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Hello, DEV!

Vaidehi Joshi on January 21, 2020

Hello there! 👋 My name is Vaidehi. I'm a writer, educator, and engineer based in Portland, Oregon. 🌲 I'm so thrilled to share that I'm joining th...
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I can tell you're a writer because you used a comma in this headline.

Me, the total amateur, would probably write Hello DEV! 😄

vaidehijoshi profile image
Vaidehi Joshi


johndan24917048 profile image
John Daniel
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codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald


pp profile image
Paweł Ludwiczak

Welcome to the team!

aaronclimbs profile image
Aaron Keisler

Congrats! Really enjoyed your #basecs series. Excited to see what’s next.

weswedding profile image
Weston Wedding

Wow, this is so cool! I've been a fan of BaseCS from the start, so seeing these two worlds so directly collide is super awesome! I'm glad to see Season 2 is coming, too! More things to add to my interview prep!

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown 🇨🇦
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jgaskins profile image
Jamie Gaskins

You may not realize what this question implies, but I'll try to take a stab at it.

To second-guess someone else's career moves, especially that of someone you don't know, can be pretty gross. It implies that you think she should have made a different choice, whether that's what you intended or not. But you don't know about her career goals the way she does — they're her goals. And she doesn't owe any of us an explanation for why she made a particular move.

When it comes to your own employment, you should always do what's best for you, not the company you work for. You can count on the company doing the same — they'll always operate in their own interests. In this case, it appears the best option for her was this specific move. She's been collaborating with them already for the past 2 years, so she had more insight into the company than any of us do from the outside and obviously has more insight into what she wants than anyone else.

Given the quantity of second-guessing responses that Vaidehi receives on a regular basis, it's probably wise to keep this sort of thing to yourself.

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown 🇨🇦 • Edited

Yahuda Katz and Tilde from what I have seen on Twitter have been very supportive of Vaidehi. My post was tongue-in-cheek.

I'm from Canada and I am quick to apologize. I think if Vaidehi is offended by my post she is happy to tell me so and I'll apologize in kind. ✌

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jgaskins profile image
Jamie Gaskins

The intent of your post isn't what's important. It's more about how it comes across. It didn't come across as tongue-in-cheek.

I think if Vaidehi is offended by my post she is happy to tell me so and I'll apologize in kind.

Not only are you deflecting the responsibility of what to do about offense you caused onto her, but your assumption is also wrong. I've already pointed out that she receives ignorant comments frequently. Do you really think she responds to each one telling them their comment bothers her? Who has that kind of time? Also, if their intent was to bother her, why should she validate that?

It seems you have a lot to learn about the experiences of a whole lot of people on social platforms.

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andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown 🇨🇦 • Edited

I am sorry I have offended you for possibly offending someone else on a social faux-pas which is the result of holding different ideologies that I may not be aware of.

I would ask that you apologize to me for calling me out publically instead of saving face by messaging me in private.

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utkarsh profile image
Utkarsh Talwar

Jamie, please don't assume malice where there is none. You're not the authority on what something "comes across" as.

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jgaskins profile image
Jamie Gaskins

please don't assume malice where there is none

The post to which you are replying literally points out that intent isn’t important. Please read up on intent vs impact.

You're not the authority on what something "comes across" as.

I’ve known Vaidehi for 5 years. In that time, she and I have personally discussed these sorts of things from reply guys quite a few times. I have more than enough insight to have responded the way I did.

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andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown 🇨🇦

I already said sorry Jamie, can you please stop.

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jgaskins profile image
Jamie Gaskins

That was a deflection, not an apology. Regardless, I wasn't addressing you.

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andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown 🇨🇦

Please stop, thank you.

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

So glad to have you on board!!! 🎊🎊🎊

j0shyap profile image
Josh Yap

This is awesome! Congrats!

Just wanted to say thanks for putting out such amazing, high-quality content to help out newbies like me!

utkarsh profile image
Utkarsh Talwar

This is pretty great! Happy to see the DEV team growing with such fantastic people. 😃

helenanders26 profile image
Helen Anderson

Congratulations! That's great news!

piotrmurach profile image
Piotr Murach

Congrats! ❤️ This is a great community to be part of!

lauragift21 profile image
Gift Egwuenu


maniflames profile image

This is very cool! Congrats 🎉

pzzdvd profile image
Davide Pizzoli

So cool! Congrats

stories_of_ren profile image


fultonbrowne profile image
Fulton Browne

Welcome fellow Portland dweller!

devanghingu profile image
Devang Hingu

amazing keep it up...!!!

michelemauro profile image


missamarakay profile image
Amara Graham


johndan24917048 profile image
John Daniel
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nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Looking forward to working together Vaidehi! 😺

vaibhavkhulbe profile image
Vaibhav Khulbe

Congratulations Vaidehi! 🎉

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