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5 docker commands to install PostgreSQL (Postgis), MongoDB, MySQL, and Redis


docker run --name "postgresql" -p 25432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=your_user -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=your_password -e POSTGRES_DB=your_dbname -t -d postgres
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where (you can change them on your choice):

  • your_username is required PostgreSQL user
  • your_password is the user's password
  • your_dbname is db's name (notice that the missing db_name will be substituted by your_username)
  • 25432 is a PORT available outside docker's container
  • postgresql is a key you can use for accessing the container

Hint: using 25432 (or any other rarely used) port prevents conflicts

You also can install it directly to your machine using this guide:

PostgreSQL + Postgis

docker run --name "postgis" -e POSTGRES_USER=your_user -e POSTGRES_DBNAME=your_dbname -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=your_password -p 25432:5432 -d -t kartoza/postgis
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Hint: -d flag runs the container as a daemon: it starts in the background and you can continue working with the same terminal tab

where (you can change them on your choice):

  • your_username is required PostgreSQL user
  • your_password is the user's password
  • your_dbname is database's name
  • 25432 is a PORT available outside docker's container
  • postgis is a key you can use for accessing the container


docker run --name "mongodb"  -p 28777:27017 -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=your_username -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=your_password -d mongo
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where (you can change them on your choice):

  • your_username is required MongoDB admin user
  • your_password is the user's password
  • 28777 is a PORT available outside docker's container
  • mongodb is a key you can use for accessing the container

Hint: -t flag runs a pseudo terminal, therefore you can send different commands to the container


docker run --name "mysql" -p 23306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=your_password -t -d mysql/mysql-server
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where (you can change them on your choice):

  • your_password is the root password
  • 23306 is a PORT available outside docker's container
  • mysql is a key you can use for accessing the container

Hint: you can add a volume for any container in this guide: it will store data on your machine nevertheless the container is removed or stoped, e.g. for mysql -v $HOME/docker/volumes/mysql:/var/lib/mysql, for postgres -v $HOME/docker/volumes/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data


docker run --name "redis" -p 26379:6379 -t -d redis
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where (you can change them on your choice):

  • 26379 is a PORT available outside docker's container
  • redis is a key you can use for accessing the container

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Top comments (1)

kevinsheeranxyj profile image
Kevin Sheeran

It seems like MongoDB can't pull from docker directly, it prompted with 'pull access'