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Welcome Thread - v89

sup cartoon

Welcome to DEV!

  1. Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.

  2. Reply to someone's comment, either with a question or just a hello. 👋

Great to have you in the community!

Top comments (237)

schmelto profile image
Tom Schmelzer

Hey there I'm Tom a student and developer from Germany. Hope DEV is going to be a great place to look for new inspiration, possibilities and great discussions.
See ya.

papaponmx profile image
Jaime Rios

Welcome Tom. What are you studying right now?

schmelto profile image
Tom Schmelzer

I study business Informatics.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hey Tom! 👋

Hope ya enjoy your time on DEV.

schmelto profile image
Tom Schmelzer

Thanks a lot!

dienigma profile image
Chinmay Joshi

Hey Tom! Welcome!

malhotramanik profile image
Manik Malhotra

Hello Tom

petrosapotsos profile image
Petros Apotsos

Hi Tom!! I am new here too! Well met!

adamdunn318 profile image

In the morning to you good sir!!!

emmanueligbo11 profile image
Emmanuel Igbo

Welcome! i am new here also.

narutovps profile image
Ved Prakash Singh

Hello Tom 👋

camandres9 profile image
Carloj André

Welcome Tom.

khajulib profile image

I also from Germany duesseldorf. wo wohnst du denn?

schmelto profile image
Tom Schmelzer

In der Nähe von Heilbronn.

Thread Thread
khajulib profile image

sehr gut und wohne ich in der Naehe von duesseldorf.

timmybytes profile image
Timothy Merritt • Edited

I’m Tim, 33 year old single dad making a career change into development. I’ve been studying coding for a while now, and over the last year I’ve been deep diving into learning all I can about the front end. I love helping anyone I can with the things I’ve learned so far, and I’m currently trying to land my first coding job! I’ve been a lurker on DEV for a while now, but I’m trying to actively engage more with the community :)

nananananate profile image
Nathaniel Louis Tisuela

mad respect for you! I can only imagine the friction that is going against you, keep it up!

timmybytes profile image
Timothy Merritt

Thanks! It’s certainly a lot to deal with, but I’m really passionate about development (particularly the accessibility side of things), and I’m committed to the career change, so I’m doing my best.

kaeptnkrunch profile image
Stephan B. R. Langenau

deep respect for this achievement. I wish you the best of luck that you find a great job. And btw. Greetings from Germany 😅

timmybytes profile image
Timothy Merritt

Vielen Dank! Ich wahr geboren im Deutschland, und meine Mutter’s Seite der Familie ist Deutsch, aber meine Grammatik ist nicht so gut ;).

danielzardo profile image
Daniel Zardo

Hello Timothy! I can relate to your situation at a certain level. Success in your journey!

pronia00 profile image
Andrew Pronkin

Hey, good luck man ^^

timmybytes profile image
Timothy Merritt


mishkazi profile image
Michael Zinoviev • Edited

Good luck bro with finding the job :)

jaredmathis profile image
Jared Mathis

How's the job search going?

timmybytes profile image
Timothy Merritt

I’ve applied to a few places, but only really started sending out resumes this last week, so it’s still early days. I know the general consensus is to start applying a little before you think you’re actually ready, so that’s what I’m doing. I feel like I have a strong grasp of the basics, I’ve built a few projects, and I try to practice as much as possible.

rowaa profile image

Hi Timothy, hope you good luck :)

desbest profile image
Adisa Nicholson • Edited

Hello I'm a web developer and in the future I want to learn how to make mobile apps. I have various skills in web development and various projects. I joined Dev to see what this community is about and generally look around.

nananananate profile image
Nathaniel Louis Tisuela

Excited to see your future projects! I'm thinking of pursuing web development as a career.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Heya! Welcome to DEV. 🙌

Lots of web developers here, so hope you're able to find some good reads.

sohaib01 profile image


I am a Biomedical Scientist hoping to switch careers by becoming a Front End Developer. Hope DEV is going to help me find like minded people full of great talks and ideas that we can share with each other. Anyone that can guide me a little or just wants to have a chat I would be happy to introduce myself.

Speak Soon :D

schmelto profile image
Tom Schmelzer


sohaib01 profile image

Hey hey how are you?

candordennis profile image
Candor Dennis

My name is Candor Dennis. I am a technical trainer, a front end web developer and a web solutions expert.

I am passionate about helping fellow youths and interested ones alike to key into tech, find a skill and learn the business around their skill.

aellopos profile image
Michal Kučera

Hi! I am Michal, university student from Brno (Czechia). I am mainly web developer and lately I've been discovering beauties of open-source projects, looking forward to get inspiration here on DEV and meet great developers.

loanck profile image

Hello i'm Loan, a webdev currently in the french public field with ~ 4y working exp.
I used to work at IBM Service Center for 2y.
I am currently pursuing a degree in Open Source Software Engineering.
I have just opened my freelance business, can't wait to see what this new adventure will bring !

moscode profile image

Hello guys. I'm Moses an applied physics student from Nigeria. I'm currently taking a specialization course on front end web development and I'm hoping that one day I can develop a fullstack project. Thanks.

zhangweicalm profile image
Elvin Zhang

I'm Elvin, come from China, 32 years old, I am a husband and a boy's father.
I am a Java full stack developer, my on-hand language is Java and Javascript, the corresponding frameword are Spring family and Vue.
The back-end stack is Java, Spring, Mybatis, Oracle, Postgresql, Mysql, Redis, Mongo, Python, ActiveMQ, Maven, Git ...
The front-end stack is Javascript, HTML, CSS, VUEjs, Jquery, Openlayers, Webpack ...
I want to be a freelancer, so I have been working on clean my tech stack. My direction is Full stack and Mobile Developer. So my futher tech stack will be like this :
LANGUAGE: Java, Javascript, HTML5, CSS3
FRAMEWORK: Spring Boot, Vue, Reactjs, React Native
PERSISTENCE: Postgresql, Oracle, Mysql, Redis, Mongo, ActiveMQ
I love the world, and would like to make some friends if god bless me.
Time passes, with no stop, let us walk our way without stop.

hstevey profile image

Hi guys, new here! a brief intro: graduated in 2016 as interactive Designer, can do Front-end dev and design. started a fashion brand in 2019, went well till covid hit us hard and it was game over. getting back into coding and design. really eager to get back to work and re-learn/freshing my skills!

smartym profile image
Sergey V.

Hello everyone!

I’m Sergey, a technical expert with 11+ years of experience. Being a certified Scrum Master, I've been the CTO at software development company since 2012. I'm keen on blockchain, big data, AI, robotics, IoT, and enterprise software. Here I write articles in my blog.

Hope, I will be welcomed here.)

binoipr profile image

Hello all, I am Binoy, I did some sample projects in MERN and hope to learn more in that. Iam looking for any project suggestion where I can learn and contribute too.

schmelto profile image
Tom Schmelzer

Same with contribution here. Good luck for you. Write me if you find some cool projects :)

binoipr profile image

You bet Tom :)

glabrie profile image

Hello! I'm currently in sales, and I want to learn more programming and maybe jump careers later on :) I did a little web dev, know my way around Python and am looking at Rust right now :)

pazyp profile image
Andrew Pazikas

Hello there,

Oracle Engineer here specilising in automation, I tilt towards Oracle Databases but enjoy all things data related. Been a lurker here for a while now and finally decided to make an account.

jsspen profile image
Jordan Spencer

Hi all, I'm an aspiring Java web app developer about to start a 14 week bootcamp! DEV seems like a great way to stay motivated, connect, and have a fun record to look back on. I'm excited to be here and be going forward on this journey!

bias profile image
Tobias Nickel

reading here at dev to will be worth your time. and you will learn to love the feeling when the code finally works 😊

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