DEV Community

Rafael Sant'Ana
Rafael Sant'Ana

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How to improve imports in your code

Hello, there!

After a while without new posts, I decided to come back with a really useful tip to simplify your code and reduce repetition.

Have you ever saw a code like this ?
Wouldn't It be great if we could simply shorten it to this ?

Well, It's possible!

In order to do it, we will simply create a file named 'index.(js/ts)' inside components' folder, and add the following code in it:


And now you can import components easier from other files without needing to repeat their names.

If you think that it is still not worth it, because in index.(js/ts) the components are still being imported, there is another solution:

Instead of default exporting components

export default Input
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Simply export them without default keyword

export const Input (...)
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And in index.(js/ts) do this:


Top comments (11)

ats1999 profile image
Rahul kumar

You can do much better, read more about jsconfig and tsconfig

tsuyusk profile image
Rafael Sant'Ana

With tsconfig paths ?

heyprotagonist profile image
Anguram Shanmugam

you can use decorators also you need to import files in your index.{js,ts}

watch this:

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tsuyusk profile image
Rafael Sant'Ana


ats1999 profile image
Rahul kumar

Learn on your own!

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heyprotagonist profile image
Anguram Shanmugam

oh c'mon 😂

Is your app to say a comment like this ¯\(ツ)/¯

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ats1999 profile image
Rahul kumar

Be little bit more clear ¯\(ツ)/¯

mfurkankaya profile image
Furkan KAYA

You can shorten the path with that, but this is not about that.

hamodey85 profile image
Mohammed Almajid • Edited

You can make it much better

I use Typescript all the time and in my tsconfig I set my paths

        "paths": {

            "@core/*": ["src/core/*"],
            "@types/*": ["src/core/types/*"],
            "@config/*": ["src/core/config/*"],
            "@models/*": ["src/models/*"],
            "@middleware/*": ["src/middleware/*"],
            "@controllers/*": ["src/controllers/*"]
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but in my application i have to use tsconfig-paths package

so if i want to import files from controllers i do

import { something} from "@controllers/"
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correct me if I missed something

heyprotagonist profile image
Anguram Shanmugam

neat & clean 🤓

erasmuswill profile image
Wilhelm Erasmus

How does this affect treeshaking though?

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