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Cover image for Module Monday 15: Scroll magic, Animated tiles, Team diamond & more
Tyler Warnock
Tyler Warnock

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at

Module Monday 15: Scroll magic, Animated tiles, Team diamond & more

Weekly web modules you can use anywhere

Everything below is open source and free to use on any website, web app, or anywhere else. Anymod lets you quickly add features like these.

Click a mod to see it along with its source code.

Scroll Magic B

Sections that pan and zoom as you scroll.
View mod

Animated Content Tiles

Add basic info with a click to learn more.
View mod

Contact section

Simple, responsive section for your contact info.
View mod

Team Diamonds

Diamond layout to showcase your team.
View mod

Instagram Post

Embed your Insta posts anywhere you want.
View mod

I post new mods here every (Module) Monday -- I hope you find them useful!

Happy coding ✌️

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