DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v89 staff on September 02, 2020

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
schmelto profile image
Tom Schmelzer

Hey there I'm Tom a student and developer from Germany. Hope DEV is going to be a great place to look for new inspiration, possibilities and great discussions.
See ya.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hey Tom! 👋

Hope ya enjoy your time on DEV.

schmelto profile image
Tom Schmelzer

Thanks a lot!

jrioscloud profile image
Jaime Rios

Welcome Tom. What are you studying right now?

schmelto profile image
Tom Schmelzer

I study business Informatics.

dienigma profile image
Chinmay Joshi

Hey Tom! Welcome!

petrosapotsos profile image
Petros Apotsos

Hi Tom!! I am new here too! Well met!

malhotramanik profile image
Manik Malhotra

Hello Tom

emmanueligbo11 profile image
Emmanuel Igbo

Welcome! i am new here also.

narutovps profile image
Ved Prakash Singh

Hello Tom 👋

adamdunn318 profile image

In the morning to you good sir!!!

camandres9 profile image
Carloj André

Welcome Tom.

khajulib profile image

I also from Germany duesseldorf. wo wohnst du denn?

schmelto profile image
Tom Schmelzer

In der Nähe von Heilbronn.

Thread Thread
khajulib profile image

sehr gut und wohne ich in der Naehe von duesseldorf.

timmybytes profile image
Timothy Merritt • Edited

I’m Tim, 33 year old single dad making a career change into development. I’ve been studying coding for a while now, and over the last year I’ve been deep diving into learning all I can about the front end. I love helping anyone I can with the things I’ve learned so far, and I’m currently trying to land my first coding job! I’ve been a lurker on DEV for a while now, but I’m trying to actively engage more with the community :)

nananananate profile image
Nathaniel Louis Tisuela

mad respect for you! I can only imagine the friction that is going against you, keep it up!

timmybytes profile image
Timothy Merritt

Thanks! It’s certainly a lot to deal with, but I’m really passionate about development (particularly the accessibility side of things), and I’m committed to the career change, so I’m doing my best.

danielzardo profile image
Daniel Zardo

Hello Timothy! I can relate to your situation at a certain level. Success in your journey!

pronia00 profile image
Andrew Pronkin

Hey, good luck man ^^

timmybytes profile image
Timothy Merritt


mishkazi profile image
Michael Zinoviev • Edited

Good luck bro with finding the job :)

kaeptnkrunch profile image
Stephan B. R. Langenau

deep respect for this achievement. I wish you the best of luck that you find a great job. And btw. Greetings from Germany 😅

timmybytes profile image
Timothy Merritt

Vielen Dank! Ich wahr geboren im Deutschland, und meine Mutter’s Seite der Familie ist Deutsch, aber meine Grammatik ist nicht so gut ;).

jaredmathis profile image
Jared Mathis

How's the job search going?

timmybytes profile image
Timothy Merritt

I’ve applied to a few places, but only really started sending out resumes this last week, so it’s still early days. I know the general consensus is to start applying a little before you think you’re actually ready, so that’s what I’m doing. I feel like I have a strong grasp of the basics, I’ve built a few projects, and I try to practice as much as possible.

rowaa profile image

Hi Timothy, hope you good luck :)

desbest profile image
Adisa Nicholson • Edited

Hello I'm a web developer and in the future I want to learn how to make mobile apps. I have various skills in web development and various projects. I joined Dev to see what this community is about and generally look around.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Heya! Welcome to DEV. 🙌

Lots of web developers here, so hope you're able to find some good reads.

nananananate profile image
Nathaniel Louis Tisuela

Excited to see your future projects! I'm thinking of pursuing web development as a career.

sohaib01 profile image


I am a Biomedical Scientist hoping to switch careers by becoming a Front End Developer. Hope DEV is going to help me find like minded people full of great talks and ideas that we can share with each other. Anyone that can guide me a little or just wants to have a chat I would be happy to introduce myself.

Speak Soon :D

schmelto profile image
Tom Schmelzer


sohaib01 profile image

Hey hey how are you?

aellopos profile image
Michal Kučera

Hi! I am Michal, university student from Brno (Czechia). I am mainly web developer and lately I've been discovering beauties of open-source projects, looking forward to get inspiration here on DEV and meet great developers.

candordennis profile image
Candor Dennis

My name is Candor Dennis. I am a technical trainer, a front end web developer and a web solutions expert.

I am passionate about helping fellow youths and interested ones alike to key into tech, find a skill and learn the business around their skill.

loanck profile image

Hello i'm Loan, a webdev currently in the french public field with ~ 4y working exp.
I used to work at IBM Service Center for 2y.
I am currently pursuing a degree in Open Source Software Engineering.
I have just opened my freelance business, can't wait to see what this new adventure will bring !

zhangweicalm profile image
Elvin Zhang

I'm Elvin, come from China, 32 years old, I am a husband and a boy's father.
I am a Java full stack developer, my on-hand language is Java and Javascript, the corresponding frameword are Spring family and Vue.
The back-end stack is Java, Spring, Mybatis, Oracle, Postgresql, Mysql, Redis, Mongo, Python, ActiveMQ, Maven, Git ...
The front-end stack is Javascript, HTML, CSS, VUEjs, Jquery, Openlayers, Webpack ...
I want to be a freelancer, so I have been working on clean my tech stack. My direction is Full stack and Mobile Developer. So my futher tech stack will be like this :
LANGUAGE: Java, Javascript, HTML5, CSS3
FRAMEWORK: Spring Boot, Vue, Reactjs, React Native
PERSISTENCE: Postgresql, Oracle, Mysql, Redis, Mongo, ActiveMQ
I love the world, and would like to make some friends if god bless me.
Time passes, with no stop, let us walk our way without stop.

hstevey profile image

Hi guys, new here! a brief intro: graduated in 2016 as interactive Designer, can do Front-end dev and design. started a fashion brand in 2019, went well till covid hit us hard and it was game over. getting back into coding and design. really eager to get back to work and re-learn/freshing my skills!

moscode profile image

Hello guys. I'm Moses an applied physics student from Nigeria. I'm currently taking a specialization course on front end web development and I'm hoping that one day I can develop a fullstack project. Thanks.

smartym profile image
Sergey V.

Hello everyone!

I’m Sergey, a technical expert with 11+ years of experience. Being a certified Scrum Master, I've been the CTO at software development company since 2012. I'm keen on blockchain, big data, AI, robotics, IoT, and enterprise software. Here I write articles in my blog.

Hope, I will be welcomed here.)

binoipr profile image

Hello all, I am Binoy, I did some sample projects in MERN and hope to learn more in that. Iam looking for any project suggestion where I can learn and contribute too.

schmelto profile image
Tom Schmelzer

Same with contribution here. Good luck for you. Write me if you find some cool projects :)

binoipr profile image

You bet Tom :)

glabrie profile image

Hello! I'm currently in sales, and I want to learn more programming and maybe jump careers later on :) I did a little web dev, know my way around Python and am looking at Rust right now :)

pazyp profile image
Andrew Pazikas

Hello there,

Oracle Engineer here specilising in automation, I tilt towards Oracle Databases but enjoy all things data related. Been a lurker here for a while now and finally decided to make an account.

sm_saurabhishra profile image
Saurabh Mishra

Hello, I am Saurabh. Mainly a mobile dev. I am starting out with web development. Hope to get guidance and discussions.

jsspen profile image
Jordan Spencer

Hi all, I'm an aspiring Java web app developer about to start a 14 week bootcamp! DEV seems like a great way to stay motivated, connect, and have a fun record to look back on. I'm excited to be here and be going forward on this journey!

bias profile image
Tobias Nickel

reading here at dev to will be worth your time. and you will learn to love the feeling when the code finally works 😊

nanettetaylor profile image
Nanette Taylor

Hello 👋🏾 I'm Nanette, a full stack developer from Ghana. My goal is to make a career in software engineering. So far, I've only learnt web technologies like PHP, JavaScript, React and node. I hope to share and learn a lot from the DEV community.

klyone profile image
Miguel Jimenez Lopez

Hello, I am HW/SW engineer from Spain. I hope that DEV helps me to track latest and coolest changes about technology, programming and so on. I expect to contribute to this community too in order to grown together.

Let's start!

pingu profile image

Hello everyone,
My name is Marco, aka Pingu and I'm an italian web developer really passionate about programming!
I used to read a lot of DEV posts and i would like to interact more with the community starting from today.
Hope to bring you some useful tips in the future!! 😄

gbenga profile image
Gbenga Ojo-Aromokudu

Hahaha Pingu was my nickname in primary school

davianyang profile image
Davian Yang • Edited

Hi Everyone, Lovely to be here, I'm a Year 3 CS student from Myanmar. I am currently on the track of Deep Learning, especially computer vision. I also had skills in web development in the past.

So, I am passionate about creating full stack web project along with my trained dl models in the future. I am so excited to share my ideas, feedback, have discussion and love to hear back from this community.
Hasta la vista 😊✌️

lunatikub profile image
Thomas Joly

Hi, I'm Thomas Joly. I'm a Senior R&D developer at Scality in Paris. I have created a blog which is dedicated to the games resolution algorithm like Sudoku. I have written my first article and I would like to have some reviews from this great community !
My article is about Sudoku resolve algorithm (written in Go):
Have a good reading !

ahmedatefae profile image
Ahmed Atef • Edited

Hey there I'm Ahmed from Egypt and full-stack web developer (MERN) 👨‍💻 I hope DEV is a good place to develop my potential

zkhaiii profile image

Hey there Ahmed, do you have any advice for aspiring full-stack developers?

ahmedatefae profile image
Ahmed Atef

Yes, every day is new Chance to increase your knowledge do not lose it⁦🕵️⁩

nwkwok profile image

Hey all! I'm Nick and I'm self-learning to be a fullstack web developer. I took the risk and let my current job know that I am ending my time with them at the end of this year and I'm terrified. I felt like I was on pace and retaining what I've been learning but recently, I've hit a little bit of a brick wall. I somehow landed a fullstack developer internship (which feels like it's massively exposing what I don't know), I took a test on to assess to start applying for jobs on there (which... I did really bad on), I decided to return to some basic, simple projects (and feel like I've forgotten everything) and I'm nervous that I won't find something by the end of the year.

I saw a great article about finding community at and thought I'd throw out where I currently am in my journey to become a developer. Anyone in the same boat? Anyone help anyone that's in this boat!? Would love some help ^_^" haha.

Looking forward to leaning into this community more and learning from people's experience and insight!

ashokvpatel profile image
Ashok Patel

Hello Everyone,

This is Ashok Patel from India. Learned lot in last few weeks with help of articles wrote by you all. Finally I decided to join this wonderful DEV community.

I am full time Node.js Developer. Also worked on C/C++. Currently Developing Cloud Native Node.js based micro-service architecture for Financial Service Product. Using Apache Kafka as queuing service and MySQL, MongoDB and Redis as different DB services.

Exploring different Orchestration tool to deploy micro-services. Different open source CNCF project like Kubernetes, Service Mesh like Istio, Linkerd etc. is of current interest.

Lets Connect to Learn!! 😊

adamdunn318 profile image

Hello...My names Adam. I live in Bossier City, Louisiana and currently work for the USPS where I’m a mail carrier. Been doing that for several years now after leaving the finance industry where spent 12 years. I’ve only been learning code for maybe 2 months or so. This brings me to you fine people now with hopes of finding the right path.

schmelto profile image
Tom Schmelzer

Keep coding! Hope you're doing well.

hananessam profile image

Hello, I am Hanan. I'm a web developer, I have been watching dev community from a distance - just by reading articles - and finally I decided to create an account and involve myself into it 😌
So, Hi ✌️👋

dianamaltseva8 profile image
Diana Maltseva

Hey everyone! My name is Diana, I'm a self-employed digital marketing manager and tech blogger with a 5-year experience. Here I have a blog where I cover technical issues, trends, blockchain, and other topics. Check it out.)

If you would like to discuss tech ideas and share your feedback, feel free to contact me. Have a great day, guys)

mokalovesoulmate profile image
Moses Kurniawan

Hello everyone. I am Moses, from Indonesia. Primarily a PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS developer also have knowledge in Linux. But due to the trends and job demands, it forces me to do a career change. I am currently starting with Go, but I dont think I would not stop there. I also have interest with Python (in context, machine learning), Flutter, Angular/React.

Honestly, tech world is now very overwhelming, at least for me, who is stuck in 2005-2010's tech.

vivekdudani profile image
Vivek Dudani

Hello everyone, I'm a software engineer from Sydney. I have been working on building back-end systems using Java. I came across yesterday and found this to be a great place for sharing and learning new stuff.

strezless profile image
Sin Estres

Any indie artists coding too? I started off trying to figure out who was hacking me and now I actually am infatuated with this developing stuff. Hope ya'll staying safe and having a good day. Thanks for being part of this community I look forward to growing in with you all.
I'm Omar by the way.

danielzardo profile image
Daniel Zardo

Hello folks! Daniel here... I'm 38 year old, working as SAP consultant and Business Architect for a decade and willing to begin a new career in sw development anytime in the future. I'm from Brazil, married 👫, have three cats 😺 and love cycling 🚲.

Since March 2020 I started a self learning journey to learn to code and create solutions. I'm currently doing the FreeCodeCamp JavaScript course, which has been great. I'm looking forward to connect with the community and learn with you guys! Have a nice week.

jordanholtdev profile image
Jordan Holt

Hey everyone! My name is Jordan. Long time reader but I'm hoping to start contributing. I spent over a decade in music production and broadcast video but slowly over the last couple of year transitioned to web development. I've been working on smaller front end projects but my long-term goal is to become a back end developer. 💥

itssamstix_bby profile image
Samuel E.

Hey there. I am Samuel.
I'm a very junior python developer and Petroleum Engineer by profession from Nigeria. I'm into web scraping and also currently learning Machine learning/deep learning.

Read a few articles by Ian on web scraping and I fell in love with his article as it helped me solve a scraping problem and immediately I knew I had to be a part of this community. I hope to learn more from here and from Ian in particular.

petestewart profile image
Pete Stewart • Edited

Hi, I'm Pete. I've had a 20+ year career as a professional musician and am currently enrolled in a full-stack program at Nashville Software School. Very excited about making the change in profession and am currently somewhat obsessed with learning more about React. :)

Looking forward to becoming more involved with the community here.

binoipr profile image

Hello all, I am Binoy and learning MERN now. I am looking forward any projects where I can learn and contribute too.

yeneygerman profile image

Hello everyone! You can call me Yen. I'm a Senior Software Engineer (.NET) who loves playing video games. I'm a process-oriented person and highly motivated to improve and innovate.

I love dogs even though I don't have one. I love binge watching, and food!

Writing has been my passion since I was young and would love to go back to it and develop it. I've discovered this site on Twitter and thought this is the opportunity to get back to writing.

I hope to meet new friends here and learn more.

runnndmc profile image
Dayna Christison

Hey all! My name is Dayna and I'm just finishing up my first Software Engineering bootcamp. I'm excited to jump into the DEV community and keep expanding my knowledge in the development world ! As a coding newbie I've mostly gravitated towards working with React, Ruby and Express, and as a human I've naturally gravitated towards espresso, cooking and crying over CSS alignment.

ehailey profile image

Hello All,
Late stage beginner here. Not straight out of the egg, but I definitely still have my baby feathers. Currently, I am finishing up my Web Dev Cert, but also working on my degree in computer science.

I am just happy to be here, and hope to get a growing experience out of this site. :-)

bk1031 profile image
Bharat Kathi

Hey everyone, I'm a student and developer from the Bay Area in California. I've been wanting to join and write a few articles for a while now, and finally got around to making my account. Hope to meet some interesting people and learn some cool stuff!

devanshu19 profile image

Hello developers, I am Devanshu Mishra, a hobbiest game developer and programmer........ I literally live programming and didn't consider myself without it. I am using Unity for about a year and managed to make a couple of games. I am here on for a while now, but frankly, forgot to introduce myself 😅. Btw, its far the best community i have joined till now......😇. Cheers.......

anzhari profile image
Anzhari Purnomo

Hello! I'm Ari, 28 years old, and Software Dev Engineer from Indonesia. Recently I worked with Python, Django, GraphQL, and WebSocket. Interested to learn Node.JS and Go.

I'm transitioning my career from management role, since I realized I am more comfortable in a technical role. Hopefully it all goes well considering the current quarantine situation. Currently trying to land a Software Development Engineer role in a product based team, not a contract/project based team.

Looking forward to contribute and discuss new ideas.


yogeshrajoria profile image
Yogesh Rajoria

Hi Guys,
I am a frontend developer, trying not to be awkward 😄. I saw a post on DEV that helps me a lot with my DevOps hurdles and people seem nice and supportive so I thought I should join and learn a few things or help.
See you guys around in some thread maybe. 😃

atizazahsan profile image
Atizaz Ahsan

Hey Folks! Me Atizaz from Pakistan a student of software engineering and a web developer (Freelancer ). I am passionate about helping fellow youths and interested ones alike to key into tech, find a skill, and learn the business around their skill.

rehtsestudio profile image


I'm Esther, i am a back-end developer mostly using Laravel and other tool to do the work. I am aiming at becoming a Unity game developer and have documented everything i am learning; my aim is to make game more focus on mobile, not the whole endless type but focus on story and ending. Also making videos on YouTube to show what you can bring on mobile with a game.

Thanks for reading ^_^

abubakarismail profile image
Abubakar Sadiq Ismail • Edited

Hello Guys! I am a nub techee, I am interested in building mobile application using kivy. I read John hunt biginers guide to python 3 programming. What's next
By the way I live in Nigeria and I am a computer science student

terraxus94 profile image

Hello everyone, my name is Antonio and I'm really excited to be part of a community that's all about learning new things! I've just recently started learning web development through TOP and DEV seems like a great place to find new and exciting topics to explore.
Hope I get to contribute one day with something interesting :)

tomi_iwamoto profile image

Hello all! My name is Tomomi and I am new to coding. I just started learning web development last fall through a program called Skillcrush. I am loving everything I'm learning and excited to be a part of the community. I am currently learning Javascript and it's been a challenge but hoping with time and patience and perseverance I can get through it. Nice to meet you all. =)

eileenchua profile image
Eileen Chua

Hello, I'm Eileen and I'm a front end developer from Singapore. I've been a lurker for some time, but I really do appreciate the amazing content here and thought that I should join to start engaging with the community and to learn from everyone. Cheers :)

petrosapotsos profile image
Petros Apotsos

Hi! My name is Petros Apotsos.
I am a Surveying Engineer and a Real Estate Startupper.
I am a self-taught developer, building web apps for the startup I am establishing and my own accomplishment satisfaction. is our landing page and one of my creations.
My biggest goal is to build a real estate management platform, that can be adapted to any tenure system worldwide and I have already started building it.
Most of all, I am a tech enthusiast and I enjoy engineering and scientific debates and discussions.
I am gonna need and I will gladly accept help and motivation from the community!
Nice to meet you here!

tekkytammy profile image
Tammy James • Edited

Hi my name is Tammy. I'm kinda low-key, but I'm happy to be here. I found out about this community from a software engineer that I attended a zoom meeting with earlier today. (Shout out to Maria.) I'm in a developer bootcamp right now, but most of my work has been in tech support, accounting/finance/operations, and many moons ago, I was a proper professional chef/pastry chef, too. I have a habit of following what interests me and coding has always interested me since high school. When I was not in the kitchen, I was happiest working at jobs where I was in a tech focused environment, if that makes sense. I taught myself SQL. I then started to learn to code seriously 2.5 yrs ago, got scared and went back to the same ole same ole, but now I'm not letting any fears stop me from pursing the career change this time. Happy to be here.

anumsmalik profile image
NMTechBytes | Anum Malik

Hi everyone!

I am Anum Malik - working as an SWE at Apple. I have recently started blogging about technical stuff in my spare time on medium and I also write tech bites on twitter (NMTechBytes:

I hope to learn and grow with you all :)

phoenixlandpirate profile image

Hey everyone, I'm Brad from the UK, I work full time in a retail business, I'm basically trying to learn to code from scratch, I don't really know what is, but it sounds like a great place to blog my learning and show my willingness to learn as well as teach and retain my lessons easier.

I also get to learn and talk to some great people I hope!

batuhanbay profile image

Hey there , I am Batuhan from Turkey.I am studying Computer Enginnering.I have heard from my friends about benefits of DEV for developers.Already now , I am super willing to learn new things and get inspiration on this Platform. Best wish to everyone !

papamamaopa profile image
Philipp Boiko

Hey, my name is Philipp, I'm 19 years old and I come from Germany. I have been programming since I was 13 and am currently specializing in full stack, more web and app, i.e. React (MERN Stack) and Android. I hope this is a suitable place to share ideas and inspiration. Looking forward to the future with Dev!

us profile image

Hi, I'm Recep. I'm a student and developer in Turkey. I work on Artificial Intelligence about 3 years. Last year I worked on TensorFlow in Google Summer of Code with Google Brain Team. Developing TensorFlow was a really different and exciting experience than using it. I also developed many different open source deep learning projects like jax, flax, fastai etc. Now I open a personal blog and I review the new AI papers in Turkish and English.

I am also a musician. I do really different styles in my music life. I firstly was playing metal guitar than I was playing some acoustic sounds then some ethnic musics and now I mixing all of them in techno music.

asadullahsoomro profile image

Hey Can anyOne tell me that how to do a transaction between two exchange using dummy test coins in python
using CCXT Library?

How to do Transactions like buy and sell between two exchanges with the help of test coins in python using CCXT Library ?

Thanks! in advance.

oksite profile image

Hey, I am a web developer, currently using note.js, react, I hope to pay attention to and learn some authority and rigorous knowledge. I am learning rust and feel that the dynamic scripting language is a bit problematic.

mishkazi profile image
Michael Zinoviev

Hello there! I'am a Fullstack web developer at beginning of this journey! I'am from Israel, studying at John Bryce high-tech college now. For now I'am thinking about MERN as my direction! Good to meet all of you!

dac09 profile image
Daniel Choudhury

Hello all from London, UK - hope to be writing posts about using RedwoodJS, what it's like building your own products and general geeky stuff I find interesting.

I'm currently working on a dev tool for making incredibly easy screen recordings, aimed at mobile devs ➡️

jrbrtsn profile image
John Robertson

Hello folks,

Mature full stack devOp here with decades of professional experience in C, C++, and Bash. I've recognized a need for Bash programming education, so I'll do my part to pass along some of the more advanced knowledge I've picked up along the way.

zkhaiii profile image

Hi there, I'm Khai a student and an aspiring web developer. I joined Dev due to curiosity about what this community is and hoping for guidance and advice!

nananananate profile image
Nathaniel Louis Tisuela

Hi! I came here looking for a developer community outside my school to learn new things and share my challenges and struggles. I am a 4th year Computer Science major at the University of California, Irvine. For my fellow university students, what are some surprisingly good things that have come out of remote learning for you?

codewdhruv profile image
Dhrubajyoti Chakraborty

Hi! I am Dhrubajyoti, Computer Science Engineering student from Bhubaneswar(India). I am mainly AI developer and lately I've been discovering beauties of open-source projects, looking forward to get inspiration here on DEV and meet great developers.

mcfearsome profile image
Jesse McPherson

Howdy! I’m Jesse, been working as a programmer since I was 17. That was 21 years ago. I’m a generalist and enjoy learning something new (but I’ve finally learned I don’t need to use every new thing at the expense of a better solution/tool). I’m searching for community because well I don’t really belong to any virtual or otherwise and it’s something I’ve determined I need in my life. I guess it’s the wisdom coming with age.

rupeshdev07 profile image
Rupesh-dev07 • Edited

I am a graduate from electronics dept., and now i did web developer courses through online resources I want to join community of web developers to share ideas and to enhance my skills and to work on various new technologies. By fun ,I can easily impress anyone,and i in past days i used social chatrooms ,that was fun .But now i want to work on some dream projects

taltrums profile image
Mohd Talha

Hi, I am new here though I have been following DEV for quite a while now on Instagram. I am looking to learn and gain more practical skills as I haven't exactly been meeting developers offline.
I restarted my journey to computer science back in mid-April this year and recently been thinking about collaborating with people to discuss stuff. I have 2 years of experience working in an MNC in a techno-functional role. Mostly self-taught so I am all over the place with learning. Also, I am improving my problem-solving skills along the way. I hope to add my learning resources as I make more progress. Thanks (:

malhotramanik profile image
Manik Malhotra

Hello, I am Senior Android Dev working with Coolwinks Technologies, India.
Hi-5 to all the techies out there. It's been more than 5 years since I am part of the developer's team.

It feels like home to be here with people having the same thought process. Where I can shoot out my thoughts without giving a second thought that if people would understand me or not. :D

I am enthusiastic to learn, grow, inspire, and stay motivated with the tech community.

Currently, I am brushing up my DS and Algo skills, along with the latest Kotlin 1.4.0.

Would love to hear from all of you.
Stay Healthy.
Keep Coding.

vionakaleb profile image
Viona Z. A. Kaleb

Hello! my name is Viona. I'm a Web Developer from Indonesia.
I hope to learn and find developer acquaintances here in DEV :D

vduggen profile image
Vitor Duggen

Hello guys, I'm Vitor, a student and developer from Brazil, I work with front-end development, and at the moment I'm studying web development, I really like to share my knowledge and help other people. I hope to learn and help a lot here!

kennethcassel profile image

Hey y’all I’m Kenneth 👋. I’ve been a software developer full time for the last 2 years in Texas.

I got into programming in a non-traditional way. I was in the trades for 6 years and before that I studied music education for 2 years.

I got a full time job 2 years ago after studying CS at university for a few years. I paused school when my 3rd kid was born and have been focusing on full time software development since!

matiasfha profile image
Matías Hernández Arellano

Hi folks!. I'm Matias, a Chilean Software Engineer, father, podcast and instructor.
After being a lurker I finally decided to join.. not sure why took me so long 🤷‍♂️
I joined mainly to post content in spanish.

josephwar profile image
Jose Guerra • Edited

Sup! Im Jose. I live in South Florida. Ive decided to make a change in my career. Im a husband and father of 3. I currently work in the hospitality industry and also im a business owner of a restaurant. Many of my best friends are engineers, software engineers, computer scientists and they have always encouraged me to pursue programming based on my their personal knowledge of me and how I think and process things. Im uber terrified. Ive taken a part time course at Wyncode Academy and learned some Ruby on Rails. Im interested in programming automation, machine learning, and AI. Generally, building the builders. Looking forward to learning from this community of creators and the various perspectives.

kopanarya profile image
Ali Kurtulush

Hi Dev family, I am Ali. I work as Junior Sofware Developer from London. It is a great thing to attend this big lovely dev community. I'm looking forward to learn new things and share new things with you.
Great to be here.

jamshedahmed19 profile image
Jamshed Ahmed

Hi, I am 19 years old student developer from Pakistan I want to become a web developer I know react js, material UI, sass, typescript to some extent and I am looking forward to advising from senior developers. I hope Dev will be a good platform for it.

umarjafar profile image

Hi, I am a web developer, love to learn new technologies. As I am learning React, I want to save my time. I spent a number of days while looking for the proper solution of the problems. I am looking for a mentor to help me while learning react.
Thanks in advance!

stankukucka profile image
Stan Kukučka

Hi there DEV community, I'm new here! Just a brief intro about me. I graduated in 1999 as Graphic Designer, can do marketing (various fields), I've been in game industry for quite long time, then moved to web dev for a while and finally more than 10 years in marketing. I found out that dev knowledge is in marketing quite helpful, so now I'm really eager to get back to work and re-learn and level-up my skills! Glad to have you here all of you.

shabkha profile image
Shabeer Khan

Hi There,
I am Mechanical engineer, now tilting more towards data science and CAE automation. Sharing is caring, I hope to learn and share with DEV community. Ask me specifically, if you want, regarding solid mechanics and the corresponding tools. I would be happy to answer the best.

jorjun profile image

"I am an ancyent mariner and I stoppeth none of thee."

My software authoring experience goes back to 1979 when I was one of the first "kid coders."

Programming languages interest me. And using digital to enhance our vast & various, non-digital, cultural inheritance.

Experience does matter in software but ~ not being a stick-in-the-mud ~ matters even more...

muhamma20718426 profile image
Muhammad Jawad Hussain

Hello i'm imsmith, a webdev currently in the french public field with .sed to work at IBM Service Center for 2y.
I am currently pursuing a degree in Open Source Software Engineering.
and am learn about the new neck skin treatment is the better option to prevent skin issues in minutes. This is the new tested technique

sunitshirke profile image
Sunit Shirke

Hello, everyone this is Sunit here and I'm a software engineer who really loves to learn interesting things in development and design of a particular product/idea. Looking forward to sharing those things on DEV and hopefully learn more things!
PS: Feedback is welcome anytime!

niveditasstack profile image

Hey, there. I'm Nivedita, a student and reasearcher from India. I'm new to Dev and hoping to gain knowlege, find great insights on Software and new inspiration.

srinivasakarthikeyan profile image
Srinivasa karthikeyan

Hi All,

I am Srini from India. Coding has been my passion for a long time. I love learning new ideas and technologies. I like to mentor people in understanding problems and make them productive than ever before.

Looking forward to some meaningful discussions and talk. I also want to write more and share my insights with others. I hope to meet new friends here and learn more.

oc profile image
Xiaoli Wei

I'm Shibo who is software developer for .NET/Go/Python and using these are technologies to improve our products and life.
I'm living in Shanghai ,China, if you travel here(Shanghai) , please feel free to contact me ^)^

lufradenogueira profile image
Luísa Nogueira

Hey all, I am Luisa, a front-end developer who loves to work with JavaScript and React.js. I come from Brazil but I live in Vienna, and currently am looking for new job opportunities here. I also love to write! :)

donut3228 profile image
Dmitriy • Edited

Hey! I'm Dima from Moscow, currently I'm working as a Web Developer for almost 2 years. I've dropped uni after half a year so I could learn programming. I've spent I think a half and a year in total since my first serious decision about becoming Web Developer. I didn't have money at the time I've started learning programming, so I made this journey by myself, I think it was harder and longer for me to search all information by myself, but from the other side I've learned a lot of stuff better, because I tried to understand it and also now I can use google like a real pro.

Right now I'm working on my personal blog/portfolio( and having some troubles with Nuxt.js, so I hope I'll find something handy on, or maybe someone who will read it, could explain me some concepts of JavaScript, Node.js
and Server-side rendering that I'm trying understand right now!

Thanks for reading, I'm not that good in English, but I hope you've liked reading it and have a great night to everyone who's reading!

p.s.: I know Python(Django/Flask), nginx, Vue.js/Nuxt.js, React.js, a little bit of Unity(C#) and I really like DevOps and I think maybe I could try to become a DevOps Engineer

dienigma profile image
Chinmay Joshi

Hello! My name is Chinmay and I am an entry level - mid level dev. Some where in the middle of that. I love building things for the web and especially in the JavaScript Ecosystem. I hope I find more inspiration here and build up a decent skillset. The idea is to go deep diving to backend through the front end in the coming 5 years. I really really want to be the so called 10x Dev.

dhanushnehru profile image
Dhanush N

Hey I m Dhanush N, Software Engineer from India, Joined Dev to contribute and gain more knowledge regarding various technologies. 🙂

cutff profile image

Hi There!

I am Karim, I am an IT. I am from Morocco. I found this Community through google. seems a lot of fun here :). I am excited to read and see what is going on here. but first, let's me say Hello/Salam Alaikum to everyone

Happy Coding to Everyone.

quangtran2209 profile image
Quang Tran

Hello there, I'm a software engineer from Vietnam and currently I'm learning the tech stack React, GraphQL and TypeScript. I hope that joining community helps me keep moving forward in my engineering career.

brux profile image
Brux Romuar • Edited

Hello there, I'm Brux a Senior Front-end Developer. Hoping to learn something and give back to the community through open-source and articles/insights as well! Looking forward to having great discussions with everyone 🤘

huxiaowei1989 profile image

Hey all I'm jiaoran, a PHP & Javascript developer ,from Jiangsu of China.Stduying ES6 now, and want to be an expert on that. I'm eager for some tiny and interesting open-source projects with JS or TS.If any, welcome to introduce to me.
Nice to join you.

ndkkqueenie profile image
Nduka Onyinyechi Queendalin

Hello everyone 👋🏽! I'm Queendalin, a Freelance Frontend Developer (JavaScript, React, React-Native, Node) and Ambassador (discount coupon: QUEEN10)
I'm here to connect with like minds and share my knowledge while learning others. Currently learning "Automation with Python".
I love swimming, travelling and being healthy happy!

waderoberts profile image
Wade Roberts

My name is Wade, I'm from Australia.
I have a diploma in Software Development but am looking to return to University in order to increase my chances of becoming employed as well as my skill-set after only getting one interview and no roles after a year of completing my diploma.
I have experience with desktop development (primarily C# and Java) and some web development (Undertaking FreeCodeCamp's Responsive Web Design Certification)

kaeptnkrunch profile image
Stephan B. R. Langenau

Hey there, I'm Stephan and finished my applied information science B. Sc. Degree. Since them I work as a project engineer in the automotive industry. I work since 10 years with Linux and Open Source. Right now I try to focus myself more on software development and Data Science. I love Python and the R Language and right know I work on specific certificates for these languages. I hope dev gives me more input, inspiration, Possibilities and interesting discussions.

thevirtualbuddy profile image

Hey there,
I am Sonu, a student from India. I hope DEV is going to be a platform where I could learn and grow. I would be happy to be of any help and contribute to this amazing platform.
Happy to be part of this community.

pronia00 profile image
Andrew Pronkin

Hey, I'm a student from Russia, hope to learn more about IT here and wanna to find out as much as I can, in order to create my own contribution in our world in future ^^

kaeptnkrunch profile image
Stephan B. R. Langenau


cristalb profile image

Greetings from Buenos Aires! ⚡
Hey there,
I'm Cristal, a Hospitality Specialist transitioning to Software Development; currently studying JavaScript and Python.
I write about AE (Artificial Empathy) and how to make the humans-machine interaction more natural and less robotic.
I also volunteer remotely at Migracode, the first non-profit code school for refugees and immigrants as a Career Counselor, helping students to land their first jobs in tech.

Let's connect on LinkedIn!
Happy to be part of this community ☺️🙏

charlesjohn profile image
Charles John


tanaydpatel profile image
Tanay Patel

Hello 👋,
I am Tanay an Information Technology student and Full stack web developer from India. My most recent work is "". Currently learning MERN stack and exploring blockchain technology. If you know some learning paths please share.

I was told is a good place for developers so here I am. Hoping to learn and explore more.

yusfate4 profile image
Dahud Yusuf

Hey!!! I'm Yusuf. A student and an upcoming software developer from Nigeria. I'm willing to learn from here and I hope I'm in the right place

gbenga profile image
Gbenga Ojo-Aromokudu

Hello - Gbenga here from London. I used to post on Medium, but I've heard lots of good things about DEV, so here I am. First post coming later this week

About me: recently completed a coding bootcamp and now looking for a full time position as a software engineer. Hoping I find something soon

thenishant profile image
||Nishant|| • Edited

Hello, good people 👋🏻
This is Nishant a software tester who mostly enjoy automating stuff, always looking something new to learn and experiment and truly enjoy gaming and beer from India.

Just finished writing my first post deploy-any-web-app-to-vercel.

Right now I am learning everything and thinking of creating some kind of dashboards in react.

Some of the cool, inspirational posts and watercooler conversations and my curiosity to learn something new and different apart from my work brought me here

arjits1 profile image
Arjit Sharma

Hello World !
I am a student in my final year of bachelor's and I started a blog so that I can learn more about computer science.
I came here so that I can find other developers and get inspired to continuously learn and grow. Thank you !

wun_pini profile image
Ibrah Osmani Wun'pini

Hi everyone!

Am a student wishing to connect, learned html, css and javascript. Now into vuejs, react and components architectures. hoping to learn and share with the community.

manitej profile image
Manitej ⚡

Hey folks, I'm Maniteja from 🇮🇳. I'm a student Developer interested in React majorly and I'm here to learn something new and share things I knew 🚀

tomi_iwamoto profile image

Hello everyone! I have just started learning web development since last fall with a program called Skillcrush. I have been a long time preschool teacher and ready to transition to a new career in frontend development and web design. I am loving this field and hope to continue to learn much more. Happy to join this community.

tropicsngnews profile image • Edited

Hello, I'm a WordPress developer and content creator. I'll like to get more exposure as I get to meet those that are old in the game. Cheers.

peterwellnitz profile image

I am German and lived there when I was little.....nice to meet u Tom

agiesey profile image

Hello, all! I'm a developer trying to get my feet wet contributing to open source projects

haskinsstanley profile image
Stanley Haskins


tseaak profile image
Kaun Cedric • Edited

I'm Cedric from Nigeria
I'm happy to be here as a beginner and wish to explore great.
Wish to achieve something great from this community

yosracodes profile image

Hey I'm yosra, i'm a software engineering student from Egypt. I always read articles on dev so I thought it's time to sign up!

ishaan0132 profile image
Ishaan Shaikh

Hey there, I'm Ishaan, a student from India. I'm a Web Developer. I joined DEV to discover more, learn more, build more.

hiteshwarmehla profile image
Hiteshwar Mehla

Hey Everyone. I am Hiteshwar and my motivation behind joining DEV is to get insights as well give insights on things that interest me. Hopefully, it will be one hell of a ride.

anumsmalik profile image
NMTechBytes | Anum Malik

Anyone wants to connect with me on Twitter? :)

hellokowshik profile image
Kowshikur Rahman

Hello everyone, I'm Kowshik ,student,new learner from Bangladesh.I hope here I will learn a lot of things that will help me to achieve quality knowledge.

xorko_16 profile image
Arko Gupta

Hi all, I'm Arko. I've been working as a software engineer for 2 years now, since I graduated. Recently stumbled upon and looks like a great place to learn and share!

saadbhatti001 profile image
Saad Bhatti

Hi I'm Saad Bhatti .NET Developer from Pakistan. Happy to be a part of family

narutovps profile image
Ved Prakash Singh

Hello everybody I'm Ved Prakash from Nepal currently doing my Engineering in India.
Hoping to meet awesome developers, learn & get inspired.

funmitoblessed profile image
Olúwafúnmitọ́ Blessed

Hi! I'm Funmito. I am an Educator and Technology advocate. Looking forward to a great time here!

frontendphil profile image
Philipp Giese

Hey there! I'm Phil, Tech Lead from Potsdam, Germany :) I've started to publicly learn (i.e. blog about what's on my mind) and want to get more feedback. That's why I'm here.

fortejournal profile image

Hi everyone! Quit my job recently and am new to this tech world, got to go through a coding bootcamp till Dec! So far am loving it.

soumya_diddi profile image

Hello everyone!
I am soumya, recently started teaching myself javascript! .
Looking forward to learning great stuff from you all😊

nishantpathak profile image
Nishant Pathak

Hi, I am Nishant. I work as a developer and like to learn new things.

aryanadarsh profile image

Hey there! I'm a student developer from india. i hope this is a great place for me.

bharanidharan7708 profile image
Bharani Dharan Sundar

Hey guys I'm Bharani a student and competitive programmer from India. Hoping DEV would be a good place to join the developer community.

zeromi1998 profile image
Prathamesh doshi

Hey there I'm Prathamesh a student and developer from India.Hope everyone is safe

lucasluizetech profile image

Hey everybody I'm Lucas , and I guess I'm excited to learn and share!

huxiaowei1989 profile image


juanccq profile image
Juan Carlos Choque Quispe

Hi there, I am Juan from Bolivia, I am a web developer since 2007, DEV has great knowledge and I hope to contribute in the future

exspiravit profile image
Randy Jesus Real Srsen

Hey guys I'm Randy a enthusiastic programmer and lover of science fiction and biotechnology I hope I can contribute my grain of sand to the knowledge here.

mrpowerscripts profile image

Hi I found this place from a friend, seems neat!

morebuzzonline profile image
More Buzz Online

Hello everyone! A friend invited me to this community and so far I'm loving it!

eusouakell profile image
Kell da

Hey, people. I'm searching for brazilians and groups with brazilians. Are you brazilian? Call me =]

lucsedirae profile image
Jon Deavers

Hello all! I'm Jon and am currently enrolled in a full stack web dev boot camp. Loving it and looking forward to collaborating on projects with others.

arjupta profile image
Arjun Gupta

I have heard from a friend about the helping DEV community and i am looking forward to experience it myself :)

vivekaghera profile image

hello all, my self Vivek a java developer from India.

sidgod profile image

Well, hello there!

belowtheroot profile image

Hello everyone, I hope this place is the inspiration heaven for developers

anixati profile image
Anil Kornepati

Hi all joined Dev to contribute back to community

mattmc96 profile image
Matthew Mccarthy

Hey, my name is Matt. I'm currently in a bootcamp and I'm really putting everything I got into learning new stuff and creating projects. Any advice anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated!

joechucodes profile image
Joseph Chu

Hey there. I'm a self taught full stack developer who also has an interest in QA Engineering. I'm Joe pleased to meet you all. I look forward to working with you all!

jamshedahmed19 profile image
Jamshed Ahmed

Hi, I am a 19 years old student from Pakistan and I want to become a web developer and I want guidelines and advice from senior developers' experience. I hope DEV will be a good platform to start.

camandres9 profile image
Carloj André

Hi! I'm Carlos from Colombia, I'm Genexus developer and right now I'm learning .NET. I hope to meet a nice community in DEV. Sorry about my english by the way.

amrita019 profile image
Amrita Chaturvedi

Hello World!
I'm Amrita, a Full Stack Android Developer trying to upscale my career in it. I will try to actively engage in the community :)

temially profile image
Temitayo Alebiosu

Hi! Just joined the DEV Community!

davydocsurg profile image
David Chibueze Ndubuisi

Hi, I'm David a freelance developer. I hope DEV gonna be a great place to spread my wings in the tech industry

saaranshthukral231 profile image

By the Way , great fan of algorithms
Any suggestions would be appriciated before jumping to DSA.

saaranshthukral231 profile image

Helllo devs,
I'am student (CSE)from Bengaluru and want to conquer the path of computer science with providing open source projects in the future.
Looking forward to learn and grow.
Already loved it!

bcheronn profile image
Bertrand C • Edited

Hello world!
I am here because I followed the one of the "Community" links on the ReactJS project page 😏

paulmicheli profile image
Paul Micheli

Hey, I am Paul.

Experienced DevOp's Engineer, more Ops than Dev.

Wanting to expand my Dev knowledge and skills.

See you about.

maeldonn profile image
Maël Donnart

Hi, I'm Maël a student from France. I'm learning web development since the beginning of the year. I hope that i'm going to learn a lot with DEV 🤗

manishpal022 profile image
Manish Pal

Hey All, I'm Manish. Exploring further in asynchronous and Real Time applications. Hope in DEV I get many chances to interact with some awesome posts & blogs.

mbcse profile image

Hey Everyone, I am Mohit, I am a Blockchain and Full Stack Developer. I love to explore new techs. Hope to have great learning and sharing experience on Dev

sr_bala_kkl profile image

🖐every one

clerijr profile image
Clerivaldo Junior

Hello there! I'm Clerivaldo, studying Frontend development by myself, looking for being a Fullstacker someday... Right now i'm looking for newbie projects to acquire experience.

faizoud profile image
Faizou Orou Dramani

Hello everyone, Am Faizou OROU DRAMANI. I am from Benin(West-AFrica) and ReactJS learner. I hope i'll learn a lot from you. Thank y'all.

saurav9005 profile image

Hello, it's been a great experience here @ I learned alot here and the content are awesome and so practical.
Thanks! rocks \m/

van_yusuf profile image
Yusuf Vanwala

New to DEV, expect to seek and learn more

katie_wbb profile image
Katie Whittington

Hi everyone! I’m Katie, currently a student who enjoys web development. Looking for inspiration and discussions.

beginner616 profile image

Hello I would like to learn pentesting, what skills do you think I should learn.

futurelinker profile image

Hi There! im interested to get into MERN, come to DEV to keep me motivated while learning, my basis are HTML and CSS and no Javascript, How could i start? any suggestion?

bhanvimenghani profile image
Bhanvi Menghani

Hii !! great developers. Glad to be here

sashin profile image
Sashin Agrawal

Hey! I am Sashin, software developer from India, I have heard it's a great community to indulge in great discussion, gather knowledge and get inspired from.

Thanks ☺️

zinizhu profile image
Zini Zhu

Hi all I'm Zini, a CS master student in CA. DEV looks like a great place for programmers to exchange ideas and get inspirations!

deepudaksh profile image

Hey guys, I'm Pradeep and in here because of the amount of people knowledge I'm about understand and learn through it. Excited to share my views and seek help from the community. Stay safe!
Thanks :)

mshajid profile image

Hey there, I'm studying to be a Full stack web developer 😄, mastering HTML, CSS, JS.

azarsammie profile image

Hi there, My name is Azar Sammie I am a self taught Software Engineer from Monrovia, Liberia. I am hoping to explore more ideas and opportunities here on DEV. Thanks

mrsid profile image

Hey there, I'm a CSE student from India and currently focusing on frontend web development. I hope that I'll learn lot of things from all of you.

chuckis profile image

Hi, everyone! Now I make a serious step in switching my career to professional python developer. Hope to find at Dev friends.

chuckis profile image

Hi everyone. I now take a serious step in life, switching my career to became a professional python developer. I hope find here friends, maybe mentors, because I haven't experience of command work.

shubhamrangaa profile image
Shubham Ranga

Hi guys, I'm Shubham a CS undergrad student and freelancer. I'm currently working on Front End Web development. I'm a coffee enthusiast, any coffee heads in the house?

makzilla808 profile image

Hey everyone! I'm Makamae. I am teaching my self code using various resources. I am jumping careers from driving semi-trucks. Got hurt on the job. Aspiring to be a front-end developer.

acroooo profile image
Hernán Chamorro

Hi everyone, Im Hernán, hacktivist and developer from Argentina, Buenos Aires. All the mornings I visit DEV for new inspirational posts of programming or productivity. Learn forever is my title.

jeyididya profile image
Yididya andualem

Glad to be here...looking forward to learn and share what i know😃

yurieastwood profile image
Yuri Eastwood

Hello everyone!
I'm Yuri, a Software Engineer from Brazil! My main focus is C# and Web Development but I love all that is tech related!
Hope to help and learn a lot around!

jeswinsunsi profile image

Heyyo, Im Jes, a teen dev. Looking forward to learning more stuff from y'all.

yididyak profile image
Yididya Kebede Regassa

Hi everyone I'm yididya a software engineering student from Ethiopia. Glad to be part of DEV community look forward to learning and growing as a programmer with you all.

else profile image

How long have I been searching for something like this. Awesome! Hope I can contribute too, but I tend to forget things and stop following up :(

bellomuboye profile image
Bell Omuboye

H! I'm Bell, Frontend Developer moving towards MEVN fullstack and a Project Manager. Lover of anime and movies and finishing mobile data doing good things

blankgodd profile image
Damilare Agba

Hello, I'm DamilarE, a software engineer.
I am currently getting better at general web development and I am here to learn more

dageldstop91 profile image

Hey everyone! I am a digital marketer and technology enthusiast. Hope, I will be welcomed here!)

saurabhsingh99 profile image

Hey there, Saurabh here. Look forward to learn and share with everyone out there.

oviecodes profile image
Godwin Alexander

Hello, I'm Godwin Alexander, a software developer. I'm currently learning backend web development in nodejs. hope to make new friends in this awesome community.

gagan95 profile image

Hello i'm Gagan, a JavaScript dev currently in India with ~ 2y working exp in web development !

iayushguptaaa profile image

Hey guys I'm Ayush a student and Android developer from India. Currently building apps for non-profit organizations. I hope I'll learn a lot from DEV


ben profile image
Ben Halpern


spaceryda profile image
Spacedon designs

Hello, I'm newbie web developer and graphics design. Hope people will lead me through and turn me to web wizard

ganeshjaiwal profile image
Ganesh Jaiwal • Edited

Hello everyone,🙋‍♂️
I am Ganesh a Software developer from Pune, India.
I love to learn and read about new technologies.

mattdawson profile image
Matt Dawson

Hey good people! I am Matt. A
CS student. Thats it!
Actually my girlfriend forced me to join! Happy Coding!

nikuamit profile image
Amit Kumar Sahu

Hola folks,

I came across this amazing platform to learn from you all. I look forward to learn, collaborate and contribute to scale up my career and grow my network.


collosus06 profile image

Hello I'm Des a student currently taking BS Computer Science. I'm still a beginner and I hope to learn a lot this coming semester. Hope y'all are doing fine

santanuxd profile image
Santanu Biswas

Hey everyone ! This is Santanu, an undergrad student and a tech-enthusiast from Kolkata, India. Hope DEV is going to be a great platform for bringing tech-enthusiasts together.
Happy coding !

ashinkrj profile image
Ashin Kanakaraj

Hey there. I am Ashin, Angular and Node JS developer from India. Here in DEV looking for new inspirations, best practices and productive discussions. C U.

ahmadshafique profile image
Ahmad Shafique

Hey everyone! I am Ahmad, a computer scientist and full stack developer from Lahore, Pakistan. Pretty excited to be here. Hope DEV will be inspirational and open up new horizons for me.
See ya.

ahmedabdultawab1999 profile image
Ahmed Abdultawab

Hey there I'm Ahmed Abdeltawab a student and Software Engineer from Egypt i am interested in Applying Machine Learning and Data Science in all our Life Sides Like Using it Medical Field

yogeekabhi profile image
Abhishek Sunam

Hola guys! I'm Abhishek from India, an aspiring web developer. Looking forward to learn, help and share knowledge with everyone. Happy to be a part of DEV.

fat_boylucifier profile image

hello World! Iam new here

learning #python & #Javascript

I love Debian❤