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What To Do If You Are Not Good At Coding

Learning to do something new is literally hard

Achieving a new personal best or learning a new language requires months of dedication, numerous setbacks, and hundreds of hours of effort. Even then, you may only reach an intermediate level.


Too many people assume that the following is true:

/----> Failure


----> Success

The reality is:

Effort \Failure//Failure\Failure///SUCCESS!

In other words, failure is, in reality, the prerequisite to success.

—Summer Redstone said: “success is not built on success. It’s built on failure. It’s built on frustration.”

Failure is simply the opportunity to began again, but this time more intelligent.

You claim you are always stuck in programming. You are not always stock you are just Ignorant sometimes. I sucked once too.

Before I begin coding, I will create a plan outlining what I aim to achieve in that programming session. and I read other people’s code. All this helps. Ok let me give you a simple hint to help yourself? Read lots of open source code. Most open source code is pretty good, some is so-so, but read it, again and again and again

Expose yourself to good code whenever you can. Find open source code in the language you'll be working in, and study it over and over. Join an open source project using the language you'll be working in (or want to work in) and contribute. If it sucks, you'll be told, often with recommendations on how to refactor, how to make it more pluggable, how to maximize dynamic loading, etc.

What worked for me was just continuing to write code. I was terrible, then horrible, then mediocre, then average, then decent, then good, and now I'm considered a guru. I didn't spring from the earth as God's gift to programming. I became good at what I do by doing it, over and over and over again, by being criticized, by taking those criticisms to heart, by refactoring repeatedly, and by learning to apply prior lessons regularly moving forward.

Good programmers are made, not born.

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