
Cover image for #2 DevOps Diary: All About Kubernetes

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#2 DevOps Diary: All About Kubernetes

Welcome beautiful people,

I hope you have a great week. Over the past week, I spent lots of time learning about Mono-Repos and Kubernetes. Thus, this newsletter will focus on Kubernetes Resources 😊

How this newsletter came about?
I just changed industry; from the blockchain space to DevOps. Thus, I have LOTs and lots to learn. So I decided to make my learning public. Yes, you read correctly, you can see some of my weekly notes right here.

Additionally, I provide a curated version of the resources that I come across in this weekly newsletter. So if you want to get started learning about DevOps and/or stay up-to-date with the resources out there, then you are definitely at the right place.

Video Content

  • kubectl commands walkthrough video — Create and Debug Pods in a Minicube cluster
  • Are you as new as I am to different deployement strategies? If you have only heard of Canary, and you think blue-green deployment means taking a day off (I’m German and making a day blue is a thing) — then watch this video!



  • If you are more into listening to use cases, takeaways, and in general, everything Kubernetes, have a look at the Kubernetes Podcast by Google
  • To the men out there, I want to hear from you, how you plan to make the space more diverse! If you need some inspiration, check-out this podcast Celebrating Women in Agile

Online Courses


Communities to check-out

We are all working towards making the space more accessible and diverse (and if you are not yet, time to change that!). Project who support minority groups play a crucial role in making this happen.

Girl CodeTwitter:

This community is not focused on DevOps but on the tech space overall. Give them a follow, shout-out on Twitter to help them become more visible.

Tweet of the Week

This is pretty much how I felt on several days during the past week; thank you Felix 😅*hF1k_q7eIT5N-_-w.png

Continuing Every Week — Make sure to follow and to subscribe for special content and regular updates!

If you would like to have content included, please get in touch on Twitter or my website 🙌🏼

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