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Real-world Chrome extensions for web developers

I was interested to know what extensions other developers use in order to make the process easier. However some of them were pretty useless, and the most of the times I didn't use them.

So I decide to create a post to share you my chrome [brave] extensions, I'm using for web development, so let's jump into.

I have to add it, that they're not in order.

1. Picture-in-Picture Extension (by Google)

It's really useful during watching tutorials, or some videocasts. with having one monitor.

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2. Wappalyzer - Technology profiler

You probably sometimes become curious about which technologies are they using in web apps. this one will help you know that. it's highly recommended.

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3. Live color picker

you certainly want to know which color is it!? right! this will help you find out.

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4. Dark Reader

We hate light modes, right? with this make everything dark. This problem with this one is that it just make everything dark, even the dark mode websites. 😂

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5. Redux DevTools

The best redux dev tools, It's highly recommended if you're using ReduxJs.

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6. React Developer Tools

No need to introduce. I rarely use it. You know I prefer the classic one.

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7. Enable Right Click for Google Chrome

In fact, I'm not using another one, but I can't find that, but they're the same.

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8. Grammarly

If your English is not perfect like me, use this one.

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9. Super Simple Highlighter

You're going to fall in love with this one. It's pretty useful, during reading docs, articles, blogs, presentations, podcasts, and meetings.

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10. Responsive Tester

last but not least, I always use this one for testing, and it's just awesome.

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the purpose of creating this post was to show you which extensions are really used in my daily coding.

keep in touch: My Portfolio

Keep Coding Y'All 👨🏻‍💻

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