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Vijay Singh Khatri
Vijay Singh Khatri

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Java is going to be replaced by Flutter - How true, is it?

The programming languages are the set of instructions to the device so that it can perform tasks required and give various outputs. The programming languages are coded together for the creation of a program which would help to give a set of instruction to the device to get some output. They are mostly used for the app developments.

And there are some programming languages which are convenient for the developers to use. These can be considered as the power of the advancing technology that we use in our day-to-day life. And now let’s come to the question, whether the Java is going to be replaced by flutter, but the answer can be known in the later part of the article after discussing few basic things about the Java as well as flutter.

A few basics about java

Java is completely object-oriented programming and class-based as well. The best thing about is that it is a platform independent programming language in which the code can run the language can run on all the platforms which support java without the necessity of the recompilation. Java was created with five basic goals:

  1. The programming language has to be simple.
  2. It has to be secured.
  3. It must also be portable.
  4. It must have high speed in the execution.
  5. It must be interpreted and dynamic.

If we talk of the performance of the language, then it cannot be denied that after the introduction of the just-in-time compilation in the year 1997-1998, the speed of the execution and the performance was paced drastically to a considerable extent. But this is quite true that it consumes more memory than those of the programs written in the C or C++. And after the introduction of the java. Util package the programming language is continuously on an elevation how far the enhancement is considered.

A few basics about flutter

The flutter is a mobile application development software development kit which is created by Google so that application for the Android operating system can be created. The very first version of the Flutter which was known as the Sky ran on the Android Operating System. Flutter community is really active and there are tons of Flutter tutorials as well to help beginners. Flutter has three major components, and they are as follows:

Flutter Engine:

This provides support by making use of the Google Skia graphics library. This also interfaces platform-specific software development kit such as the ones which are provided by the Android and iOS. These are written in C++.

Foundation libraries:

These are written in the dart, and they provide the basic classes and function which are used for the creation of the application using the Flutter.

Design-specific widgets:

This expresses the part of the user’s interface. Material design is the widgets which implement design language of Google with the same name.

Is flutter likely to replace java for the development of the Android applications?

According to some technicians working for some application at Google, the majority of the people these days are on Android, and therefore a current version release was for the Android users but when the same was planned in the case of the iOS then it was found that the Flutter is a strong contender and now all the production of the application both for the Android operating system as well as iOS. Thus, flutter is a nice option in alteration to the Java.

Following are the reasons why this is considered as an awesome option with the alternative to Java:

A productive option:

It took about three months for three engineers to bring out the version 1 for the Android users only but with the use of the flutter, it took one engineer three months to develop the app for the Android users as well as the iOS. When considering the coding of the programs with the flutter, it was estimated that the code was one-third of the one which was coded only for the Android users.

Performance on cross-platform:

Most people happen to believe that the app developed with the use of the flutter are the ones who are native either for the android users or the iOS users. The performance of the applications developed with the flutter is quite nice in the cross-platform.

High-speed performance:

This is the best option in the substitution of the java as it provides a guide for the better development of the patterns. This becomes profitable as the application developed grows larger. This is why the flutter is considered as the most appropriate option for the coding purpose.

The above things explain that flutter is a great option for the coding in the alteration of the Java but if the question is about replacing java, then this is quite an impossible thing as of now as this needs a lot of revolution. So this can be said that the flutter has a completely different way of approach that makes the performance fast as well as nice. Undeniably Google is a huge user of flutter, and there are numerous things where the flutter is used for the coding purpose.

Due to the advanced technology of the flutter, it avoids the testing of the application on the older version, and thus this is the reason why the flutter is known to be better than that of the java. But this is not at all true that Java is to be replaced by the Google as flutter needs lots of advancements to be able to replace Java completely. It is quite sure that people would love to use the applications which are developed by a programming language of the Google.

Moreover, there were so many problems with the compatibility of the Java with the Oracle, and there are so many reasons for Flutter to overtake Java. One of the very reason can be the cross-platform performance of the Flutter. This feels so platform independent and has made the running of the applications on different platforms quite sorted. But again as of now, Flutter cannot ever be replaced in place of Java by Google as the Flutter needs a lot of development.

Top comments (4)

icosa2050 profile image
icosa2050 • Edited

Thank you for your interesting article. I agree with a lot you said, and just my 2 cents, I develop in flutter two apps for myself apps and will go live end of year.
In big companies, with their amount of existing code, you count your blessings, even when JS or Flutter roll over you. Flutter fills also a niche for SMEs, looking for a solution with somehow native performance covering both android+ios, backed up by a big company, and quiet easy to learn. BTW, I am not totally happy with the flutter widget rendering ATM, cpu consumption etc. Anyway, I think it's great. Yeah, today, there a many options for Mobile. I just think flutter will be a good choice especially for indie developers for the next years to come.

techcronus profile image
Techcronus Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

The growing industry of mobile phones and hence the mobile apps has pushed the development of new mobile app frameworks. Gone are the days when only native development frameworks were used for Mobile App Development.Today’s app development market has changed phenomenally with the addition of many powerful Cross-platform app development frameworks. One such forthcoming is Googles Mobile UI Framework named ‘Flutter’.

Flutter is an open source mobile app development framework which is mainly used for developing cross platform mobile apps for iOS and Android devices. Apps developed using Flutter SDK are able to deliver a very good user experience and helps launching apps like e-commerce, food and shopping very quickly as the developer has to write a single code base. With its key qualities such as Faster development, Attractive visuals, Cost-effectiveness, this Google Powered SDK is going to change the of Mobile App Development market completely.

Popularity of Flutter
It is very much in discussion that Flutter might replace Java for Android app development. There are certain reasons for which it is becoming more and more popular as compared to Java.

  1. Productivity
    To take an example of one of our recent Android app projects,it took us 2 months with 3 Java developers to develop the first version for Android native. At the same time, it took us only 1 Flutter developer for 3 months of time to develop the same app using Flutter. Moreover, the amount of code we had to write was 1/3 as compared to the Java code written for Android.

  2. Cross platform performance
    Many people have started believing that Flutter gives equally good performance as native apps on iOS and Android when they actually used apps developed using Flutter SDK.

  3. Dart is much more like Java and not like JS
    With the use of Dart – a compiled programming language, Flutter takes a rather different approach in order to avoid performance issues which are caused by the requirement for a JavaScript bridge. Dart allows Flutter to communicate with a particular platform without using a JavaScript bridge which does a context switching. By means of compiling to native code, it improves app start-up time.

  4. High performing apps
    Flutter is a framework which guides you to get adapted to the patterns such as reactive and composition development which was not possible with native app development languages like Java. This feature proves to be beneficial when your app grows larger.

Problems with Flutter
Though it offers a bunch of advantages as we saw above, Flutter needs more evolution to compete with native app development frameworks like Swift and Java.

Flutter apps try a lot to look similar to native ones but they are a bit off.

Another issue with Flutter framework is that it is not that native looking for iOS devices. It is mainly for Android users. It prioritizes Android platform support which is not bad but your cross-platform experience gets suffered due to that.

There is not a single size which fits all solutions. Flutter is developed to support number of languages in backend but from the experience of developers it has been found that it only supports Dart for GUI part. The GUI is developed on the top of the stripped-down chrome. There is no JS and no DOM as dart is used like JS in browser.

It is still an evolving framework with a limited community support. In future, Flutter may improve and gain traction amongst the developers but still it will have to compete with other popular cross-platform frameworks which are not native such as React Native.

Mobile app development companies should start adapting new app development frameworks, such as Flutter, to cope up with the market trends and customer needs but there are a few things which need to be ironed out before the adoption of such frameworks in mainstream for the enterprise mobile apps development.

It will need to support the native access to all phone devices and operating systems.

It needs to pipe up with Swift and not only Objective C for iOS.

Performance and User experience should be at par with native apps.

For real adoption it needs to close the desktop gap as well.

Flutter is a relatively new and evolving framework which has potential to replace native app development frameworks like Java for Android. However, it has to address some of the key issues like limited support for iOS apps, native like performance and such.

Please feel free to connect with us to help you guide which framework is best suitable for your mobile app development projects.

ali322 profile image
Ali Chen

do u mean java would replaced by dart?because Flutter is writen by dart

vijaykhatri96 profile image
Vijay Singh Khatri
