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 Rahul Gupta
Rahul Gupta

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Radix Sort Algorithm: A Powerful Sorting Technique Using JavaScript


In the world of computer science and programming, sorting algorithms play a crucial role in efficiently organizing data. One such algorithm that has gained recognition for its efficiency and simplicity is the Radix Sort algorithm. In this article, we will explore the inner workings of Radix Sort and how it can be implemented using JavaScript.

Understanding Radix Sort:

Radix Sort is a non-comparative sorting algorithm that operates on the digits or characters of a number or string. Unlike other sorting algorithms, Radix Sort does not compare individual elements directly. Instead, it distributes the elements into different buckets based on the value of each digit. This process is repeated for each digit, from the least significant to the most significant, resulting in a sorted collection of elements.

The Steps Involved:

  1. Identify the maximum number of digits: Before implementing Radix Sort, we need to determine the maximum number of digits in the given array. This information will be used to determine the number of iterations needed to sort the elements.

  2. Perform the Sorting Process: The actual sorting process involves iterating through each digit position, starting from the least significant digit to the most significant digit. Within each iteration, the elements are distributed into different buckets based on the value of the current digit.

  3. Merge the Buckets: After distributing the elements into buckets, we need to merge them back into a single array. This step ensures that the elements are now sorted based on the current digit.

  4. Repeat the Process: Steps 2 and 3 are repeated for each digit position until the entire array is sorted. By the end of the final iteration, the array will be completely sorted.

Implementing Radix Sort in JavaScript:

Let's dive into the implementation of the Radix Sort algorithm using JavaScript. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Find the Maximum Number of Digits

To find the maximum number of digits in the array, we can iterate through the elements and keep track of the element with the highest number of digits. Let's assume our array is called arr:

`let maxDigits = 0;

for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {

const numDigits = Math.floor(Math.log10(arr[i])) + 1;

maxDigits = Math.max(maxDigits, numDigits);


Step 2: Perform the Sorting Process

Now, we can implement the main Radix Sort algorithm:

function radixSort(arr) {

const buckets = Array.from({ length: 10 }, () => []);

for (let digit = 0; digit < maxDigits; digit++) {

for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {

  const num = arr[i];

  const digitValue = Math.floor(num / Math.pow(10, digit)) % 10;



arr = [].concat(...buckets);

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return arr;


Step 3: Test the Radix Sort Function

Let's test our implementation with a sample array:

const arrayToSort = [170, 45, 75, 90, 802, 24, 2, 66];

const sortedArray = radixSort(arrayToSort);

console.log(sortedArray); // Output: [2, 24, 45, 66, 75, 90, 170, 802]`

Pros and Cons of Radix Sort:

Like any algorithm, Radix Sort has its strengths and limitations. Let's discuss the pros and cons:


  1. Efficiency: Radix Sort has a time complexity of O(k* n), where k is the average number of digits and n is the number of elements. It can be faster than comparison-based sorting algorithms like QuickSort or MergeSort for certain scenarios.

  2. Stability: Radix Sort maintains the relative order of elements with the same digit value, ensuring stability in the sorting process.

  3. Simplicity: The algorithm is relatively easy to understand and implement, especially compared to more complex sorting algorithms.


  1. Limited Applicability: Radix Sort is primarily useful for sorting non-negative integers or strings. It may not be suitable for other data types.

  2. Space Complexity: The algorithm requires additional space to store the buckets and the merged array, which can be a concern for large datasets.

  3. Not In-place: Radix Sort does not sort the array in place. It requires additional space to store the sorted elements.


Radix Sort is a powerful sorting algorithm that offers efficiency, stability, and simplicity. By distributing elements based on digit values, it achieves a sorted collection without directly comparing individual elements. Although it has some limitations, Radix Sort can be a valuable addition to a programmer's toolbox when dealing with specific types of data.

By understanding the inner workings of Radix Sort and its implementation in JavaScript, you can leverage this algorithm to efficiently sort large arrays or collections of integers or strings. Experiment with different datasets and explore their performance characteristics to gain a deeper understanding of their capabilities.

Remember, choosing the right sorting algorithm depends on the specific requirements of your project. Radix Sort provides an alternative approach that can be beneficial in certain scenarios.

For More Algorithms:

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