Hi there!
Today, I'll be sharing some useful JS array methods that I use daily. These methods will surely level up your game as a beginner. πͺ Let's dive into those now.
1. map()
According to MDN:
The map() method creates a new array populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array.
Basically, map()
is used for data transformation. Remember this!
Let's understand map()
with an example.
// I want squares and cubes of all these numbers
const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
// using forEach()
const squares = []
numbers.forEach(number => squares.push(number**2))
// Output: [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
// using map()
const cubes = numbers.map(number => number**3)
// Output: [1, 8, 27, 64, 125]
In the example, you can see how easy it was to calculate cubes
as compared to squares
takes a function(here it's an arrow function) as its argument. That function will be executed for every element of numbers
array and result of that function will be stored in the new array cubes
You can also pass some optional arguments. The order for arguments is:
- The value in the array for which function is being executed. In our case, itsnumber
. -
- Index of thecurrentValue
. -
- Array on which map is being run. In our case, it'snumbers
. -
- Value to be used asthis
when executing this function.
2. filter()
According to MDN:
The filter() method creates a new array with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.
Basically, you provide a function that is run against every element in the given array. If that function evaluates to true
, that element is pushed to the new array else not.
Let's understand 'filter()' with an example:
// Club entry list
const persons = [
name : 'Mark',
age : 19,
gender: 'M'
name : 'Jenny',
age : 17,
gender: 'F'
name : 'Ben',
age : 15,
gender: 'M'
name : 'Julia',
age : 23,
gender: 'O'
const adultsOnlyList = persons.filter(person => person.age > 18)
// Mark and Julia
const noMenList = persons.filter(person => person.gender !== 'M' && person.age > 18)
// Julia
In the above example, some people want to enter a club but we cannot allow anyone that is below 18. So, we generate a adultsOnlyList
with the help of filter()
function. Note that function inside filter()
should always return a Boolean
Club has a special day too when males are not allowed. So, we generate another list noMenList
by extending our previous function. Ultimately, if your function returns a Boolean
, it will work.
You can also pass some optional arguments. Those arguments are same as mentioned in map()
3. reduce()
According to MDN:
The reduce() method executes a reducer function (that you provide) on each element of the array, resulting in single output value.
Basically, as the name suggests it will perform some operation on your array and reduce it to a single value. For example, operations like sum, average, factorial, etc. can be easily done by reduce()
Let's understand reduce()
with an example:
// What's the total for these items?
const shoppingCart = [
name : 'Potato',
price: 40,
name : 'Tomato',
price: 60
name: 'Bread',
price: 21
const total = shoppingCart.reduce((sum, item) => sum + item.price, 0)
// 121
People find reduce()
hard at the first look. π¨ Don't be sacred. Let's break it down.
I've passed two arguments to the reduce()
function. The first one is a function that we want to execute for each element.
(sum, item) => sum + item.price
That function has two arguments sum
and item
. sum
will store our value after every iteration and item
will always have the element we are currently iterating on.
What about the second argument? So, the second argument is nothing but sum
s' initial value. If you don't pass it, then shoppingCart
's first element will be stored in sum
and looping will start from the second element.
4. find() and findIndex()
Let's take these two methods together because they are very similar. π
According to MDN:
The find() method returns the value of the first element in the provided array that satisfies the provided testing function.
Basically, you pass a function to find()
and whichever element evaluates to true
will be returned. If none passes, you'll get undefined
Let's understand this with an example:
// I want to buy something for $120
const accounts = [
name : 'Citi Bank',
balance: 100
name : 'Bank of America',
balance: 150
name: 'Capital One',
balance: 170
const account = accounts.find(account => account.balance > 120)
// { balance: 150, name: "Bank of America" }
So, I have multiple accounts and I am looking for an account that has at least $120 balance. Though, there are two accounts that satisfy this condition but find()
returns the first element that passes the test.
According to MDN:
The findIndex() method returns the index of the first element in the array that satisfies the provided testing function. Otherwise, it returns -1, indicating that no element passed the test.
Basically, the same thing as find()
. Only difference is: It returns the index instead of the element. Returns -1 instead of undefined
, if no element passes the test.
Let's run the same example with findIndex()
const accountIndex = accounts.findIndex(account => account.balance > 120)
// Output: 1
Nothing to explain, I guess. Pretty straightforward.
That's all folks! π
Part 2 of useful JS array methods. It has some uncommon ones. π
Hope you learned something. βοΈ
Top comments (11)
Great post! I would be wary about using reduce though it's often advised against usage especially from most eslint rulesets. Often due to the fact (as you even mentioned in the post) that reduce looks hard and can be hard to understand.
"X looks hard" is not a good reason not to use something.
, orinject
, or whatever other programming languages call it) is an incredibly useful function and should be used.Thank you.
is actually very simple, once you get it. My life has been a lot easier withreduce()
.I do agree that reduce isn't that complicated but I was trying to just explain (which I may have done badly) that instead of using reduce its often better to avoid it and using something simpler to understand. For example using .sum is a lot better than using reduce because it's self descriptive in what it does.
That doesn't mean there isn't a usecase for reduce I'd just use it sparingly. But of course that's just my opinion!
I find staticMap() a very underrated function
I am not sure what you're talking about. Can you provide a reference? I'd love to read about it.
Sorry, its flatMap
The array.map() returns a single item per item in the array. with flatMap you can return multiple or no items per item in the array you are iterating over
Yes! I've used it recently. But I think it's for specific cases only. Not something you'd use every day. But again, really useful and a pretty one. βοΈ
Maybe, I'll make a Part 2 for these kinds of methods. π
Just want to highlight something in Array filter example :
adultsOnlyList & noMenList will return array of object if you want to print name then you need to map that array one more time like this :
const adultList = persons.filter( person => person.age > 18).map( person => person.name);
// output of adultList --> [ 'Mark', 'Julia' ]
it will return array which will contain only name of person which are above 18.
Oh yeah! My bad.
*cries in