Hey, Devs! I'm here to share some best React component libraries
that are popular among developers for their usability and accessibility.
Picking the correct library for an application can be tricky, When it comes to creating modern React applications, these component libraries save us ample time and effort.
So, let’s begin.
React Libraries
1. Forms & Validation
2. State Management
3. Routing & Type Checking
4. Styling
5. UI Components libs
6. API Client
Wrapping Up!
That’s all from my side. Although there are multiple other React libraries that developers find helpful, I have mentioned only best ones.
Let me know if you found this post helpful!
Have any suggestions? Reach out to me on Twitter
Top comments (23)
I have been React dev for around 3 years and many of these technologies have not been necessary for me, I suppose there's a lil bit of preference and bias but I understand it. To be honest only some are mandatory and the rest are nice-to-haves, so I would get rid of most items of the list and only choose: Hooks, Typescript, Router, Redux, CSS, Formik and Yup, but I would also add SASS instead of the other preprocessors and libraries for styles.
Why would you still go with SASS instead of the other styling approaches (which are probably more popular than SASS, for React projects)? Yeah and none of these technologies are necessary, you'd just pick the ones that make sense on a project by project basis ...
Some technologies are actually absolutely necessary, and I would expect to find those that I mentioned in 90% of react projects. Regarding SASS, I consider you don't need styled components to resolve CSS class conflicts, SASS is much lighter and code is easier to maintain.
What do you mean by "SASS is 'lighter'", you mean in terms of Kb's/bundle size it generates? Regarding "easier to maintain", I think that the Styled Components fans will disagree.
Well it depends on person to person if someone is comfortable with some libs he must go with that one right and I totally agreed with you only some are mandatory and the rest are nice to have.
What about React query? Thats a gamechanger for handling API calls. react-query.tanstack.com/
I would put React Query along the state-management libraries, because in many cases it removes the need in any tkdodo.eu/blog/react-query-as-a-st...
Check out the growth speed of it moiva.io/?npm=mobx+react-query+rec...

I prefer SWR,
Yep was about to comment about that one as well ;)
Yes, Stephen, you're totally right but I am not much into react-query right now but I'll try it soon and also add it to the blog.
highly recommend react-query
Yes, it is I will add it to the blog.
Highly recommend React Hook Form. Significantly less painful to work with forms using this library.
There's also SWR by Vercel (next.js authors)
swr.vercel.app/ for API client
Highly recommend Zustand
Yeah, I only use TypeScript, GraphQL and Tailwind. I use none of the others, maybe axios. But you missed an opportunity to tell developers about real utility packages they should know about, these are completely optional and opinionative, there is one package I tell all of my new react students about: react-media-hook
PrimeReact is also an outstanding UI Component library for React. It is very easy to use, has great documentation and contains a lot of pre-built components, themes.
Great find as I am beginning to learn React!!