires a clientID option'); }
2020-03-26T22:30:01.450148+00:00 app[web.1]: ^
2020-03-26T22:30:01.450148+00:00 app[web.1]:
2020-03-26T22:30:01.450149+00:00 app[web.1]: TypeError: OAuth2Strategy requires a clientID option
2020-03-26T22:30:01.450149+00:00 app[web.1]: at Strategy.OAuth2Strategy (/app/node_modules/passport-oauth2/lib/strategy.js:86:34)
2020-03-26T22:30:01.450150+00:00 app[web.1]: at new Strategy (/app/node_modules/passport-google-oauth20/lib/strategy.js:52:18)
2020-03-26T22:30:01.450150+00:00 app[web.1]: at Object. (/app/app.js:94:14)
2020-03-26T22:30:01.450150+00:00 app[web.1]: at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1158:30)
2020-03-26T22:30:01.450151+00:00 app[web.1]: at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1178:10)
2020-03-26T22:30:01.450152+00:00 app[web.1]: at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1002:32)
2020-03-26T22:30:01.450152+00:00 app[web.1]: at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:901:14)
2020-03-26T22:30:01.450153+00:00 app[web.1]: at Function.executeUserEntryPoint as runMain
2020-03-26T22:30:01.450153+00:00 app[web.1]: at internal/main/run_main_module.js:18:47
2020-03-27T01:17:54.296425+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from crashed to starting
2020-03-27T01:18:00.310473+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from starting to crashed
2020-03-27T01:18:00.203117+00:00 app[web.1]: Warning: connect.session() MemoryStore is not
2020-03-27T01:18:00.203132+00:00 app[web.1]: designed for a production environment, as it will leak
2020-03-27T01:18:00.203132+00:00 app[web.1]: memory, and will not scale past a single process.
2020-03-27T01:18:00.234027+00:00 app[web.1]: /app/node_modules/passport-oauth2/lib/strategy.js:86
2020-03-27T01:18:00.234028+00:00 app[web.1]: if (!options.clientID) { throw new TypeError('OAuth2Strategy requires a clientID option'); }
2020-03-27T01:18:00.234029+00:00 app[web.1]: ^
2020-03-27T01:18:00.234029+00:00 app[web.1]:
2020-03-27T01:18:00.234030+00:00 app[web.1]: TypeError: OAuth2Strategy requires a clientID option
2020-03-27T01:18:00.234030+00:00 app[web.1]: at Strategy.OAuth2Strategy (/app/node_modules/passport-oauth2/lib/strategy.js:86:34)
2020-03-27T01:18:00.234031+00:00 app[web.1]: at new Strategy (/app/node_modules/passport-google-oauth20/lib/strategy.js:52:18)
2020-03-27T01:18:00.234031+00:00 app[web.1]: at Object. (/app/app.js:94:14)
2020-03-27T01:18:00.234032+00:00 app[web.1]: at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1158:30)
2020-03-27T01:18:00.234032+00:00 app[web.1]: at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1178:10)
2020-03-27T01:18:00.234032+00:00 app[web.1]: at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1002:32)
2020-03-27T01:18:00.234033+00:00 app[web.1]: at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:901:14)
2020-03-27T01:18:00.234033+00:00 app[web.1]: at Function.executeUserEntryPoint as runMain
2020-03-27T01:18:00.234034+00:00 app[web.1]: at internal/main/run_main_module.js:18:47
I really don't know how to check what goes wrong. Anyone please guide me.
node.js express heroku mongoose
How are you setting the client id? If you're using an environment variable, then you probably need to set it on heroku with:
heroku config:set MY_VARIABLE_NAME=my_value
I don't know much about oauth2 the way you're doing it, but the key error here: "OAuth2Strategy requires a clientID option" seems to suggest your client id isn't being set properly (which is why I think it's a .env problem.
Also, if you google for "OAuth2Strategy requires a clientID option" you can find a few helpful sites too.
Good luck!
Hello, everybody
I'm Diogo from Brazil and I have been studing web development since January. I don't know much about the languages, but sometimes I try to do something and push all to my git hub. So, it's a pleasure and let's have fun. Ah, my english isn't too good, sry about it. I'm try to level up, but it's not too easy for me.
My name is Matt and I'm a college student from Virginia in the United States. I'm actually a sport management major hence my username but I've been interested in web development for a long time and am trying to learn everything I possibly can. Currently I'm working through the codeacademy curriculum. I look forward to chatting with you all and learning with you all!
Halo, saya Haryanto dari Indonesia.
Hallo, My name is Haryanto and I'm from Indonesia.
I work in private payment method company as a junior to mid Frontend Engineer mostly serving internal panels and webview component attached to our main Native App for quick deliverance.
Nice to join DEV here and Happy Coding for everyone.
Hi, Dev community,
I am Akmal. I was a junior software engineer few years ago. Due to job change, I rarely do programming these days. Now, I starting creating a blog and start learning to program again. Hopefully I can get my feet wet again. I miss programming!
This year, I've make a promise to myself to learn web development and develop some kickass app, and hopefully will learn a lot from you guys!
Hello community, I am Rick, a developer + evangelist, grew up and work in the Bay Area of US. I do mobile programming and gaming. It is a great pleasure to meet with intelligent yet fun people - you guys! ^_^
👋 Hi all,
I'm Elodie, currently developer in a small start up that delivers applications to help children learning maths, french and geometry so far. I love tools to prototype ideas rapidly, currently in React, interested in Vue, and in back-end too (python or node). A bit of Three.JS too. Love game development for children. Happy to hear from you.
Hi everyone,
I am a developer in India. In 2013-14, I use to code in #python for Data Manipulation, when it was not so trendy, so jumped to #dotnet, now i want to go back to #python. Came here to brush up.
Hello !, and why don't you work both languages? They both have so much potential!
Hello everyone. Just joined here figured I'd check it out and see what comes from it. Looking to expand my network and possibly find a mentor. My ambition to learn is too fast for my own good and can't seem to grasp my starting point! Eager to start learning!
Hi Dev Community,
Thank you for having me and I am glad to join this community.
My name is Flo and 33 years old. I just started my studies in Web Developments and really enjoy it being behind the computer and create something fantastic.
Nevertheless, I would gain more knowledge in programming, especially interested in ‘python’ and ‘c#’. Due to few google searches it appears that I always ended up here ;) so today I decided the join the community.
I hope that one day I can be the one who gives the Newbies advice.
Many thanks in advance already ;)
Having a smashing day.
Hi, everyone! I'm a computer science undergraduate at Unipampa, located in Brazil. Currently, I'm learning a lot of new things, so I came here to share some experiences with the community.
Trying to get myself into an academic career, also I advocate for open collaboration in software development.
Hope we can all improve ourselves together!
Hey folks, real glad to be here!
I'm a software engineer living in the Bay Area, I do web apps and mobile apps development and I'm very interested in contributing to open source projects. (Any pointers will be helpful)
DEV.to has been a valuable resource in helping my tech journey; I hope to play my part to help grow this community while meeting like-minded people too :)
Hello all. I am a self-taught python coder. I started with writing small utilities for my family business and advanced from there. I am now working on a single-page app using vue, flask, sqlalchemy, neo4j & py2neo to be hosted on aws. I am always looking to learn more and improve my own skills. Hopefully, I can add a bit to the conversation on occasion instead of just lurking. Glad to be here.
Welcome leveraction, Have a great time ahead !!!!
Hi All, I saw a post from a very good engineer that presented their new product, and I joined the community. Here, I hope to find a place where I can easily write and share my technical ideas without giving up my rights on the published material. Before publishing, I'm going to read the legal terms.
Hello community.
I'm Ahmed, currently, a freelancer developer & designer. I work remote and excited for opportunity to join a new project.
I have been looking for a dev community for a long time. I searched and never found dev.to on any search result. Strange. I'm glad to be here with developer/geeky/nerdy-like mind 😀
I want to start and ask, how much this community benefited you and what was your best gesture to return the favour 😉👍🏼
Look forward to share/work more with you.
You all awesome!!!
Hey stranger,
I sent my first github PR yesterday. Felt quite exhilarating.
I work at an open-source Hubspot alternative, called "erxes" based here in Mongolia.
Hope I'll get to know more of the open-source community here.
Hi Community,
I am a full stack .NET developer having 5+ years of experience in Web and Desktop application development. Recently I came across one blog written by my colleague and found it interesting platform to share my knowledge and learn interesting/latest topics from experienced peoples.
Looking forward to grab knowledge from all experts here.
Hello, guys.
I'm starting my career as a professional developer and I wanted a community to share stuff with other developers and see what they had to share. That way I can keep up with what's happening on the tech world and be a great professional. I currently work at Take as a Programmer. It's actually my first job.
Hi all.
I'm Nuno, I've been reading DEV posts for about 2 years, but just now registered properly, I noticed that I was missing a lot of great articles.
I hope to contribute with some content, and expect some comments on that so I can keep learning.
Last thing, I think it's never too much... let's stay at home!
Thanks for your video, it really helps me a lot!
I give it a try and improve your approach so that there is even less code now.
You can check it here: medium.com/@christianjocker/recipe...
Hi all. I currently work as a self employed sport scientist at my home gym. I started teaching myself programming with python and JS in Feb 2019. Been to a bootcamp as well for 3 months. At the bootcamp I learnt html, css, bootstrap, jquery.
A month ago I bought Angela Yu's online course to learn about full stack. Interesting but struggling abit with react js and python flask atm.
Hopefully you all can help me in moving forward as I would like to switch careers to be a full stack developer. 🙂
Hi everybody! Only just found this thread again after I glanced across it a day or so ago.
I’m Alex, currently Head of Tech @ Shootsta. I’m a technical leader/full stack JS developer.
I have a couple of posts already, feel free to check them out!
Peace 👌🚀
Professor of electronics in technical course in the phase of career change, I have studied Node and also Ruby_on_Rails and I want to become a software engineer.
I want to take this opportunity to thank the @ dev.to community and maybe in the near future I can also contribute.
Hey devs & hackers!
I'd love to learn from you how to most effectively ask coders to join? (=mutual fit and the world benefits from our joint effort 😅😅🌏🌍🌎)
You guessed it, time sensitive and mission critical, FrontEnd especially : covid-watch.org/
In what ways, and where, should I post for letting highly motivated guys and gals know we need them? Thanx a lot for your insights 💝 (or repost from your relevant accounts if it makes sense)
I am Rob, I was recently laid off form a long career with a company and using this time to rebuild myself. I am currently learning Python on @datacamp. I think I will learn/refresh Html, Css, Java script next. I am not sure what track I will land. I have done SQL/Tableau/Microstrategy data analysis the last 4 years.
I am looking forward to working and learning with you.
Thank you
Hi, community.
I'm Nilesh , currently, a Devbeloper
I suddenly read a blog post on twitter . And yeah, when I clicked the link, it brought me here.
Nice to meet you guys.
I hope we'll learn more about the tech industry by sharing our experience.
Hi everyone,
I'm happy to be apart of this community, I'm the current WordPress developer at Marriott Int located in Maryland. I'm looking forward to learning a lot from everyone. There's so much to learn with so much time.
Hey DEV nation,
I'm Mosab, a FS Java engineer (although I'm currently working with Scala/Spark). Looking forward to be active and integrate this dynamic community!
I hope everyone is having a nice morning/afternoon/evening.
Stay safe and optimistic.
Hi People ! I'm on a journey transitioning from full time photography to software engineering. I used to make websites as a side hustle for many years but at some point I've decided to immerse myself into software engineering. I love Python and I like Swift a lot. I'm very interested in cybersecurity and IoT.
Fun fact is that I'm not only changing careers but also I've moved from London to rural Portugal and it is my 3rd country I live in. I like big adventures I guess :)
I hope to meet nice ppl here and exchange good vibes.
Hi Dev Community!
I found dev.to on Twitter and it has been very useful to learn new stuff about ReactJS.
I'm a full stack web developer, some times I spend my free time developing small games to learn and practice some maths and logic.
I hope to share some stuff I know with the community some day!
I actually don't know anything besides some basic JavaScript, but I'm keen on learning and would love to make this my career, if I'm capable, so here I am. Basically, I'd like to gather some useful tips, good practices and maybe a hint on which languages should I learn or would be easiest to work with. 🤷♀️
Halløjsa from Copenhagen!
Hi Dev community,
I am Brian, a software developer by passion from Uganda currently in Rome, Italy.
I have been reading a lot of articles from this community and I decided to join you officially.
Happy to be here!
I'm Shinto CV.
I mostly do DevOps stuff. Been a Python backend programmer before. I love Python. Currently I am on a break from work due to some health issues. Currently trying to learn functional programming. Has chosen Clojure as my first medium. Would look into Haskell as well once I am comfortable with the functional way of thinking.
Hope to learn form all of you guys and possibly share whatever I learn along the way.
Hi! It is nice to meet you! I'm Cindy. That sounds so awesome, I would love to hear more about your 3D rendering, I love C++ :D You seem to have a lot of interesting skills, I am excited to hear more!
Hi everyone!
I've been a graphic designer for over 30 years and started developing for the web back when you could design a company's site and post them the code on a 1.4mb floppy.
I've attempted to learn fullstack dev skills for years now but work and other commitments always seemed to get in the way. I'm almost 60 but I aim to join the coder 'class of lockdown'.
I hope I'll meet other older would-be coders so we can share experiences of the trials and tribulations of learning advanced skills at an advanced age :)
Hello Everyone ,
I am Omkar from India , currently working as Junior Angular Web Developer . It is amazing to see and learn from such community of devs .
Good to be here .
It is wonderful meeting you guys .Cheers !
Hi all! I'm Joaquín from Chile. Currently developing in Java for the backend in the company but madly in love with python. Looking forward yo share knowledge and learn.
Welcome Joaquín! What's one thing I should make sure to visit if I ever make it down to Chile? South America is on my list of places I want to visit eventually (once this virus is done with!)
Hi Chris Achard. Thanks for the kind welcoming. Chiloe in the south of Chile is one of my favorite places. Also in the not so south haha the are a lot of lakes worth seeing or natural reserves like Huilo Huilo. :)
Thanks! I'll check those out :)
Hi, community.
My name is Aleš ( Alex ) from Slovenia and I am a beginner learner in Swift programming language. I hope to one day contribute to the community with my knowledge and experience. How did I land here? In an email I received from Stack Overflow, there was a link to an article on Swift regarding Class vs Struct in Memory from Kim Arrnet. So curiosity is "guilty" of being here :-)
Best regards
Product developer profession. Join to improve my thought process and help others too with knowledge i possess. Want ti saty updated with new things going around in tech world on any stack.
Hoping to learn and contribute.
¡Hola! Nice to be here around you! I was the pure social sciences gal (lawyer, studied arts, global studies research...) and ditched it all. I started learning Python and I liked it but I didn´t find resources or a community that kept me motivated. Not I am support rep at a hosting company and for now I am doing the The Odin Project JS full-stack path, let´s see where this brings me! On my free time I volunteer at Coding Girls preparing free bootcamps, workshops and courses for - anyone but yes, especially for shy girls who need a push into tech!
Awesome! Good luck as you go through the Odin Project - I've heard good things from others. Hopefully you get a lot out of DEV too!
Hi All, im Stuart - Front End Developer living and working in East Lothian Scotland. Currently most interested in React.
Hi Stuart! I visited Scotland last summer and loved it 😀. Welcome to DEV!
Hi, I'm Innocent, an upcoming web developer. It hasn't really been easy tho, as i periodically battle with the motivation to keep learning. I believe Dev Community would help me a lot, and I want to connect with other developers so keep me on track.
Hey.. I'm a student.. Studying BTech final year. Interested to learn coding. Hope this platform is useful for me..
DEV is a great place to learn! Good luck in your final year :)
Tq ☺️
Hello everyone,
I am a relatively new self learning developer, changing careers from Food R&D to the world of development. I used to make websites for people as a side job around 10 years ago, decided to get back into it full time now, man there is so much new stuff to learn!
Look forward to having a community to bounce ideas off of and learn from.
Hello, I'm Sanj from Toronto.
I was looking to improve my web development pipeline and found some great advice on Dev and just had to click the heart icon for the valuable advice - which lead me to joining this community.
Fun fact: I like mushroom tea.
Looking forward to contributing and learning from you guys!
Yo Dev!
Been aware of but haven't jumped into the Dev community until now.
I'm an Engineering Manager who still codes, but really enjoy building teams and iterating on the craft of helping people build what they love and enjoy their work-life!
Always happy to give advice on how to help improve relationships with your coworkers and leadership teams.
Greetings from Tokyo, Japan. I am from Hawaii and California USA. I am a business owner and in charge of web development and business programming. We build Custom Scale models from 30cm to 400cm. Stay safe Everyone form this new invisible menace (Covid).
Herman Bongco
Modelworks Direct
Hi everyone! 👋
Personally my name is John and I am going to manage the account of the company where I work: Dotnetsafer.
I am a security-oriented .NET developer and reverse engineer. I have seen this platform that I did not know, and I liked it! You have some very good articles and it shows that there are a good atmosphere and friendship between the members.
My goal is to contribute .NET articles that are related to security and to help people who need advice or contributions to improve the security of their applications. So if you like security, encryption and this whole world 🔐💻, we hope to help you a lot!
Hi, community.
I'm Chike, I am a Business developer in tech and blockchain industry, based in Lagos Nigeria.
I stumbled on blog post shared in one of my blockchain community. And yeah, when I clicked the link, it brought me here.
Nice to meet you guys and I'm glad to be here.
I hope to learn more and build business relationships here by sharing my experience.
Hi Everyone,
I'm Ali, Currently i'm studying computer science. i like to read a lot and i really love this field. i'm locking forward to meet with you guys soon and get involve with you.
thanks a lot.
Hi Dev.to community, I am Cedric, A PHP, react and nodeJS develop here in Manila Philippines, really happy that I've stumbled onto this site as I am looking for ways to implement my code better. Looking forward to learn more and share what I could create to help other developers out there too. cheers!
Hello Laura, we are very close, I work in a company located in Spain, I hope you are fine with the unpleasant situation that there is currently.
If you want to continue learning about C#, we will upload articles related to security that are sure to help you.
Good luck with your 3D renderer!
Hello everyone,
I am an incoming PM at Microsoft. I have an MBA and Bachelor's in Computer Science. I look forward to connect and learn from the fellow tech enthusiasts in the community. Thanks for having me here!
Hi all!
I'm Akbolat, work and live in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Today I'm fully focused Android developer. In past was 3D artist for Dota 2 Workshop, then a bit of gameplay programmer in UE4/Unity.
It's not the first time when Google leads me here, you're all do awesome articles, that why I'm registered!
Fun fact! Today is my b-day)) not joking :P
Hello people,
I'm Swapneel working as a software engineer with a start up in India.
I ran into a post on cosmosdb, which brought me here.
I was keen into understanding the depth of cosmosdb.
Hopeful and excited to get my knowledge enhanced.
Hi, Coders Community.
I was reading about how to create firefox extensions and there i found a link to this community and now i joined the community. I am a full stack developer and freelancer, i want to learn more and help others too.
Hello To My dear Friends.
I am Arian. a javascript Developer and also a workhorse.
at this moment, I decided to be a more active person in communities. and help other peoples in solving their problems and also it's a good opportunity to learn from them.
I believe we will have a productive time together
Hi, community.
I'm mangeshi and i am a student. I've been coding and developing from last 4 months and I joined this community to boost my knowledge and it's a great platform to connect with people and grow together.
Hello everyone!
Arrived here googling...and I loved this site !
I'm a web developer and currently working on a personal project; It's a free, public donation platform with gamification features.
I hope I can share the MVP with you soon!
Contact me if you are interested in participating.
Hello everyone.
I'm Computer Science student. but still feeling like clueless. So here I'm just sorting out how to proceed in web development and coding. That's why looking for some realistic tips and guidelines amid what options i should choose.
Hi everyone,
My name is Cuong, the same name with the guy below, so I guess we both come from the same country, Vietnam. I am now working as an IT specialist and Software admin at PTSC, a company in energy industry. After finding learning source for Python and Django, it's appear that here is the best community that I could rely on. So it's great to meet you guys here and hope that together our community will stronger and stronger.
Thank you.
Hi Everyone,
I'm Gonzalo, Argentinian self-taught developer based in Berlin. I found DEV by its great content, and so far I truly appreciate every contribution I've seen here! It's a lovely community and I'm happy to join.
I'm currently focused in ES6, Node.js and React. I use Python when I want to rest from my usual stack.
Nice to meet you!
Hi everyone,
My name is Cuong, the same name with the guy below, so I guest we both come from the same country :D. I am now working as a IT specialist and software admin at PTSC. After all those years of doing software, I just found out Python language and realized that I've loved this language. So I hope joining with the community will help me improve my coding skill and learn more about the technology World. It's great to meet you guys here and thank you for reading this post :D.
Hello, I am John, I am a JavaScript engineer at Decathlon Spain and I came here doing web searches about React and now I am part of this, I hope I can get to know you better and be able to help.
a greeting
Greerings to all spieces of the DEV World!
My name is Anatoly and I am trying not to waste my time with Java.
GitHub brought me here eventually and I am looking forward to give and to take from this place an exiciting experience....
I'am Emmanuel Nombagu from Nigeria, Benue State, Makurdi.
A developer with close relationship with Python and JavaScript.😁😁
I'm passionate about tech and I'm here to learn and contribute too.
What's up Guys!
I am Bikram. I am a UI Developer with primary focus on React. Other than React, i have working experience in HTML, CSS, Javascript, Vue JS, Knockout JS, Webpack, SASS and few other stuff. My goal is to become a MERN stack developer one day.
Currently, i work at NCR Corporation, Bangalore, India. I was looking for a solution to a problem and i came across DEV.
Nice to see people from different tech background. Here at DEV, I want to learn and share my experience and knowledge.
Glad to have joined this community :)
Welcom Nljo! Curiosity is a great trait to have :) Glad you could join!
Hello dev Community,
By profession a network engineer but love to programming specially JavaScript and Python... Hope One day I'm also a developer. There has been lots of blog post in my google news feed about dev Community which brought me here. So, I thought why not join this wonderful dev community. For me this is a programming knowledge hub...
Hello dev community!
I do backend for a financial company. I'm here to follow anything and everything shared by @ynab, my dream company 🤩.
Ready to find anything on testing and groovy/Spock and fun new interesting articles to try at home!
Hi all, I've been sitting at my desk writing apps and making myself look busy for a lot of years now. Have worked on Windows, and Mac, the Mobile space, and recently got into Web development as well. Hope to learn a lot from each other.
Hi I am Kamil. I am from Azerbaijan 🇦🇿. Currently, I am pursuing my B.Sc degree in Computer Engineering at Baku Engineering University.
I have a bit more than 2 years experience with python and django.
I will work in order to improve my skills and share my endeavor with you. ✌️
Bienvenue à toi sur Dev.to ! 👋
Hi everyone! I'm currently in school pursuing an ISCS BA and also doing a front developer bootcamp. Happy to have found this community. :)
Welcome to the community, Laura!
Hi all!
I am Klemen, from Slovenia. I am hoping to change my career and become a web developer. I am new to web development . I know some HTML,CSS and JavaScript and I am trying to learn React. I am, willing to learn, share, help and connect with other developers.
I hope you are all well! Be safe!
Hi community,
I am Abdulkabir located in Nigeria.
I am still a learner and I am also aiming to become a front end developer in a couple of few years.
It's nice joining the community.
Welcome! I love this community too 😁
i am intern at adinav labs,bangalore in node js and want to be a full stack javascript developer
hi !
Hi there dear community,
I'm Ahlem, a computer science student in Algeria.
I'm really happy to be a part of this community, a friend brought me here, and I don't regret it. There are so many things to learn out there,
Anyway, nice to meet you!
I'll try to share the least "experience" I have ! :)
Hi peeps.
I am Abhishek from India. I am currently a student in 2nd year CSE and also a Graphic Designer. I am mostly into Finance and WebDev these days but, I look forward to exploring new domains here.
I look forward to meeting new people here.
Nice to meet you all.
I'm a security interested developer from Germany. I love TDD and Clean Code :-)
Hello everyone out there I'm an passionate about technology and learning new skills every day.
Welcome Darshan!
Hi Guys,
I'm Umur and I've been working as a full stack developer for 8 years. Mainly I'm focused with mobile development.
Hoping to migrate to the community in a short time.
Hi, community.
I'm abdek,i am a beginner developer located in Morroco.
I suddenly read a blog post shared by my friend. And yeah, when I clicked the link, it brought me here.
Hi, community :)
I'm Sergey, frontend developer
I love programming, that's my power (I think so hah)
Well hello, I'm a Irish tech lead living in Melbourne, backend focus but learning React Native.. stay safe in these uncertain times
Welcome, Colin! Ireland to Aussiland sounds like an adventure to be shared!
Excited for joining this platform
Excited that you could join! Welcome 👋
Hi saw this on linkd in and after poking around seems like a positive environment where I can nerd out.
A backend developer by profession.
Want to learn new things and explore so i am here.
Welcome to DEV! Hope you enjoy your time here
Hello People, my name is Wevison nice to meet you... \( ̄▽ ̄)/
So good to meet you guys. Hope to learn a lot and to share my experience.
Welcome! This is a great place to learn and share :) What is something you're trying to learn right now?
Hi, i'am an algerians student who study mathematics. I'am here to learn more about code,cybersecurity and IA, maybe someday write post about it.
Welcome to DEV!
Hello everyone, I am Tuğrul from İstanbul, I am a full stack php web developer, I am here to follow news, meet new people and have fun with code.
Hey ya'll, backend developer teaching myself Gatsby.js. I'm interested in building static websites and jam stacks.
Hi community, I am Ashis Kumar , a student of CSE undergraduate
Nice to be a part of this community. I hope I'll gain more knowledge and guidance from your experiences.
Hello there
I am Mahoro Pierratono Costa and based in Africa/Rwanda, currently working remotely on a Cloud-based company in Swiss.
I likely like to read posts from dev.to to boost my carrier.
I am happy to join the community and hope to contribute together and share skills that grow.
I'm Luca,
Been working in my first role as a Java Dev for the last 9 ish months. Introduced to coding in university (Astrophysics) and loved it. Took me a few years to finally commit and make the jump. Nowadays I can't stop! Aside from Spring/Java, my side projects revolve around gamedev, and Arduino projects.
I found out about this place from @bitbrain , he said the community was amazing so I'm excited to get involved.
My other main things are: illustration, trying not to forget the Japanese I learned a few years ago, and getting overly competitive in Mario Kart.
Hello all,
I’m André and I’m currently attending Kenzie academy learning software engineering. It’s very challenging for me but I am willing to work hard to achieve my dream of becoming a software engineer. I struggle a lot with JavaScript and this sometimes makes me question myself, like do I belong here or am I intelligent enough but refuse the let all these negative thoughts stop me from pursuing my dream and I continue to believe that it will all come together at some point.
Hello Everyone!
My name is Ish. I'm a software testing working for a SaaS-based company, located in India. I've been learning java and selenium, getting to know the internals and most recently am trying my hands on javascript and graphql.
Looking forward to learning and sharing my learning from you guys.
Hi everyone! Really excited to get started on this community. I'm a software development student (actually, it's a little more than just software development) in UNLP, Argentina and at the same time i'm working in a start up from my city.
Greetings to all of you!
Hello dev, I am Hanhan from Indonesia, currently work at Nicepay payment gateway Indonesia as a junior java developer and IT integration. Right now I want to learn about large-scale projects and learn about making libraries (cms, laravel,, python, ruby, etc.) to be more effective (as we know the version changes very quickly) for integration with merchants.
Nice to meet you guys.
I hope we can share experiences and learn together.
Hi Dev
I'm Madhvi, a developer at Derivco, in Stockholm.
I read a blog post at Dev and I also wanted to be the part of it. So Im here now.
Please to meet you guys.
Hope to learn some good stuff from you guys.
Hey, Everyone
I am a newcomer to all of this.
but enjoying a lot
I was looking for roadmap how to contribute to community in an optimal way that'll get my skills improved and make a company for myself or everybody else. I am lost as making myself a somewhat successful developer. I cant decide which technology is good for my taste, so yeah.
Hello, all. Nice to meet you.
Welcome to you on Dev.to !
Hello folks, I'm Lubabalo a student learning programming hoping to one day(soon) to lend a job or create.
Awesome, welcome to DEV Lubabalo!
I’m Meeko dev and hardcore gamer
Hi Meeko! What's your favorite game at the moment?
Hello, community.
I'm Loki, currently learning C++. I'm a FOSS lover and linux enthusiast.
Happy to here, hope I will learn a lot from you guys!
Thanks! <3
Yo, lurked for a while as anonymous, joined when I just had to comment on something. Retired after 33 years in the biz on everything from Basic on coding forms to IBM 370 to minis to PCs in support and development (with substantial periods as sole developer). Languages, yes, have some.
Hi, guys!
I'm João Paulo. I'm a dotnet developer from Brazil.
I hope we can share and learn a lot of knowledge
Hello João Paulo, we are sure that we can all contribute and receive interesting knowledge, we hope to help you with your purposes, we are dedicated to security at dotnet! Greetings
Hey everyone!
I'm a full stack web developer who lives in Washington State. Code in React.js and PHP. Decided to finally make an account after lurking for a while lol
Glad you could make an account! Welcome to DEV 👋
Hey y'all! I am a student trying to become a software engineer. I am diving deeper into HTML and CSS as well as JavaScript right now. I love to code, learn, and help others. :D Nice to meet y'all!
Welcome to DEV Cynthia! Nice to meet you too 👋 This is a great place to hang out and learn new things!
I'm a Java backend has experience with Spring Boot,Spring Data,Spring JDBC, R2DBC, Webflux, Reactor
VertX,Vaadin ,Flutter .
I want to use my knowlegde to build an application from the BE,FE and mobile in this year.
I still think what kind of the app , ecomerce,education ...?
Hi Dev Community!
I'm Eunice, have been following dev community's posts from LinkedIn and decided to join in =)
Just graduated from a bootcamp recently and is looking around for resources to learn/practice further.
Enjoyed reading articles from here, and thank you to those who share their experiences/resources with the public. Appreciate it!
Hey guys!
I'm new to this, literally just bumped into it when looking up something about Vue.
I'm actually an finance/accountancy major. Got the coding bug during my graduation year and haven't looked back, been about 5yrs since then and I haven't really improved much. So trying my best to do so now. Super excited to learn new stuff. Mostly into Java/JS but kinda interested in ML too.
I ask the most stupid questions sometimes. I feel like an 8yr old at a giant Hamley's or a fat man at an all you can eat buffet! :)
Thanks for the awesome reminder to say help, I was brought here by the golang tutorials.
how are you doing today peoples?
Hi, I develop in Java and Typescript. I'm teaching myself Go and Lua at the moment. I'm also implementing a project with a Twilio backend.
Exciting times!
Hi Angus! Go and Lua are pretty different - what do you like and not like about each? (welcome to DEV!)
Hello everyone!!!
Hello guys.
I'm Prathap, currently a web developer and designer, located in Banglore.
Nice to meet u guys.
I'm here to learn new skills and to share my ideas.
Hi all,
I'm Sameer from Nepal and currently based in Sydney, Australia. Wanted to learn, explore and share dev tips and tricks.
Nice to see you all.
Hello Devs!
I'm Nico, Android and Web dev for 5/6 years now, in France.
Always happy to learn and share, I've been sneaking around for a while so why not using an account !
Wish you all the best in 2020.
Heyoo !!! The name is Tebogo , I would really love to connect with other devs ( MERN Stack devs😅)
Hi Tebogo! DEV is great for connecting with other devs 😁 Welcome!
Hello! I am Ksenia - Data scientist from Berlin.
It is sometimes not easy to keep calm during the corona crisis, feeling so powerless. The best way to help people is to stay home. Let's follow this advice and delve into self-education together. I will be happy to get to know you, collaborate on ML/Data analysis projects and focus on professional development during this tough time.
I'm Mohammed, I recently joined a Startup as SDE-1 where I'm using React to build their products.
I like the write-ups here, it's precise not long or short and easily understandable.
Thanks for sharing your experience and helping the dev community.
Looking forward to improve my skills from this amazing community and maybe someday I'll also share my experience here.
Hi, community.
I am Ukpono,a developer,located in Akwa ibom.i clicked something and here I am,I believe I will be able to also share the little i know and also learn from other.
Nice to meet you guys.
Developer Who believes he could code on stack which was created today. However blessed with opportunity to work on C++,Java,js,ExtJs,Swift,Python and Bash.
Welcome to DEV! 👋
Hi, I am a Backup engineer from Guadalajara, Mexico looking to expand my knowledge in IT. I used to do coding with php, javascript, html, css and actionscript way back in the days when I graduated from college (over 15 years ago).
The strange paths of life led me through helpdesk and sysadmin roles... Now that the new roles such as Devops&SRE are requiring development and scripting I am trying to relearn and practice. Currently I am studying Python and Javascript. P.S. I am extremely surprised on how Javascript has progressed, especially with ES6.
Hi there!
Doing my first steps in tech, as I just started as Community & Communications manager for HackYourFuture.be
Involved in Green Politics since 2013; love reading & icecream;
I hope to get the tech-vibe learning step-by-step
Goals in tech: make it more accessible, equal and divers.
Hi community! pumped to be a part of this rich experience. I am a full stack developer working on MERN stack. I wish to endeavor into the realm of high-level system design and software architecture. I hope to gain valuable insights from you all :D
Hi All
I'm David as Jumpy, currently, a chief technical officer at wildcard w6d.io where we planned to help developer to be more efficient.
Nice to meet you guys
Nice to meet you too David!
Hope everyone is safe in this coronavirus problem. Stay at home and be safe.
Long time reader, first time joiner.
Glad to be here!
Hello. I am Peter. Just join this web page to contribute something during the time of COVID-19. Stay safe!
Hey! I am Aman, working as front-end developer in a startup located in Mumbai, India.
This platform helped me at many instances. So, I would like to thank you guys for those articles.
I am interested in understanding website optimisation (Basically, how to fix issues we see in google audit tool) and searching for like minded people and learning from them.
Hi, All.
Nice to meet you all.
wow, nice intro!
Hello All.
Im Ian .net developer in the United Kingdom. I am always udating my skill set and tool set and reading blog posts on all areas in software development
Hi awesome community,
I am Daniel, a beginner programmer. I was brought here by a will to be a better programmer.
Hello everyone, I'm a software engineer at Podium.com and I'm learning elixir
Welcome, Pedro. I hope you will love the atmosphere of learning here !!! Cheers
BOOM, I am in. Hello World!
Glad to have you Sir.
Hi all,
New to programming, learning backend programming on ruby! I hope to get loads of support from this community!
Hello world! I believe I can fly.
We can fly)
My name is Tonny
yes ,we can enhance our knowledge by talking and discussing with others . So, I would like to hear from you about your experience and knowledge and love to share my knowledge with you.
Hi all, I'm a developer in Chile, I like my job and my company Pixofia, we created integrations between ecommerce and paymet gateway, I like to resolve chess problems.
Hey wonderful people, so I read code of conduct and wrote a post in the welcome thread to introduce myself but it disappeared? Did I do something wrong?
hello friend
i'm Khem Chand and i join community i want to make my carrier in web development
i will learn or teach more
also i like to read or write post
Hi guys!
I'm Galih Laras Prakoso. I'm a Mobile and Web Application developer! Right now i'm working at Sayurbox, one of the startups in Indonesia!
Hi, Coders.
I am Ayush and I am a student and I am here to learn something new and exciting .
I hope we all will have great time ahead .
Hello all,
iOS & mac dev here, also working on Python, React, Mongo, Node projects and I'm here for it :).
Enjoy traveling, reading.
Nice to meet you all...
Let us learn together here.
Hi, folks
just hanging out on the internet and saw your website it is awesome
it's a pleasure to be with you guys.
hey! Hi alll. . . . . This is Bala, n feeling great to be here. Looking forward to build a healthy network 😀
I'm Jeff. I am a beginner in coding. Glad to have this community.
Hola, un gusto poder unirme a la comunidad. Me dedico al analisis de casos como parte de la ingenieria en sistemas de información. Espero aprender mucho más aqui
Hello dev people! I am Ana Paula and I am from Brazil.
Hi my name is Firas - i am constantly trying to keep pace with the major technologies in web development. @leticia I like remote jobs, but i am, rather consultant than developer.
print("Hello World"!)✅
I was thinking to write and post something about javaScript at DEV.This brought be here.🙂
Let's see which things comes next...🤔
Hi all :) I live in Germany (Hessen).
I like especially C/C++ on my Raspberry 4 and themes about Smart Home & Garden (IoT).
Nice to meet you ;)
Br, Armin
Hi community,
I am Abdulkabir, located in Nigeria,
I am still a learner. And I am also aiming to become a front end developer in the next few years. Thanks
Its nice joining the community.
Anyone to help with a vote count to my portfolio site....
Hi, community.
I'm Rajesh Royal frontend engineer at Estorickey NY.
I read a blog post about calc() and Now I'm here 😃. Nice to meet you guys.
I'm learning Figma and Bulma 😃.
Hi ! nice to be here.
So basically it's just a if else condition wrapped in a component. So if someone would want access they just open react.dev tools and set the state to true?
Thanks for this blog. I learned something from here to help me improve my skills.
I love it and thanks so much.
I am Maria, Mobile developer (React Native), freelancer. Looking for projects :)
Hello, I'm a new junior android developer, still a lot to learn, I'm French and that's it for now. Stay safe at home!
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../sass/styles.scss' in 'D:\webpack-static-site-example\New folder (2)\src\javascript'
@ ./src/javascript/index.js 1:0-29
I am Sahaj from India. I am 15.I usually like web development, and I am also Interested in ML and AI
Hey folks! I'm here to soak up some knowledge and hopefully provide some perspective from an engineer who took a little detour in my career to learn about what it means to be a manager of engineers!
Hi Devs,
I hope you all are safe and doing good. I am Shrikant, currently working in a company named CDK global as a full stack developer.
Welcome to DEV Shrikant!
Hello everybody
Hi everyone. I'm Kainar, front end developer. I do not write posts a lot ) I am here just to enjoy interesting posts ) Have a good day =)
Hi Everyone,
I am Sophie, a simple n easy going person.
Hello, I'm Henrik Adams working at Sparsh Technologies as an e-commerce Industry analyst & Magento Developer
I have a JavaScript problems I don't know how to go about. I'm looking to get answers
Hi everyone,
I am someone who is very new to all of this and is trying to learn web dev in my spare time. I am hoping to use this platform to document what I am learning.
Nice to meet you all
I'm a web developer and I've never been part of any community ... I found it interesting to start
Hi, Hope to learn new things with you guys
Hey Community,
my name is almo, I am doing right now an internship in Software Development, in Germany in the love city Cologne.
Nice to meet you guys.
Hello all.
It's a great pleasure being part of this community.
I thrive to learn more.
hello, (dev) world!
Working on some tools to help communities self-organize.
Team of 4. We could use some help with Oauth and securing a website.
Hi, all
Its great to join DEV
I want to travel the world of software engineering and gather some treasure.
I play with php, laravel, javascript and python.
Hello everyone, just wanted to try writing in public, happy to share my thoughts with you folks.
I work at Simplifield in France as Tech lead on frontend topics.
I was reading a article to use hooks for fetching data in react components and using Typescript. I think i luckily landed in a different zone. Looking forward to contribute and learn
Hello everyone, I come from Shenzhen, China, is a iOS development, currently in a financial technology company mobile office app (mobile mail client) development.
Hello, Dev.to
Hi everyone :)
I've been a long time being a SR, just wanted to communicate some more or perhaps wrote my own...
Hey I am working on my 365 days of code challenge and i am learning Django and python.
Hey 👋
I am a recent grad and aspiring maker. Feels good to be joining the community - looking forward to meeting the lot of you & learning from your experience.
I need a hacker to learn from
I'm a beginner
hi, I'm an amateur in the IT world, I'm a high school student, I'm exploring MERN technology to prepare me for the world of work, I hope I can grow with you, thank you.
Hey all I am trying to learn React throughout and love to be a part of this community
I've read quite a ton of great articles on this platform, really happy to be part of an amazing community
I am Kunal and I am an engineer and engineering manager. What brought me here is a desire to participate with the community.
Hey all! Beginning a career in freelance web dev starting with python then into web development focused programming. Hope everyone is safe.
Hi, I'm Ivan and I come from Bosnia and I currently live in Hannover Germany. I'm a software developer for some 10 years now and I hope to learn new stuff and share my experiences.
HI Iam new Android Apps. dev so i hope to learn from you a lot
Hey all,
I'm Konstantinos, 29yo, located in Athens Greece.
I'm working towards becoming an awesome front-end developer.
I am Hemachandiran, From Li Creative Technologies
I'm learning Flutter. Looking at writing iOS and Android apps in the future
Hi, community
Hello, I'm a QA manager. Looking to develop knowledge on automation tools and process.
Am Akhere, an entrepreneur Glad to be here, love to learn and meet intelligent brains
Hola a todos soy de Medellín, Colombia, mi experiencia ha sido con los datos y ahora aprendiendo React.JS, npm, node.js y Javascript. Regards
Good night from Catalunya!
I'm Erik, and some articles brought me here. Well, some... a lot of them!
I just finished a 11 months bootcamp and now I'm searching for a job.
I hope to learn a lot here!
Hello all!
My name is Pedro and I am a fullstack developer from Brazil.
Nice to meet everyone, hoping to learn and share a lot here
Hi. I'm new to DEV! It's nice to be part of this community. I am currently introducing myself into JavaScript Development.
hi everyone there!!!
Hello My name is Nelson, I'm glad to be here
Excited to share my knowledge and learn new things!
Hello everyone!
Hi, I am an IT infrastructure and Cloud, just interested in learning code. Based in South Africa. Hope to learn and share with you guys.
hi all i'ma new member here
Hi Friends!!!!!
hello everyone, I am here to get inspired, learn and share web development and devops related topics. I hope the journey is going to be awesome.
Helle there
Happy to be here.
Hello Everyone!!
I am a Computer Science undergraduate, interested in learning new things and curious about new technology.
I hope I'll learn more y sharing my knowledge.
Hi, community!! Valdomiro here!!
I'm a developer JS (Front and Back), C++ (Qt Desktop) and Java (JFS and Android)!!
I’m here to cooperate!
Hi Gengs
Glad to join this community, I'm Topan
I'm a Frontend Developer from Indonesia, hope I can get a new things & experience to learn from this platform
Nice to meet you all
I am kaleab from eth. Currently am g11 student and am learning to code bcs I love coding
Hello everyone!
I am an "entrepreneur" and ex-coder. Recently I got interested in web development, and discovered this community.
Hoping to read, learn, and connect with people.
Thanks Community, I am Nex , part time developer I heared about this platform. will love to be part of this.
Hey guys, I'm Fook. I work for bank in Thailand. I'm learning in web development. Nice to meet you guys.
Hi friends! I'm Antonio, i don't know how i got here, but it looks gr8. I'm from mexico, it's nice to be part of this community!
Hello guys! Nice to meet you all!
I am super enthusiasts about upcoming Blazor WebAssembly :)
Beside this I am really keen to learn other technologies and too tinker with different stuff :)
Hello Community, I am Pranjal Srivastava, currently a student from India. I am a MERN stack developer and looking forward to Game development using Unity and C#. Nice to meet you guys.
Hello Pranjal Srivastava, welcome, in our company we have some enthusiasts in Unity, they are crazy about developing games! Haha, we help them protect the code of their games, we hope that when you learn a lot about Unity we can help you with this work! A greeting!
hello :)
Welcome Laura
My name is Khaled and I'm a full-stack developer. I recently graduated from college and looking forward to build amazing things in the near future.
Glad to be part of this community :)
Love to write, whether it's a code /poem/blog.
Hi !
I'm Damien, I'm a developer and an entrepreneur.
I love to help other's finding a company they will loves to work at.
I founded WeLoveDevs.com 4 years ago 🎉
Hello! I am software developer for a manufacturing company who is looking to learn Web Development and mainly Asp.net. Hope to learn a lot from you all!
Hello! I'm Nico. I'm currently using C++ in my software engineering job. I'm actively transitioning to web development. ;)
Hi there &
i,m new here
Nice 👍👍
Welcome news users on Dev.to 👋
I don't know what I'm doing here, but I'm here... Hello World!
Glad to be here!
Hello! My name is Franco and I'm a front-end developer based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I'm here because I've recently posted an article on Medium and I'd like to share it here as well. Thanks!
Hello everyone,
I'm Gagan, new to coding and joined this platform to increase my skills.
Thankyou for having me.
hellooooo 👋
Hi everyone!
I'm Gabriel a Full Stack Developer from Brazil. I currently work with the MERN Stack but I'm always eager to learn new stuff. Hopefully we can contribute together :)
Hello, I have recently started working with Clojure. I love the Lispy syntax and the functional approach. Hope to learn more from this community. Cheers!
Hello - I’m 34 years old from India. I know to program in Java and currently, I’m learning frontend technology Angular.
Hi everyone.
I'm a Full Stack JavaScript Developer from Bengaluru, India
Lazy tester who wants to script wherever possible. Learning new ways to decrease my manual efforts. Open to learning and love to help.
I'm a software development student who has enjoyed reading articles on medium for a year and now stumbled on this place which seems cooler and free? Yay 🎉
Hello there!
It's Good to be here.
Hi, Community
I'm Sandhya, currently working as an intern trainee at MVP studio, located in New Zealand. My skill set is CPP, Javascript, React, Micro services and c#, want to boost my knowledge
Hello dear community,
I'm Cassandra, from France and I'm a web dev beginner x3
I'm struggling right now, I hope you'll help me go through this difficult journey..
Lots of love