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a framework scaffolding tool for golang


go-dandelion is a framework scaffolding tool that integrates multiple popular components
and technologies, including rpcx, fasthttp, gorm, redigo, swagger, and opentracing, among
others. Its goal is to provide developers with a solution for quickly building microservice
projects, offering rich functionality and scalability.

go-dandelion-cli Usage

  1. Installation
go get
go install
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2. Create a Project

Create a local project directory and create the corresponding project based on the prompts.

# Create an application
go-dandelion-cli app -n go-admin-example
# Enter the application directory
cd go-admin-example
# Build the service
go-dandelion-cli build -n go-admin-example
Enter the type of service to create, enter a number (1 for rpc, 2 for http): 1
RPC service name: example-server
Initialize MySQL (y/n): y
Initialize Redis (y/n): y
Initialize logger (y/n): y
Initialize trace links (y/n): y
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3. Run the Project

cd example-server
# Enter the service directory
go build -o example-server
# Run the service
./example-server server
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GitHub logo gly-hub / go-dandelion

Use golang to integrate rpcx, fasthttp's microservices framework, including current limiting, link tracking, service discovery, and more. Scaffolding tools can be used to quickly build projects.(使用golang集成rpcx、fasthttp的微服务框架,包含限流、链路追踪、服务发现等。可使用脚手架工具快速构建项目。)


About go-dandelion

The go-dandelion project aims to provide developers with a project framework that integrates various components, making it easy to build projects and improve development efficiency. It eliminates the need to spend time on integrating different components, allowing developers to focus on business development.

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  • Quickly create RPC services and HTTP services.
  • Initialize MySQL, Redis, logger, and trace links quickly through configuration.
  • Integrated logging, distributed tracing, rate limiting, circuit breaking, service registration, service discovery, and other features.
  • Customizable middleware and plugins.

go-dandelion-cli Usage

1. Installation

go get
go install

2. Create a Project

Create a local project directory and create the corresponding project based on the prompts.

# Create an application
go-dandelion-cli app -n go-admin-example
# Enter the application directory
cd go-admin-example
# Build the service
go-dandelion-cli build -n go-admin-example
Enter the type of service
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Top comments (1)

nadimfjtechlab profile image
Nadim Attari • Edited
$ go install 

go: downloading v0.0.0-20231116080531-7b3f36278354
go: downloading v1.3.0
go: parsing go.mod:

    module declares its path as:
            but was required as:
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