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Truong Phung
Truong Phung

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๐Ÿ” Solidity Limitations, Solutions, Best Practices and Gas Optimization ๐Ÿš€

Understanding Solidity limitations and solutions is critical for building secure, efficient, and reliable smart contracts. It helps developers to create robust decentralized applications while minimizing risks and inefficiencies.

1. Solidity Limitations and Solutions

1. Gas Costs โ›ฝ

  • Problem: High gas costs for complex operations or large loops.
  • Solution: Optimize code (e.g., use mappings instead of arrays) and minimize storage writes.

2. Limited Debugging Tools ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ

  • Problem: Debugging Solidity contracts can be challenging due to limited tools.
  • Solution: Use tools like Hardhat, Foundry, and Tenderly for enhanced debugging.

3. Overflow and Underflow Bugs โš ๏ธ

  • Problem: Arithmetic errors (prior to Solidity 0.8).
  • Solution: Use SafeMath library or upgrade to Solidity 0.8+, which has built-in checks.

4. Reentrancy Vulnerability ๐Ÿ”„

  • Problem: Attackers exploit external calls to reenter the contract.
  • Solution: Use the Checks-Effects-Interactions pattern and ReentrancyGuard.

5. Immutability of Deployed Contracts ๐Ÿšซ

  • Problem: Mistakes in deployed contracts cannot be fixed.
  • Solution: Take advatage of popular libraries like OpenZeppelin to reduce bug risks or use proxy patterns for upgradeable contracts and thorough pre-deployment testing.

6. Lack of Native Floating-Point Arithmetic ๐Ÿงฎ

  • Problem: Solidity does not support floating-point numbers, limiting its utility for precise calculations like tokenomics or financial systems.
  • Solution: Work with integers by scaling values or use fixed-point arithmetic libraries like ABDKMathQuad for high precision.

7. External Data, Oracle Dependency ๐Ÿงพ

  • Problem: Contracts need external data (e.g., token prices), but on-chain data is static and they cannot directly fetch external data.
  • Solution: Use oracles like Chainlink or Band Protocol for reliable off-chain data.

8. Non-Standard Error Handling ๐Ÿšจ

  • Problem: Hard-to-debug failures due to revert without meaningful messages.
  • Solution: Always include meaningful error messages with require and revert.

9. Limited Standard Libraries ๐Ÿ“š

  • Problem: Lack of robust built-in libraries for common operations.
  • Solution: Use trusted libraries like OpenZeppelin for common functionalities.

10. Cross-Contract Calls Risks ๐Ÿ”—

  • Problem: Calls to other contracts can introduce security vulnerabilities.
  • Solution: Validate external call results and handle failures gracefully.

11. Randomness Generation ๐ŸŽฒ

  • Problem: Solidity cannot securely generate random numbers, as blockchain data (e.g., block.timestamp) is predictable and vulnerable to manipulation.
  • Solution:
    • Use Chainlink VRF for verifiable randomness.
    • Combine off-chain randomness with on-chain verification.

12. Contract Size Limitations ๐Ÿ“

  • Problem: Ethereum imposes a maximum contract size of 24 KB, which can be restrictive for large projects.
  • Solution:
    • Split functionality across multiple contracts.
    • Use libraries to reuse code.

13. Non-Deterministic Gas Costs ๐Ÿ”„

  • Problem: Gas costs may vary due to network conditions, causing transactions to fail.
  • Solution: Implement robust gas estimation using tools like eth_gasPrice and set sufficient gas limits.

14. Poor Scalability ๐Ÿš€

  • Problem: Processing many transactions or heavy computations is costly and slow.
  • Solution:
    • Offload computations to Layer 2 solutions like Optimism or zkSync.
    • Use state channels or off-chain computation with on-chain verification.

15. Lack of Native Access Control Features ๐Ÿ”

  • Problem: Access control must be manually implemented, leading to potential vulnerabilities.
  • Solution: Use frameworks like OpenZeppelin's AccessControl or Ownable patterns.

16. Timestamp Dependency โฑ๏ธ

  • Problem: Using block.timestamp for time-sensitive logic can be manipulated by miners within a small range.
  • Solution: Rely on trusted oracles for precise timing if strict time-based logic is required.

17. Insufficient Support for Strings and Arrays ๐Ÿ“œ

  • Problem: String manipulation and dynamic array handling are limited and gas-heavy.
  • Solution: Use libraries like Solidity StringUtils and avoid extensive on-chain string operations.

18. Upgradability Complexity ๐Ÿ”„

  • Problem: Implementing proxy patterns for upgradable contracts is error-prone and introduces complexity.
  • Solution: Use OpenZeppelin's TransparentUpgradeableProxy or UUPS proxy standards for safer upgrades.


While Solidity provides powerful tools for creating decentralized applications, its limitations require developers to employ best practices, external tools, and frameworks to ensure security, efficiency, and scalability.

2. Solidity Best Practices ๐Ÿ’ก

When writing smart contracts in Solidity, following best practices is essential to ensure security, maintainability, gas efficiency, and overall contract robustness. Hereโ€™s a detailed guide on the best practices you should follow when developing Solidity contracts:

1. Prioritize Security

Smart contracts are often immutable and handle large amounts of assets, so security must be a top priority.

  • Reentrancy Attacks:

    • Always follow the Checks-Effects-Interactions pattern. First, check conditions, then update the state, and lastly, interact with external contracts or send funds.
    • Use ReentrancyGuard from OpenZeppelin to prevent reentrancy attacks or mark functions as nonReentrant.

      function withdraw(uint amount) external nonReentrant {
          require(amount <= balances[msg.sender], "Insufficient balance");
          // Update state first (Effects)
          balances[msg.sender] -= amount;
          // Send Ether to the user (Interaction)
          (bool success, ) ={value: amount}("");
          require(success, "Transfer failed");
  • Avoid Arithmetic Overflows/Underflows:

    • Use SafeMath or the built-in checked arithmetic (starting from Solidity 0.8.0) to automatically check for overflow and underflow in arithmetic operations.

      uint256 result = a + b; // Automatically checked for overflow in Solidity 0.8+
  • Beware of Front-Running:

    • Minimize reliance on public function visibility for critical functions that could be front-run. For example, donโ€™t leave a function that relies on input from users open to public modification before being finalized.
    • Use commit-reveal schemes where appropriate to prevent front-running.
  • Ensure Proper Access Control:

    • Implement a robust ownership mechanism to restrict sensitive operations. Use libraries like OpenZeppelinโ€™s Ownable or AccessControl to manage permissions.

      modifier onlyOwner() {
          require(msg.sender == owner, "Not owner");

2. Optimize for Gas Efficiency

Gas costs are a major consideration when deploying and interacting with smart contracts. Efficient code minimizes transaction costs for users.

  • Minimize Storage Writes:

    • Storage operations (like writing to state variables) are expensive. Always minimize redundant writes to storage by using local variables where possible.

      function setBalance(uint256 newBalance) public {
          uint256 oldBalance = balances[msg.sender];  // Read from storage once
          balances[msg.sender] = newBalance;          // Write to storage once
  • Use calldata for External Function Arguments:

    • When passing arguments to external or public functions, use calldata for array and string types, as it is cheaper than memory.

      function processAddresses(address[] calldata addresses) external {
          // Use addresses from calldata directly without copying to memory
  • Use constant and immutable for Fixed Values:

    • Mark variables that wonโ€™t change after initialization as constant or immutable to save gas, since these values are stored in bytecode rather than storage.

      uint256 public constant MAX_SUPPLY = 1000000;   // Constant
      uint256 public immutable startTime;             // Immutable
      constructor(uint256 _startTime) {
          startTime = _startTime;
  • Short-Circuit Logic:

    • Use logical operators (&&, ||) to short-circuit conditions and save gas when unnecessary computations are avoided.

      function checkConditions(uint a, uint b) public view returns (bool) {
          return a > 0 && b > 0;  // If a > 0 is false, b > 0 is never evaluated

3. Maintain Code Readability and Simplicity

Clear and concise code is easier to audit and maintain.

  • Use Descriptive Naming:

    • Choose clear, descriptive names for functions, variables, and events. This will make your contract easier to understand and maintain.

      // Instead of
      uint256 a;
      // Use
      uint256 tokenSupply;
  • Break Down Large Functions:

    • Divide large functions into smaller, modular functions that handle distinct tasks. This improves readability and makes auditing the contract easier.

      function performOperation(uint256 value) external {
  • Use Comments Wisely:

    • Use comments to explain the purpose of functions and important pieces of logic, but avoid redundant comments for simple, self-explanatory code.

4. Implement Fallback and Receive Functions Carefully

Fallback and receive functions are special functions that handle direct Ether transfers to a contract.

  • Use the receive() Function for Ether Transfers:

    • If your contract is meant to receive Ether, implement the receive() function. Ensure that it has no complex logic to avoid running out of gas.

      receive() external payable {
          // Minimal logic, like emitting an event
  • Use fallback()for Non-Matching Calls:

    • Implement a fallback() function if you want to handle arbitrary or invalid function calls to your contract.

      fallback() external payable {
          // Handle invalid calls or direct transfers

5. Use Libraries to Avoid Code Duplication

Libraries allow you to reuse code across contracts without duplicating it. They are especially useful for common operations, data structure management, and other utilities.

  • Use OpenZeppelinโ€™s Libraries:

    • Leverage well-tested libraries like OpenZeppelinโ€™s ERC20, AccessControl, Pausable, or EnumerableSet... to reduce common bugs and save development time.

      // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
      pragma solidity ^0.8.4;
      import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
      import "@openzeppelin/contracts/security/Pausable.sol";
      import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/AccessControl.sol";
      contract Gold is ERC20, Pausable, AccessControl {
  • Solmate

    • Description: Gas-optimized building blocks for smart contract development.
    • Features:
      • Implementation of token standards (ERC-20, ERC-721).
      • Minimalistic, performance-focused design.
    • Use Cases: Projects prioritizing efficiency and lower gas costs.
    • Repository: Solmate GitHub
  • ABDK Math

    • Description: Advanced math operations for Solidity.
    • Features:
      • Fixed-point arithmetic.
      • High-precision calculations.
    • Use Cases: Projects requiring complex mathematical operations.
    • Repository: ABDK GitHub
  • Ethers.js and Web3.js (Off-Chain Libraries)

    • Description: Though not Solidity-based, these libraries are essential for interacting with deployed contracts.
    • Features:
      • Ethers.js: Lightweight and focused on simplicity.
      • Web3.js: Comprehensive suite for Ethereum interaction.
    • Use Cases: Off-chain interactions with Solidity smart contracts.

6. Manage Events Properly

Events are important for tracking contract activity on-chain. They also make contract interactions easier to follow.

  • Emit Events for Critical Actions:

    • Emit events for state changes such as transfers, liquidity additions, and role assignments.

      event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
      function transfer(address to, uint256 value) public {
          _balances[msg.sender] -= value;
          _balances[to] += value;
          emit Transfer(msg.sender, to, value);  // Emit event
  • Use Indexed Parameters for Efficient Filtering:

    • Mark relevant parameters in events as indexed to enable more efficient filtering when searching logs.

7. Testing and Auditing

Thorough testing and regular security audits are essential before deploying smart contracts.

  • Use Unit Tests:

    • Write comprehensive unit tests using frameworks like Truffle or Hardhat to simulate different scenarios and ensure correct behavior.

      const { expect } = require("chai");
      describe("Token Contract", function () {
          it("Should assign the total supply to the owner", async function () {
              const [owner] = await ethers.getSigners();
              const Token = await ethers.getContractFactory("Token");
              const hardhatToken = await Token.deploy();
              const ownerBalance = await hardhatToken.balanceOf(owner.address);
              expect(await hardhatToken.totalSupply()).to.equal(ownerBalance);
  • Conduct Formal Audits:

    • Have your contract audited by a professional security audit firm. This is especially important for DeFi protocols, NFTs, and other high-value contracts.

8. Versioning and Upgrades

Be mindful of Solidity versions and how to handle contract upgrades.

  • Lock Solidity Version:

    • Use a specific Solidity version or a tightly constrained range to avoid unintended behavior from compiler updates.

      pragma solidity 0.8.17;  // Use fixed version or a close range
  • Upgrade Contracts Carefully:

    • If your project requires upgradability, use proxy patterns like Transparent Proxy or UUPS Proxy from OpenZeppelin to safely implement upgradeable contracts.

      contract MyUpgradeableContract is Initializable, UUPSUpgradeable {
          function initialize() initializer public {
              // Initialization code

9. Fail Gracefully

Design contracts to fail safely when things go wrong.

  • Use require and revert to Enforce Conditions:

    • Always validate inputs and state conditions using require and revert. Fail early when conditions arenโ€™t met to avoid unexpected behavior.

      require(msg.sender == owner, "Not authorized");

10. Minimize External Dependencies

Minimizing external contract calls reduces attack vectors.

  • Avoid Calling Untrusted Contracts:

    • When interacting with other contracts, make sure they are well-tested and trusted, as external contracts can introduce security risks.

      (bool success, bytes memory result) =;
      require(success, "External call failed");


Adhering to best practices while writing Solidity ensures that your contracts are secure, efficient, and maintainable. Prioritize security, optimize for gas efficiency, write clean and modular code, and thoroughly test your contracts before deployment. By following these guidelines, you can build reliable and secure smart contracts.

3. Optimizing Gas Costs โ›ฝ

Optimizing gas costs in Solidity smart contracts is crucial for reducing transaction fees and improving the efficiency of your contract on the Ethereum blockchain. Gas optimization involves careful design, efficient coding practices, and strategic usage of Solidityโ€™s features.

Here are key tips to optimize gas costs in Solidity smart contracts:

1. Minimize Storage Writes

  • Description: Writing to storage is one of the most expensive operations in Solidity. Each time you update or write a new variable to the contractโ€™s storage, you incur significant gas costs.
  • Tips:
    • Batch Updates: Instead of updating storage variables multiple times within a function, batch them together and update storage in one operation.
    • Use memory or calldata: Use memory or calldata variables whenever possible, as reading and writing from memory is cheaper than storage.
  • Example:

    // Inefficient: multiple storage writes
    function updateUser(uint256 id, string memory newName, uint256 newAge) external {
        users[id].name = newName;
        users[id].age = newAge;
    // Optimized: single storage write
    function updateUser(uint256 id, string memory newName, uint256 newAge) external {
        User storage user = users[id]; = newName;
        user.age = newAge;

2. Use calldata for External Function Parameters

  • Description: Function parameters declared with calldata are cheaper than those stored in memory because they are read-only and do not need to be copied into memory.
  • Tip: Always use calldata for parameters of external functions, especially for arrays and large structs.
  • Example:

    // Inefficient: using `memory` for function input
    function processData(uint256[] memory data) external {}
    // Optimized: using `calldata` for function input
    function processData(uint256[] calldata data) external {}

3. Avoid Unnecessary Storage Reads

  • Description: Reading from storage is more expensive than reading from memory. If a value is read from storage multiple times, copy it into a memory variable.
  • Tip: Cache frequently accessed storage variables in memory.
  • Example:

    // Inefficient: reading from storage multiple times
    function increment(uint256 id) external {
        users[id].balance += 1;
        users[id].balance += 2;
    // Optimized: caching storage in memory
    function increment(uint256 id) external {
        User storage user = users[id];
        user.balance += 1;
        user.balance += 2;

4. Use uint8, uint16, etc., When Appropriate

  • Description: If you donโ€™t need large integers, using smaller data types like uint8, uint16, or uint32 can save gas because smaller variables take up less storage space.
  • Tip: Use the smallest integer size that fits your needs, but be cautious about avoiding overflows.
  • Example:

    // Inefficient: using full `uint256` when smaller types will suffice
    uint256 smallValue = 100;
    // Optimized: using `uint8` when appropriate
    uint8 smallValue = 100;

5. Use Packed Storage for Structs

  • Description: Solidity stores variables in 32-byte slots. Variables that fit within the same 32-byte slot are "packed" together, reducing storage usage and gas costs.
  • Tip: Arrange struct variables from smaller to larger data types, so that Solidity can pack them into the same storage slot.
  • Example:

    // Inefficient: unoptimized struct ordering
    struct Person {
        uint256 age;
        bool active;
        uint8 score;
    // Optimized: packed struct
    struct Person {
        bool active;
        uint8 score;
        uint256 age;

6. Short-Circuiting Boolean Expressions

  • Description: Boolean expressions short-circuit in Solidity, meaning if the first condition in a logical expression is false, the subsequent conditions are not evaluated, saving gas.
  • Tip: Place the cheapest and most likely false condition first in logical expressions.
  • Example:

    // Inefficient: expensive condition evaluated first
    if (expensiveOperation() && cheapCondition) {}
    // Optimized: cheaper condition evaluated first
    if (cheapCondition && expensiveOperation()) {}

7. Remove Unnecessary Data in Events

  • Description: Logging events are stored in the transaction logs and are cheaper than writing to storage. However, including unnecessary data in events can increase costs.
  • Tip: Emit only essential data in events. Keep indexed parameters minimal as indexing increases gas costs.
  • Example:

    // Inefficient: logging too much data
    event DataLogged(address indexed user, uint256 indexed id, uint256 balance, uint256 timestamp);
    // Optimized: only logging necessary data
    event DataLogged(address indexed user, uint256 indexed id);

8. Avoid Dynamic Arrays in Storage

  • Description: Growing and shrinking dynamic arrays stored in storage is expensive due to resizing operations and potential memory reallocation.
  • Tip: Use fixed-size arrays when possible, or consider alternative data structures like mappings.
  • Example:

    // Inefficient: dynamic array in storage
    uint256[] public dynamicArray;
    // Optimized: use fixed-size array or mapping
    uint256[10] public fixedArray;

9. Optimize for Control Flow (if, else, require)

  • Description: Complex control flow structures increase execution time, which increases gas costs.
  • Tip: Simplify if-else structures and reduce deep nesting in your control flow. Place the most likely condition first.

    // Inefficient: deep nesting and multiple checks
    if (a > 10) {
        if (b > 20) {
            require(c > 30, "Error");
    // Optimized: reduce nesting and order checks
    require(a > 10 && b > 20 && c > 30, "Error");

10. Use constant and immutable

  • Description: Declaring variables as constant or immutable reduces gas consumption because these variables are stored directly in the contract's bytecode rather than in storage.
  • Tip: Use constant for values known at compile-time and immutable for values set during deployment.
  • Example:

    // Inefficient: normal storage variable
    uint256 public fee = 100;
    // Optimized: use `constant` or `immutable`
    uint256 public constant FEE = 100;

11. Use Predeployed Libraries for Reusable Code (On-Chain)

  • Description: Libraries allow reusable code without needing to deploy multiple instances of it, saving gas on contract deployment. Standardized functionality reduces errors and ensures interoperability.
  • Tip: Use libraries like Multicall, Chainlink's VRF (Verifiable Random Function), UniswapV3Library, DS-Math...., which are deployed once and used across multiple contracts.
  • Common Predeployed Libraries
    • Chainlink Contracts
      • Deployed Libraries: Chainlink's VRF (Verifiable Random Function) and price feeds are examples of on-chain contracts serving as libraries.
      • Use Cases: Providing secure randomness or real-time price data to smart contracts.
      • Access: Interact with deployed addresses using Chainlink's documentation and network-specific details.
      • Deployments: Available on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, and more.
    • Uniswap v2 and v3 Libraries
      • Deployed Libraries: Uniswap provides utility libraries like UniswapV2Library and UniswapV3Library for interacting with their decentralized exchange.
      • Use Cases: Token swaps, liquidity pool management, and price oracles.
      • Deployments: Libraries are deployed as part of Uniswap contracts on Ethereum and other EVM-compatible chains.
    • MakerDAO DS-Math and DS-Proxy
      • Deployed Libraries: MakerDAO's DS-Math (math utilities) and DS-Proxy (proxy execution) are pre-deployed libraries used widely in DeFi.
      • Use Cases: Composable DeFi transactions and safe math operations.
      • Deployments: Integrated into MakerDAOโ€™s ecosystem and accessible for developers on Ethereum.
    • ENS (Ethereum Name Service)
      • Deployed Libraries: ENS contracts provide utility libraries for domain name resolution and management.
      • Use Cases: Mapping human-readable names to Ethereum addresses or metadata.
      • Deployments: Available as pre-deployed contracts on Ethereum.
    • Multicall
      • Deployed Libraries: The Multicall library allows batching of multiple read-only calls into a single call, reducing overhead.
      • Use Cases: Aggregating data from various contracts in a single call.
      • Deployments: Widely deployed on Ethereum and Layer 2 networks.
    • Gnosis Safe Library
      • Deployed Libraries: Gnosis Safe modules include reusable on-chain libraries for multisignature wallet interactions.
      • Use Cases: Multisig wallets and DeFi integrations.
      • Deployments: Available on Ethereum, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, and more.

12. Consider Off-Chain Computation

  • Description: Performing complex computations on-chain increases gas costs.
  • Tip: Where possible, move complex computations off-chain and only store the result on-chain. For example, compute Merkle proofs or signatures off-chain and verify them on-chain.


Optimizing gas costs in Solidity requires a combination of good coding practices, efficient data structures, and mindful use of storage and memory. By following these tips, you can significantly reduce the cost of executing smart contracts, making your solutions more scalable and economical.

4. Key Considerations for Writing a Good Smart Contract โœ…

1. Security ๐Ÿ”

  • Prevent common vulnerabilities like reentrancy, overflow/underflow, and unchecked external calls.
  • Use tools like Slither or MythX for audits.

2. Gas Optimization โ›ฝ

  • Minimize storage usage and avoid expensive operations.
  • Use efficient data structures like mappings.

3. Readability and Maintainability ๐Ÿ“œ

  • Write clean, modular, and well-documented code.
  • Use descriptive function and variable names.

4. Testing ๐Ÿงช

  • Thoroughly test contracts with frameworks like Hardhat, Truffle, or Foundry.

5. Standards Compliance โœ…

  • Follow standards like ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155 for interoperability.

6. Access Control ๐Ÿ”‘

  • Implement proper role management with patterns like Ownable or AccessControl.

7. Upgradeable Design (if needed) ๐Ÿ”„

  • Use proxy patterns carefully to allow future upgrades while maintaining state.

8. Event Logging ๐Ÿ“

  • Emit events for critical actions to enable transparency and off-chain tracking.

9. Auditing and External Review ๐Ÿง

  • Conduct code reviews and seek third-party audits to identify hidden issues.

10. Compliance with Best Practices ๐Ÿ’ก

  • Follow the Solidity Style Guide and industry best practices to ensure reliability.

By balancing these factors, you can ensure your smart contract is secure, efficient, and user-friendly.

If you found this helpful, let me know by leaving a ๐Ÿ‘ or a comment!, or if you think this post could help someone, feel free to share it! Thank you very much! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Retry later

Top comments (2)

stevendev0822 profile image
Steven โ€ข

Thanks for your sharing.
But I guess SafeMath library is no longer necessary for solidity version 0.8.0 and above.
The compiler automatically includes overflow/underflow checks for arithmetic operations.

truongpx396 profile image
Truong Phung โ€ข

hi Steven, thank you for your feedback, I'v already covered things you mentioned in the post, thank you ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

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