A weekly selection of design links, brought to you by your friends at the UX Collective.
- How People Read → New and old findings about reading online.
- How Figma Ships → An inside look at how Figma ships product.
- Design Work → No shortage of design work: an argument.
The UX Collective newsletter is a self-funded newsletter read by over 133,200 designers every week. Curated by Fabricio Teixeira and Caio Braga.
Stories from the community
10 commandments for UI design →
By Danny Sapio
Less talkie, talkie — more designy, designy →
By Michal Malewicz
Can we forget about gamification once and for all? →
By Olga Filimon-Lecka
More top stories:
- Brain Machine Interfaces: how they differ from traditional UIs → By Steyn Viljoen
- Should UX designers learn to code? Absolutely → By Marcelo Ordenes
- Can we reopen the country using Design Thinking principles? → By Eric Stephan Moore
- UI cheat sheet: dropdown field → By Tess Gadd
- How I overcame my anxieties of conducting research → By Cydelle Zuzarte
- 4 easy tips to run a successful user research field trip → By Anna Herasymenko
- Pavlov’s dogs and UX → By Andres Zapata
News & ideas
- Virus Budgeting → How the virus changed how Americans spend.
- Very Good Films → Just that. Very good films.
- 8-Bit Arcade Font → Toshi Omagari on the evolution of game fonts.
- Fullstack Game → In case you have a minute to spare, play this.

Tools & resources
- Designer Docs → Best documentaries for designers and artists.
- Animation E-Book → How to include animation in Design System. By Val Head.
- Accessibility FAQ → 8 common questions about accessible UX.
- Fabricating Futures → A card game to generate futurist ideas.
We believe designers are thinkers as much as they are makers. So we created the design newsletter we have always wanted to receive.
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