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Veronicah Njenga
Veronicah Njenga

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Top 10 reasons why you should learn React right now

**Despite competition from Vue.js and Angular, React is proving developers’ go-to choice for building exciting web applications. Whether you’re a developer looking to upskill, or a business leader looking to improve your digital offering, there are a tonne of reasons to learn React.

Here are our top 10 reasons why you should choose React.


1. React is declarative

React uses declarative instead of imperative syntax. It’s a simpler way of developing apps, and you can learn why here.

Basically, React is faster to develop because you don’t need to tell the app how to represent the state — you just need to say what you’d like to happen. It’s quick, it’s easy, and there’s less room for human error.

2. React Native makes app development easier

**You may have heard of the phrase “Write once, run anywhere” before. React Native brings that kind of philosophy to React with “Learn once, write anywhere”.

Once you understand the basic architecture and thinking behind React, you’ll be able to develop fully functioning apps for both Android and iOS. You won’t have to learn two different ways to represent your app. So after you learn React, you can bring your new product to users not just as quickly as possible, but as widely as possible.

3. The React community is amazing

**React has a massive community of dedicated developers. The community helps to maintain and grow the open-source library, with everyone able to contribute their own components to the library.

The community is also so strong because of the great tools you can work with in React, including React Profiler and React dev tools.**

4. React is all about Reusable Components

**React saves you time and money on development because it’s component-based. You can break down an interface into reusable components that allow you to build dynamic user interfaces.

This taps into the current thinking behind ‘Design Systems’. These enable developers to provide a single source of truth for designers, ensuring consistency for large companies working across multiple tech platforms. Talking of which…**

5. React is used by huge organizations

**There’s a reason why React is so popular, and that’s because it’s been proven to perform at scale. React was originally created by Facebook, which now uses it in many of its apps.

Facebook continues to care for and improve React, meaning you’ll benefit from this knowledge too.**

6. React is SEO-friendly

React is widely recognized as the friendliest JavaScript library for SEO purposes. While React in itself isn’t SEO-friendly (like all JS frameworks), React embraces SEO and its components are easier for Google to crawl.

7. React fully embraces JavaScript

**JavaScript is at the forefront of current thinking in the development field. React is a JavaScript library that makes full use of JS’s capabilities.

React is flexible and back-end agnostic, meaning you can use React no matter what the rest of your tech stack is.

8. React is unopinionated

**React is also unopinionated. It won’t force you to use certain types of forms or routing. Instead, the choice is yours, so you can respond more dynamically and adapt to your users’ changing needs.

This is all possible through JavaScript, which if you learn to use…

9. You’ll increase your earning power

**React is at the forefront of our field right now. That’s because JavaScript is flexible, and working in it allows you to break down the silos between front-end and back-end, freeing you up to work across both.

But more importantly, everyone is looking to JavaScript and React for the future of web applications. Learning React now will future-proof your career and increase your earning power.**

10. React has a fast learning curve

Compared to other libraries, frameworks, or programming languages, React is relatively easy to learn. It isn’t a heavyweight framework like Angular, and it’s intuitive.

Granted, thinking in a React way is slightly different from what you might be used to. But any developer with even basic knowledge of JavaScript can build beautiful apps in React after just a few days of tuition.

11. BONUS: Little to no breaking changes

**The front-end development industry is well-known for its fast-paced and constant change, especially over the last five years. But companies of all sizes can’t afford to change their applications every year to keep up with technological innovation.

That’s why companies choose React. Although it’s constantly changing, React doesn’t depreciate or remove APIs very often. With React, you’ll benefit from the core team’s commitment to maintaining backwards compatibility.

Top comments (2)

rajaerobinson profile image
Rajae Robinson

Great post

For your point on React being SEO-friendly, React relies on Client-side Rendering which means when search engine crawlers visit a React application, they may initially encounter a blank or partially rendered page since JavaScript needs to be executed to render the content. This means React is not necessarily optimized for SEO. Next.js might be a better option because of SSR. More on this here.

veeh profile image
Veronicah Njenga

Thank you for sharing