Hello friends.
This is my first post here, although I am visiting dev.to regularly for quite some time 😀
Today I want to show you a github repository I created, which collects headless CMS for developers.
Over the years I worked with couple of different headless CMS, and I know there are websites out there that list and compare different CMS systems, but today I just thought why not just create a repository that other developers can ⭐ to have a great pre-selection of headless CMS, that are either open source to use or at least provide a free account.
As some of the headless CMS out there are highly priced (in my option, yes I know they are mainly for enterprise use, but nevertheless), I wanted to create my own list with headless CMS that are either free and open source to host them yourself on your own servers (I personally prefer that over cloud CMS), or as I said, give you the option of a free account in their cloud version.
Headless CMS list
currently listed in the Github repository (might change in the future, better check out on Github if you are interested):
- Directus
- Keystone
- Payload
- Statamic
- Webiny
- TinaCMS
- Ghost
- Cockpit
- Contember
- CraftCMS
- Strapi
- ApostropheCMS
- Flextype
- Publii
- Pimcore
- Gentics
- Superdesk
- dotCMS
- Squidex
- NetlifyCMS
- Daptin
- Flotiq
- Gridly
- DatoCMS
- Sanity
- Cosmic
- TakeShape
- Prepr
- Prismic
- Contentful
- Hygraph (GraphCMS)
- Storyblok
- ButterCMS
- Zesty
- Dialoguewise
- Kontent
Whats next
Maybe I will include the technology stack the CMSs are build with in the future, add addtional information about their APIs, whatsoever. For now, I am quite happy with the list 😉 It does the job for me.
In case this is helpful to you feel free to leave a ⭐, but please note this is just a personal collection, so in case some information is not listed correctly, feel free to create an issue or contribute if your favorite CMS is missing.
Best regards and have a nice day developers,
Cheers! 👊 💥
Top comments (2)
Hey Welcome to writing on Dev.to! Thanks for mentioning Webiny as well! If anyone wants help getting started drop me a message or join our community.
To add the technology is s very good idea cause people can choose what they can use. And maybe sort the list alphabetically 😉