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Why content marketing is worthwhile

Consumers have long been fed up with traditional marketing methods. Years of advertising bombardment have made them resistant to all forms of advertising. But smart marketers have understood that current marketing methods are no longer effective and have developed a new method to win customers.

Content Marketing Definition:

The aim of content marketing is to win consumers over and to bind them to the company in the long term by creating and disseminating valuable and informative content for the customer. Content marketing is the art of building a dialogue with your customers without selling them a product or service directly. The aim of these marketing efforts is to indirectly influence the purchasing behavior of the consumer.

What are the exact benefits of a sophisticated content marketing strategy for your business?
This article looks at the direct benefits to your business and brand, and shows you how to measure the success of your content marketing campaigns.

• Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty ensures that customers feel committed to your brand and keep buying products from you. So if customers have the opportunity and a good reason to prefer another brand and still buy from you, then you’ve achieved true brand loyalty with your business.
Brand loyalty is therefore one of the most important factors for the success of your brand and your company. If you fail to get loyal repeat customers for your brand, you will have to compete with other companies on factors such as price and value.

If your customers only buy your product because it is cheap or easy to get, then your “branded product” has become a pure consumer product. Your company is then embroiled in a tough price war and is exposed to the constant risk of losing its customers to other brands with higher utility value.

That’s why you should start by building and developing your brand loyalty. Brand loyalty is the result of consumer behavior and is influenced by the personal preferences of the customer. Loyal customers will continue to buy from you even though there may be better products.

Many large companies use content marketing, loyalty programs or incentives to promote customer loyalty. Content marketing has the great advantage of getting in contact with the customer before the purchase, as he will deal with your content during his research.
The customer then associates good content with your brand.

The more important your brand is in a customer’s life, the more loyal they will be to your company.
The best way to measure brand loyalty is through surveys. You should constantly seek feedback from consumers in your target market, especially those who have just bought a product or service from you.

Key figures that play an important role in evaluating brand loyalty:
Trust: Is important for all brands, but especially for brands that have to deal with sensitive customer data such as bank and credit card details.

Appreciation: The respect that your customer shows your brand and whether they associate a good experience with it.
Customer Loyalty: Helps you understand why your products or services meet or exceed your customers’ expectations.
Identification: The emotional value of your product for the customer.
Reliability: How does your customer perceive the quality of your products and services.

• Brand awareness

Brand awareness provides information about whether your brand is recognized by consumers and can then associate them with your product. Brand awareness is therefore the primary goal of many companies in the first months or years after product launch.

Mostly, the brand awareness is shown as a percentage on the target market. For example, Coca Cola’s brand awareness is a staggering 94%, according to a survey by Research Now.

Content marketing helps to increase the brand awareness of your company and to bring potential customers into contact with your brand even before the actual purchase of the product. It is important that your content reflects the brand image of your company and provides valuable information to the consumer.

To measure the brand awareness of your company, you can use the metrics Impressions, Traffic and CT. These metrics tell you how many people search for answers, find your content, and then interact with it.

Organic and viral impressions are particularly relevant for measuring your brand awareness.

• Viral Impressions: The number of times your content linked to your website has been liked, commented on or shared by other consumers.

• Organic Impressions: The number of times your content was shown to the user in their newsfeed, ticker, or on your website.

In addition, your website traffic, social shares and CTR give very good information about the extent to which your content persuades your customers to deal more intensively with your product or your brand.

Traffic from clicks from your blog post to your landing page occurs, among other things, when users find your content valuable and want to take a closer look at your product or service.

Your company or brand will receive a lot of social shares, especially if the content gives the sharing user recognition in their peer group. Social shares increase the level of awareness of your brand and you can reach customers who may not yet know your company.

• Virality

Note: The faster and more successfully an advertising message reaches its desired target group, the higher the probability that the advertised product or service will be remembered by the consumer.
In times of social sharing, good content can spread like wildfire. For this to happen, you should always make sure that your content is unique. Also, viral content needs to make people laugh, touch them emotionally, or help them with one of their problems.
With good content marketing, you create content that stimulates sharing. This creates the desired multiplier effects.

• Customer Engagement

Marketing has long been viewed as a one-dimensional channel. Passive customers were literally bombarded with advertising messages. At that time, the marketing measures mainly focused on size and reach. The result is phenomena like banner blindness.

Nowadays the consumer is given an active role. In order to retain customers in the long term, companies rely on customer engagement. Loyalty is the depth and level of interactions consumers have with your content in order to meet their target needs.

The Internet offers your customers the opportunity to share their positive and negative experiences with your product and / or company on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter and forums. Positive customer voices are a great free form of advertising for your business. Therefore, every interaction with the consumer should be very important to you.
The direct dialogue with your customers gives you the opportunity to find out more about their behavior and needs. With the information obtained, you can actively help the customer in coping with everyday problems and at the same time offer them additional products or services. Your customers will thank you for listening to them.

High quality, useful and entertaining information invites discussion and spreads faster. It doesn’t matter whether your content strategy is based on a blog, social media, webcasts or email campaigns. Good content offers topics of conversation, arouses emotions and leads to further user-generated content, which in turn strengthens the image of your company.

If you want to make your business more competitive, you should start with content marketing. A good content marketing strategy not only helps you to win new customers, but also continuously binds them to your brand. Start building your brand awareness and brand loyalty with valuable content.

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