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Victor J. Rosario V.
Victor J. Rosario V.

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The Best ORMs for Node.js App Development in 2023

What is an ORM?

Object-relational mapping (ORMs) are a type of software that provides a layer of abstraction between a programming language and a database. ORMs allow developers to interact with databases using object-oriented concepts, such as classes and objects, rather than having to write SQL statements.

ORMs can be especially beneficial for Node.js projects, as they can simplify database access and make it easier to write maintainable code. There are a number of different ORMs available for Node.js.

Importance of ORMs

ORMs bridge the gap between the object-oriented programming world and relational databases, making it easier for developers to interact with databases using JavaScript. Here are five key benefits of using ORMs in Node.js app development:

  • Abstraction of Database Operations: ORMs provide a higher-level abstraction, allowing developers to work with JavaScript objects and classes rather than writing complex SQL queries. This abstraction simplifies database operations, making code more readable and maintainable.
  • Database Agnosticism: ORMs are often database-agnostic, which supports multiple database systems. This flexibility allows developers to switch between databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite) without major code changes, making it easier to adapt to evolving project requirements.
  • Code Reusability: ORMs encourage code reusability by providing a consistent API for database interactions. Developers can create generic database access codes that can be reused across different application parts, reducing duplication and minimizing the chances of errors.
  • Security: ORMs help mitigate common security vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection attacks, by automatically sanitizing and parameterizing SQL queries. This helps in building more secure applications by default.
  • Rapid Development: ORMs accelerate development by simplifying database setup and management. Developers can focus on application logic rather than excessive time on database-related tasks. This results in faster development cycles and quicker time-to-market for Node.js applications, making ORMs a valuable asset in the modern development landscape.


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Sequelize is a widely adopted Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool for Node.js. This ORM provides support for several relational databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and MSSQL. Sequelize is known for its extensive feature set, making it a popular choice for database modeling and querying in Node.js projects. It offers flexibility in coding styles by accommodating both Promise and Callback-based APIs, allowing developers to work with their preferred approach. In addition, Sequelize includes advanced functionalities such as transactions, migrations, and associations, making it exceptionally suitable for handling complex database operations with ease.


  • Flexible and easy to use
  • Support for complex data models and relationships
  • Automatic data validation
  • Migration support
  • A powerful query builder
  • Large and active community


  • Can be slow for complex queries
  • Some features can be difficult to learn
  • Low support with Typescript


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TypeORM is another prominent ORM for Node.js, and it stands out for its strong support for both TypeScript and JavaScript. This ORM is versatile, with compatibility across various database systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, and Oracle. TypeORM simplifies entity management, facilitates database schema changes through migrations, and promotes the use of the repository pattern. Developers can easily get started with TypeORM in their Node.js applications, making it a reliable choice for those who prefer strong typing and the benefits of TypeScript.


  • Good support for TypeScript
  • Automatic type generation
  • Integrated code completion and error checking in IDEs
  • Supports a variety of databases, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite
  • Provides a comprehensive query builder
  • Offers features such as migrations, data validation, and eager loading


  • Can be more complex to set up and configure than some other ORMs
  • Not as well-established as some other ORMs, such as Sequelize
  • Can be slower than some other ORMs, such as Objection.js


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Prisma is a modern and popular Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool designed for Node.js and other programming languages. What sets Prisma apart is its support for various databases, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and SQL Server. Prisma offers a unique approach to database interactions through its ability to generate type-safe query builders based on your database schema. This feature leverages TypeScript to provide autocompletion, strong typing, and improved developer experience when writing database queries.


  • Clean and type-safe API
  • Real-time data synchronization
  • Support for multiple databases
  • Automatic query generation
  • Support for GraphQL
  • Well-documented and easy to use
  • Actively maintained and updated
  • Open source and free to use, even for commercial projects


  • Relatively new and less mature than some other ORMs
  • Can be difficult to debug
  • Can be slower than some other ORMs for complex queries
  • Only supports JavaScript and TypeScript


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Objection.js is an ORM built on top of the Knex.js query builder, offering a unique approach to database interactions in Node.js applications. It primarily supports SQL-based databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite. What sets Objection.js apart is its fluent query builder and flexible schema design, allowing developers to write expressive and powerful database queries with ease. Integrating Objection.js into your Node.js project provides you with a powerful tool for managing and interacting with relational databases in a highly customizable way.


  • Lightweight and performant
  • Simple and easy to learn
  • Supports complex data models and relationships
  • Supports automatic data validation
  • Supports migration support
  • Supports a powerful query builder
  • Supports both Active Record and Data Mapper patterns
  • Supports storing complex documents as single rows
  • Completely Promise based API
  • Easy to use transactions
  • Optional JSON schema validation


  • Less well-established than some other ORMs, such as Sequelize and TypeORM
  • Community support is not as large as some other ORMs
  • Only supports JavaScript


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Bookshelf.js is a lightweight ORM for Node.js, built on top of the Knex.js query builder. It primarily supports SQL databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. Bookshelf.js focuses on simplicity and efficiency, providing features like model relationships and eager loading. Developers who prefer a straightforward and minimalistic ORM for their Node.js applications will find Bookshelf.js to be a valuable tool for managing database interactions and relationships effectively.

These explanations provide insights into the key features, database support, and unique characteristics of each ORM, helping readers understand their strengths and use cases in Node.js projects.


  • Lightweight and performant
  • Simple and easy to learn
  • Supports nested models
  • Supports eager loading
  • Supports custom query builders
  • Supports both Active Record and Data Mapper patterns
  • Completely Promise based API
  • Easy to use transactions
  • Optional JSON schema validation


  • Less well-established than some other ORMs, such as Sequelize and TypeORM
  • Community support is not as large as some other ORMs
  • Only supports JavaScript

Choosing the right ORM for your Node.js project

When choosing an ORM for your Node.js project, there are a number of factors to consider, such as:

  • The types of databases you need to support
  • The features you need, such as support for complex data models, relationships, migrations, and data validation
  • The performance requirements of your project
  • Your team's experience with different ORMs

It is also important to note that some ORMs are better suited for certain types of projects than others. For example, Prisma is a good choice for modern Node.js projects that need to support multiple databases and real-time data synchronization. Objection.js and Bookshelf.js are good choices for lightweight Node.js projects that need a simple and performant ORM.


ORMs can be a valuable tool for Node.js developers, as they can simplify database access and make it easier to write maintainable code. However, it is important to choose the right ORM for your project based on your specific needs.

Top comments (1)

lalislau profile image

Drizzle ORM is not good? Thanks for this article!