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Nim experiences so far(?)..

I am developper in Nim (and Python). Am new this forum and checking it out. I see traffic on the Nim-subject could be better..
I develop offline browser-apps with Nim (thru jester). How are peoples experiences with Nim?

I like the language a lot, but the Nim-forum is mostly technology-focused.

Maybe here a more experiential and social discussion can be had, with questions like:

  • how and why do you like the language?
  • do you have ideas for libs or apps that you want to cooperate on?
  • what roles in the Nim-community are important in your eyes?

I invite people to comment on these questions or other associations, but in a constructive way..

Top comments (2)

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Here I will comment on my own experiences.
I have written an installer (snelinstaller) and some offline browser-apps. With help from the docs and the nim-forum and some youtube-movies I have been able to learn the needed techniques. but it was a learning-curve. One has to google a lot to get the info. But it is mostly there thoe sometimes scattered.

The learning is an accumulative process. The challenge is to read the source-code from others when they use techniques that you have not yet mastered. In that sense it is in some cases better to learn from other beginners than from the masters who may propose more complicated techniques for which you are not yet advanced enough.

The other challenge was and is the graphical user-interface (gui-libs). While a large number of gui-lib-projects have been made, few have really matured and no choice has been made from the core-devs to support one specific gui (untill recently it seems). Because of this, a lot of energy has been waisted and progress limited. This has prompted me to use the browser for offline apps, because the web-libs are pretty well developped. However web-programming is rather complicated, not for beginners. Hopefully the latest gui-efforts (still in starting phase) will be more coordinated and thus succesfull.

The good:

  • beautiful and highly flexible syntax.
  • with version 2 rather mature
  • advanced meta-programming
  • automatic garbage-collection
  • fast (compiles to c or c++)
  • lot of libs

Work needed on:

  • the gui(s) and the team-support there-of
  • cooperative / social culture, roll-determination and coordination
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The above is a bit critical but the language is great, the compiler gives great information, upgrading is easy, everything is adjustable, a very nice language: give it a try!