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Ujjwal (UG THE SEP)
Ujjwal (UG THE SEP)

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Top 5 Websites to Learn Web Development

Web trend
Due to COVID-19 Pandemic the whole world had shifted to Digital Platform which affect the website field a lot that result to a better future of upcoming generations...

Web Development becomes so popular during 2020 to 2021 that near about 252,000 websites are created daily.
So In this blog we are going to explore 5 awesome and free website to learn web development

1. MDN (Mozilla Developer Network)


MDN is one of the best source for learning Web Development. It's give in depth explanation about all the concept needed while learning Web development i.e. JavaScript, Html, CSS, React. It is a trustable website to learn web-development. MDN is my favourite website for Learning Web development.

MDN Web Docs, previously Mozilla Developer Network and formerly Mozilla Developer Center, is a documentation repository and learning resource for web developers. It was started by Mozilla in 2005 as a unified place for documentation about open web standards, Mozilla's own projects, and developer guides.

2. Coursera


Coursera is an online learning platform that offers thousands of courses for free with an valuable certificate. Coursera provides you experienced professors you teaches you. It provide you list of video lecture on a particular topic. You can learn full stack web development from here. If you want to gain certificate of any course then this is a best place to do so.

Some of the useful courses by Coursera

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Coursera Inc. is a U.S.-based massive open online course provider founded in 2012 by Stanford University computer science professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller. Coursera works with universities and other organizations to offer online courses, certifications, and degrees in a variety of subjects. In 2023 more than 275+ universities and companies offer more than 4,000 courses through Coursera.

3. Udemy


Well Udemy is a paid site for learning Web Development but It also provides some of the free course but according to my point of view free course are not too good so if you can afford Udemy Courses so, I will recommend you take it because the price is worth...

Udemy Paid Web Development Courses

Today is flash sale so go and enroll for just 6.23 dollar (455 INR) Only

Udemy free Web Development Courses

Udemy, Inc. is an education technology company that provides an online learning and teaching platform. It was founded in May 2010 by Eren Bali, Gagan Biyani, and Oktay Caglar.


Freecodecamp is a non-profit organization which teaches real basics of Computer Science like Data Structure, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C, C++ etc. As they are non-profit organization their all course are 100% with valuable certificate. They achieve this all through their video lessons, articles etc. It is a great site for becoming a Full-Stack Web Developer.

They run a youtube channel named freecodecamp you can
learn everything from their about Web Development and many more...

freeCodeCamp is a non-profit organization that consists of an interactive learning web platform, an online community forum, chat rooms, online publications and local organizations that intend to make learning software development accessible to anyone. Beginning with tutorials that introduce students to HTML, CSS and JavaScript, students progress to project assignments that they complete either alone or in pairs. Upon completion of all project tasks, students are partnered with other nonprofits to build web applications, giving the students practical development experience.


Very Similar to FreeCodeCamp, W3Schools is a website where you can learn all about programming and web development. You’ll be able to learn the three core technologies of the web which are HTML, CSS, and Javascript with 100+ exercise of all topics...

W3Schools is a freemium educational website for learning coding online. Initially released in 1998, it derives its name from the World Wide Web but is not affiliated with the W3 Consortium. W3Schools offers courses covering many aspects of web development. W3Schools also publishes free HTML templates. It is run by Refsnes Data in Norway. It has an online text editor called TryIt Editor, and readers can edit examples and run the code in a test environment.


So If you want to learn Web Development by yourself then MDN is the best one but don't depend only on it have a look on all resources provided above because all of them have their own meaning and way of teaching...

If you found this post helpful then please give it a unicorn and share to those who wanted to learn Web Development. Your support will be appreciated!


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Top comments (15)

ug profile image
Ujjwal (UG THE SEP)

Which one of them is your favourite? 🤩

Follow: @ug for such more blogs

Suggest an topic and get appreciative in that blog by @ug

saroj8455 profile image
Saroj Padhan

Thank you , great article 👍

ug profile image
Ujjwal (UG THE SEP)

Thanks for a wonderful comment @saroj8455 bro
It's a great pleasure to me that you like it

Be connected 🤝 with me like this

lashac profile image

Freecode camp is great. I also like Codecademy.

ug profile image
Ujjwal (UG THE SEP)

Nice to know that

ug image
rankseotools profile image
Rank SEO Tools

Thanks, It will be very useful for beginners :)

ug profile image
Ujjwal (UG THE SEP) • Edited

Nice to know that @rankseotools

ug image
inverseswirl profile image
Shriya Dhar

MDN is my favourite, followed by udemy. 🙌

ujjwalindia profile image
Enter Programmer

Thanks a lot bro
it is really helpful!!!

meenagupta5 profile image

As usual Awesome one
Mine favorite one is Udemy

ug profile image
Ujjwal (UG THE SEP) • Edited

@meenagupta5 and @ujjwalindia thanks for supporting me all time😍

Be connect with me like this

sshashank5690 profile image
Shashank singh

great thread!!

smallseomaster profile image

Thanks for the great content. I will also share with my friends & once again Thanks a Lot.

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ug profile image
Ujjwal (UG THE SEP)

Happy to know that

john_k_phillips profile image
John Phillips

I'm a little surprised wasn't added on there, this website is packed full of great resources, content and lessons.