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Cover image for Trello Clone using Django, React, Redis
Vikhyat Devireddy
Vikhyat Devireddy

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Trello Clone using Django, React, Redis

A couple of friends and I made a full stack Trello clone using Django, React, and Redis. We would love it if you guys checked it out and wanted to contribute!

Latest comments (13)

samarthshinde profile image

i need help running this project, I have been trying to learn django and react integration, can you help me understand the code ?
there are no href tags in anchor tags inside Link component

iamriel profile image
Rieljun Liguid

Hey, how did you come up in using DecimalField in the order field and using this formula? self.order = 2 ** 16 - 1
Also, do you have any idea on how to move several items at once without messing up the order? Thanks!

asamir97 profile image

Looks nice, but i have a question how do you create notification system without celery ?

vdevired profile image
Vikhyat Devireddy

Made them via Django signals. Better to use celery I suppose.

gemcave profile image
Aldiyar Y.


andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Nice, never get bored of looking at Kanbans :)

sloan profile image
Sloan the DEV Moderator

Hi there, we encourage authors to share their entire posts here on DEV, rather than mostly pointing to an external link. Doing so helps ensure that readers don’t have to jump around to too many different pages, and it helps focus the conversation right here in the comments section.

If you choose to do so, you also have the option to add a canonical URL directly to your post.

ziggo profile image

Hi, can you explain why you have used Redis? Did you need a message broker? I'm studying RammitMQ and I'm looking for message broker use cases, thanks! :)
Ps: I think is useful if you give a general overview about the project :)

vdevired profile image
Vikhyat Devireddy

Hey! We used Redis to store tokens for one-time links generated when you invite someone to join a project. We also used it to keep track of recently viewed boards. So we used Redis as a key-value store and not as a message broker. If you have any other questions, I'll answer them! Please do contribute to the project if you'd like

stokry profile image

Really nice!

vdevired profile image
Vikhyat Devireddy

Thank you!

wiseintrovert_31 profile image
Wise Introvert

Looks awesome!!

vdevired profile image
Vikhyat Devireddy
