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Vijay Soni
Vijay Soni

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My Favorite Django πŸ¦„ Template Filters

πŸ– Hello Guys!
In this tutorial you will become familiar my favorite django template filters.

1. Timesince

If you want to show the date-time-field of a django model in human familiar term you can use this filter like this:

{{ field_date|timesince }}
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and it will return you the time like 2 days ago format

2. Linebreaks

If you want to show the text of a field of a django model as you write in the form (with spaces, and tabs) you could use this filter in template like this:

{{ value|linebreaks }}
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3. Truncatewords

If you want to display the first n words of a django model field in the template you can use this filter. For example if you want to show the first two words of the text you can use the filter like this:

{{ text|truncatewords:2 }}
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and the output will be like Hello Python ...

4. Urlize

If you want to make an url active of the text of a django model field you can use this template filter like this:

{{ text|urlize }}
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5. Wordcount

If you want to show the number of words of a django model field in the template you can use this filter like this:

{{ text|wordcount }}
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and it will return the number of the words in the template

6. Title

If you want to show the text of a django model field in Title Case you can use this template filter like this:

{{ text|title }}
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You can use |upper and |lower for respectively UPPER CASE and lower case.

for a detail knowledge of django template filters and tags you can visit

πŸ‘Thank you for reading my post!

Top comments (12)

asadbeksolijonov profile image

Very Useful Article!

vijaysoni007 profile image
Vijay Soni


asadbeksolijonov profile image
Asadbek πŸ‘

dennisivy11 profile image
Dennis Ivy

Great article!

vijaysoni007 profile image
Vijay Soni

Thank you Dennis, I'm also a big fan of you on youtube.

asadbek profile image


shiam_sharif profile image
Shiam Sharif

Thanks and Give more stuff like that.

muhammadabir profile image
Muhammad ABir

thanks a lot brother..... even I didn't know all of this existedπŸ˜…

vijaysoni007 profile image
Vijay Soni

You're welcome

ziyad_ahmed_4c51e12b21f24 profile image
Ziyad Ahmed

great work It was Use full

barzanzero90 profile image

Great article!

user_8d5c77b226 profile image
