DEV Community

Rob Montague
Rob Montague

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This week I worked on the personal website a bit more. I didn't get the automated build/deploy completed, but that's fine. I ran into issues with forwarding my DNS to my personal server, and enabling SSL. I set up the SSL security the certificates successfully, but for some reason, when enabling nginx, I disabled the ability to see the website at all due to some sort of port requirement, but I was unable to get 8181 to work.

So... plan 2. I decided to use my website as the landing pad. I followed the instructions here:
I ran into a speedbump with the redirect however. Apparently my original redirect to my personal website was stuck in the Google settings and it took almost 48 hours to get the site to finally redirect to Github this morning.

Tonight I worked on converting my angular-cli generated project away from the starter pages and to start getting my own personal code in there. I have local versions started, but nothing yet on my github page.

My goal for the next week is to setup something basic I can throw up on the so it shows something more than a single line "welcome to my website" that is currently up there now.

I'd also like to get an azure pipe ready so that when I merge master, that it will compile and push my finalized code to the location.

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