
Rob Montague
Rob Montague

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Relearning project setup with git and angular

So I've finally done it. After many months of not programming more than what's necessary for powerapps for work and after years of having a domain with nothing on it, I've decided to start a project to create a personal website based on angular and to document the process here.

Tonight I started by creating a GitHub repo for the project, updating my node, npm, and angular to latest and clone my repo in vscode. So far so good. I then used angular cli to create my website and serve it locally. Again... Great.

Now I hit my snag. I try to commit my local changes through vscode git and it doesn't see the new files in my directory. I end up going to GitHub and uploading the files via the website. I pull latest but something wasn't right with vscode still. I ended up downloading GitHub desktop, blowing away my local directory and cloning again from the GitHub app. Because not all the files were pulled I ended up clearing everything from the source directory and recreating the site with angular cli. This time vs code saw the files and I was able to commit and push. Whew!

My overall goal is to reconnect with more complex coding, learn vscode better, and finally get my personal site up and running. My next goals are to get https certificates for my site, setup GitHub to push the website when I merge to master and then to get the start of the site up on my server. Hopefully I can get to this before next week!

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