DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v69 staff on April 15, 2020

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
armiedema profile image
Adam Miedema ā€¢

Hey everyone! I've been on for a little while now, but never said hello... So... HELLO! šŸ‘‹

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington ā€¢

Heya! šŸ‘‹

xd_final profile image

Hello Adam, what is your specialty?

armiedema profile image
Adam Miedema ā€¢

Product management - using my skillz to be an entrepreneur with my buddy and create useful web tools and apps.

Thread Thread
clintion profile image
Nyambatti ā€¢

May be interested to work on with you

lindaicing profile image
Linda ā€¢

Hello! šŸ‘‹

djteniente profile image
Juan Diego Puentes ā€¢


clintion profile image
Nyambatti ā€¢

Hello šŸ‘‹

devon40681339 profile image
Devon ā€¢

For some reason I think I'm supposed to say hi to u so yeah hi

Thread Thread
armiedema profile image
Adam Miedema ā€¢


Thread Thread
devon40681339 profile image
Devon ā€¢

Shit u know WBU

menasbeshay profile image
menasbeshay ā€¢


markaskvitka profile image
Markas Kvitka ā€¢

Hi, Adam!

ammit profile image
Amit ā€¢

Hello :)

lasanga profile image
Lasanga Guruge ā€¢


qtechsavy profile image
Gunu ā€¢


nsibest17 profile image
nsikan effiong ā€¢

Hello dear

thomasvandercam profile image
Thomas Vandercam ā€¢

Never too late hĆ©hĆ©, nice to meet you! šŸŽø

vhscodes profile image
vhscodes ā€¢


katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson ā€¢

Hi everyone, I'm Katie the #welcome moderator.
My unofficial title: DEV cheerleader šŸ˜Š

I want to welcome all of you to the DEV community and let you know that you'll find lots of help and support here for all your coding needs.

Don't hesitate to ask questions or contribute new ideas with your own post.
If you are interested in posting, be sure to read my post:

felipealvesgnu profile image
Felipe A. L. Pereira ā€¢

Hi guys, so I don't need my web blog anymore? I simply can use, is it ?!

devon40681339 profile image
Devon ā€¢

Thank you

lucamauri profile image
Luca Mauri ā€¢

Hi there.
I literally discovered this community today and, but it looks like I like it a lot šŸ˜Š
I work as IT Manager so programming is not my primary job, but I was always fascinating by the act of coding. I started with BASIC when I was a young boy and never stopped ever since. I slowly moved to more modern languages like and I recently took interest in PHP and LUA.

I am recently working on a custom MediaWiki installation integrated with WikiBase so I am heavily using LUA to customise the MW functionalities and I learnt PHP in order to contribute to some MW extension and I finally wrote one of mine.

I hope I will make some meaningful contribution to this site, happy coding! šŸ––šŸ»

ermelindarapoli profile image
Ermelinda Rapoli ā€¢

I just signed up and I want say

hello everybody!

I'm writing from italy.

happy coding

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson ā€¢

Hi Ermelinda, welcome to DEV!

ermelindarapoli profile image
Ermelinda Rapoli ā€¢

Thank you Katie

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor ā€¢

Welcome to DEV!

Spiderman swinging by to say hello

ermelindarapoli profile image
Ermelinda Rapoli ā€¢

Thank you Nick

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers ā€¢

Hi! šŸ¤Ÿ
Also new, so welcome

ermelindarapoli profile image
Ermelinda Rapoli ā€¢ ā€¢ Edited

Hello, and welcome to you too

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ā€¢

Hello and welcome to Community ! šŸ‘‹šŸ¼šŸ˜‰

ermelindarapoli profile image
Ermelinda Rapoli ā€¢

Thank you Thomas

jasbmir profile image
Jasmine Mirabueno ā€¢

Hello from the Philippines! I just joined this week and published my first post 2 days ago. Been wanting to blog for a long time, but I always made excuses not to do it šŸ™ˆšŸ˜… I guess I had more free time while in quarantine so here I am šŸ˜Š

tomstreeter profile image
Tom Streeter ā€¢

Like Luka below I literally came across this site today. How I missed it is beyond me, but I've often been told my life improve if only I'd participate in it. So there's that. But I've enjoyed the heck out of reading a bunch of stuff today and I think I'll be able to contribute at some point.

cchacin profile image
Carlos Chacin ā˜•šŸ‘½ ā€¢

Hello everyone, I started reading and writing articles on a few weeks back and it has been really rewarding so far, a lot of things learned with all the amazing content that people are sharing here.

Also started participating here:

selvarajrch profile image
SelvarajKaruppusamy ā€¢

Hey everyone! I am happy to be a part of this community. And this is my first message in the

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor ā€¢

Welcome to DEV!

Spiderman swinging by to say hello

selvarajrch profile image
SelvarajKaruppusamy ā€¢

Thank you for the nice gif, Nick <3

xmas13 profile image
Noel Miller ā€¢

Hello everyone!

Currently an IT engineer looking at getting more deep into coding, scripting, machine learning, deep learning, math, and linguistics. Still fairly new at studying math, ML, DL, and linguistics, but you have to start somewhere!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern ā€¢

Welcome everybody!

Any newbies want to jump right in and make a post in our first daily newbie checkin, feel free...

ilan274 profile image
Ilan Herbach ā€¢

Hey people :)

My name is Ilan, I'm 25, Brazilian/American.
This is my first day here.
I am going to bed right now, and as usual, I read some Google News and.. one of the recommendations was a post regarding JavaScript Async/Await posted by, which I am struggling this week.
I'm really thankful because I just loved this website. It's awesome.

jprealini profile image
Juan Pablo ā€¢

Hi! I've been a developer for over 13 years, .Net mainly, but started learning about test automation a couple of years ago. I have a passion for finding other peoples' bugs, just to make younger devs feel miserable like QA engineers made me feel miserable in the past.. :D Nah, just kidding ( :| )
I have been learning and loving cypress for the last 3 o 4 months, and thought to join a devs community in order to share some of the tricks I have learned...

dusekdan profile image
Daniel DuÅ”ek ā€¢

Hello, I'm Daniel and I work and live security. I used to spend a lot of time on Reddit and felt like dev related community instead would be more fun. So here am I.

barnettdalean profile image
Dalean Barnett ā€¢

Hi everyone! My name is Dalean Barnett, I am from Jamaica, and I am a backend dev with skills in Python, Django, Azure, and SQL. I have been using since last year (2019) and I think it is my time to contribute by sharing my knowledge. šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Š

robinsj2390 profile image
James Robinson ā€¢

Hello. I was about half way through Oregon State's post bacc CS degree when my daughter was born 3 years ago. I just applied at a local community college to go back and actually get a degree with the credits I earned through Oregon State.

reshmasrinivasan profile image
ReshmaāœØ ā€¢

Hello everyone! I'm Reshma from India, having had a commerce background I am currently transitioning into tech. I'm hoping that being a part of this community will help me stay motivated and learn more. Have a great day.šŸ˜„

aritdeveloper profile image
Arit Developer ā€¢

Welcome Reshma! Congrats on your decision to transition-to-tech šŸŽ‰
I also transitioned about 1.5 years ago; I used to be in public health. Let me know however I can support your journey! ā¤ļø

reshmasrinivasan profile image
ReshmaāœØ ā€¢

People like you boost my confidence! Thanks alot for your support Arit! ā¤ļø

orbussys profile image
orbus-sys ā€¢


katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson ā€¢

Hey there. Welcome to DEV!

umitao profile image
Umit S. Oner ā€¢

Hello everyone!
Been reading for a while, but now it is time to participate. I wished to be a developer since 12 -just wished-, and here I am at 32, in a Bootcamp taking my baby steps in JS & React, and soon backend. I'm a chemist & half-physicist by education but in love with computer SCIENCE as well!
Learning never stops.

toojannarong profile image
Jannarong Wadthong ā€¢

hello world!

faithgaiciumia profile image
Faith Gaiciumia ā€¢

Hello. My name is Faith Gaiciumia, a front-end dev ; Reactjs from Nairobi Kenya. I'd like to connect with more people of similar interests. Also looking forward to practising my technical writing skills here. Thanks

dreybest profile image
Damilare ā€¢ ā€¢ Edited

Hello, kinda new here, currently learning frontend development. Just finished designing a job application form

femmetech profile image
femmetech ā€¢

Hello Everyone!

I am Angel and this is my first time here. I am new to this side of tech - like really new and just starting learning about coding / programming. I am looking forward to immersing in this community and learning as much as I can to grow in this industry.

Thank you

whomahtab profile image
Mahtab ā€¢

Helloooooo +______+

santonocito profile image
Marco Santonocito ā€¢

Hi everyone, I'm Marco, from Italy. I co-founded a bunch of startups in the last years and now I'm CTO in a IoT company that produces air monitoring systems. I just discover this beautiful community so "Ciao a tutti!" :)

advait2498 profile image
advait2498 ā€¢

Hello Everyone ! I am just signed in to and new to all and learning this platform. So hello to all.

sullyd64 profile image
Lorenzo Guidaldi ā€¢

Hi everyone! I am a junior developer from Italy, currently attending university in Rome and hoping to complete a Master's Degree in computer engineering by the end of 2020.

I have discovered the DEV community during winter and I have been amazed since. This place is great, not only for content quality, but also because it encourages people to open up, no matter their level or experience or general shy-ness, and this enables to come closer to "stars", or, in general, real people who build the tools on which all of us build other amazing things.
Having academic readings my primary source for learning since I started uni years ago, for the past months i have been reading LOTS of dev blogs daily, starting from this. It even pushed me on starting using my twitter account seriously to reshape my daily news-feed completely by following dev accounts and blogs. I think somewhat started all of this - even before the quarantine was a thing here in Italy - and this (rather long) comment is my awkward way to acknowledge it.

So, since I'm here venturing outside my safe zone for the first time in ages (since I was a little kid on some game forum), I think i'll share some details on what I'm actually working during those days:

  • For my last uni exam, i'm building an interactive visualization based on data from a Marvel Universe wiki, which I crawled and refined through lots of python scripts. My goal is to display a timeline of the events of the shared universe between movies, tv shows and comics, highlighting the temporal interactions between the main characters. As I said, i'm using Python and Django to handle data and D3.js for displaying the actual DAG/timeline.

  • For work ( I write technical documentation for my company's product, a low-code development platform) I am focused on building a new website for our docs. We choose to migrate from Wordpress to a static generated site, and now I'm learning Eleventy and avidly scouting existing projects to improve my frontend skills in the meantime.

  • For my thesis, which started this month, i'm collab-ing with my company on developing a client generator for the systems built with our low-code platform. I'm studying Vue and GraphQL.

Wow, this turned out to be a pretty long comment, but I feel kinda relieved for pushing those things out of my head. I apologize for the verbosity and for any mistakes - as english is not my primary language - and I want to thank you again DEV community for encouraging me to write this. Cheers!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor ā€¢

Welcome to DEV!

Multiple TV and movie characters giving a thumbs up

ben profile image
Ben Halpern ā€¢

Sounds like you'll fit right in

mer7in profile image
Mer7in ā€¢

Hi everyone i'm Kevin from Haiti i'm a software engineer Jobless entrepreneur freelancer kind of curious on how to become a best developer and human being. I'm really glad to be here with you all. Hope i could grow up with you. Peace.

thinkverse profile image
Kim Hallberg ā€¢

I'm like @armiedema , been here a while myself and never said hello, hello! šŸ˜„

armiedema profile image
Adam Miedema ā€¢

Hello back! šŸ™Œ

licho59 profile image
Licho59 ā€¢

Hello to everyone,
I find very helpful in my efforts to become developer - it is about 3 years of my everyday struggles with python as my first language and i really feel it as my place; it's a pity that my new career starts so late but i truly believe in myselfl.
Leszek , 61

avisekhkumar profile image
Avisekh Kumar ā€¢

Hey everyone,
I'm Avisekh ,
I'm a data scientist and interested in Cybersecurity, Technology.
Found this blog and saw so many active developers and thought this will be a great platform to learn and deliver new things.

tarunnanduri profile image
Tarun Nanduri ā€¢

Hello everyone. I have just joined the Dev community. I also write my blogs at my own site I am a Deep Learning enthusiast. I develop Android applications using Flutter and REST API's using .NET core.

jeimylovescats profile image
Jeimy ā€¢

Hello! I am a beginner coder learning python, c(#,++, etc), Java(etc) and whatever it is that crosses my path. I currently teach robotics to kids in K-12 while going to community college. I've developed a huge interest in coding due to my work and a special trip to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. I have gotten discouraged because I struggle in the 'ask for help' department but I have a sister and brother-in-law who encourage me to keep pursuing my interests and passion.

mobilelegendshackonline profile image
MobileLegendshackonline ā€¢

The Funnel strategy is based on using the combination of a Support hero and a Hard carry hero. Using this strategy, the support champion would be played in the mid lane while the Hard Carry takes the jungle to build the farm. However, the twist is that the Jungler would then rotate between the jungle and mid lane farm.
Mobile Legends Hack

toqadev91 profile image
ToqaDev91 ā€¢

Hello, im Toqa from Jordan
I have 6 and half years of experience in development, hope to be all safe

bhupesh profile image
Bhupesh Varshney šŸ‘¾ ā€¢

Hi Toqa šŸ‘‹ glad you are here

mrshwah profile image
Nick Chouard ā€¢

Decided what better time to start capturing what I'm learning than now. Excited to dig in!

mahfuzkhandaker profile image
MahfuzKhandaker ā€¢

Hi! I'm a freelance Python Web developer from Bangladesh with years of experience. I'm skilled at writing test-driven and efficient code using current best practices in web development. I love Django for backend and VueJs for frontend.

lored profile image
Eduardo JuĆ”rez SĆ”nchez ā€¢

Hey there everyone!
I'm excited to introduce myself. I'm a student from Colima, Mexico who really likes to build beautiful and well organized webpages. Lately I've been learning React and CSS, since I also like the backend area I'm also trying to learn some GraphQL querys. I'm highly trying to understand React and it's environment so I can go and learn some SSR with Next.js, I'm so excited of learning it well!
I've just signed today to the community so I am highly motivated to sneak all around!

Happy codding.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern ā€¢

Great to have you!

itisinspiring profile image
Guillaume Deschamps ā€¢

Hello people,
i am discovering this community !

yangc22 profile image
Chason Young ā€¢

Hi, I'm Chason and currently a student at University. I'm from engineering major so I'm a "bad" coder. I do not know too much but I'd like to learn everything. Feel free to communicate!

mertocak profile image
Mert Ocak ā€¢ ā€¢ Edited

Hello everybody, I am new here. I really like this community! I am happy to be a part this site. Greetings from Turkey!

jakewoodau profile image
Jake Wood ā€¢

Hello everyone! I've just joined the community to hopefully connect with some like-minded people and learn some things on the way - particularly in the Javascript/React space. I'm a Product Designer/Front-end(ish) Developer from Australia! :)

alafourcadedespaigne profile image
Alejandro Lafourcade Despaigne ā€¢

Great, is tje solutions !!!!!!!

purplexmoss profile image
purplexmoss ā€¢ ā€¢ Edited

hi all! my name is Thenessa (like "Vanessa" with a "T") & i work in ophthalmology with patients who have partial/full blindness, low vision & sight-threatening conditions. i am looking to transition from clinic into more of a data analysis/SQL role, but also interested in web dev, UX/UI & app development (actively looking for work!) before quarantine, i was supposed to help my clinic with data analysis so i completed a SQL bootcamp. i know HTML & CSS, & am currently learning Javascript & Flutter.

ā€¢ as a pet project, i am building a web site to help patients who are planning on undergoing cataract surgery choose an intraocular lens implant that best fits their needs & daily activity (there are many options on the market & i've seen patients go through the process of getting a multifocal lens for example, & have it removed because they were unable to tolerate the glare from headlights.) i want to also develop this concept into an app that helps them track their visual activity to better inform this life-changing decision.

ā€¢ i am super motivated to utilize my unique background & ever-growing coding skills to find my niche in the coding world! please don't hesitate to email or send me a msg. i am a URM in STEM actively looking for any work or a mentor. nice to meet you all! šŸ‘¾šŸ¤Ž

oberoi1984 profile image
Harry Oberoi ā€¢

Hello Everyone, I was just surfing through internet and stopped by and find one article on AWS very informative. So I signed up for more great stuff. I am new to cloud and looking forward to enhance my knowledge.

marekcze profile image
MarekCze ā€¢

Just discovered this website while I was researching a head scratcher I've been stuck on for a while. This seems like the ideal place to spend those long days in lockdown. I'm really liking the friendly atmosphere!

aborabiea11 profile image
aborabiea ā€¢


zxl profile image
xanadu ā€¢


mariosas27 profile image
mariosas27 ā€¢

Hi! I discovered this platform today, and i found it interesting. I hope I can share my little computer skills with all of you.

scanlonms89 profile image
Rory ā€¢ ā€¢ Edited

Hello everyone. Just joined the community. I'm starting to learn Python as my first language and I'm certain I'll need help along the way. Any and all knowledge would be more than appreciated. Looking forward to the journey.

ruejee profile image
Cristian ā€¢

Hello to all

crazychickendev profile image
Nwaobi Daniel ā€¢

Hello everyone

herverasolofoarijaona profile image
HervĆ© R. ā€¢

Hey everyone! I've been on for a little while now, but never said hello... So... HELLO!... and , my professional project is to acquire, to sharpen my knowledge in data processing and in leadership to be the best in all the field.

harishrajora12 profile image
Harish Rajora ā€¢

I am a computer science engineer. I love to keep growing as the technological world grows. I feel there is no powerful tool than a computer to change the world in any way.

xd_final profile image

Hello, I am a game/web developer and owner of a software development company called Project FinalBoss Corp. I go to Lambda School at night in order to learn about webdevelopment and to get my feet wet with programming. Currently, the only skill set I have to offer my company is writing and art. I want to soon be able to cover all fields to give my colleagues some breathing room.

I came here out of curiosity as I've seen a video my instructor made where she went to this site as a demonstration for the React Browser Router. Otherwise, I never knew this site existed. I hope by coming here I can learn new things regarding programming that I can add in my tool kit.

blaqmac profile image
Blaqmac ā€¢

Hey everyone, my name is Gilbert a UI/UX Designer from Nigeria. I am here to learn coding

agnihotri_99 profile image
Pratika Agnihotri ā€¢

I am here to learn and to discover the fun in Python. I am struggling a lot in learning Django.
I hope this platform will help me...

Howdy šŸ¤—

heregoesgupta profile image
Archit Gupta ā€¢

Hey, my fellow devs! I read a few blog posts from my colleagues on this forum, and I thought it would be great if I can be a part of the community and interact with the smart and motivated peers like you. :-D

chiubaca profile image
Alex Chiu ā€¢ ā€¢ Edited

Ahoy hoy!šŸ‘‹ Dont know why I havnt done this sooner !

nehemiahlimo profile image
NehemiahLimo ā€¢

Hello Devs, stay safe in your bunks

shubham500 profile image
shubham potekar ā€¢

Hello everyone!

jamacy profile image
Jamacy ā€¢

Nice to have you here!

veer16 profile image
Veer Singh ā€¢

Hello everyone. I am a beginner and like all the other beginners I am constantly hunting for the mentors and study material.

hlc0000 profile image
hlc0000 ā€¢

Hello everyone, today is my first day in I hope you are happy every day. Our code can bring us more happiness.... next, by the way, I will introduce a lightweight IOS general cache library that I recently developed with swift 5
If you are interested in it, you can download it to have a look. Maybe you will like this cache, and you are welcome to give suggestions or suggestions. Of course, if you are willing, you can share it with your friends who are doing IOS development. Thank you

satishsurve profile image
satishsurve ā€¢

hello. šŸ‘‹

justehmadsaeed profile image
Ehmad Saeed šŸ‘Øā€šŸ’» ā€¢

Hey everyone, I'm new to dev community and willing to share my thoughts and opinions regarding web development and Android development

sensiblefolk profile image
michael Chimezie ā€¢

Hello Everyone this is is my first time here, excited to be part of this community

esafb52 profile image
Masiha Ahmadi ā€¢

Hello dear

j0hnnymcd3vil profile image
Johnny McD3v1l ā€¢

Hi there,
Complete newbie here working on learning code to change careers.
Started with course, dabbling in python, bash and networking as well.
Appreciate any good advice. Self learning is hard but also fun. Possibilities are endless!
Objective is Full stack web developer and a new job.

lindaicing profile image
Linda ā€¢

Hello everyone!

I've been part of DEV for a little bit but am aiming to be more active. I am a junior web designer, and am trying to learn React. Very nice to meet you all!

cortajoe profile image
cortaJoe ā€¢

Hello I'm new here and hoping to learn web dev and land a job in tech.

codegien profile image
codegien ā€¢

Hey codegien is saying hello to everyone here. Just joining the platform...

murtazahassani profile image
murtazahassani ā€¢

Hi everyone! I'm new in dev.

ahmedmahgoubkamal profile image

Hey everyone .... my name is ahmed

ishajj profile image
Ishajj ā€¢

I am a Testing enthusiast. I saw a Python Automation cheatsheet. It was very interactive and easily understandable which as a result brought interest in this website.

carbonbaseddudeform profile image
Dominic Musgrave ā€¢

Hello, i am fairly confident a link brought me here and curiosity. I hope whoever reads this has a nice day šŸ˜€

waseemmanshagondal profile image
Waseem Mansha Gondal ā€¢

Hello everyone, I just wanted to participate in learning JavaScript stack

markaskvitka profile image
Markas Kvitka ā€¢

Hello everyone! My name is Markas. I am from Ukraine. I've been developer for 5 years and now I want to start writing tutorial articles. That's why I joined community. I am full-stack web developer. I am writing code in JS and use vue framework on front-end and express/sequelize for back-end. Also I like to learn new languages, technologies. If you have some ideas for tutorials I would like to hear them :)

udinry profile image
udinry ā€¢

Hi... Today I decided that I will delete all the Social Media apps like Twitter and Facebook and spend my time on something productive every single second till I land my dream job. I downloaded many apps related to coding like Geekforgeeks etc.. I want to know whether downloading this app was the right decision or not... I wanted an app that was fun but at the same time not addictive and distracting.

darltrash profile image
Neil Wolfkid ā€¢

hi, my name is dario and i make all sorts of dumb stuff, from a horrible asteroids clone (without asteroids) to apps i never release.

vikashashok profile image
vikashashok ā€¢

Hey Everyone...I am newbie to this community..

duncankiragu profile image
Duncan Kiragu ā€¢

So I've been reading posts on but i never actually joined so here goes a big Hello

lita7 profile image
Lita ā€¢

I am so happy to see this post because all the details are very interesting in this post. Zinus military discount

ashwinop profile image
Ashwin ā€¢

Hello guys! It's my first day here!

pappu_harish profile image
Harish.Dunukunala ā€¢

Hi All

davidas13 profile image
David Satrio ā€¢

Hokya šŸ‘‹

kncn3lag7gugcla profile image
mitty ā€¢

Nice to meet you here

dmarquez83 profile image
Digna Marquez ā€¢

Hola desde Venezuela, acabo de conseguir este sitio tratando de optimizar mi webStorm, me llamo la atenciĆ³n espero conseguir cosas buenas y aportar cosas buenas.

iskitz profile image
šŸ‡¬šŸ‡¾Mike šŸ’» Lee šŸ¤“ ā€¢ ā€¢ Edited

Hey All šŸ‘‹šŸ¾

I just joined yesterday thanks to a callout by Monica Powell.

Loving the early-web-days free-creation feeling of things like & ā£ļø

also...Help! Where do I go for help with adding github repos to my profile? šŸ¤”I can't seem to add pinned public ones I created as part of another org, and haven't found a Help section yet...

vonheikemen profile image
Heiker ā€¢


Hey everyone!

What brought me here? I think it was something about functional programming, can't remember well. I stayed because of the markdown editor, I wanted to write about what I learned.

lahmacun profile image
Mustafa Zahid Efe ā€¢

TL;DR => Hello folks

Hello Ladies and Gentlemans,
I was reading articles and I said to myself, What a wonderful world šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Just a joke, then I said to myself "Why don't I write articles on".
I'll post articles about WordPress, PHP and Symfony soon. Great community, great people. I'm glad I'm here.

reiallenramos profile image
Rei Allen Ramos ā€¢

Hi everyone. Always happy to be a part of a new community, and this being a developer community makes it 10x better!

nanisamireddy profile image
nani samireddy ā€¢

Hey passionate and Experimental developers hello to you all

nsibest17 profile image
nsikan effiong ā€¢

Am Nsikan aka theOriginator am into web development and instrested in python and java

topestack profile image
Tope-stack ā€¢

Just signed up and wanted to say hello,
So here goes,
Hello everyone.

napicella profile image
Nicola Apicella ā€¢

Hi! Welcome on board!

boadude profile image
Miguel Meza ā€¢

Hi you guys, I'll start publish interesting content.

Thank you for let me join to this community.

vinsu profile image
vinsu rick ā€¢

hello DEVs I'm vince been reading DEV articles since forever šŸ˜… feels good to actually sign up and be part of the community

frogzman profile image
Frogzman ā€¢

Hey discovered DEV through a podcast and looks interesting. Not in IT as a job so I'm a very much a newbie.

realpetermitch profile image
Peter Mitchell ā€¢

Hi everyone, I'm Peter. I'm the co-founder of Flux We enable markets on any asset or events via SDK. Looking forward to getting to know the community better.

christophecraig profile image
Christophe Craig ā€¢

Hi everyone,

I'm a junior web developer who used to code in PHP5 and kinda old JS framework in my previous job.
I just moved from France to New Zealand so I'm currently unemployed and I'm taking advantage of the current lockdown to improve my coding and learn new things, just started to play with React a few weeks ago.
I didn't code for a few months as I was mostly preparing my trip and enjoying last moments with my friends and family so it feels like I am almost a total beginner again! šŸ˜

Anyways, I just wanted to say hi and thank you for the awesome content here.

_musicgal profile image
jenn ā€¢

Hey! This is Jennifer - very excited to be here. Thank you for letting me be part of this great community. Iā€™m a big music fan and Iā€™m in the midst of building my first website and music blog. Cheers!

diaznewyork profile image
Sandro ā€¢

Hi everyone! Happy to discover - tons of super interesting articles! happy to be part of this community and looking forward to my 1st post soon!

kiril6 profile image
Kiril Delovski ā€¢

Hi all. I recently discovered this great platform I am willing to visit it more often and to contribute to it with some useful blog posts. Cheers!

rss_holmes profile image
Rohan Sen Sharma ā€¢

Hi everyone! My hunger for anykind of bytes related to the world of programming led me to this community.I have been passing by a lot of articles in the past but thought of adding it to my daily buffer of consumption and hence here I am.Its nice to meet you all. :-)
Running my own tech company as a CTO , brings me head to head with a lot of different architectures,design patterns and code optimizations on a daily basis, thus making it my primary area of interest.

hallsamuel90 profile image
Sam Hall ā€¢

amul_rajesh profile image
Rajesh Amul ā€¢

Hello everyone

daniele_pais profile image
Daniele Pais ā€¢

Gosh, I made it. Thanks for making this amazing community....and hello from Phuket!

terenzeyuen profile image
Terenze šŸ¦• ā€¢

Hello, new here and hope everyone's keeping safe. I make and grow apps. Loves team leadership and Swift / SwiftUI. Not sure what's the interest is like for these topics are over here. šŸ¤”šŸ˜„

devluc profile image
Devluc ā€¢

Hi community! There are some great articles and people here. I joined to be able to interact with authors via comments. At the moment I create landing page templates and offer them on my website and marketplaces but I'm also brushing up on my dev skills to start creating cool web apps. Have a beautiful day!

aarondio profile image
Aarondio ā€¢

Hello, am new here.

hassaanhameed786 profile image
frozenheart3k ā€¢

hello dev community

nash567 profile image
bipen chandra adhikari ā€¢

hi everyone thanks for welocming me

yemified_ profile image
Mr YemiOyešŸ‘¤ ā€¢

Hello Guys

pkpixel profile image
pk ā€¢

Hi, I am new here šŸ˜

ombax11 profile image
Ombax ā€¢

just love code and try to learn it

wamburr_dennis profile image
wamburr dennis ā€¢


fultonbrowne profile image
Fulton Browne ā€¢


samadvpd profile image
Samad ā€¢

Hello World. šŸ‘‹

bhupesh profile image
Bhupesh Varshney šŸ‘¾ ā€¢


mabla0531 profile image
Matthew Bland ā€¢


lasanga profile image
Lasanga Guruge ā€¢ ā€¢ Edited

Hey guys I joined yesterday... Went through some posts and wrote a post to get started. Seems a nice place to be :)

wize_d profile image
Wize Damilare Amode ā€¢

Hi everyone! I spoke to my mentor and he recommended in his very first message. A week on here reading several articles, I have learnt alot from great minds and it has actually changed the way I see myself as a developer. Saying Hello from Nigeria!

ombax11 profile image
Ombax ā€¢

hallo every one
call me ombax or angsa hitam

moviandev profile image
Matheus Viana ā€¢ ā€¢ Edited

Hey, I'm new on, actually I've been reading posts anonymously and I've decided to create an account to contribute with the community I'm excited to start contributing. I wish y'all an excellent week.

larox profile image
SebastiĆ”n Arias ā€¢

Hi! Iā€™ve came by to dev a few times and today I decided to join the community!

ucheuzor profile image
ucheuzor ā€¢

Hi everyone, am Uche. I just discovered this platform and am excited to be here. Am currently learning. I am confident this this platform will help me level up in good time.

Good to meet everyone here.

iamconsultoria profile image
Ivan ā€¢

Nice to been here!

dawntraoz profile image
Alba Silvente Fuentes ā€¢

Hi everyone!
I'm Alba, FrontEnd developer at Square1. I've always read the posts that other frontends have been publishing and I've registered to press the heart & unicorn and support them!

I hope everyone is fine šŸ¤—

mreyesh profile image
Michel Reyes ā€¢

Hello everyone! My name is Michel. In my workplace, they say, I'm a Front End Software Developer, I think I'm just a guy who drink a lot of coffee and spends hours coding for JavaScript.
Happy coding everyone :)

murtazahassani profile image
murtazahassani ā€¢

Hi, dear friends welcome to the prefect dev community:
I hope you enjoy

aichbauer profile image
Lukas Aichbauer ā€¢

Hey y'all!
I like reading (learning) new stuff on and I thought maybe it's time to also start writing about stuff I know. Let's see where this will go šŸ˜€

So: "Hello, World šŸ‘‹"

1337 profile image
Suryansh Mansharamani ā€¢

Hello guys! I'm completely new to, but I absolutely love the concept of it along with cybersecurity and Swift iOS development!!!!

tilakranjan profile image
Tilak Ranjan Mohanta ā€¢

Hey Guys.
This is awesome.

darkie8 profile image
darkie8 ā€¢

Hey everyone! Love is war : Kaguya-sama..... :3

comatac3 profile image
comatac3 ā€¢


katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson ā€¢

Hi, welcome to DEV!

clintion profile image
Nyambatti ā€¢

Print("Hello World!");
We always start with Hello world and being my first time here, I really feel Great to join this community.
Hopeful to make a connection with people here who may enrich me and am willing to share and learn too.

amandasabreah profile image
AmandaSabreah ā€¢

Hi everyone! I've been lurking on for a couple months, and decided to say hello! Former product manager/data analyst turned founder - to try to build web tools that benefit both engineering managers and engineers. šŸ™‚

More than happy to connect and share learnings. šŸ™

diop profile image
FodĆ© Diop ā€¢

Hello, world!

mooseseatgrass profile image
Sarah St. Timmerman ā€¢

Hello, Humans!

I just completed a coding bootcamp and I'm looking to develop my skills into a full stack developer. So far I've mostly been learning Javascript, CSS, HTML, and React. I'm better at the Front-end side of things as of right now.

There's so many things to learn and I'm excited to try out new programming languages and tools. :] I'm excited to learn from you all and be around like minded humans

gerile3 profile image
Berkay Girgin ā€¢

Hi o/. I was stalker for a while now so to speak but today finally decided to join in.
So; Hi to all and stay safe !

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers ā€¢

Hi there people,

Chris Bongers here, I'm a solution architect by day and blogger by night.
I'm from the Netherlands, but living in Cape Town, South Africa.

Feel free to ask me anything Vanilla Javascript related!
Or visit my blog:

eshagov profile image
eshagov ā€¢

Hi professionals and friends. Actually are the same, for me all of you professionals and friends. ;-)

antoinelzch profile image
antoineLZCH ā€¢ ā€¢ Edited

Hello everyone. I came on a lot of time looking for somes tutorials and cool articles. Thanks for all you do for the community !
I'm a young Web developer student in a work-study contract in France. I'm working in a Web agency near Paris and doing a lot of WordPress websites according to clients needs. I'm really curious so I trained a lot expressjs, laravel due to Php stuff with WordPress, vuejs and nuxt (cocorico ! šŸ“), and I'd really like to experiment devops skills to be better and get a stronger workflow !
I think I'll do a portfolio/playground soon so maybe I'll post this !
Thanks for reading, have a great Day !

dailymatters profile image
ClĆ”udio Ribeiro ā€¢

Hi everyone, just joined mainly because I've been sick of Medium for some months now and I was looking for another platform to write on. let's see how it goes!

With that out of the way, HELLO EVERYONE!

smilletops profile image
Shelly Millet ā€¢

I feel like this it, did I find the cool kids or what?
I am learning to code and I am going to be a Developer.


jasonnordheim profile image
Jason ā€¢

Hello everyone... I am new to the dev community, but very happy to be here. I go be he/him and am currently enrolled in the full-stack software engineering bootcamp at the Flatiron School in Denver, CO.

I am excited to code. I am hungry to learn! Looking forward to all the amazing things we will be able to create together. See you all out on the field! Happy Coding!

coffie360_16 profile image
Coffie-360 ā€¢

I love how web application works and I hope is place I can get all that I want

dev_sahan profile image
Sahan Amarsha ā€¢

šŸ‘‹Hello! I'm Sahan. I'm an undergraduate from Sri Lanka. Glad to join this community.šŸ˜Š

vincofy profile image
vincofy ā€¢

Hi everyone,
I am trying to create a subscription with Stripe where the admin will approve the Upgrade of the subscription. Once the subscription is approved by the platform Admin, then the client can complete the subscription from their account.
Any ideas anyone?
Thank you in advance

koprowski_it profile image
Daniel Koprowski ā€¢ ā€¢ Edited

Hi! I'm Daniel and currently I'm working as a React Native developer. I also have experience with pure React in JS and in TS. Previously I was working with Unity creating VR applications in C# =)

I want to write some blog content during lockdown and hopefully after it. My interests despite programming is productive work and a bit of psychology (more as a hobby to read). I think is one of my best social network discoveries.

asheeshjanghu profile image
Asheesh Janghu ā€¢

Hi everyone,
I have joined here today in the hope of finding answers to my doubts.
I am looking to switch to a backend role using Java/Kotlin as a language.
I have worked as ANdroid Developer for 5 years and now looking for backend.
Can anyone suggest me what is the industry trend for backend frameworks for Java?
Also, it would be great if someone can point me what I should be learning in the coming days to become a sucessful backend engineer.
I have started learning SpringBoot recently.
Your comments please.

dineshyazali profile image
DineshYazali ā€¢

Hello everyone! Good to be a part of this community .Looking forward to learn something new šŸ˜Š

middj2008 profile image
middj2008 ā€¢

Hello Everyone am new here on wish you say hello

bitnician profile image
Behzad ā€¢

Hello everyone, Glad to be here with you guys.šŸ„³ I plan to write about blockchain programmingšŸ¤“

shreyash profile image
Shreyash Saitwal ā€¢

Hey y'all, šŸ‘‹
I'm Shreyash. I knew about for a long time but it's finally today when I signed up. Glad to be a part of this community. šŸ˜Š

Happy Coding

therealzakarya profile image
Zakarya Noori ā€¢

Hi everyone, I am new to
Learning Javascript and Vue right now šŸ˜‰

amrose14 profile image
Amardeep ā€¢

Hi All

deveshprojectwork profile image
deveshprojectwork ā€¢

Hi all, I am front end developer and learning new technology with backend and database. Joined to share the knowledge and learn - devesh

abhibhuj profile image
Abhi ā€¢

Hello everyone!
I just signed up on and wanted to say Hello šŸ‘‹
Excited to learn more from you all!

0noobcoder0 profile image
Azman ā€¢

Hello fellow hoomans. Novice programmer here just breaking out in the world of software development.

sherekin2012 profile image
Shere Crossman ā€¢

Hi Everyone. I'm looking for ways to really learn to implement what I have learned in bootcamp, practice vs theory. I am happy to be here.

basheer94517854 profile image
Basheer Radman ā€¢


haroldseara profile image
haroldseara ā€¢

hello budy here to share and learnig and off course be update

rayhan18 profile image
Abu Rayhan ā€¢

I am happy to join the developer forum.

almcc profile image
Alastair McClelland ā€¢

Hello folks

I'm new to, I have got stuck in with a post about AWS CDK!

Please let me know what you think.

siakon89 profile image
Siaterlis Konstantinos ā€¢

Hey everyone! šŸ‘‹ Happy to be here!

ebsndrs profile image
Edward Sanders ā€¢

Hi everyone! I've perused DEV before but never joined. Working from home so much has made me want to join a community focused on my interests, so here I am!

carlosiiv profile image
Carlos Michel Ramirez ā€¢

Hey all, ran into this looking for a community to progress my learning experience. Iā€™m currently a bootcamp student at Coding Dojo. Where Iā€™m learning MERN, C#, & Python. Look forward to being here.

advaitva profile image
Advaitva Gupta ā€¢

Hey šŸ‘‹, just joined DEV, looking forward to gain new experience!!

vikashashok profile image
vikashashok ā€¢

Hi All, I am Newbie here...thanks for having me....

thevueguy profile image
Jose Garrido ā€¢

Hello everyone! It's really nice to finally be part of this community. This is my official hello :)

mradii14 profile image
MrADII ā€¢

Hello. ^_^

lokicodevdescy profile image
Loki-codevdescy ā€¢

Hi guys. I want to become a developer so I join this community with you guys <3 Hope you guys support me. Thanks and say Helloooo

ellalu20 profile image
Ella Lu ā€¢

Hello everyone, Ella here from New Zealand. It's my new journey to join this community. Hope I can learn more from here.

muffaddal profile image
Mufaddal ā€¢

Hi there.

diiandwi profile image
dk. ā€¢

Hello everyone šŸ–šŸ»
I just signed up, recently I started to learn Python.
I'm a project admin for poultry industry, but planned to be a developer especially for data science. I hope i can make it true and happy to join with this community šŸ’™

vhscodes profile image
vhscodes ā€¢

Hey there. I've been reading articles here for while but I want to actively participate in the community now.

stellucidam profile image
Clarisse Fleurimont ā€¢

Hey there ! I'm new here and discovered this sorta by accident ! Looking forward to learning from everyone, so HELLO šŸ‘‹

rightqa profile image
Nitin Khanchandani - Right QA ā€¢

šŸ‘‹ Hey awesome community, joined recently. Just wanted to say Hi to all amazing peeps here. Looking forward to be actively engaged with community. Cheers guys.

dnjooiopa profile image
Kittisak Phormraksa ā€¢

Hello world

iamnmanoj profile image
Manoj Kumar Nagaraj ā€¢

Hello all, I am here to learn new things, hope i do so !!!

oldpanda_14 profile image
OldPanda ā€¢


kgalamono profile image
Thato Kgalamono ā€¢


luisjoselopezd profile image
Luis JosĆ© LĆ³pez Delgado ā€¢

Hi i am Luis, besides programming i like chess, math and history.

From Venezuela learning react right now, i hope soon find a job in this industry

theabbie profile image
Abhishek Chaudhary ā€¢

I am a pseudo-introvert, a web developer, and a maker

naudysmab profile image
Naudys Barahona ā€¢

Hello community! I'm here to learn of you

cloudier profile image
cloudier ā€¢

Someone on Gentle recommended this site for its friendly community. I'm here to take a look around šŸ˜Š

iqrafatimame profile image
Iqra Fatima ā€¢

šŸ‘‹ Hey everyone! I am new to and looking forward to some amazing stuff.

jenriko profile image
jenriko ā€¢


msuryaditriputrar profile image
msuryaditriputraR ā€¢

Helo Dev

ugumerie profile image
Umerie Ugochukwu ā€¢

Hello :)

gybeans profile image
Shaun ā€¢

Hello everyone! I only just learned of the other day (can't believe I hadn't sooner!) and wanted to be involved.

ndmacioce profile image
Nick Macioce ā€¢

Hey everyone! Been a lurker here for the last few months and finally decided to join. Going to start writing my first post now (DevOps focused). Hope everyone is staying safe out there.

garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani ā€¢

Hi Everybody

olukadenis profile image
Oluka Denis ā€¢

Nice to be here

aa37195563 profile image
aa ā€¢

Hey everyone! I've been on for becoming a react developer, please help me where to start from

leonardopacher profile image
Leonardo Pacher ā€¢

Hi Dev Guys I hope all of you are well! I am learning NodeJS and want to share all my findings here :) thank you for accepting me here, I promise wonā€™t be a pain

tumininu_ojo profile image
Oluwatumininu ā€¢

Hello everyone

destinio profile image
Destin Lee ā€¢

Hello everyone. Just landed a new role at my org as a FE Dev. Super excited and ready to grow!!

saadmohmed7 profile image
SM ā€¢

hi everyone

elipixel profile image
Eli-pixel ā€¢

Hello everyone, I love coding in python and HTML. Bye!

danielskiala profile image
danielskiala ā€¢

Hello to all dev

paulobalonye profile image
Paul Obalonye ā€¢ ā€¢ Edited

Hello everyone, Am so blessed to be a part of this great community and hope to meet great folks and learn from!

wagnerdamasiojr profile image
Wagner Damasio Jr ā€¢

Hello everyone bumped into this website by chance and really like it at first sight. Glad having joinned it

ghozaa_ profile image
Muhammad Ghozali ā€¢

Well hello fellas! I've been on for a just minutes ago. Nice to meet you everyone!

maku090 profile image
maku090 ā€¢

I want to be a full stack developer

linuschinonso808 profile image
linuschinonso808 ā€¢

Hi, I'm Linus and I live in Nigeria and happy to be among this community, though am just an undergraduate and a beginner in coding.
Hope am welcomed?
Thanks for having me .

ivansanguezax profile image
Ivan Sangueza ā€¢

Hey !! Iā€™m Ivan,
I literally discovered this community today and, but it looks like I like it a lot šŸ˜Š nice to meet you !! šŸš€

ddsundaria profile image
Deendayal Sundaria ā€¢

Hey everyone! HELLO to ALL :)

rightqa profile image
Nitin Khanchandani - Right QA ā€¢

Hey all šŸ‘‹, recently joined Been reading articles on for a while, so thought of joining the amazing community. Glad to be a part of community.

kitaniislam profile image
kitani islam ā€¢

Hey , i hope everyone having a good days !! i'm new to , and its seems nice to be here ^^

alpasc profile image
Aline ā€¢

Hello everyone! Just started to code a few weeks ago, trying to be good enough with javascript, react and node is to make a living with this new knowledge

ogbeidemayowa profile image
ogbeide oluwamayowa ā€¢


varunahuja555 profile image
varunahuja555 ā€¢ ā€¢ Edited

Hello guys
My name is V (Varun)
And i am a full stack dev :D

andrewhaywood profile image
Andrew Haywood ā€¢

Hi Everyone. Read a few posts that have been really useful, so decided to join.

m_ahmad profile image
Muhammad Ahmad ā€¢

Hello everyone šŸ‘‹

stultus profile image
Hrishi ā€¢

Hello Everyone.
This is Hrishi from Kerala, India :)

professormartha profile image
martha sanchez ā€¢

Ā”Hola Mundo!

hello from Mexico.

matdziu profile image
Mateusz Dziubek ā€¢

Hi! My name's Matt. I'm Senior Software Engineer trying to help junior devs and people learning how to code :) Good to be here ;)

umair_m121 profile image
Umair Mangera ā€¢

Hi guys. šŸ‘‹
I found this website but accident, but I'm kinda glad I found it.
I'm a beginner programmer.
And I'm from Zimbabwe.

orgullodiablook profile image
Orgullo.Diablo ā€¢

Hola a todos! He estado en por un tiempo, pero nunca dije hola ... Entonces ... Ā”HOLA! šŸ‘‹

lita7 profile image
Lita ā€¢

I am so happy to see this kind of brilliant informative post because all the details are very awesome and very interesting.

shiva2k2 profile image
shiva2k2 ā€¢

Hello everyone - I just joined -Hope I get support from you all in learning a lot!

kwameamissah123 profile image
Daniel Kwame Amissah ā€¢

Hello all,
I just joined the community. Happy to be here

lita7 profile image
Lita ā€¢

Details are awesome and very useful in this post, and thanks for sharing this brilliant post. Corel Promo Codes

marcomontes profile image
Marco Montes ā€¢

Hey! Greetings from Colombia. I'm a Ruby Developer and learning more about JS.

etman55 profile image
Atef Etman ā€¢

Hey everyone I am new here and hope to participate as i can to this community :)

jethro1979 profile image
jethro1979 ā€¢

hi there everybody. glad to be here

craigtaub profile image
Craig Taub ā€¢

Hey all, I am a big fan of reading on here and recently got into producing more content so really happy to be part of the community ā¤ļø

nitikornchumnankul profile image
Nitikorn Chumnankul ā€¢


elephantatech profile image
Elephantatech ā€¢

Hello People nice to meet you

andrewslobodianiuk profile image
Andrew Slobodianiuk ā€¢

Hi to everyone!

hediabed profile image
Hedi Abed ā€¢

Hello, I just sign up right now.
Nice to meet you all.

kalfian profile image
Kukuh Alfian Hanif ā€¢

Hello im junior software developer from indonesia, hello everyone šŸ˜Š

zybraxis profile image
Jerrell Wade ā€¢ ā€¢ Edited

I have a i9 9900K, ASUS ROG STRIX MOBO, 4-16 DDR4, 2-1070Ti,Cougar case, 1200w power, 56"4K,2-t ssd, 5-t HD, Win. Pro. Workstation- Whats a singular best case senario?

maduz0097 profile image
Yamika Perera ā€¢

Hello Guys! I'm new to dev.

shiblynoman profile image
Shibly-Noman ā€¢


iamnmanoj profile image
Manoj Kumar Nagaraj ā€¢ ā€¢ Edited

Hey everyone, came here to learn new things, hope I do it !!

ianengracia profile image
ianengracia ā€¢


Wanted to stop being that guy that just crawls around blogs and tutorials without saying anything or give any thanks, so to start I joined here :D

iwojdyllo profile image
iwojdyllo ā€¢

Heeeeey :)

debit0_ profile image
debit0 ā€¢

Ā”Hola mundo! in DEV community

I discovered this site today. I'm glad to be here, yay.

qaainatkhan profile image
Kainat ā€¢

Hi, I'm a front end developer I've just joined this site willing to learn and share my knowledge.

debadree25 profile image
Debadree Chatterjee ā€¢

Hi, I am Debadree Chatterjee a 1st year engineering student and aspiring web developer have been following for quite some time now. So, thought about leaving a Hi šŸ˜„

iformiga profile image
Igor Formiga ā€¢

Hey, I've been reading and sharing stuff for a while now but I never really signed in. So, Hi!

omerayyildiz profile image
Ɩmer Ayyıldız ā€¢


omercheema619 profile image
Omer Cheema ā€¢

Hello everyone, Wanted to take away maximum from the experience/expertise of fellow DEV community and contribute as much as possible.

bryanprimus profile image
Bryan Primus Lumbantobing ā€¢

Hi guys .. My name is Bryan .

eminsafa profile image
E. Safa Tok ā€¢

Hi everyone. I'm Safa from Istanbul, Turkey. I don't have an idea whats going on here :)

krlakshmikanth profile image
Lakshmikanth Rajamani ā€¢

Hi everyone!
I just landed in and wanted to a build context-aware ML system. Fan of AI and python stuffs. Happy to be part of this community.

imaximova profile image
Irina Maximova ā€¢ ā€¢ Edited

Hi everyone! Such a great resource!
Iā€™m a technical writer joined a couple of days ago and just published my first post here! Can't wait to read and write more šŸ¤˜

birth_tragedy profile image
Birth of Tragedy ā€¢

I'm new in, Hello Everyone