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Thomas Perron
Thomas Perron

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How Colima Is A Good Alternative To Docker Desktop

Original publication:

Being a software engineer for some years, I have often used Docker Desktop in my career to manage containerized applications. As Docker updated their service agreements August 31st, 2021, I needed to find an open-source or a free alternative to Docker Desktop, leading to Colima.

What is Colima?

Colima is a VM based on Lima providing container runtimes in MacOS/Linux.

Some of Colima's features are:

  • a simple CLI;
  • multi-profiles management;
  • multi-architectures (Intel, M1);
  • Docker and containerd runtimes;
  • Kubernetes integration.

How to install Colima?

Using Homebrew as package manager, run brew install colima to install it.

Note: Other installation options are available here.

For a smoother experience, add Colima autocompletion to your terminal.
Finally, run colima start to start a default instance.

$ colima start
INFO[0000] starting colima
INFO[0000] runtime: docker
INFO[0000] preparing network ...                         context=vm
INFO[0000] starting ...                                  context=vm
INFO[0022] provisioning ...                              context=docker
INFO[0022] starting ...                                  context=docker
INFO[0027] done
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Two container runtimes are supported by Colima: Docker (default) and containerd.


Docker is Colima's default runtime, meaning features from Docker are available out of the box.
docker and docker-compose CLIs are required to use Docker with Colima. brew install docker docker-compose


containerd is available by running colima start -r containerd.

NOTE: containerd is not covered in this article. More details are available here.


Colima includes a standalone K3s server, so you can manage a Kubernetes cluster using colima start -k .

They are other options available with the Kubernetes cluster:

  • picking a specific runtime with the -r flag;
  • deploying an ingress controller Traefik with the --kubernetes-ingress flag;
  • selecting a Kubernetes version with the --kubernetes-version flag.

Last but not the least, kubectl is required to use Kubernetes by running brew install kubectl.

Note: A future post will cover Kubernetes management with Colima. Stay tuned!

Customizing the VM

The default colima start will set up an instance with 2 GB memory, 2 CPUs, 60 GB disk and a Docker runtime.

You can easily customize your instance by using flags.
As an example, colima start -c 5 -m 4 -d 100 will start a 4 GB memory with 5 CPUs, an 100 GB disk and a Docker runtime instance.
To get the full list of available options, run colima start -h .

$ colima start -h
Start Colima with the specified container runtime and optional kubernetes.

Colima can also be configured with a YAML file.
Run 'colima template' to set the default configurations or 'colima start --edit' to customize before startup.

  colima start [profile] [flags]

  colima start
  colima start --edit
  colima start --runtime containerd
  colima start --kubernetes
  colima start --runtime containerd --kubernetes
  colima start --cpu 4 --memory 8 --disk 100
  colima start --arch aarch64
  colima start --dns --dns

      --activate                    set as active Docker/Kubernetes context on startup (default true)
  -a, --arch string                 architecture (aarch64, x86_64) (default "aarch64")
  -c, --cpu int                     number of CPUs (default 2)
      --cpu-type string             the CPU type, options can be checked with 'qemu-system-aarch64 -cpu help'
  -d, --disk int                    disk size in GiB (default 60)
  -n, --dns ipSlice                 DNS servers for the VM (default [])
  -e, --edit                        edit the configuration file before starting
      --editor string               editor to use for edit e.g. vim, nano, code (default "$EDITOR" env var)
      --env stringToString          environment variables for the VM (default [])
  -h, --help                        help for start
  -k, --kubernetes                  start with Kubernetes
      --kubernetes-ingress          enable Traefik ingress controller
      --kubernetes-version string   must match a k3s version (default "v1.25.0+k3s1")
  -l, --layer                       enable Ubuntu container layer
  -m, --memory int                  memory in GiB (default 2)
  -V, --mount strings               directories to mount, suffix ':w' for writable
      --mount-type string           volume driver for the mount (sshfs, 9p) (default "sshfs")
      --network-address             assign reachable IP address to the VM
      --network-driver string       network driver to use (slirp, gvproxy) (default "gvproxy")
  -r, --runtime string              container runtime (docker, containerd) (default "docker")
  -s, --ssh-agent                   forward SSH agent to the VM

Global Flags:
  -p, --profile string   profile name, for multiple instances (default "default")
  -v, --verbose          enable verbose log
      --very-verbose     enable more verbose log
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To stop your running instance, run colima stop.
To delete it, run colima delete. All associated items will be deleted (images, containers, volumes...).

Multi-profiles management

One of the most exciting Colima features is instances management. To do so, Colima is using profiles.

To create an instance with a profile name, add the -p flag to the command line.
For example, colima start -p funny_profile will create a default instance with funny_profile as profile name.
colima start -p intel -a x86_64 -c 1 will start an intel instance with 1 CPU using the intel name.

You can retrieve your current profiles by running colima list.

default          Stopped    aarch64    2       2GiB      60GiB
funny_profile    Running    aarch64    2       2GiB      60GiB    docker
intel            Running    x86_64     1       8GiB      60GiB    docker
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Note: Profile name must be unique. If the name is not given when starting an instance, default will be the default name.

To stop your instance, run colima stop with -p <PROFILE> (<PROFILE> is your instance name).
To delete a profile, run colima delete with -p <PROFILE>.

Editing an instance

It is possible to customize an instance before starting it using flags, or by running the start command with the -e flag.
Your terminal editor will open the instance configuration file to be edited. After modification, the instance will start.

Note: Once created, each configuration property is editable except the disk size.

Multi-architecture management

The second great feature of Colima is the CPU architecture emulation (i.e. aarch64, x86_64), available with the -a flag.
Let's say you got an M1 laptop and the desired docker image does not have an aarch64 version.
By switching or creating a specific amd64 instance, you will be able to run the image.

# Default with Intel architecture
colima start -a x86_64

# Default with arm architecture
colima start -a aarch64
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Colima vs Docker Desktop

Time to get our hands dirty! Let's run some scripts to compare Colima and Docker Desktop performance.

For the purpose of the tests, we gonna compare I/O using volumes and (^) calculation inside the container.
Both VMs have the same configuration (2Gb memory, 2 CPUs, 60Gb disk).
Files management and CPU stress load will be triggered using the official alpine Docker image.

Please find the testing scripts on Github.


Using a bind volume (host)

VM Create 200Mb file (MB/s) Read 200Mb file (MB/s) Copy 200Mb file (MB/s) Create 10000 4Kb files (MB/s) Delete folder (MB/s)
Colima 165.29 250 126.58 24.27 61.54
Docker Desktop 176.99 133.33 112.42 20.96 31.75

Using a Docker volume

VM Create 200Mb file (MB/s) Read 200Mb file (MB/s) Copy 200Mb file (MB/s) Create 10000 4Kb files (MB/s) Delete folder (MB/s)
Colima 2222.22 6666.67 4000 2000 2500
Docker Desktop 748.31 2000 1538.46 1333.33 1052.63

Using the container

VM Create 200Mb file (MB/s) Read 200Mb file (MB/s) Copy 200Mb file (MB/s) Create 10000 4Kb files (MB/s) Delete folder (MB/s)
Colima 2000 6666.67 4000 1538.46 2000
Docker Desktop 800 2000 1666.67 952.38 952.38

CPU load


Colima's performance is way better than Docker Desktop**, especially when performing I/O operations and CPU load. Moreover, features such as profile management and container runtime management are also a great addition to this project.

If you are looking for a Docker Desktop alternative on Mac, Colima seems to be the best player for container management.

Tested on an M1 Mac Book Pro with Colima v0.4.6, Docker Desktop v4.14.1.

**Docker Desktop beta features can improve I/O operations by enabling VirtioFS and the new Virtualization framework, but Colima still have the best I/O performance.

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