With this tool we can find domains and subdomains potentially related to a given domain. this tool is greatly useful in the asset discovery proccess.
1- first of all we should install go lang on our machine
sudo apt install go-lang -y
the command above is for Debian Based Linux distributions, if you are using a different distro find out how to install go.
check if the go lang installed successfully :
go version
if yes you should see something like this:
go version go1.18.1 linux/amd64
2- also we need git to be installed on our machine
sudo apt install git
check the git installation :
git --version
3-now change your directory and move to the downloads folder
cd Downloads
4- now we should clone the assetfinder repository from Tomnomnom github
git clone https://github.com/tomnomnom/assetfinder.git
5-now move into the assetfinder directory
cd assetfinder
6- create a go module
go mod init assetfinder
7-in this step we should build an executable go package with the command below
the dot sign means build the package in the current directory
go build .
8- now we should move the file to bin folder so we can access assetfinder from anywhere :D
sudo mv assetfinder /usr/local/bin/
and tada we are ready to hack !πΏ
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